Chapter 4

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Hades woke up in the morning to find Maleficent missing from his side. Jerking up, he searched the house but no note, no message, nothing left at all. Just a faint memory that she might have whispered something to him last night, about waiting for her and she'd be gone and back before he knew it. If that was what she had said, she might have met big trouble. Worried something might have happened to Maleficent, he made a terrible risk and went back to Hell to see if he could try to find her through the tracking of her magic, but the moment he reached, unknown men grabbed him and knocked him unconscious. “Maleficent, where are you?” Hades thought just before his eyelids flickered shut. Never did he know she was just unconscious on the same island he was about to be sent to. Never did he know that Maleficent suspected she was pregnant with his child. Never would he know he was Mal's biological father.

Maleficent had believed herself passed from the world, until she woke up in Bargain Castle three months later, a phantom pain in her chest. “Easily three months have passed I think...” Maleficent thought to herself, slightly comforted by the fact that she wasn't dead since she was a faerie and faeries were immortally hard to kill. Her stomach hurt so badly and painfully Maleficent had to grit her teeth to resist the pain. It was bulging out a little, like a bump. She thought it might be due to the fact that she hadn't eaten for three months. But then again, starvation didn't lead to swelling. It never did. Hence Maleficent made a half conclusion, that she might be pregnant with Hades' child. But, Maleficent also realised that she had became skinnier than before due to her malnourishment, and she huddled herself tightly, shivering. This new place she was in was cold as could be, and her subsiding fever didn't help. Slowly grasping her way to the balcony, Maleficent got a rude shock after she saw where she really was.

Her servants and goblins were all downstairs and they were all stuck on an island without WIFI, without magic, without goodness. The Isle of the Lost, a sign said, and Maleficent, who had never cried before even in the worst pain, who had never cried before when in need of desperate help, who had never cried before even as an orphan faerie, broke down in tears on her bed, hugging her knees, horns bowed. She had lost everything, the sign reminded her. She had lost the human she loved, her loyal pet, her unique magic, her only weapon, her homes, her faerie family and herself.

Hades found himself on a far end of an abandoned island and he felt guilt like an arrow head wedged deep in his heart. Maleficent thought him as the weak human she loved! He didn't break down, but the agonizing torment he felt in his heart was the knowledge that he suspected Maleficent felt worse than he did, without knowing who he was and thought she would never see him again to fulfill her promise, and he'd just chosen to leave her, in order to regain his formal glory, though knowing he was on the same island as she was and would be.

Maleficent confirmed she was with Mal the third day she was on the Isle. She held within her heart love for Mal, but there was the strong and bitter hatred towards humans that was back once more, for killing her parents and separating her from Hades. “ we're stuck on a prison of an island.” Maleficent growled, sinking down on her bed. She hadn't bothered with cleaning up, since it seemed some ‘Good civilians of Auradon’ (blech) had already done so before she had arrived. With a simple wave of her hand she dismissed one of her servants to get her a coffee, thinking she might be able to de-stress.

However, again she had forgotten the cleverness level of her servants were way past negative, hence it was no surprise when the servant came back with a cup of white coffee. “I SAID BLACK!” Maleficent raged, and as she kicked that servant to get her another cup, her mind went back to he-whom-she-was-trying-to-forget. Pushing him out of her mind, Maleficent started to graffitize her room, with logos of long live evil and self portraits. After she was done, the coffee had already turned cold. Not giving a care about the temperature, Maleficent swallowed the whole cup down, despite knowing that old coffee beans were the ones used to brew that cup of coffee. She could still taste the cup of coffee that Hades had given her.

“Forget him, forget him, FORGET HIM!” Maleficent brainwashed herself, “WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FORGET HIM MALEFICENT?”
“Why?” Maleficent screamed silently, salty tears flowing down her high cheekbones, “Why?”

The next day, Maleficent was up early once more. "Just. Forget. Him. For. Your. Own. Sake. And. For. That. Child. Of. Yours." She repeated it in her mind, over and over again, until it no longer seemed to mean anything anymore. She paced around in circles in her room, like a feline would after losing a prey. Settling down at last, she dismissed all her servants for the day, not wanting to look at their infuriating dumb looks. But, she regretted her actions a little too late, for by the time she started to get cranky for coffee, her servants were all scattered across the isle.

"Urgh. They're all useless! Might as well do it myself!" Maleficent rolled her eyes, and in an instance, was downstairs. She hated to be in public ALONE, so she made sure that she stole the fresh coffee quickly. However, as she headed back, she heard a few people gossiping. Realising when she was locked here her dragon senses were already out, she used the better hearing to overhear the conversation.

"I've heard that there's a newbie who wants to challenge for the leader position!" One said, and the other scoffed, "Even if she was a queen, you-know-her will still win, for sure." The rest Maleficent was unsure, for a wave of nausea rose just that moment making her hurry home, but that was just the start of the Isle's rivalry, between the Royal, Evil Queen Grimhilde, and the Mistress of All Evil, Maleficent.

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