3: "Because you're not a Green Lantern."

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Mount Justice

July 18, 11:16 EDT

"Green Lantern B-0, Robin B-01, Kid Flash B-03," a female voice could be heard from the zeta beams as the three heroes appeared.

"Did you ask him?" Robin asks as he runs forward with the other two close behind.

"What did he say?" Cyra yelled as she shoved Kid Flash out of her way as he kept bumping into her as she ran.

"He's arriving now," Aqualad said with a gentle smile, amused at the three sidekicks.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Kid Flash yelled as he sprints at normal speed for a non-speedster as Cyra decides to power up, leaving out her green costume as her civvies emitted a green color as she flew after Kid Flash.

Cyra beat Kid Flash outside, mostly because he wasn't using his superspeed, but still. They get outside, the others behind as Red Tornado lands in front of the team, the tornado around him breaking up as the robot lands.

"Red Tornado!" Kid Flash and the Green Lantern yell at the same time, ignoring each other.

"Greetings. Is there a reason you intercepted be outside of the Cave?" RT's robotic voice asked, empty of emotion. But Cyra couldn't help but think he was being curious.

"We hoped you had a mission for us," Aqualad said politely before Cyra could speak.

"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility," Red Tornado responded.

"But it's been over a week and nothing—" Robin was cut off by Tornado's curt, "You'll be tested soon enough. For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company."

"I already saw Kid Mouth burp the alphabet backward, I am not really enjoying the company," Cyra said with a raised eyebrow under her aviators.

Kid Flash grinned at her as he leaned towards her ear, which was covered by her blonde hair and let out a burp. Cyra jumped from the sudden noise and air on her ear as she pushed the laughing ginger away from her as he clenched his stomach. "You're horrible."

"Horribly in love," Kid Idiot shot back.

Cyra glared as Aqualad turned from the bickering teens to Red Tornado. "This team is not a social club."

"No, but I am told that social interaction is an important team-bui0lding exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourself with the Cave," With that extremely unhelpful advice, Tornado flew inside, leaving the sidekicks outside.

"Keep busy," Kid Flash quotes with his fingers in a bitter voice.

"Does he think we're falling for this?" Robin throws his arms out in outrage.

Miss Martian says excitedly, trying to help, "Ooh ooh, I'll find out!"

The rest of us watch as MM turns to Red Tornado as he flies away and seems to focus on him. She lets out a sigh before she says, "I'm sorry. I forgot he is a machine, I can't read his mind."

"It's fine—" Cyra tried to assure the Martian but was cut off by Kid Mouth, who seemed to be trying to be more annoying than usual.

"You know what I'm thinking right now?" Kid Flash asked the green-skinned girl with a flirtatious smirk as he leaned towards her.

"We all know what you're thinking," Robin said as he crossed his arms.

Cyra glared at Kid Flash for cutting her off, thumping him on the back of the head in revenge. He yelped as he rubbed the back of his head.

Aqualad, always the peacemaker, spoke to stop the arguments, "And now we tour the clubhouse."

"Well, Superboy and I live here, so we can play tour guides," Miss M spoke for her and the boy who has been silent for the duration of the conversation.

As everyone's heads turned towards Superboy, he crossed his arms, "Don't look at me."

Kid Flash brushed off the anti-social clone easily, looking at Miss Martian dreamily, "We won't. A private tour sounds much more fun."

"S-she never said private!" Robin stuttered out, a small redness coming to his cheeks, even him stumbling over his words for the green beauty.

Cyra rolled her eyes at the two hormonal boys as Aqualad spoke, "Team-building. We'll all go."

The Atlantean's statement seemed to be directed more towards Kid Flash as he was still staring goofily at Miss M.

Miss Martian nods and with a large grin begins the tour, "So, this would be our front door . . ."

A few minutes later and a lot of Kid Flash's inappropriate comments and annoying commentary later, they were at the back of the Cave after a small tour of the inside. The Lantern was about ready to rip her blonde hair from her head. It seemed like Kid Flash couldn't stop talking. If it was flirting with Miss Martian, bickering with Robin and herself, or just putting in the stupidest comments, she was ready to kill him or jump off an edge of a cliff.

". . . and this would be the back. The Cave is actually the whole mountain," Miss M finished as they came to the back of the mountain.

"It was hollowed out and reinforced by Superman and Green Lantern in the early days of the League," Kid Flash said.

Cyra knew what he said was actually good information, surprisingly, but, to her, it just seemed like Kid Idiot was still being annoying. Despite not actually saying anything annoying. Cyra figured it was just his personality.

"Then why abandon it for the Hall of Justice?" Superboy wonders, actually talking for the first time the entire tour.

"The Cave's secret location was compromised," Aqualad says.

"So they traded it in for a tourist trap? Yeah, that makes sense," Superboy said sarcastically, making Cyra crack a grin. The dark-haired boy could be extremely funny in a dry humor sort of way.

"If the villains know about the Cave, then we must be on constant alert!" Miss Martian said, worry coming over her head, obviously thinking about all the work it would mean to keep the Cave and the team a secret.

Cyra opened her mouth and was just about to speak when Robin got there first and grabbed the Martian's hand, drawing her attention to the Boy Wonder as he spoke, "The bad guys know we know about the place, so they'd never think to look here."

The raven-haired boy did a smile, but Miss M just looked confused. Cyra opened her mouth, once again, to speak, but was cut off by Kid Flash this time.

"What he means is that we're hiding in plain sight."

Miss M finally seemed to get it as she nodded with a smile. Cyra huffed, crossing her arms at not being able to get a word out. Superboy saw Cyra's expression, his face emotionless but eyes sparkling in amusement. When Cyra looked to Aqualad, she saw that he too had a similar expression on his face.

The whole team knew that, like Kid Flash, the Green Lantern was a talker. But, in times like these, when she was unable to talk, it amused them endlessly on how frustrated she would get.

Suddenly, Superboy sniffs the air and says, "I smell smoke."

The Martian gasps as she flies up into the air and brings her hands to her mouth, "My cookies!"

The team races behind the teenage Martian as she flies into the kitchen. Smoke was coming out of the oven and Miss Martian opened it with her telekinesis and set the pan on the island. The cookies were blackened and burnt to a crisp as Cyra stared at them sadly, her stomach suddenly growling at the thought of food.

"I was trying out Grammy Jones recipe from episode seventeen of—" The green-skinned girl cuts herself off with a nervous giggle. "Nevermind."

Robin tries to reassure her, "I bet they would've tasted great. He doesn't seem to mind."

The Green Lantern follows Robin's thumb to Kid Mouth, who was currently eating two cookies he had balanced in his hands. The speedster raised his head up to look at the other five who were watching him eat.

The green-eyed ginger swallowed the current food in his mouth as he speaks, "I have a serious metabolism."

Cyra cocks an eyebrow in the direction of the speedster as Miss Martian says unsure of herself, "I'll make more?"

"It was sweet of you to make any," Aqualad smiles at her.

"Thanks, Aqualad."

"We're off mission. Call me Kaldur'ahm. Actually, my friends call me Kaldur," Aqualad directs to the whole team, but Cyra, already knowing just nods her head along.

"I'm Wally West—" The ginger, Wally, was cut off by a Green Lantern snorting.

"Wally? What kind of name is that?"

The speedster narrows his eyes at the Green Lantern, "Well at least I trust her with my secret identity, unlike Mister and Misses sunglasses. Batman has forbidden the Boy Wonder from telling anyone his identity. But why Green Loser over there keeps her identity a secret is a mystery."

Cyra glares from the insult as stands up straighter, "Cyra Brion."

"Huh?" Kid Flash asked, shocked that she just said her name. This made the blonde scoff.

"My name is Cyra Brion. I don't care much about the whole 'secret identity' thing." Cyra finger quoted.

"Then what's with the sunglasses?" Kid Flash asked stupidly.

"One, they are aviators and two, I just think they look cool." She slipped her glasses off as she talked and looked at them down in her hand.

It was Kid Flash's turn to snort as he shook his head and said, "Those are the stupidest things I have ever seen."

Cyra meets Kid Idiot's eyes as she glared at him. Kid Flash found it hard to swallow, the color of her eyes an amazing amber color and he found himself unable to speak. He just stared at her with wide green eyes.

Kid Flash was lucky he didn't stare too long to be weird, but that was because of Miss Martian, who spoke up, "Mine's no secret. It's M'gann M'orzz. But you can call me Megan. It's my Earth name and I'm on Earth now."

She sounded perky at the end like this was a lifelong dream. Superboy, bored, started to walk out of the kitchen when he suddenly yelled, "Get out of my head!"

The whole group, except M'gann and Superboy, jumped at his sudden shout.

Then a voice suddenly rang out through her head, making her clutch it in pain as a sudden jolt a pain rocketed through it, "What's wrong? I don't understand."

The rest of the team followed the Lantern's action, clutching their heads in pain.

"Everyone on Mars communicates telepathically."

"M'gann stop!" Aqualad yells to the Martian as the pain suddenly leaves Cyra's head, making her let out a noise in relief.

"This isn't Mars. Here, we don't have that. It's weird," Cyra tells the Martian with her eyebrows lowed as M'gann looks down in shame.

Aqualad puts a hand gently on her shoulder and says, "Here, your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy."

"Besides, Cadmus left a bad taste in his brain," Kid Flash said with a half-smile as he pointed a thumb at Superboy, who was currently glaring at M'gann but switched his glare to Kid Idiot.

Cyra thumped the speedster on the back of his head for what he just said as he let out another yelp. "Would you stop doing that?"

"Would you stop talking?" Cyra shot back, annoyance evident in her voice.

"I-I didn't mean too—" M'gann's stuttering was cut off by Superboy's anger.

"Just stay out!" The boy then storms out of the kitchen, leaving it in awkward silence.

M'gann broke it, bringing a forced smile to her face as she said, "Hello, Megan! I know what we can do!"

With that small phrase, the Martian flew out of the kitchen and the rest of us followed behind. Cyra was in the back of the group, not as interested as everyone else obviously was. As she passed the living area, she was Superboy sitting on a chair, staring at the floor in thought.

"Superboy," the Green Lantern said, gaining the boy's attention. "You coming?"

Superboy scoffed before nodding his head. He crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair, pouting.

Cyra rolled her eyes before walking over to him and sitting on the arm of his chair. Superboy gave her a questioning glance as she put her feet on his leg, so she was facing him better.

"C'mon, M'gann made a mistake. We all do it. She's new to Earth and all, you should at least give her a chance."

Superboy stayed quiet, so Cyra took out the pleading card, "Please?" she drew out.

A small smile graced Superboy's lips as he let out a sigh, "Fine."

Cyra cheered as she jumped up, grabbing Superboy's hand as she ran out, Superboy being yanked behind. The pair caught up to the group right as they entered a large room with a small red and egg-shaped thing in the middle.

"It's my Martian Bio-ship," M'gann explained and Cyra put on a fake smile and nodded her head, pretending to know what the Martian was talking about.

"Cute. Not aerodynamic, but cute," Kid Flash said with a hand on her chin. Then he caught sight of the Green Lantern and Superboy holding each other's hands.

Cyra was oblivious to the glare he sent their intertwined hands as she let go.

"It's asleep, silly. I'll wake it up," M'gann giggles as she turned to the Bio-ship and her eyes glowed a deep green as it started to shift.

The ship was once looked like an eye changed to look like an actual ship. It had two wings and was round in the middle, looking big enough for the whole team. It was still the same red color. A hatch in the, what Cyra assumed, was the back of the ship opened up to let down a ramp for us to walk into.

"Well, are you coming?" Miss Martian said as she was already floating into the ship.

The boys stood in awe as Cyra quickly ran into the ship with a large grin. She excitedly picked her seat and sat down. A rush a wind ran by her and right as she sat down, she fell into someone's lap as strong arms wrapped around her waist.

"Aww, if you wanted to sit in my lap, you just had to ask, gorgeous," Cyra heard Kid Idiot's amused voice as Cyra found herself trapped in the speedster's lap.

Cyra wasn't extremely short but wasn't very tall either. So she could look up to see Wally's smirking down at her. Cyra glared at him as she kneed him in his Speed Force.

Wally's face contorted into pain as his arms released her, letting Cyra get up with a smirk and walking to a seat in front of the groaning speedster. Wally looked up, clutching his privates as he let out gasps of breath.

Robin was cackling greatly at the scene as the three older teens ignored the two as they were buckled in when M'gann gave the word, X's coming out of the seats and crossing across their chests.

"Woah!" Robin announced.

"Cool!" Cyra yelled as it came over her chest. She could hear Kid Flash struggle to let out a small yay, as he was still in great pain. Cyra laughed evilly, to the concern of her other teammates as the boys looked at Wally with pity on written out on their faces.

"Red Tornado, please open the bay doors," M'gann said into a com set in the ship, but you could tell she was amused at the scene that just happened in front of her.

The doors open with Red's approval as the ship flies out smoothly, showing off an amazing view of Mount Justice. "The view is amazing!" Cyra said in awe as she watched out the window.

"I can't really see it since there tears in my eyes," Wally said, and Cyra turned to see that he did, in fact, have watery eyes and she felt a tinge of guilt.

"Did I really hit you that hard?"

The boy glared at her as he huffed and crossed his arms as he pouted and look around from her, "Yes."

Cyra rolled her eyes as she said, "You deserved it."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. You're violent," He said, completely ignoring what she said as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Stop pouting."

"I'm not pouting," He said, noticing he actually stuck his lip out and quickly closed his mouth, making Cyra laughed as she turned back around.

The Green Lantern could feel the speedster's glare at the back of her head but decided to ignore it. That proved to be hard when her hair was suddenly pulled with extreme force, making the blonde yelp. She spun to see Wally leaned back in his seat, looking out the window nonchalantly.

Cyra steaded a stare on the speedster, who caught her gaze and sent her a questioning look as he said, "What?"

But the Lantern protégée did not fail to see the small smirk that was tugging at the corner of the recovered ginger. She narrowed her amber eyes at him and glared before huffing and turning back around in her seat. There was yet another hard tug on the back of her head, making her whip her head around to see Wally with a hand over his mouth as he tried not to laugh.

Robin was also trying to hold in his laughter, causing Cyra to send him a glare, which shut him up immediately. Kaldur rolled his eyes at the two.

"You two, stop bickering. You're acting like children!" Kaldur ordered.

He was meet with a pair of amber and a pair of emerald eyes as they both spoke at the same time, "It wasn't me!"

Aqualad rolled his eyes at the two before turning his back on them to look back out the window. The two fifteen-year-olds glared at each other before crossing their arms in their seats and huffing.

"The views incredible," Robin said, trying to get some of the tension out of the air.

"She sure is," Wally sighed as she looked over her shoulder to see the redhead looking dreamily at M'gann. Wally seemed to realize what he said as his eyes widened as he saw M'gann look back at him. "I-I mean the ship. Which, like all ships, is a she."

Cyra had to put a hand over her mouth to stay quiet from the laughter that wanted to be heard as Robin then said, "Fast with his feet, not so much with his mouth."

Robin and Cyra both laughed together as Wally grew as red as his hair as he let out a whine towards Robin, "Dude!"

Cyra and Robin laugh again, then Cyra catches Superboy glaring intently at the floor. The Green Lantern kicked the back of his chair, making him look up with a questioning look.

"You don't have laser vision. Stop trying to burn the floor."

Superboy just rolled his eyes as Kaldur too got into what Cyra was really saying.

"Superboy, you must give Miss Martian a chance. She is new at this, we all are. We have to be able to work together, so at least try to open up," Kaldur suggested.

Superboy just muttered something before nodding his head.

"I can't hear you!" Cyra sang.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever," Superboy growled before turning to look out of the window.

"Hey, how about you show us a little Martian shapeshifting?" Robin asked M'gann, and Cyra looked excitedly over to the green-skinned girl.

M'gann nods before standing from her seat on the Bio-ship. She closed her eyes in focus as her skin changed to look like Robin. Just, this Robin was a girl.

Cyra broke out laughing as Robin sent her a glare before Miss Martian turned herself into a girl version of Kid Flash. Stifled laughter could be heard from Cyra as she was biting her shirt in order to stop the sound from coming out.

Wally was giving M'gann yet another dreamy look as he said, "Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?"

Robin claps, "Impressive. But you know you're not going to fool anyone with those right?"

"Mimicking boys is a lot harder," M'gann admitted.

"Hello?" Cyra said, waving her arms about. "A girl right here. Shapeshift into me!"

M'gann face palmed as she said, "Hello Megan! Of course, I will!"

In less than a second, an exact copy of Cyra was standing there, same clothes, aviators, hair, everything.

"That's so cool! You should totally go to school as me," Cyra grinned at her as M'gann laughed before shifting back into herself and sitting

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