Chapter 3: OrgoCorp

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Later, one of the Ravagers starts handing out red-orange jumpsuits to the Guardians. "What are these?" Drax asked as he looks at his suit. "OrgoCorp uniforms." Stakar informed him. "You're gonna have to wear these to move through the Orgo without attracting attention." 

"This isn't my color." Drax said, making Stakar turn around and walk over to Drax. "What did you say?" He asked, in a low threatening tone. "It clashes with my eyes." Drax said and the Ravagers all laugh. "Put it on!" Stakar shouts at Drax while Peter shakes his head and (y/n) face-palms at this.

Meredith looks up at her parents. "Do I have to stay here with these guys?" She asked, upset. "No, luckily, you'll be with Groot, Mer. We just don't even know if this place is safe for kids." (Y/n) said and Meredith nods. "Good, I didn't want to be around these assholes anyway." Meredith whispered and (y/n) slaps Peter on the shoulder, making him yelp in pain. "Peter!" She growls. "What?!" Peter exclaims. 

"Quit teaching our daughter how to swear." (Y/n) scolded as Peter rubs his shoulder. "Oh, I'm sure she's heard worse." Peter whisper-yells at her which earned a glare from (y/n). "I am Groot." Groot said as he comes up to them, proudly. "Thank you, Groot." (Y/n) said as Peter goes to one of the changing rooms while the others had already gone in and started changing in their suits.

"Gamora, we are grateful for your help." Mantis said as she looks over the door at Gamora. "Oh, I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I'm doing this for the hundred thousand units my sister promised." Gamora said, nodding towards Nebula, and the Ravagers chuckle at this.

"So, you're a Ravager now?" (Y/n) asked Gamora. "Put on the uniform." Gamora demanded. "Never pictured you as the Ravager type." (Y/n) said to her and Gamora turns to her. "Who are you again?" She asked her and (y/n) scoffs. "And yet you told me you were happy I gave your name to my daughter." (Y/n) grumbles as she goes over to one of the changing rooms while Gamora furrows her brow.

"OrgoCorp is in possession of some of the most advanced cybergenetic IP in the galaxy, so they're heavily guarded by the deadly Orgosentries. Now, I know you don't have documentation to dock, so you're gonna have to get in there on your own. Once in, Gamora is gonna lead you to the records, where maybe you can find the passkey to override the kill switch and help you save the hedgehog. But if you get into trouble, we will not be able to bail you out." Stakar explains.

Groot and Meredith go over to the Med-Bay and Groot stares at his old friend while Meredith goes to stand by the table and look down at Rocket, who was still breathing quickly through the breathing mask. "Don't worry, Uncle Rocket. We'll get you better." Meredith mumbles as she reaches out and, lightly, pets the top of Rocket's head.

After getting suited up, the gang stand on the side of the ship as the door opens. Each member wearing a different colored space suit. Peter in yellow, (y/n) in blue, Mantis in orange, Drax in red, Nebula in green, and Gamora in black. They all jump out of the ship and start to float down towards the Crop.

"There. That's the decompression chamber." Gamora said as she points to a spot on the surface. "Lock in." Peter said and all of them aim the device on the back of their hand and fire red lasers to it, which land on certain areas. "Go." Peter said and the little jets on the back of their suits push the gang towards the surface.

They land on it, making them kinda jump and float around the surface. "Activate gravity boots and gloves." (Y/n) orders and everyone does as she says and they all land on the spot Gamora pointed out. "Nebula, go." (Y/n) said and Nebula transforms her cybernetic arm into a laser and she gets to work on cutting the surface.

The others watch and wait for Nebula while Peter looks over at (y/n) as she kneels down. He does so as well, next to her, then he stares at her again and tries to think of what to say. He sighs through his nose then presses the blue button on the comms switch on his arm.

"(Y/n), I know this might not be the best time but...we need to talk." Peter said to her. "There's nothing to talk about, remember?" (Y/n) grumbles. "Yes, there is..." Peter said, his voice raising a bit but he calms himself down. "Look, I understand about you wanting to go back to Earth..." Peter said and (y/n) turns her head, sharply, to him. "Do you?" She asked, angrily.

"I do." He said, calmly, and (y/n) raises an eyebrow at this. "I never told you this but...when we were kids, I had always dreamed of stealing a ship and taking us back home to Earth many times..." Peter explains and (y/n)'s face softens at this. "But the older we got, the more I started to think that we didn't have anything left back on Earth. That we were better off here." He said.

"Peter..." she said, in a soft gentle voice. "And now we have a daughter together and, well...that just proves to me that we are better off here. You two are everything to me." Peter said as he gives a small smile to her. "And I know..." he started to say but then Mantis talks over him.

"Peter, you know this is an open line, right?" Mantis asked him. "What?" Peter said, stunned. "We're listening to everything you're saying." Mantis said. "And it is painful." Drax said while (y/n) places her hand over the helmet visor, as if to face-palm again. "And you're just telling me now?" Peter said, annoyed. "We were hoping it would stop on its own." Nebula replied.

"But I switched it over to private!" Peter said. "What color button did you push?" Mantis asked him. "Blue, for the blue suit!" Peter exclaimed as he gestures to (y/n). "Oh, no!" Drax whispered. "Blue is the open line for everyone." Nebula replied. "Orange is for Blue." Mantis replied. "What?" Peter asked.

"Black is for orange, yellow is for green, green is for red, and red is for yellow." Mantis explained. "No. Yellow is for yellow, green is for red, red is for green." Drax corrects. "I don't think so." Mantis said, shaking her head. "Try it then." Drax tells her. "Who the hell designed it that way?!" (Y/n) asked as Mantis presses the yellow button and shouts. "HELLO!"

A loud feedback noise hits Peter and he cringes in pain as he places his hands on his head, groaning. "You were right." Mantis said to Drax. "How the hell am I supposed to know all of that?" Peter asked them, angrily. "Seems intuitive." Drax replied, shrugging, while Gamora rolls her eyes at these idiots around her.

"Can we get back to saving our friend?" Nebula shouts at the others then she turns to Peter. "Get that jammer ready to change the shield." She tells him and he pulls out the jammer out of his back pocket and Nebula pulls out the piece she cut around then Peter puts the device into the hole she created.

Then Nebula and Gamora go through the hole but Drax had to struggle a bit so the girls go and help him through. Then Mantis, Peter and (y/n) go through and Peter takes the device out of the hole then goes over to the eyeball camera and placed the device on it to keep from anyone to see they were there.

Nebula goes over to the gravity button and it turns the gravity on and everyone falls to the ground. Everyone either fall on their back or side or if you were Peter, landing right on top of his wife. She lets out an oof as Peter groans. "Sorry." He said. "No worries." (Y/n) said, in a strained voice, and he raises his head to look at her. "Hey." He said, smirking. "Hi." She said as a small smile appears on her lips then Peter gets up and helps her up to her feet.

"Hurry." Drax said as he takes his helmet off and everyone starts to take their space suit off. "Where do we put these?" Drax asked as Mantis looks around and finds a door near her. "Here! Hide them in this locker until we leave." She tells the others and everyone grabs their space suits and starts to stuff them in the locker.

"Hurry!" Mantis said and everyone shoves the suits in and Mantis closes the lid just as the door opens behind them and they turn to see some of the guards of OrgoCorp coming in.

"What the hell was that, guys?" Peter asked the guards, annoyed, which three everyone off. "What, are enough kidding me?" Peter asked the guards, angrily. "What?" The lead guard, Karja, asked. "A neutro-quark just hit the satellite. It's burning a hole through the wall. You geniuses, you just throw the door open without any proper precautionary procedure?" Peter exclaims.

"What procedure, bro?" Karja asked. "Oh! You want us to read the manual for you too, bro?" Mantis asked, aggressively, as she gets up close to Karja. "You could have killed everyone in the wing!" Mantis shouts. "Exactly! You idiots! I'm angry too!" Drax yells while Nebula, Gamora and (y/n) share a look.

"Oh, no." (Y/n) whispers, softly, as Drax continues. "I mean, can't you see these authentic mechanic uniforms that we're wearing in our bodies? That blend in with some of our skin-tones better than others?" He rants. "Excuse my friend. He is the boss' nephew. He's a little..." Peter explains and he twirls his finger around by his head.

"Oh. Oh." Karja said, understanding. "Yeah, I got one of those too. I mean, this one? This one I love. I'm so proud." Karja said as he points to the guy on his right. "You're doing great. So proud of you." He said to the guy but then he points to the guy on his left. "But this one, I just..." Karja said as he and the guy stare at each other as Karja thinks of what to say before he turns to the group.

"Everything he does drives me crazy." Karja replied with a whisper. "Yeah." Peter said, shrugging. "I thought you said something else." The guy on Karja's left said. "Shut up." Karja mutters then he turns to the Guardians. "I swear I'm gonna throttle him. I'm gonna go to jail for murder. I am." Karja said and Mantis looks out the little window in the room and gasps as she sees all of their space suits floating out in the atmosphere.

"How'd you guys get here so fast?" Karja asked them. "I'll be honest with you, we just happened in before it burned all the way through, thankfully." Peter replied while Mantis was looking around the room, panicked. "Ah. Good thing you were here." Karja said then he turns to his team. "All right, guys, wrap it up." He tells them and they start to leave as he pushes the comms button his suit. "Looks like we're all clear here." He said and they leave the room, the door shutting behind them.

"Our spacesuits!" Mantis shouts as she points towards the window and everyone looks out to see the suits outside. "You threw them in the contamination bin. It expels stuff into space the moment you shut the door." Gamora yells at Mantis. "That would have been helpful information three minutes ago." Mantis argued. 

"Damn it, Mantis, why don't you ever think?" Nebula shouts at her. "Are we pretending to be angry again?" Drax asked then he turns to Mantis. "Mantis, you asshole!" He shouts. "Guys, just focus for two seconds! We'll find another way out of here." (Y/n) yells at them. "She's right. Right now, we need to save Rocket's life." Peter said and the others calm down.

The gang walk out of the chamber and walk down the hallway. "Nebula, Quinn, and I will get to the records and get the passkey. Bug, Doofus and (y/n) access the spaceport through the elevator so Tree can land and get us out of here." Gamora said as a short, round man accidentally hits Peter on the shoulder as he ran. "Apologies." He tells Peter, looking and sounding upset. "No problem." Peter said as they continue on.

"Go." Gamora said as her and Nebula go one way and Mantis and Drax go the other while (y/n) looks over at Peter and grabs his hand. "Be careful." She tells him. "You too." He said and they squeeze each other's hand for a moment before they split off and (y/n) joins Mantis and Drax in the elevator.

"Not my fault I don't know something if no one ever tells me." Mantis rants as her, Drax and (y/n) walk out of the elevator and into a large white area with these salmon-pink plants around the area. "I didn't even wanna come here." Mantis grumbles as they come up to a guard.

"Mantis, don't let what Nebula and Gamora said get to you. Like you said, you didn't know." (Y/n) said as they go up to the guard. "I'm gonna need to see your..." the guard started to say but Mantis places her hand on his hand. "You're hopelessly in love with him." Mantis said as she nods towards Drax, who looks down in annoyed exasperation. "Oh no." He mutters as the guard looks at him with a smile.

"Hey." He greets, a wider smile on his face, while (y/n) places her hand over her mouth, trying to hide her own smile. "Hey." Drax said, annoyed, as he looks down. "How you doing today?" The guard asked Drax, who still looks unamused. "I'm alright." Drax sighs as he glares over at Mantis, who is trying to contain her laughter.

"What was...what was your name again?" The guard asked Drax. "Drax the Destroyer." Drax replied. "Oh. That is such a lovely name." The guard said as Mantis and (y/n) snort out a laugh. "I'll get the door for you." The guard said and he presses the button, opening the gate.

"I'll be here when you come back out, okay?" The guard said as they trio pass. "Sure." Drax grumbles. "Every single time." He mutters to Mantis as her and (y/n) giggle. "My name is Bletelsnort." The guard calls out after them. "Ah, c'mon, Drax! He seems like a nice guy." (Y/n) teased, which made Mantis laugh harder and Drax sighs, heavily, as they walk on.

"Welcome to OrgoCorp headquarters. For over 300 years, OrgoCorp has been producing cybernetic implants and genetic upgrades across the universe under the watchful eye of the High Evolutionary." The woman on the screen above said and (y/n) looks at the video of a dark-skinned man in a purple armored suit shaking hands with a crowd of people.

"All of our research supports the High Evolutionary's altruistic objective of creating a utopian society." The woman’s voice continues as Drax sees a spaceport. "That must be the spaceport." Drax said as he nods to the port. "Huh, so far, so good." (Y/n) mutters as they head that way.

Meanwhile, Nebula, Gamora and Peter were able to get to the manager of the records, Ura. Peter tried to charm her, as he puts it, but didn't last long as Gamora jumped in and threatened the woman, aiming a blaster to her face. When Nebula told Ura what they needed, Ura tells them that the file sounded more like a species tag. Gamora threatens her to show them and she leads them to a room with a wall of record tags.

"Whoa." Nebula whispers after Ura presses a button and a mechanical trill sounds out. "What is all this?" Gamora asked as she holds her blaster to Ura's head. "Species patented over the years using OrgoCorp tech. Every species OrgoCorp has created has its own individual file." Ura said as she goes to type in the species tag.

"I'm so sorry about this. Listen to me, this is not the kind of thing we do." Peter whispers to Ura. "Oh, please, stop it with the subtle jabs!" Gamora shouts at Peter, angrily. "Old you would have never done this. You had a purpose higher than yourself. A calling to help people." Peter explains. "Give me a break." Gamora grumbles.

"That's why you left Thanos and formed the Guardians." Peter said. "Except, I didn't form the Guardians. And I barely left Thanos." Gamora shouts as she turns and aims her blaster at Peter, who jumps back at this. "Whoever it was that you were friends with, it wasn't me." Gamora said then she turns back to Ura, aiming her blaster at her.

"There." Ura said as she finished typing. "That's the file for 89P13." She said as a small container comes down then is put through a tube and lands on the desk. "Ugh." Gamora sneers. "Okay." Peter mutters, softly, as he walks up and grabs the file, seeing the container is covered in yellow goo. "What?" He mutters when red lights flash and the alarms goes off.

Mantis, Drax and (y/n) get closer to the port but then the guards start to fly down towards them and a few on the ground surround them, aiming their gun. "Oh no." Mantis mutters as her and (y/n) look around, worried. "Shit." (Y/n) whispers to herself.

"Walk!" Gamora demands Ura as she grabs her arm and they walk out of the records room. "Move it, move it!" A Orgosentry said and they start to surround them as well.

"Stand down!" Karja ordered as he lands in front of Mantis, Drax and (y/n). "Drax, (y/n), we should make a run for it." Mantis said. "Or we can fight." Drax suggests. "All of them against the three of us?! No way!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "Fight!" Drax said. "Run!" Mantis shouts.

"Take 'em!" Karja screams and Mantis groans as she jumps up, spins and kicks Karja across the face while Drax grabs one of the sentries and throws him across the room. (Y/n) elbows one sentry in the gut, as he ran up behind her, then she grabs his arms and flings him over her and punches him across the face.

"What are we gonna do?" Nebula asked as they look at the guards surrounding them. "I got a plan." Gamora said. "What is it?" Peter asked. "All of you, come with me..." one guard shouts as he runs up to them but Gamora shoots him then grabs Ura and holds her blaster to her head. 

"Everybody, lower your weapons, or I blow this woman's brains out!" Gamora threatens as Nebula turns her arm into a gun while Peter looks around, in a panic. "That's the plan?!" Peter exclaimed, questioningly.

Mantis grabs a guard by the arm then places her fingers on his throat. "You're a kitty cat." She said and the guard starts meowing like a cat and she jumps over to another sentry and disarmed him and places her fingers on his throat too. "You feel like dancing." She said and the guard starts dancing and Mantis jumps on another sentry and placed her hand under the guards chin. "Violent rage." She said and the woman guard screams and spins around, firing her guns at everyone.

"Lower your weapons!" Ura screams and the guards lower their guns. "Let's kill that one that looks like a carrot to show we mean business." Gamora growled as the guy she was talking about gives a surprised look. "God! Past Gamora's just mean!" Peter said as they start to walk out. "She was always like that, and yet, I was the bad guy. We are not killing anyone!" Nebula shouted as they get over to the exit.

"Back off!" Gamora shouted at one guard that was coming at them but he stopped. "Groot, bring the Bowie to us. Now." Nebula ordered as Groot and Meredith were sitting in the Med-Bay. Groot sits up then runs to the deck as Meredith follows close behind him.

Nebula, Gamora, Peter and Ura get into the elevator and the door closes, and takes them down. "I'm so sorry about this, Ura." Peter said to her. "Oh, please." Gamora groans. "We're here to save the life of our friend, that is all. We paid her to help us get in and get out." Peter said then he turns to glare at Gamora.

"You'd think that'd mean Oh, I'm gonna help you do it in a way that no one knows it's happening. But no, what she means is, ​​​​​I'm gonna shoot people. Threaten people's lives." Peter said. "Shut up!" Gamora snarls at him then Peter turns to Ura.

"And I know you're probably asking, why would I trust her? Well, that's a good question. The answer is, we used to be good friends. She was actually my wife's best friend, only she doesn't remember it, because it wasn't her. Because her dad threw her off a magic cliff and she died, and then my wife lost her temper and nearly destroyed half

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