Chapter 4: Counter-Earth

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Nebula holds the file orb in her hand as it plays a hologram of the scientists operating on Rocket. "Start the incision here." The female scientist said and they start the work and the little Rocket cries out in pain. 

Everyone gasps in horror while Mantis starts to cry and Meredith turns around and hugs Peter, who places his comforting arms around her. "Keep calm." The female scientist said as they continue to operate. "Hold it still." The female scientist tells her assistant. "I can't! It won't stop moving." The male scientist said and Peter turns his head away from this and (y/n) covers her mouth and close her eyes, tears rolling down her face.

"Why did he never tell us about any of this?" Mantis asked, tearfully. "This is worse than what Thanos did to me." Nebula said, her eyes filling with tears, and Gamora looks at her then looks away. "Well, what about the passkey? Is it there?" Peter asked Nebula.

Nebula ends the video hologram then goes through files and (y/n) opens her eyes then looks down at Meredith, who was still hugging Peter. "It's okay, sweetie. It's gone." She tells her and Meredith turns back around then wipes her eyes then nose.

"No. But a file was removed today. Downloaded and deleted, a million characters in length. The biometrics say it was this man. Recorder B2H6." Nebula said as a hologram picture of the short, round man appears and Peter's eyes widen, recognizing him. "I saw this guy outside of records today!" Peter said and Groot hums at this as Gamora steps forward to read the information.

"Looks like one of the High Evolutionary's recorders." She said. "The High Evolutionary? The founder of OrgoCorp?" Mantis asked, confused, once she recognized the name. "OrgoCorp is just a way to fund his experiments that lie outside intergalactic laws." Gamora said. "He's created whole societies. Xeronians, the Ani-Men, the Sovereign." 

"The Sovereign?" (Y/n) said, questioningly. "Corners of the universe consider him God." Gamora said and Mantis turns away. "I am Groot." Groot said. "Yes." Nebula replied as Peter nods. "Yes, what? That he's Groot?" Gamora asked, confused. "He said maybe this man downloaded the passkey into the computer on his head." (Y/n) replied as she points cybernetic device on the side of the man's head and Gamora looks up at Groot. 

"Huh?" She mutters as Nebula zooms in on the man's head. "That could store the passkey." Nebula suggested. "We find him, we save Rocket." Peter said, determined, as Mantis types on the computer nearby.

"The High Evolutionary's coordinates." Mantis said as she points to her screen and everyone looks at her then (y/n) looks around at everyone. "Put the coordinates in the nav." She ordered Nebula, who shuts the orb off and starts to leave.

"Wait a minute." Gamora said as (y/n) walks forward, Peter and Meredith right behind her. "Are you kidding me? What he wants is that gutted badger in the Med-Bay, and you're gonna bring it straight to him?" Gamora asked them as she follows them to the main deck. "It's almost certainly a trap." Gamora yells.

"Trap isn't a trap if you know the trap is trying to trap you. It's a face-off." Peter said. "A face-off is a trap if you're facing off against a guy a thousand times more powerful than you." Gamora shouts as Drax and Peter go to put in the coordinates and (y/n) and Meredith walk to the chairs.

"Do you know who the High Evolutionary is?" Gamora asked, angrily. "Yeah, he's some dickhead who dissected our friend." (Y/n) said and Gamora walks over to her. "The High Evolutionary isn't someone you wanna think about messing with." Gamora yells. "We won't think about it when we do it." Drax replied.

"You know what? I don't care! Just drop me off with the Ravagers, and you go do whatever it is that you wanna do." Gamora shouts, angrily. "We don't have time for this." (Y/n) yells as she turns to face Gamora. "I'm not asking you. Drop me off with my people now!" She demanded as she got into (y/n)'s face. 

"Your people? The Ravagers aren't your people. (Y/n) and I are damn Ravagers. You aren't." Peter yelled as he turns his head to her and she turns to glare at him. "Listen, I know you were always looking for a family. Okay?" (Y/n) said and Gamora turns to her. "But the Gamora I knew, the one that was my best friend, she didn't find it with a group of criminals, she found it with us. People who care about you. Somewhere inside of you, that's who you still are..." (y/n) said then Gamora yells and pushes her back, making her fall to the ground.

"Mom!" Meredith shouts, fearfully, as Gamora takes a few steps closer to (y/n), who was sitting up. "What is you two's obsession of wanting me to be someone I'm not! I don't give a shit about your Gamora. Life made me me!" She yells, angrily, and she goes to punch (y/n) but Nebula comes up and grabs Gamora's wrist before she could punch (y/n).

Gamora looks at Nebula, surprised. "I have a few upgrades courtesy of that gutted badger in the Med-Bay, and we are not risking his life to make yours convenient." Nebula tells Gamora as she lets go of her wrist and (y/n) gets up. "I'm family." Gamora growls at Nebula, getting in her face. "So is he." Nebula said, firmly, and Gamora looks over at (y/n) then back at Nebula. 

"Screw you." She spat at her then walks off and looks around at everyone. "Screw all of you." Gamora said and she stomps out of the room. "What a bitch." (Y/n) grumbles as they go through the shields and leave.

Later, everyone changed into their red and blue guardians suit, getting ready to meet the High Evolutionary. (Y/n) was standing at the upper level, looking out at the scene before her, when Peter walks up the stairs of the higher levels and sees her standing there.

He takes a deep breath while Meredith pushes him towards (y/n). "Go on!" Meredith mutters to him. "Stop, stop!" Peter whispers to her. "No, you two need a talk! Now go!" Meredith said and she shoves her dad forward and he stumbles a bit. He turns to look at her and she gives him the thumbs up as Peter looks back over to his wife then let's out a deep sigh and walks up next to her.

"Hey." He said and she looks over at him. "Hey." She replied back and they stand there in awkward silence. "You remember the day we found out my mom had cancer and you wanted to cheer me up?" Peter said and (y/n) looks over at him. "Yeah..." she said, curious on where this was going. "You took me to the park to play but I was too upset about the news, so then you thought about taking me to the movies. But, of course, we didn't have any, we tried to sneak in. You knew a way to get in because of your older cousin showing you." Peter said and (y/n) laughs.

"Yeah, and then we got caught by one of the employees and we ran away from him." (Y/n) said, smiling, and Peter chuckles. "We ran so fast and so far we even went and hid behind some dumpsters, afraid that we were followed." Peter said and (y/n) laughs.

Meredith stands off to the side and smiles as she watches her parents talking and laughing. (Y/n) and Peter share a smile before (y/n)'s smile falters then looks down. "It's one of the things I miss about Earth. Just going out and having fun, and not have to worry about psychos that want to take over the world." (Y/n) said and she looks back up at Peter. "Yeah, things were easier there." Peter agreed.

"And I want that for Meredith. Playing outside, go to school, make some friends, get to be a normal kid. That is what I want her to have, a childhood we didn't get to have. It's what she deserves." (Y/n) said and Peter looks into her eyes. But before he could respond, they hear a buzzing noise.

Alarms go off and everyone runs to the Med-Bay and see Rocket thrashing around. "What's happening?" Peter asked Nebula, who was standing by Rocket's bed. "The fluid is in his lungs." Nebula informs them as they see Rocket's X-ray's. Nebula grabs some medication to calm Rocket down and inserts it in him before she looks up at Peter and (y/n).

"He's dying. We need that passkey." Nebula informs them as Rocket wheeze. "We don't have long." Nebula said as (y/n) and Meredith look down at Rocket. "We've arrived." Mantis announced through the comms and they all head to the deck and see that they had arrived to Counter-Earth.

"That looks just like...home." Peter whispers as they enter the atmosphere. They fly in towards what looked like New York, except instead of the Statue of Lady Liberty it was replaced by a statue of the High Evolutionary. "It's like a replica of Earth. It makes no sense." (Y/n) said, confused.

"Atmosphere is habitable. Gravity's Xandar minus one." Nebula said and the Bowie flies over the suburbs and they all look down at it. They see figures of people walking but when they turned they realized that these people were actually different species of animals, wearing clothes like humans and walking like humans.

The Bowie lands as the citizens all stop and stare at the ship and the undercarriage of the ship opens up a walkway and the Guardians all walk out. The citizens of the suburbs walk, cautiously, to the ship. 

"Hello. We mean you no harm." (Y/n) said to the crowd as a child lemur tosses her dodgeball down on the ground and it rolls towards Drax, who grabs it and picks it up. The child giggles and Drax tosses the ball and hits the child in the face, making her fall back, and the crowd gasps. Then one of them shouts at them in a different language.

"Listen to me, he was just trying to throw her back her ball." Peter said when one of the people picks up an object and throws it at him, hitting Peter in the head. "Ow!" Peter groans and Drax points and laughs at him until he was hit with something. "Hey!" Drax yells and the crowd starts throwing rocks at them and shouting at them, angrily.

"Come on! There's no reason..." Meredith shouts when one of the people hits Mantis in the back with a bat. "Hey, hey!" (Y/n) shouts then Nebula turns to Groot. "Groot, full Kaiju!" Nebula shouts at him. "Not full Kaiju!" Peter shouts, exasperated, as Groot grows large. "I am Groot!" Groot shouts as he grows taller and bigger, which does scare the crowd.

"No, not Kaiju! Groot, down!" (Y/n) shouts at Groot. "There's no reason to be afraid." Peter said while Groot continues to roar and chase after the crowd. "Get down, Groot!" Meredith shouts and Groot stops and starts to shrink down.

"Everybody, it's okay. It's okay. Hey, hey, hi." Peter said as he sees one of the citizens, a female bat like creature, on the ground, who had fallen and hurt her knee. "We're not here to harm you." Peter said as he holds his hands up and walks towards her but she backs away and Peter noticed she had injured her leg.

"Okay. See? Here." Peter said as he walks up to her and holds out a rag. "For your knee." He tells her and she takes the rag. "We just need to save our friend." Peter tells her and she stares up at him.

Later, the bat lady takes the Guardians to her home and she talks to her kids then shuts the door to their room and leads them into her dinning area. Her husband comes in and they argue a bit before he turns the radio off and the lady gestures to the table.

"Yeah, yeah, sit. Let's sit. Okay." Peter said as he takes a chair at the table as does (y/n) and Meredith. Nebula and Mantis take the other chairs while Groot looks at the pictures and the other citizens press their faces up against the window and the lady bat walks over to it and shuts the blinds.

Drax goes over to the couch and lies down on it. "I am Groot." Groot tells him. "It's not rude. It's what it's here for." Drax said. "Drax, sit up! Idiot." Nebula demanded and Drax sighs then sits up.

"Thank you." (Y/n) tells the bat lady and she responds in a different language as her husband brings in a tray of drinks. "Thank you." Peter said to him, loudly, and the lady bat responds again.

"Our friend...he's dying. Uh..." Peter said as he looks at Nebula and she shows a hologram video feed of Rocket in Med-Bay. The lady bat leans in closer to look at the hologram as Peter continues. "We love our friend. But he is dying." Peter said then Mantis makes a choking sound.

"That's not dying, that's already dead. They'll think he's already dead." Nebula said as she shuts the hologram off. "They'll think we're here on a quest for revenge." Drax said as he lays down on the couch again. "Drax, sit up." (Y/n) orders him. "That's what it's here for!" Drax argued. "Drax, it isn't. It's made for people to sit shoulder to shoulder right next to each other. Get your boots off her pillows." Peter tells him.

"I find it hard to believe it doesn't have multiple purposes! Drax argued as he sits up again and Peter turns to the bat lady. "I'm sorry. My friend is a dumbass." Peter tells her and Mantis makes a noise, similar to the choking sound she made earlier. "That's the same as your dying." Nebula said. "Why do you criticize everything?" Mantis asked Nebula, angrily.

"Well, why is it oblong then?" Drax asked Peter. "It was a totally different sound." Mantis said to Nebula. "No, it wasn't." Nebula then she makes grunting noise. "Dying." Then she makes the same noise. "Dumbass. See? It's the same." And at this moment, Meredith slams her hands down on the table.

"All right, guys! Can we proceed, please, to try to save our friend?" Meredith exclaims as Drax starts to tumble over on the couch to lay down again. "Drax, I see you!" Peter yells and Drax sits back up again and (y/n) sighs and shakes her head before turning to the lady bat and her husband.

"I understand that none of this makes any sense to you right now. We need your help in finding a man." (Y/n) tells the couple. "Uh, I'm gonna...I'm gonna draw. I'm gonna draw the man that we're looking for." Peter said as he pulls up a piece of paper and a crayon while Nebula pours herself a drink.

"You see that thing on her head? He has a thing like this." Peter tells the lady as he points at Nebula's head. "That is delightful." Nebula said as she sips on her drink and Meredith grabs one, pours herself a drink and sips on it. "Ooh, that is good." Meredith said as she starts to chug it. "Meredith, don't drink too fast." (Y/n) warns her as Peter continues to draw.

"There you go. Have you seen this man?" Peter asked as he holds up the drawing of the man. "That's very good." Mantis compliments. "Can I have that later to hang in my apartment, please?" Drax asked Peter. "Yeah. Thank you." Peter said, smiling, while (y/n) shakes her head, laughing.

"Mowtio." The lady said. "His name...his name is Mowtio?" Peter asked and the lady shakes her head. "Eo, eo. Uh..." she said then she gets up and walks to the window and opens the blinds to see the crowd was still there. She shouts at them and they all run off as Peter and (y/n) stand up and walk over to her.

She then points to a large red pyramid off in the distance. "Mowtios-ek lolo." She said and she taps on her fingers, as if counting off something. "Many Mowtios." (Y/n) said. "Oh." The lady said, nodding. "There?" Peter asked as he points towards the pyramid. "Oh." She replied, nodding again. "At the pyramid." (Y/n) said. "Oh." The lady replied, nodding, then Peter noticed the car outside.

"Is that your car in the driveway?" Peter asked as he mimics driving and the lady nods while her husband looks upset. 

Later, they walk out of the house and the group of citizens start to disband again. "Drax, stay here with Rocket. Watch him. That's who they're coming for." (Y/n) tells him as her and Peter go to the car. "I wanna come." Drax said. "No. Mantis, watch Drax." Peter said and she frowns while (y/n) turns to Groot. 

"Groot, you know what to do with these." (Y/n) said to him and hands him some blasters and a bag. "Can I come too?" Meredith asked her parents and the couple share a look before they look at their daughter. "Okay, but you stick with us, okay?" Peter tells her and she nods as her and Groot get into the backseat of the car, (y/n) gets into the passenger and Peter goes to the driver’s seat. 

Nebula comes up to the back door on the passenger side but seems to not be able to open the door. "Push down on it." Peter tells her as he looks over towards the backseat. "What?" Nebula asked. "Push it down." Peter tells her again. "I am pushing down on it." Nebula said as she yanks on the latch.

"Push the button." (Y/n) tells her and she pushes the keyhole next to the latch. "It looks like you're pushing the keyhole." (Y/n) said. "The what?" Nebula asked. "There's a button under the handle, press that in." Peter yells, frustrated, and Nebula does that and it clicks. "Okay, now what?" Nebula asked. "Open the fucking door." Peter said and Nebula does that just as (y/n) looks over at him.

"Peter Quill!" She shouts, disapprovingly. "What?!" Peter exclaims then (y/n) turns to face her daughter. "You do not repeat what he just said, understand?" She said and Meredith nods as Nebula gets into the backseat next to Meredith. "That is a stupid design and your instructions were very unclear." Nebula said, annoyed, as she shuts the door and Meredith scoots as close to Groot as she could to give Nebula room.

"Let's get that passkey and save our friend." Peter said as he starts the engine and starts to drive right into a trash can then stomps on the breaks, abruptly. "Oh, hell." (Y/n) grumbles, as she runs the back of her neck while Nebula glares at Peter, who sees her through the rear view mirror. 

"I was eight years old when I left Earth, okay? Why would I know any more about driving one of these things than you do? Don't see you volunteering." Peter yells at Nebula. "You want me to drive?" (Y/n) asked him. "No." He said, a bit calmer now. "I'll drive." She said. "No, I don't want you to drive. I got this." He said and he starts to go but does hits the breaks a couple of times but ends up driving off.

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