NCT DREAM singing Perfect by 1D
Credits: shiningczennies
this media will make sense later hihi
The next day...
"What?! Johnny oppa's leaving for Australia?!"
Jaemin had to share the news to Ryujin of course, he explained that he had to go back home since Johnny will be leaving for Australia tomorrow and he basically has to live alone from now on.
"Yah, that's what he told last night and I'm just as shocked as you are. I didn't know about this, I swear." he said while packing all his belongings.
Ryujin seemed devastated about the news, for all she knows she won't be seeing Johnny again if he goes to Australia.
"Will he stay there for good? Or just a couple months?" Ryujin asked.
Jaemin shrugged his shoulders. "I don't really know. Our conversation last night was quick and he didn't explain much, he just asked me to come home."
There was sadness painted in Ryujin's eyes and she dropped herself on the couch and she was looking miserable.
"What if I won't see him ever again? What should I do?" Ryujin worried.
And yes, she was still in love with Johnny and it was very very very difficult for her to move on, she was still hoping that they could fix their relationship again. He was her first love and she really wanted them to last.
Jaemin sighed, it breaks his heart seeing her like this. He knew how sincere Ryujin was for Johnny but Johnny just played with her heart.
"Don't worry, I'll ask him later. I'll update you about it and hopefully, he'll agree to speak with you." he said but she started weeping.
So Jaemin got worried and he approached her to pat her back. "Please, don't cry Ryujin."
"Please, convince him to speak with me. Please." she really sounded desperate. "I am not expecting him to come back to me but I need to see him and talk to him before he leaves for good."
So Jaemin agreed. "I promise you, I'll convince him to speak with you."
Jae came home and saw a lot of luggage in the living room. With that much luggage, this would denote that John isn't staying in Australia for just couple of months.
Finally, Johnny appeared, coming down from the stairs carrying a ton of materials that he was packing.
"Oh, you're back." John said with no amusement upon seeing Jae standing next to his luggages.
"That's a lot of luggage." Jaemin commented. "Y-you're staying there for more than a month?"
But John averted his gaze at him and said. "No, I am staying there for good."
This had Jaemin shook. He thought that he would be leaving for only a few months but he's actually migrating there.
"D-did you plan this or did Jisoo noona plan this? 'Cause she never told me anything." Jaemin asked.
"Your noona suggested it and so I agreed, besides, we're married, we're supposed to be together. She told me to explain it to you since she was busy with school." Johnny explained. "I asked her to bring you along but she said you needed to complete your education here first before you go to Australia."
The lies just never stop.
Jaemin felt a little hurt that his going to get left behind, he wasn't used to living all by himself unlike Ryujin. But with Johnny around, it's no better but he wished he could reunite with his noona too. That's all he asks for.
"Oh, I see..." Jaemin said and he bowed his head.
Then John took some keys from his pocket and threw it at Jaemin. "Here."
Jae caught it. "Here's the key to the house. You're all alone now, pal. You can do as you wish." John said to him.
Jaemin just had a straight face. "I wish you would stay faithful to my noona now that you're living together now."
John immediately sighed and rolled his eyes. "Not this again, Jaemin."
"I'm just reminding." Jaemin said. He also added. "Please, take good care of her, do your part as a husband."
Jaemin texted Ryujin that evening telling her John's plan and she was devastated. She kept crying over the phone pleading Jaemin to make his hyung speak with her and she was just crushed at this point, she didn't know what to do but all she wanted was to speak with Johnny.
Ryujin would do anything to speak with him.
Jaemin knew he had to do something to make her feel better. It was absurd but... Jaemin found himself doing whatever he can to make it up for Ryujin.
He used to hate her so bad but after realizing that she was only a victim and that her heart was pure and she was really a good person. He started seeing things differently, in fact, he admires her for being brave, kind-hearted and independent.
John averted his gaze at the door when he heard someone call him but he gestured him to wait 'cause he was speaking with his boss over the phone.
"Yes sir, I'm really sorry I had to resign from work, my wife wanted us to live together and start a new life in Australia." John explained to his boss.
Jaemin had to wait, he leaned on the door and waited for the call to end.
Once the call ended, Johnny spoke to him. "What do you want?"
John was busy preparing his stuffs and was super stressed out that time, Jae didn't want to bother him but he just needed to tell it to his hyung.
"Hyung, please speak with Ryujin." he said with no hesitation.
John immediately rolled his eyes and exhaled heavily. "Jae, for the last time, I am not..."
"Just give her the peace of mind she deserves before you leave her for good hyung. That's all she asks." he told him calmly.
John heaved heavily and looked into Jaemin's eyes and then he shook his head. "No, I am not speaking with her. Even if she cries blood, it's over."
"You got over her so easily, how come? And you're the one who initiated this relationship." Jaemin said but he maintained his calm tone.
"Shouldn't you be glad that we're over? Are you taking her side now? You want me to be with her instead of your noona."
Jaemin said. "I am not taking either sides, I am both on their side. I am against you, your lies and your wrongdoings."
Johnny narrowed his eyes at him. "You're acting like you're a damn hero, well in fact, you helped me cover up my dirt. You're no different from me, you're also a liar and an enabler." John said to him.
Jaemin knew his hyung was lowkey correct about that but he only hid it because he did not want to make his noona and Ryujin upset.
"Just... please, speak with Ryujin. Give her this last chance." Jaemin said to him.
But Johnny was not convinced. "No, leave me alone, I am busy. I don't have time for this foolishness."
The next morning...
John was taking all of his luggages outside their house, he was waiting for his friend that would send him to the airport but then a cab stopped infront of their house and he was just surprised to see someone exiting the cab.
"Oppa..." she immediately called.
John shut his eyes tight, he sighed heavily looking so frustrated and he turned away from her and he saw Jaemin standing at the door looking at her as well, he looked like he was also not expecting her to arrive.
Johnny stomped his way to Jaemin and he spoke with him. "Didn't I told you I did not want to speak with her? How stubborn can you be?!" he said to Jaemin in gritted teeth.
Jaemin shook his head. "I did not know she was coming, I had no idea." he replied.
"I don't believe you." John said.
"She's already here, just go speak with her." Jaemin insisted.
"Oppa..." she called again and this time she went closer to them. John had no choice but to face her 'caude she will not leave until she speaks with him.
John saw tears forming in her eyes as she approached him. Her lips were trembling as she prevented tears to escape from her eyes.
"Ryujin, I... I'm sorry but we're over, we... need to end this. I have to..." but he was not able to finish hus sentence when Ryujin suddenly hugged him, there she started weeping for him.
"I know you don't want me anymore and I'm trying to accept everything even though it's killing me everyday, oppa. It's very hard for me to move on." she cried to him and her hug tightened. "I am not expecting you to come back to me, I just... I just... wanted to see you and speak with you before you leave me. I am going to miss you so much."
She weeped and weeped and John couldn't utter a word, he did not realize that their break up would have this much effect on her.
So, he just hugged her back and his gaze met Jae's who was looking at them. John whispered to her. "You're going to be alright without me, Ryujin. We're just not meant for each other. I'm sorry."
John finally left, leaving Jae and Ryujin behind. Ryujin was just glad to be able to see and speak with him before he left even though the talk was pretty dull and John seemed to want to end the talk already.
Then she felt a hand patting her back as her gaze followed the car Johnny was riding. She had been crying the moment Johnny bid her good bye. She turned her gaze to her side and saw Jaemin looking at her with guilt in his eyes. "There there Ryujin, everything will be fine."
Ryujin just nodded, she can't do anything but to accept reality. "I'll be missing your hyung but I have to accept things. It will be a slow and painful process to move on but I have to try, he no longer needs me."
It pains Jaemin to hear all these from Ryujin but deep down inside he felt relieved they broke up and that Johnny left. Atleast now, the lying stops and he will be reunited with his wife and hopefully, he'll be more faithful to her this time around.
Jaemin just said. "Just think of it as a blessing in disguise, Ryujin."
That same evening, Jaemin and his noona had a talk via vid call. By that time, John hasn't arrived Australia yet, the flight was taking so long and he'll prolly arrive in the morning.
"Jaeminnie, are you sure you're doing just fine being alone in the house? I am worried about you." his noona asked.
"Noona, don't worry about me. I'll be fine, I am a big boy already. I have to learn how to be independent." he said to make her noona feel better.
His noona just smiled and said. "I can't help but to worry, Jaeminnie. You're not used to being by yourself and I wanted you to come here too, so we can be together but... I guess you can't bare to leave our hometown, your friends and girlfriend."
Jaemin furrowed his brows. "What? Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend, noona. What are you talking about?"
"But... your hyung told me you had one and you couldn't leave her that's why you couldn't come with him to Australia."
Jaemin got confused even more. "Huh? I don't have a girlfriend noona and I never said anything like that."
"What? But John said... t-that you didn't want to come to Australia because you didn't want to leave your friends and girlfriend." Jisoo said.
"He said you wanted me to finish my education here first before I join you in Australia." Jaemin also told his noona and Jisoo gave a confused look.
Jisoo said. "What? I never said that."
Things don't add up but one thing's for sure, Johnny lied again. Some things never change.
Jaemin sighed when he realized that Johnny lied again, to him and to his noona. He shouldve expected things to go this way. Of course, John was doing everything he can to get rid of him.
"Look, I'll just talk to Johnny once he arrive. Okay? Don't worry maybe he misunderstood everything." Jisoo was trying to be positive but Jaemin knew he did this on purpose.
Jaemin shook his head. "Nevermind, it's okay. I don't mind living alone. I'm just glad that he's accompanying you there, you need him to take care of you when you don't feel so well, noona. That's all I care about."
Jisoo nodded and she felt guilty that her dongsaeng had to live alone. "Thank you Jaeminnie, I appreciate it but I will still talk to him about it. I'm really sorry, I feel awful for not telling my plans to you in the first place."
Jaemin said. "It's all good noona. It's not your fault noona."
Two weeks passed by...
Jaemin & Ryujin still worked at the flower shop every MWF after their class. With Johnny not around, he slowly got to see the good side of Ryujin and thought that she was indeed a genuine person.
He grew closer with her as days went by and they became real close friends even though she had broken up with Johnny. If there's anything good about Johnny having an affair, it would probably be Jaemin meeting Ryujin through Johnny.
Meanwhile, Jaemin doesn't have any problem living by himself, he kinda liked his own space so being left alone didn't really bother him.
One day...
Jaemin heard a knock on his door and he immediately went downstairs to check who it was, only to see his friends coming over.
"Hey buddy!" Mark was the first to greet.
"Hey, guys. What are you doing here?" Jaemin was really confused.
"We heard that your Johnny hyung left for Australia leaving you here by yourself, so we thought of visiting you to ask how you were doing. So how are you?" Chenle asked.
Jaemin shook his head and let out a low chuckle. "Seriously guys, I am old enough to take care of myself. It's not like I'm 5-years-old. Don't worry about me."
"Oh we're not really worried about you, we just said that to sound concern. You're Na Jaemin, we know you can handle sh*t." Haechan butted in and everyone else chuckled.
"Seriously, what are you guys here for?" Jaemin asked and crossed his arms at them.
"Since Johnny hyung isn't around and you basically own the house..." Haechan said. "Why don't we throw a party at your place."
"Yeah." everyone agreed except for Jaemin.
He just gave a confused smile at them. "I don't like parties, you guys know that. I know you'll leave a ton of mess for me to clean once the party is over so "no"."
"Oh come on, man." Jisung said.
"Yeah, it's just a little celebration because you're a free man!" Renjun added.
Jaemin rubbed his temples. "It's not like it's something to celebrate. My noona and Johnny hyung still owns this house, I am just a caretaker of this house."
Everyone else gave Jaemin a disappointed look. Jaemin really wasn't the type to join parties, he hated social gathering and would prefer to lay in bed all day so they can never convince him to party.
"You know what, forget it. You're a killjoy." Haechan said jokingly.
"Let's just hop into a car and drive around town and then go to a restaurant." Jeno suggested. Everyone else glance at Jeno and they all nodded.
"That sounds fun!" Jisung said.
"We should go to a pizza shop. I miss eating pizza." Mark said.
Then Jeno nudge his elbow and whispered to Mark. "Remember when we last ate pizza and you choke, almost dying because of asphyxiation."
Memories bring back memories
Meanwhile, Jisung said. "I miss roaming around town, let's do that and make Renjun the driver."
"Wait? What? You guys are making me your chauffeur?" Renjun complained.
"Well, duh! You're the only one who has a driver's license, what do you expect, big boy?" Chenle asked sarcastically.
"What do you think, Jae?"Jeno asked if he agree to their plan and since Jaemin really had nothing to do that day he just went along.
Jaemin replied. "Let's roll."
So they hop into Renjun's open top car, went to a pizza shop, had a few chitchats, then drove around town 'til sunset playing loud music and everyone was just having the time of their life, laughing & singing.
Renjun incharge of the steering wheel, Mark on the passenger's seat. Chenle and Jisung seating on the backseat and Jeno, Haechan and Jaemin seated on the trunk of the car.
It was a fun time for the 7dreamies!
Everyone had their hands up in the sky, feeling the cool breeze on their faces, and they all sang to the music being played... "But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms and if you like having secret little rendezvous. If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do the baby, I'm perfect. Baby, I'm perfect for you ~."
DREAMIES singing Perfect by 1D
ctto: shiningczennie
They sang in unison with their whole chest, this was their favorite song as a group. It had been a long while since the boys bond
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