3: "Because you're not a Green Lantern."

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Twister, making Red Tornado move to get out of the way. The bolts ended up hitting a car that was flipped over, causing it to explode. The explosion hit Red Tornado, causing small sparks to erupt around him as he hit the ground, where he laid motionless on his stomach.

"Remain still, Android." Long wires emerged from Mr. Twister's hands and onto Red Tornado's' body. "The reprogramming won't take long."

"Longer than you might think," the feminine voice of Miss Martian spoke as RT's head turned green with auburn hair. Miss Martian smiled. She grabbed ahold of the wires that were previously connected to her body.

"No," Was all Mr. Twister could say as a tornado appeared behind him, sending him flying. The wires ripped in Red Tornado's, no M'gann's, hands.

Mr. Twister flew away as the tornado slowed it's spinning to have Wally hop down from the middle of where the tornado once was. Mr. Twister was batted towards Superboy, who punched the piece of mental repeatedly before throwing it into the bay.

It was mere seconds before the android came flying out of the water, electric shock around him in honor of Kaldur. Four green hands loomed down from the sky, a girl with blonde hair and green surrounding her came down soon after. The hands picked up the robot and violently ripped it's legs and arms apart from the rest of its body. Two round explosives flew through the air, making themselves home in Mr. Twister's metal body before exploding.

The body fell from the air, hitting the ground. The body rolled around, but unable to get up due to its lack of legs or arms. Sparks flew out of its empty sockets where its limbs once were. The team slowly came to the ground, standing in front of the now-defeated robot.

But then, something they did not expect happened.

The chest of the robot opened up and a man popped out, landing on his stomach from inside the robot. He was wearing a weird green and white suit with a red T on a black circle as some type of symbol on his arm. He was greying brown hair and a pointed jaw with choppy sideburns.

"Foul, foul. I call foul," The man spoke as Cyra's mouth fell open and her eyebrows raised.

M'gann's arm extended, ripping a large rock from the Earth using her telekinesis.

"M'gann, no!" Kaldur yelled as Cyra already powered up, ready to stop M'gann, but was too late as the large boulder crushed the old man. Silence soon followed the action as everyone stared in shock at the boulder that was now covering the man's corpse.

"Don't know how things are done on Mars, but on Earth, we don't execute out captives!" Robin yelled, stalking up towards M'gann and Kaldur as they turned away from the boulder.

Cyra stayed where she was, not moving nor speaking. She just stared at the rock as she was shocked to the core. She knew that M'gann wouldn't kill someone. Then again, she just met the Martian and didn't know her very well. But the blonde could sense that something was up.

"You said you trust me," M'gann said, in an almost proud tone as she raised the rock from the small crater it made.

In the crater laid broken parts of metal and green cloth. It took Cyra a moment to realize that it was the man in the crater. But there weren't bones or blood, but parts. The man was an android the whole time.

Cyra let out a relieved brief that she didn't know she was holding. She put a hand to her green-cladded chest as she felt her heartbeat go a million miles a minute.

"That's why I couldn't read his mind," M'gann states.

Wally walked up the spare parts, picking up a severed eye from the pile, "Cool! Souvenir!"

"This whole souvenir better not turn into a thing," Cyra said, rolling her eyes as she walked closer to the crater to examine the parts.

Kaldur placed a hand on M'gann's shoulder, "We should have had more faith in you."

"What I've been saying the whole time," Cyra muttered but was ignored.

"Yeah! You rocked this mission! Get it? Rocked?" Wally said.

"Ignore him. We're all just turbed your on the team," Robin brushed Kid Idiot off.

Cyra caught the small glow of red light in a green eye of the robot and made a huge fist and smashed the parts again. When the fist disappeared, the eye was completely crushed. Cyra's actions triggered the other heroes to jump.

"Why did you do that?" Wally yelled, looking like he just peed his pants.

Cyra shrugged, standing up straight and turning away from the now no longer salvageable parts, "Just making sure."

"Cyra, you did great too. It was stupid not to listen to you," Robin said, coming to stand next to the taller girl.

Cyra grinned at the raven-haired boy, "Yes. That was extremely stupid. What was even more stupid was listening to Kid Idiot in the first place."

"Hey," the ginger boy yelled, offended. He then scratched his neck sheepishly, "I guess I was being stupid. I was just angry at myself because you were right. You probably could have crushed that guy and I shouldn't have taken so long to get up."

A mischievous spark ignited in Cyra's eyes as she said, "What did you say? I couldn't really hear you."

Wally glared at her before saying louder, "You were right, okay!"

Cyra turned away, grinning from ear to ear as everyone else rolled their eyes at the pair.

Wally did a fake cough, causing Cyra to turn back around to face him, an eyebrow raised.

"Anything you want to apologize for?"

Cyra pretended to think for a moment before shaking her head with a "Nah."

"Cyra," Kaldur said, warningly.

The blonde rolled her eyes before saying with a wolfish grin, "Okay, okay. I am sorry that you are too fragile to get up when you were hit. I shouldn't have made fun of you for being too stupid and naive to fight."

"Thanks," Wally's face brightens before he realizes what Cyra actually said. "Hey!"

Cyra and Robin snicker together as the Bio-ship lands in front of them and they hop aboard.

"It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you," Kaldur spoke as the team and Red Tornado stood in Mount Justice, standing in a circle around the smashed to bits parts of what once was Mr. Twister.

"Agreed," came RT's emotionless response.

"Is that why you wouldn't help us?" M'gann asked, slightly confused.

"No. This was your battle. I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you, nor do I believe you should solve my problems for me."

"B-but if you're in danger—" M'gann stuttered.

"Consider this matter closed," Red Tornado started to walk out of the room as Wally started to talk.

"Batman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern. They would have jumped right in to fix things."

"I guess if we're going to have a babysitter, a heartless machine is exactly what we need," Robin shrugged, standing between Cyra and Wally.

"That's harsh," Cyra told him.

"Sorry," Robin quickly said, rubbing the back of his next sheepishly as Cyra could see a rose color peaking up the young boy's neck, but she chooses to ignore it.

"And inaccurate. I have a heart. carbon-steel alloy. I also have excellent hearing," Red Tornado's voice said as he was in the doorway of the room.

"Ah right. Sorry, I'll strive to be more . . . accurate."

Kaldur came to stand behind Robin, placing a hand on his shoulder, "And more respectful."

The four started to walk away as Wally said proudly, "Speedy was wrong."

Robin agreed, "This whole team thing—"

"Might just work out," Kaldur finished for him.

"Wait, what about Speedy?" Cyra asked confused at their conversation.

Robin and Wally took the chance to tell Cyra about their earlier encounter with Speedy before their mission in an attempt to join the team. Cyra was, of course, against it.

While they were all talking, Cyra could hear Superboy's voice from the room they just exited saying, "Sorry."

This made Cyra grin, content with their mission. It was her time to finally be on a time and it made her happy.

She was ready for all of this. The team. The missions.

Cyra was ready to be a hero.

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