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Hello there, and welcome to Venom 

We beginn with a black screen. 

And music... dark, and spooky music. 

We are in space and we see a spaceship entering earth. 

But something goes wrong and the spaceship explodes and everyone dies. 

A rescue team, the police, the press and all those Dudes inspect the scene. 

We find out about some rich guy, who got some alien-sample-thinggies for his Life-Fondation cooperation, but one of them escaped.

The rescue Dudes find a man, who mysteriously survived the crash. 

They quickly drive to the hospital but the man suddenly wakes up, seemingly possesed by some goup. 

He attacks one of the doctors and killes the other one, by crashing the ambulance car. 

The man dies, but the doctor is now possesed by the goup and she runs away. 

We are in San Francisco. 

Our main character, Eddie, and his girlfriend Annie flirt a bit, he get's to his job and we find out that he's a famous reporter. 

And he owns a motorcycle! 

Aw man, I would love to have a motorcycle...

Eddie get's the chance to interview the rich guy about the spaceship crash. 

He agrees but he doesn't like the rich guy 'cause Eddie has high morals. 

He and Annie have a Date, they drive around with his motorcycle, fondue a bit and all that shit. 

It's nighttime, Eddie get's something to drink. 

(Same Bro, that cold water at 3am just hits different) 

He 'hacks' Annie's Laptop to find out about the rich guy, because he's sus. 

Eddie finds out about some experiments and people dying. 


Next day, rich guy talks to some children to make him seem as the 'nice guy'

Eddie interviews him but he starts talking about the dead people, so rich dude throws him out. 

Because of that, he get's fired and Annie too. (Dumbass move but go off I guess) 

 She's angry, and "dumps his ass"

At the  Life-Fondation, some trucks bring the remaining Alien-sample-thinggies to the rich guy and he's so fucking weird, like he talks to them 'n shit! 

Bro! No... just no! 

Remember that doctor from before? 

Well, she's in some Mandarin town now. 

She eats some straigt up eel, kills some people with her goop-power, then she walks over to an old lady and posseses her. 

The doctor dies and the old lady is now super badass/evil whatever. 


Six months later, the rich guy tries to combine one of the slime-aliens with a bunny. 

It works, so he instantly tries to use it on humans. 

Quick question, we know, that the goop gives humans "superpowers" but when they are used on animals, are they like... idk, Pokémons? 

Back to Eddie. He's depresso espresso and his life is shit. 

Eddie talks with a homeless woman, he goes into some shop where the cashier get's robbed. 

Yup, typical tuesday. 

He goes back to his crappy apartment, where he tries to find a job, but nothing works out for him. 

His stupid neighbor plays loud music and all in all, his life's pretty crappy. 

At the Life-Fondation, they start the experiment on humans. 

For that, they take homeless/poor/weak people, who are in desperate need of money. 

Rich guy gives a pep talk to the first experiment -man called Isaac. 

He tells him about Jesus or something and suddenly releases the goop-alien. 

It posseses Isaac, but it doesn't work and Isaac dies. 

Cut to Eddie. 

He sees the homeless woman missing and that's the first sign that something is off. 

The assistant of the rich guy -called Dora Skirth- asks him for help, because she also thinks that the guy's evil. 

He rejects, tries to win back Annie but she has a new doctor-boyfriend. 

He stands on a bridge, being all depressed (don't be shy, do a flip) 

He makes a descision to pay back the rich guy, for taking everything he loved. 

So he and Dora the Explorer sneak into the Life-Fondation. 

The rich guy wants to end the world problems with the help of the aliens, but he doesn't care about laws and kills some people fOr sCiEnCe.

Eddie sneaks into the lab like a secret spy on secret mission~ 

He takes pictures as proof like a PAPARAZZI (cue Lady Gaga). But he recognizes somebody. 

The homeless woman from before is one of the experiments and she attacks Eddie, and he gets unknowingly possesed by some black goop. 

He zooms away using some sweet sweet parcour. 

He get's home, but something is wrong with him. 

He's super hungry all the time and throws up. 


Omg he's pregnant. 

He hears a deep voice and his eyes look super weird. 

Okay, nvm, Satan has got his ass. 

So... about the old, chinese lady who got possesed a few minutes ago? 

Yeah, she possesed a little girl now. :)👍

Eddie is confusion and the deep voice still talks to him. 

He interrups a date between Annie and her doctor-boyfriend, he goes crazy and eats Larry the lobster.

Annie's doctor-boyfriend takes him to the hospital and- 

*Gasp!* That guy next to the doctor-boyfriend looks like Luis from Antman!

Okay, whatever... heh 

So they do MRI but the sounds make the Alien inside of Eddie go crazy. 

Later, the voice comes back, telling Eddie that it's hungry, so he makes some dino nuggies. 

Annie calls and tells him that he has a parasite. That's the black goop. 

The stupid neighbor plays loud music again so Eddie knocks on his door and asks him to shut the fuck up. 

He doesn't shut the fuck up, but the goop takes over Eddie for a second and scares the Dude into shutting the fuck up. 

Dora the Explorer get's killed by the rich guy because she betrayed him. 

The rich guy's personal FBI attacks Eddie but the Alien takes over once again and shows his cool superpower stuff. 

The FBI Dudes chase him, and he drives away with his motorcycle. 

They see me rollin. They hatin~

He crashes and nearly dies. 

Then the Alien shows his real form. Huge, black thing with needles as teeth. 

He bites off some heads, and escapes through some super-speed swimming. 

And his name is Venom. 

Annie needs to find Eddie, who is currently trying to give the pictures he took back at the foundation to his chef. 

Venom helps him climb up the News building but the FBI Dudes find him. 

They shoot at him but Venom couldn't care less. 

Officer: "He's not going down!"

Yeah no shit Sherlock! 

Venom kills them, Annie finds him, Eddie apoligizes to her and they go to the hospital. 

Back at the Life-Fondation. 

Rich guy finds the possesed girl from earlier.  And she posseses him. 

Okay, what kind of Dumbass parents forget about their child? She just wandered off and those shuck-faces didn't even notice. 

At the hospital, Annie manages to get Venom out of Eddie by...

Sucking him out of his dick, idk.

Eddie get's kidnapped by the FBI Dudes, who still think that he has the goop. 

Venom escapes and posseses Annie to find Eddie. 

Rich guy tries to inspect Eddie and reveals that he has a goop for himself. 

But his is way more ugly and disgusting.  

The FBI Dudes take Eddie for a walk in the woods. 

But Annie, in the form of Venom, kills them all and saves Eddie. 

So, to get back to Eddie, Venom-Annie makes out with him. 

Lemme tell you, he did that in purpose! We know that he can transfer just through body contact but noho! Either he ships Eddie and Annie or he has a man-crush on Eddie. 

 Venom and Eddie sprint off to go and stop rich guy from flying into space and get more Aliens. 

Venom and Eddie have some bonding-talk and now they're friends blablabla...

The rich guy's personal blob-Alien kills all the lab Dudes for no reason and then yeets himself to get onto the rocket. 

I'm getting sick of calling them "Venom and Eddie" imma just call them "Veddie" k? 

So Veddie and rich guy fight against eachother which looks really cool like, fucking watch that shit! 

Rich guy-blob eats Veddie but Annie uses some loud sounds to seperate them again. 

(I'm gonna get killed by fans rn but she played Justin Bieber lol) 

So now that both Aliens disappeared, rich guy VS Eddie takle eachother like small children. 

Eddie kicks rich guy from a platform but he get's stabbed by rich guy-blob and dies. 

While the blob get's onto the rocket, Venom finds Eddie, heals him and now he's fucking angry. 

He climbs up the rocket and destroyes it with the blade Eddie got stabbed with. 

The explosion kills the rich guy-blob but in an attempt to save Eddie, Venom sacrifices himself and shields him from the fire. 

Some time has passed and Annie and Eddie are friends again. They talk about Venom and Eddie's new job. 

Somehow, Venom survived and- Hey look! Stan Lee cameo! 

Veddie chat and talk about who to eat and not to eat. 

At the shop where Eddie always goes shopping, they buy some chocolate and tater tots but the cashier get's robbed again by the same Asshole. 

So Veddie takes them in a  c h o k e h o l d  and the iconic "We are Venom" scene happens. 

He eats the guy and everyone is happy. 

-End Credit scene!-

Eddie get's an interview with some creepy phsyco-dude, WOODY  HARRELSON,  and they do some foreshadowing for the second movie 

The End! 

 Love the movie, love the music. Wish I had a badass alien for myself. 9/10 

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