The Maze runner

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Welcome to Maze runner

We start off with a boy, who stresses over being in an elevator

Some screaming and bright lights and then the elevator opens with a bunch of other boys. One of them jumps down and we see a Dude with eyebrows, where you don't know if they might fly away. 

Imma call him señor eyebrows.  

So the other boys bully the new one a bit but he runs away, stumbles, falls to the ground and dies. 

JK. He dosen't die. He gets up and we see a huge area surrounded by walls. The screen goes black and we see the title "the Maze runner" 

The new boy is in a prison where you can definetly NOT break out, because they have bars made out of indestructible sticks I guess.

Suddenly, one of the boys, who we get to know as Alby, appears and gives the new boy a little scare. Now in the book, Alby is like a massive Asshole but this kind of fair Asshole yaknow? Like Nick Fury. But in the movie he's all like "It'S OkAy. CaLm DoWn, We JuSt WaNt To HaLp-" 

We find out, that everyone of them got up through the elevator and they've all lost their memories. The only thing they're allowed to know, is their name. 

The -how the boys called him- greenie is super confused so Alby pulls an Alladin and goes "I can show you the glaaaadeee~" He shows hin around a bit, says that they all live in here, and blablabla. 

They get interrupted by Thomas Brodie-sangster, who plays Newt. (My favorite) A blonde boy who is the second in command after Alby and he's the Mom of the group. 

They have a little talk but then Alby obviously doesn't want Newt to steal his spotlight because he sends him off, to find someone, who we will get to know a little bit later. 

Alby and the greenie climp up a treehouse to have a better view on everything. Then he explains the three rules, they have. 

Numero uno: don't be a lazy prick and do the dishes, if someone tells you to. 

Numero dos: don't try to kill another glader. Or just hurt them in general. Which ist kinda stupid, since a few minutes ago, they threw the greenie to the ground, threw him in their pit-prison. A lot of throwing. 

And numero tres: don't go behind the walls, because.... apple. They still don't give a good reason.

Suddenly, they get interrupted by Chuck. A small bean with fluffy hair and cute, squishy face. 

He prepares a hammock for the greenie, while he tells him about his first day in the glade and how he pissed himself several times. (Idk, why I'm pointing this out)

But the greenie doesn't listen to Chuck's thrilling story and goes to the entrance of the glade. He dosen't care about Chuck, trying to stop him saying, that the Maze is dangerous and stuff. 

But then, two boys run out of the Maze. One of them -Ben- makes some smalltalk while the other one -his name is Minho- silently judges the new greenie. #sassqueen 

We find out, that only the runners are allowed to go into the Maze. But greenie still walks to the entrance, seemingly hypnotised by the mysterious hallways. 

Before anything happenes, señor eyebrows pushes him to the ground. (Screw rule number two Ig). They have some stress, because everyone still doesn't want to tell the greenie, what's going on.

But then the walls close. So the greenie would've been trapped, if it wasn't for señor eyebrows. Cut. End of scene.

Next scene.

The gladers party around a fire. Greenie is still shooketh about the recent events and stares at the Maze. 

Newt sits next to him and they talk about how Gally is an Asshole and the dangerous Maze. Greenie asks, what's in the Maze, that it is so dangerous. 

"We call them fangirls" 

*Grievers. Basically some terrible monsters.

 No one ever survived a night in the Maze. But the runners are special. They're stong so they try to find a way out. This whole game as been going on for three years. But it's not so easy because the Maze changes. 

But then Newt ends the gloomy conversation and wants to show the greenie a little bit more about the gladers. 

Suddenly, señor eyebrows wants to fight with the greenie. (They really don't give a single fuck about the second rule, do they?)

Greenie get's another nickname: shank. (How creative) He obviously looses but suddenly, he remembers his name. And he is called...Thomas. 

It's quiet among the gladers but then, Alby goes: * inhale* "THOMAS!"

 And they're all happy and yay woho! Thomas yay! Until there's a demonic screech from the Maze. And I'm pretty sure, one of them peed themselves at that moment.

Ten dollars it's Chuck. 

They go to sleep, but Thomas has a dream about a labratory and a girl. So... much confusion in one scene. 

He wakes up to Alby shushing him. They go to one of the stone walls while Alby tells about dark times and so many lost boys. 

Then he shows Thomas the names on the wall. He goes like: "Now listen here you little shit. You're one of us now. Write your name on this wall. Got it?"

Cut to the next scene. 

They do some farming and Thomas won't shut up about how they can escape the Maze. "Have you tried climbimg up?" "Yes we tried" 

*silent sob* I know you tried Newt... I know ...

He get's annoyed of Thomas and sends him off, to find some fertilizer. Thomas is not amused. He complains while walking through the woods of the glade. Like, shut up you whiny shank, at least you don't have to wash underpants or sm. 

We see a mysterious grave and suddenly, Thomas gets attacked by Ben. He seems out of his mind, because he looks super weird.

They do some chasing, until Newt hits Ben with a shucking shovel. 

They discover, that he's been stung and carry him off. Thomas is confused, why Ben was angry at him. Now they have to banish him into the Maze. 

They're all depresso espresso and cross his name off the wall. 

Thomas has another dream and when he wakes up, he sees Minho and Alby running into the Maze, because now Alby is the replacement for Ben. 

It starts to rain and they all get nervous because the doors close and the runners still aren't back. 

Suddenly, they see Minho, who's carrying an unconscious Alby (he got stung). So Thomas uses his two braincells and gets the brilliant idea to run into the Maze. And at that moment, the whole universe facepalmed.

In the Maze, Thomas and Minho hide Alby while it gets darker and darker. They hear a Griever approaching and Minho goes like "fuck this shit I'm out" and runs away.

Thomas hides but not really effektive, because the Griever, who looks like a robot spider with the face of a StarWars alien chases him. He escapes, finds Minho and they both run away. Thomas manages to squish the Griever between two walls. End of scene. 

The next morning, they get out and the gladers have a meeting. Señor eyebrows wants to punish Thomas, while Minho says he could be a runner. 

They get interrupted by the elevator coming back up, which ist weird, because a month hasn't passed yet. 

Newt's momma senses must have been tingleing, since he was one of the first ones, who reacted. He opens the box with señor eyebrows and jumps in. Then we hear him say: "It's a girl" but in a tone like he didn't order a goddamn female.

 Cough cough *Insert Love interest* cough 

She has a note, where it says: "she's the last one. 4 EVA!" 

 Suddenly, she shots up, says "Thomas" and goes back to sleep. Enough conversation for the day. 

They all stare at Thomas because he's ThE mAiN cHaRaCtEr but he has no idea what's going on. (No surprise)

Now Thomas wants to go back into the Maze and Minho is all like: "U crazy ass bitch, U nearly died, do U even have a brain?" But Thomas won't change his mind so Minho says to meet him in the woods in 30 minutes. 

So he get's there and Minho brought his squad so they can go into the Maze togethaaa. 

They find the "Griever Pancake", they pull out its leg and find a blinky thinngy with the number seven. Now MY first thoughts were: "Holy Shit that's a bomb! Why are they so chill- goddamn doN'T TOUCH IT!" But it's not a bomb and they bring it back to the glade. 

They analyse the blinky thinngy but señor eyebrows really wants Thomas to be punished. He just woke up and choose violence.

But when Newt punishes Thomas to one night in the unbreakable pit without any food *dramatic gasp* Gally gets pissed so he huffs and puffs away. Thomas becomes a runner, end of scene. 

Minho and Thomas go into the woods and Minho shows him a model of the Maze. He tells him about the eight different entrances of the Maze and how they open in a different order. 

Two boys interrup them, saying that the girl woke up. They hurry over to the treehouse where she throws stuff at the boys. She tells them to go away but stops, when she hears Thomas. 

He climbs up, we find out that her name is Mother Teresa and that she also has those weird dreams like Thomas. She shows him two syringes and his two braincells do the first smart thing and he wants to save Alby. 

Before he could approach Alby, he suddenly attacks him but Teresa isn't playin' and she rams the needle into his chest. He calms down so it seems to work. 

But it's time for Thomas' punishment and he get's locked into the pit. All alone by hiMsELf ~ 

Chuck brings him some food because he's a sweetheart. He shows Thomas a small figure he made for his parents. So Thomas promises him, that he will find a way out and he can give the figure to his parents by himself. 

 The next morning, Thomas and Minho run into the Maze. They find a new entrance thanks to the blinky thinngy but when they get closer, they find Griever slime and suddenly, the whole new area closes.

They run away. Thomas looks back EVEN AFTER MINHO SAID TO DON'T LOOK BACK-  #thuglife 

 *sigh* I can't with this boy 

They get out, saying that they basically found a Griever nest. Señor eyebrows gets angry and they have some arguing because Gally never did anything to find a way out of the Maze and because ThOmAs iS BeTtEr tHaN hIm 

But then Teresa stops them because Alby has risen from the dead. But he's super traumatised because he had those visions and he remembers shit and Thomas was their favorite whoever "their" is. 

It get's stressfull because the doors won't close, but it get's nighttime so the Grievers are coming and now they all have panic. When even more gates open, Thomas goes full on leader mode and tells everyone what to do. 

The Grievers come, they all hide but don't quench their torches, so they're still visible, that's just so- GOD why ist everyone so stupid?! 

Some of the gladers hide, some of them die. The main characters hide in the meeting house, but that dosen't work because, one of the Grievers gets Chuck but  -ALBY! Man of honor!- Saves him but sacrifices himself. 

When the Grievers disappear, señor eyebrows punches Thomas in da face, and while everyone is occupied with angry eyebrows, Thomas stings himself with one of the Grievers' needles to remember some shit. 

We find out, that there's an organisation called WCKD and they are the creators of the Maze and Thomas, Teresa and some other peeps are some kind of doctors/ professors/ scientists  and they observe the kids in the Maze for whatever reason. 

He wakes up in the prison and Teresa is also there. Newt, Chuck and Minho tell that Señor eyebrows got da powa now and he wants to banish everyone, who doesn't agree with him. 

Thomas tells them about his dream, Teresa is sad because she was one of them and Newt gives a motivatial speech and so they make a 100 IQ plan. 

Thomas is still "unconscious" and Teresa gets tied to a pole because señor eyebrows wants to offer Thomas and her to the Grievers because he thinks it's their fault.

Suddenly, Thomas wakes up, Teresa kicks some poor soul in the ballz, and the rebels free her.

Basically all of the dudes, who are on Thomas' side and want to find a way out of the Maze.

They try to convince Gally to follow them but he sais "noh" 

So they run, they fight against Grievers who kill some supernumerarys. Minho nearly gets killed, they open an entrance or rather an exit and the Grievers get smooshed under walls. 

They're in a long, creepy hallway, and finally enter a labratory. It's all dark and emergency lights are blinking and *eyeroll* "tHe bLoOd dOeSn'T eVeN lOoK rEaL"

Thomas pushes a button and a video of a so called Dr. Ava Paige starts. She tells about how the sun burned the earth. Yeah, she went all the"yo momma so fat- " 

Earth couldn't handle the amount of sass.

But the worst is a deadly virus and millons of people died... *sighs in Corona*

BUT! Some of the new generation are immune so WCKD invented the Maze trials to observe their brain activity in extreme situations. What can also mean death. 

Now just imagine their conversation:  

Paige: " We need to find a cure for the virus"

Imma call him Sbeve: "How about a Maze with killer- alien-robot-spiders and they have to fight for their life while finding a way out and *inhale*  wE DELETE THEIR MEMORIES " 



Paige: ... " You goddamn GeNiOuS!"          

Yea, that's probably how it went. 

The video ends with Paige killing herself because the FBI (ig?) invades the lab and shoots everyone.    

Now the gladers finally want to exit the Maze for real, they take a deep breath, make a first step and- 


" Gally wtf? What do you mean No?" 

" I said No! You wann hear it in spanish? Noh!" 

Señor eyebrows, who secretly followed them, got stung and now he's crazy. He holds a gun at Thomas, saying that they can never really leave the Maze blablabla. 

But when Gally wants to shoot Thomas, Minho hurls a speer through his chest and. He. Dies. 

Just when you think "ok it's over now they can go now" Chuck gasps and:

 *sobs* "My poor boy got shot!"

 He gives Thomas the little figure and ... Damn, I had to struggle not to cry at that moment. 

It all happens really fast, some people carry the gladers to a helicopter and they finally leave the Maze behind. 

At the end, the -not so dead- Ava Paige says the cliffhanger sentence: "let's beginn... with phase two" 

I'm really dissapointed, that I live in Corona times and still haven't woken up in a Maze full of hot guys but all in all, dis movie gets five blinky thinngys out of an indestructible stick

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