Chapter 2: Five Years Old Part 2

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Lila's POV

I stood waiting at my front door with my bag.

I couldn't WAIT to go to Bingo's house! 

I got up SUPER early today, so I could open all my presents and then go to Bingo's house!

My bag was packed with stuff too! Like my present for Bingo, my present for Bluey and my present for Bingo. AND I learnt that Bingo and Bluey got a BLOW UP POOL for Christmas so I brought my swimming stuff too!

I heard my brother Taran, who's only 3 coming down the stairs, and I thought he was going to tell me that we were going now!

"Lila, Mummy said that we have to wait five minutes, because mummy is still getting ready!", he said. My head dropped. I couldn't wait a whole five minutes! I wanted to go NOW! 

But I knew that she had to wait, so I put down her bag and sat my drawing table, and picked up a random sheet of paper, that I was going to add some more drawings to. 

The drawing I picked up was one that Bingo and I did when she came over last week. 

It's one of a leaf bug, because it's both our favourite animals. I grabbed out another green pencil, and got ready to draw another leaf bug, but then, my mum came down the stairs. It was time to go to Bingo's house! 

I still couldn't believe it was Christmas!

My dad was on a work trip, so he wasn't coming, but Mum, Taran, and me were all going! 

Bingo also told me that Banjo and Juniper were coming too! They were our other friends, but me and Bingo were probably closet. 

"Lila! Are you thinking in your brain again! Hurry up!", Taran shouted at me from the car. He was only three years old, so he wasn't very good with some words yet. 

But his words did remind me that I had still been sitting at the drawing table with the green pencil in my hand when it was time to go! 

I quickly jumped up from my chair, and grabbed my bag, that was resting near the doorway, and ran out to the car.

"Are you excited, Taran? I know there aren't many kids your age there, but the older kids are always nice to you!", Mum asked Taran when we both hopped in the car. 

Taran was a shy kid, so he only had a couple of friends at his pre-school, but when our family went and saw Bingo and Bluey, and sometimes our other friends, they were always super nice to him because they know that he's younger. 

But my thoughts of Taran were interrupted, because my mum had pulled up into Bingo's house's driveway! We were here! I grabbed my bag, unclicked my seatbelt, and sprinted out of the car to Bingo's driveway. 

It looked like we were the first ones to arrive, as we were the only car parked on the road or around their house. We must be lucky though, because if we had come late, then we might not be able to find a place to park!

I was about to ring the doorbell when another five cars had turned the corner and had started to find a place to park! 

Banjo hopped out of his car first, holding a bag with some cool dinosaurs on the front, and he waved to me as he ran up the driveway.

"Hi Lila! ARE YOU EXCITED?!", he asked me, with the most biggest and amazing smile I've ever seen in my LIFE!

"YES I AM!", I replied, with equal amount of excitedness in my voice.

After that, Juniper, and Bluey's friends (I don't know their names) ran up the driveway TOO!

We all stood up at the front door, and then one of Bluey's friends, who had cool pigtails, a rainbow leather jacket, and a cool shell necklace rung the doorbell.

It played Jingle Bells (For Christmas, obviously), and then we could hear some footsteps 9It sounded like they were running), and then Bluey opened the door! 

There was lots of hellos and hugs, and then Bingo's dad yelled from the back yard that he had got the blow up pool set up! 

I was so excited, so Bingo, Juniper, Banjo, and I went into different rooms to get our swimsuits on.

I have a new swimsuit, however. I had gotten it around a week ago, because I like swimming, and my old swimsuit was - what my mum said was - falling apart. 

My new swimsuit is a rashie with some blue flowers on it, and a cool ladybird in the middle. I love ladybirds. 

I also got some new goggles, which are blue too, because blue is my favourite colour. 

I finished getting into my new swimsuit, and then I went outside, where Bingo's dad was. 

I was the first one changed, and the blow up pool was already filled with water, but because Bingo and Bluey got it for Christmas, I didn't want to upset them by being the first one to go in.

A few minutes later, the others started coming out of the house, and I got introduced to Bluey's friends. 

The one with the shell necklace and pigtails was called Indy, there was a border collie called Mackenzie, and a Dalmatian called Chloe.

They were all super nice to me, and we all got along really well. 

When the last dog came out from the house (Juniper), Bingo and Bluey held hands and jumped into the pool. 

I came next, then Banjo, Juniper, Mackenzie with a cannonball, Indy with a ninja kick, and Chloe with a SUPER cool FRONT FLIP. 

We all played super fun games, like Marco Polo, and tag! It was SUPER fun! 








"GOTCHA, Mackenzie!"

"Argh, Bluey! That's not fair! You're a faster swimmer than me!"

But then, after AGES in the pool, it was time for lunch and opening each other's presents! 

I didn't take my rashie off, as I will probably go back in the pool later. 

I sat down in a circle on the grass, with Bingo, Juniper, and Banjo, and we all exchanged presents. I got some AWESOME stuff! 

I got a packet of ladybird stickers from Juniper, and some money from Banjo. I wouldn't say this to Juniper and Banjo, because it might upset them, but Bingo's present was BY FAR the best one! 

She got me a giant ladybird soft toy AND a container of... LADYBIRDS! I had gotten PET LADYBIRDS from Bingo! I loved them! I named them Sally, Mary, Grace, Isabel, and Jim! 

I was super happy, so happy, in fact, I ate SO MUCH for lunch! It was barbecue, and I ate a little bit of EVERYTHING! 

This Christmas is going AMAZING so far, and I hope this day goes on FOREVER!

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