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That same night...

Jaemin asked Ryujin if they could talk about it, so he could help her and she agreed. They went to a nearby diner so they could talk privately.

And yes, Jaemin ditch his friends but he did text them that he went home already because he had a tummy ache (lies).

"Ugh, yuck, strawberry milkshake." Jaemin whispered only for him to hear, when they were served with their order.

Well, he did say that he will order whatever Ryujin would order, so she gets to choose their drink and he'll pay for it. He didn't realize that Ryujin' s favorite milkshake flavor would be his worst nightmare.

Ryujin noticed his disgusted facial expression as he looked at their drinks. "Why? What's the matter, oppa?" she sounded like she was worried.

Jaemin looked at her and he changed his expression. "Oh, uh... nothing." he said.

"You don't like strawberry milkshake?" she asked him.

Jaemin agape his mouth. "Oh, no... I— I love strawberry milkshake. It's my favorite." he said and sipped on his straw pretending that he did liked it. He didn't want to disappoint her with her choice.

"Ah..." she said to him and nodded, she still had a frown on her face though so Jaemin asked her.

"So... what's been bothering you? You can talk to me so I can help you." he started the conversation.

Ryujin returned her gaze at him. She pursed her lips preventing herself from crying and then she said. "I've been struggling financially, oppa. All the money I saved went to my apartment rent, I don't have anything for my daily expenses and I don't know what to do anymore." she said.

"and because of that, I'm afraid I'll have to drop out of school." she told him and this made Jaemin feel sorry for her.

"No, you shouldn't Ryujin. Education is important." he told her.

"I know, I want to continue studying. I don't want to be an out of school youth again. I have ambitions for myself, I want to see myself graduate with a degree." she told him and tears rolled from her eyes again.

"But... I can't pay my school fees, let alone my own apartment, with the money I earn from working at the flower shop, it's not enough, especially now 'cause Johnny is no longer supporting me with my education. He's the one that sent me to school and now that we're over, I'm left with paying my own school fees." she explained to Jaemin.

"So... hyung used to support you with your studies?" Jaemin just found out and she nodded.

"But I want to clarify that I didn't enter a relationship with him because of the financial support he gave me, I love him sincerely with or without the financial support, I'm not in it for the money and I don't blame him too if I'm struggling financially right now with my school fees, I am grateful enough that he enrolled me to school and helped me resume with my education." she said, even after everything Ryujin still sees the good in Johnny.

Jaemin shook his head. "No, I am not... judging, Ryu. I never will." he clarified himself too.

"I'm really really sorry to hear about this, you seem fine everytime we work at the flower shop so I didn't know that you were actually dealing with a big problems." he said to her.

Ryujin said. "Today, I... I tried to look for job opportunities around town, I have been walking around town the whole day, I haven't eaten anything since this morning. I needed to work double time to pay both rent and school fees but I wasn't lucky enough today, there were no available jobs for me." she said as she sniffed. "So I... I... I thought of going back to the urban district to apply for my previous job as a waitress at the club."

"No, no... don't go back, Ryujin you're not safe there, please don't work there." Jaemin opposed.

"I know it was a bad idea to go back there that's why I was hesitant to enter the district but... I was desperate to find a job, I need a job." she started crying again and Jaemin had to calm her bu patting her back.

"I want to help you, Ryujin. I will try to help you, if only I have a decent amount of money to lend you, I will do that. You shouldn't drop out of school, you shoulde study and fulfil your dreams."

"I do Jaemin oppa, I really do. I don't see myself anywhere if I don't finish my education, I won't have any stable or decent job, I'll end up in the streets." she said to him. "I'm an orphan, abandoned by my parents, living alone and working as a waitress in the most damgerous district in this city at a very young age. I don't want my future children to experience what I did, I want to give them the future that they deserve, I want them to experience what I didn't experience growing up and I can't do that if I don't have any job."

He felt sincerity with everything she said and he really really really pitied her, he wish he could do something to help her. He wished he had the money to help her but he, himself, is only a student that depends on his noona for his expenses.

"Ryujin, don't worry. We'll think of a way to solve this, okay? Don't quit school. Right now, I'm thinking of helping you look for a job just around town and I'll help you even if it means, I have apply for another job too." he explained to her.

She gasped. "Oppa, you don't have to apply for another job. Let me handle this by myself, I don't want to be a burden. Please."

Jaemin, himself, was so shock that he was willing to work double time to help her out. He knew in his heart that he had to help her, Jaemin really felt like he owe her a lot for not being able to tell her the truth about Johnny's wrongdoings so now he's doing everything he can to make up for that mistake.

"Trust me, we can work this out. I'm here, don't worry, you can count on me." Jaemin assured her. "Tomorrow, I'll help you roam around town to look for a job. I promise."

Ryujin started crying again, she was really touched. All of a sudden, Jaemin got startled when Ryujin suddenly hugged her from across the table and started crying in his shoulder.

"Thank you, Jaemin oppa. Thank you, thank you so much. I'm so blessed to have you as a friend." she cried and Jaemin was just so caught in the moment, he froze and couldn't move a muscle. He was internally panicking.

Let me remind you, Jaemin is really awkward around girls and he hated skin-ship. So this was something he was nervous of, being hugged by a woman.

But then he slowly and gently, hugged her back very awkwardly and patted her. "Y-you're welcome."

The hug was so warm that it melted all his nervousness away and then all he could feel was the his heart bracing swiftly in unison with hers.

A very unusual feeling for Jaemin, something he never felt before. What was this absurd feeling?


Next day...

"Hello..." Jaemin answered his phone when Haechan called him.

"Hello, traitor. How's your tummy ache?" Haechan responded.

Jaemin furrowed his brows. "Traitor?"

"Yah, you left us waiting at the gas station for an hour. We were waiting for you to comeback and we also searched for you, worrying that someone might've kidnapped your dumb a*s. Turns out you already went back home!" Haechan explained.

Don't worry Haechan's not really mad, that's just how brutally honest he was with his friends.

"I'm sorry, but I did text you guys that I went home already." Jae said.

"Yah, you texted us an hour later. Like seriously? You forgot about us? You forgot that we were waiting for you?!" Haechan scolded.

Jaemin swiped his face with his hand and he sighed. "I'll make it up to you guys, I promise. We could party at my house just so I could make up for it."

"Cool. Let's party tonight then." Haechan said.

"Not tonight. I'm busy." Jaemin said.

"Killjoy!" Haechan said.

Jaemin sighed. "Tomorrow night or the other night, just not tonight please. Okay?"

"Fine, whatever. You're in charge of foods and drinks and movies, okay?" Haechan said.

"Yah, yah whatever. See you guys soon." he ended the phone call.

"Who was that?"


Jaemin got startled when he saw Ryujin standing next to her and trying to look at his phone.

As planned, they were roaming around town today, looking for a job but they took a break at a bench in a park since they were exhausted from walking. They've spent 4 hours looking for any job around town but it was hopeless, like Ryu said there were no available jobs.

"O-oh... it was my friend. He tried to call me to check up on me." Jaemin said.

"Ah..." she said and nodded.

And then, she sighed and took out a note from her pocket and Jaemin's gaze landed on that piece of paper. It was a note of her expenses and her rent was the most expensive among all.

She sighed heavily again and said. "I'm loosing hope, even if I did find another job that won't secure my finances, it's still not enough."

"Don't loose hope yet, we haven't finished roaming around town. I'm sure, we'll find you a decent job." Jaemin said.

But Ryu shook her head. "I've searched through every inch of this town yesterday, looking for any job opportunities available but there were none."

Then she folded the paper and placed it back to her pocket. "If I can't find any job, I'll just... drop out of school, I guess, I don't have a choice. If I choose to continue my education, I won't have a roof over my head, I need a place to stay so... I'll just prioritize paying my rent." Ryujin said.

It was very sad for Ryujin but this was actually a light bulb moment for Jaemin. He thought of an idea that would help Ryujin and so he said... "Ryu, I don't want you to drop out of school."

Ryujin looked back into his eyes. "But I don't have enough money to pay my school fees, if I continue to study I won't have enough money left to pay —"

Jaemin cut her sentence by saying. "You don't have to pay rent anymore, I suggest you move back into our house so you won't have to worry about dropping out."


"Sir, please, if you have any vacant. I will take whatever job is available, diswashing, mopping the floors, serving foods. I can do all that, sir please. I badly need a job." pleaded Ryujin.

Since sunset was fast approaching and there weren't any jobs available for her. Jaemin thought of bringing her to the diner m where they talked last night. It was the only decent place, she could get a job.

The diner, however, was not in need of staffs but still Ryujin pleaded to be hired and she'll take any job just to earn money.

The manager responded. "I'm awfully sorry young lady, we don't have any vacant at the moment, we'll try to get in touch with you when we are in need of staffs."

This saddened Ryujin, so she turned her gaze at Jaemin and Jaemin saw her eyes glistening 'cause tears were already forming in her eyes. She was tired, stressed and in disraught because of her financial status and she just wanted a job.

"Please excuse me, I can't talk any longer. I have a business to run." the manager said and was about to dismiss them.

Ryujin changed the direction of her feet and she was preparing to leave too but then suddenly, she felt a hand slipped into her cold hand forcing her to stop leaving the diner.

She looked at her hand and saw Jaemin's hand holding hers but his gaze was right infront, looking at the manager.

"Wait, sir, please... just give her a chance." Jaemin said causing the manager to turn around again to face them. Ryujin didn't expect him to plead for her, she thought the pleading was over so she was very shock when he said that.

The manager furrowed his brows at Jaemin. "Son, please, I already explained there's no vacant for her."

But Jaemin still begged as if his life depended on it. "Please sir, I assure you she'll be an asset to your milkshake bar. You can count on her, she had many experiences working at restaurants and she's also hardworking, industrious, responsible and dedicated to her work. It'll be a waste of opportunity sir, I can assure you, you won't regret hiring her."

With every praise that left Jaemin's mouth, Ryujin felt her heart melting. She was just... in awe that Jaemin would do his best to help her, she was really touched. He felt Jaemin tightened his grip on her hand that time.

The manager was starting to agree with him but was still hesitant. "I'm not sure, I don't know what job to offer her."

"I can hadle any job, sir." Ryujin added. "Just please, I'm trying to be useful and earn money, I have financial problems and I'm afraid I'll have to drop out of school if I don't get any job."

The manager was about to speak again but Jaemin spoke first. "Please sir, she's trying to make a living and trying to earn money for her education. It would mean a lot to her, if you hire her sir please. She's woking for a good cause."

Ryujin looked back at Jaemin again and her tears were about to fall but she didn't want to cry infront of the manager. She was just so overwhelmed with Jaemin's support that time for her, it made her feel emotional.

Jaemin's grip tightened even more while they were waiting for the manager's response but he was nerve-racked and so was Ryujin, her hands were trembling and cold in Jaemin's hand.

The manager had finally decided. "Okay, I'll hire you as a waitress in our milkshake bar. Just being me any valid ID and you can start working on Saturday."


"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy. I have another job."

The long and tiring day had finally ended, they accomplished their goal to find Ryujin a job and she was so happy.

"Good luck on your new job and be careful alwats." Jaemin told her and she smiled back at him. They were seated next to each other on a bus and they were on their way home. Surprisingly, it was just the two of them riding the bus that time.

Jaemin then asked her. "So... Ryu, do you agree moving back into our house so you won't have to pay rent anymore? You could use the guest's room as your bedroom."

Ryujin said. "Oh uh... I'm not sure, oppa. I... I mean I'm too shy to take that room. I mean I don't want to be a free-loader and besides, what if Johnny oppa comes back home? I'm sure he doesn't want me there."

Jaemin shook his head. "He's not coming back, he's staying there for good. Trust me."

Still, Ryujin was hesitant. She really didn't want to be a burden to Jaemin. Jaemin was thinking maybe she felt awkward living with him, I mean a boy and a girl living together under one roof. Uhm?

But Jaemin said. "Ryu, you don't have to be shy or anything, it's okay. I'm cool with the idea of you taking the guest's room, no one's using it anyway."

"So what do you say?" he asked her.

Ryujin looked back into his eyes and Jaemin was nodding at her, gesturing her to nod back at him as a 'yes'. She gave him a close-mouthed smile and then she nodded to him and this made Jaemin smile even wider.

Ryujin said. "Thank you so much. I really can't thank you enough, oppa. You're the best!"


It was a very long ride and there were only a few passenger in that bus. Both Ryujin and Jaemin were silent all throughout the ride 'cause they were just exhausted.

Jaemin had his earphones plugged in and he was slowly dozing off as he rested his head on the headrest. When all of a sudden...

"Oooh." he whimpered lightly when he felt his shoulder became heavy.

This woke him up and when he looked to his side, he saw Ryujin'shead resting on his shoulder. "Ryu?" he tried tapping her head gently but she didn't move a muscle.

He lowered hisbhead to see her face and realized that Ryujin was already asleep and she didn't realize that she was already resting her head on his shoulder.

Jaemin decided not to wake her up but his arms was in a very uncomfy position since Ryujin was leaning on his shoulder too. So he tried to move his arms, careful not to wake her up but he wondered "Where am I suppose to place my hand now?" he asked in his mind.

He had no choice but to stretch his arms across Ryujin's shoulder and since he moved a bit, Ryujin's head moved closer and closer to his face making him feel... shy and awkward.

His eyes shoot open and his heart was bracing really swiftly. He was stuck at a very awkward position but he needed to keep his sh*t together.

He gulped first then he gently placed his hands on her shoulder, Ryujin moved a little to make herself more comfortable in Jaemin's arm (she's still asleep), she rubbed her head on the crooks of his neck and her hands instantly snaked around Jaemin's waist, thinking it was her own pillow.

Jaemin was internally panicking at this point but he has to keep his cool.

"Don't panic, Jaemin. Don't panic, it's just a sleeping girl. There's nothing to be panicked about." he said to himself. Like I mentioned before, he was very awkward with girls and skinship.

If you can imagine, it looks as if Ryujin was hugging him while she sleeps and Jae had

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