Chapter 11: 16 years old Part 1

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Here, they are 16 years old, and in Grade 11

Lila's POV

Okay. If I was to say anyone looked hot in a suit, it would be Bingo freaking Heeler. I can't. I just can't.

Today is the day of the end of year , year 11 and 12 school dance. Normally, I love parties, and I knew it would be fun.

But the main reason I wanted to go this time was because of my parents. I would rather die than spend an entire WEEK STRAIGHT with parents who use pretty offensive insults, and pretty abuse me.

If I don't do what my mum says (My mum is a LOT worse than my dad), I could have no meals for days.

I brush the terrifying memories and thoughts away, and get back to the present. Bingo. Hot as ever.

"Hey Lila!", she greeted, smiling. She adjusted her tie, and that was about it for me. I almost fainted!

"You okay there?", she asked me.

"Yeah!", I quickly replied, trying everything in my muscle and brain power to stop myself from kissing her right now.

I figured out that I had a huge crush on her when I was almost 15. I have not budged from that, and probably never will. But I know that she doesn't like me back, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

"Come on, let's dance!!", Bingo exclaimed, dragging me to the empty middle of the room (Most people are eating, making out, or crying in corners).

"Bingo Heeler the introvert wanting to dance in public?! What has this world come to?!", I gasped, laughing. She rolled her eyes, and we started dancing.

Arms flailing, kicking legs, pretend slow dances (Although it felt pretty UNpretend for me!), and stuffing our faces with junk food pretty much explained the next half an hour.

But then we went back onto the dance floor, and I felt my phone vibrate multiple times in my pocket. I only get calls if they're important, so I get Bingo's attention.

"Sorry Bingo! Be back in a second!", I yell over the deafening music.
"WHAT?!", she yelled back.

"Never mind!"

I stepped outside and swiped the green button.

"Hello?", I asked. I heard crying coming from the other end, and got worried.

"Lila.", the voice sobbed. It was my mum. What on earth would she be calling me for now, during the dance where she pretty much kicked me out for the night?! And why is she crying?

"I'm sorry to dump this all on you now, but your father has left for england... we filed the divorce papers this afternoon...", my mum explained. I froze. I couldn't move. It felt like the world was collapsing in on me.

I immediately hung up, and started crying. I sat myself down on the sidewalk and hugged my knees to my chest.

Bingo came out of the gym just as I was thinking. I should've told her. About my parents, and everything that I was going on. I need someone to talk to.

The positive side of my brain said that it's not too late, and that I can still tell her. I didn't bother listening to the negative side, and watched as Bingo sat herself down next to me on the path.

"Lila, what's wrong?", Bingo asked, as she put her arms around me. When I sob louder, she puts her arm around me, and her head on my shoulder. Even Bingo Heeler wiping tears from my eyes with her finger couldn't take my mind off everything. So, I listen to my positive side.

I explain everything to Bingo. About my parents. Taran leaving to live with my grandma. Now my dad leaving for england. How I can't go back to my abusive mother for the rest of my life, and I have nowhere to go.

Bingo asked me why I didn't tell her earlier, and that made me cry more. She hugged me, but suddenly pulled away.

"Lila, I have something to confess too...", she said. I thought of a million things she could say, but what I thought of was nothing close to the truth.

"I like you Lila. Other words: Like, like, fancy, admiring. I have for a long time. You don't have to like me back, but I just want to get it off my chest.", she explained.


I couldn't speak.

She then got up suddenly, and I was about to say something when she got to it first.

"I'm sorry. I just dumped that all on you after you just found out all that... I gotta go...", she said, and she ran away to the oval stairs.

"Bingo, wait!", I yell after her, but she's already gone... 

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