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The visit was longer than expected now that Kaneko knows Aizawa is Eraserhead. It might've last until dark if Emi didn't part them by asking Kaneko to head back to his room as he'll have another check-up before the day ends. He frowned telling Emi she's only jealous that he spent more time with Aizawa but left anyway. Emi stayed much longer but eventually left.


A doctor entered to check on him for the night right before he thought of closing his eyes to sleep-Dr. Itsuki-a brilliant chief resident. Aizawa rolled his eyes as the man walked in with the constant smile and positivity sparking from himself.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Aizawa-san," he uttered politely-forcing Aizawa to smile a bit to appreciate it-dang that rhymes. "If you don't mind I would like to do a little check-up." Aizawa nodded. Lets get this over with, he thought.

Itsuki did some few check-ups on his heartbeat and oxygen stats. It was quick and before Aizawa even knew, it was over. Dr. Itsuki smiled as he finished, laying a hand on Aizawa's shoulder. "So far so good," he mentioned as he pulled a chair to sit on. Aizawa faintly nodded deadpan, not quite satisfied with what the doctor just said.

"What are my chances?" he uttered. His half-lidded eyes staring right at Itsuki for a serious answer. The doctor smiled in reply, in an encouraging way. "You know that's not the kind of question a patient ask after doctor said they're getting better."

Aizawa rolled his eyes then sighed. "We both know why I'm not out of this dump yet," he uttered cold, causing Itsuki to turn down his smile. "Say it, Itsuki, how long do I have?"

"It's always good to be hopeful, Shota-san," Itsuki replied, looking down. Aizawa was one of his first patients. Years back when he was just starting his resident years Aizawa would visit the hospital every once in a while for check-up and meds before the disease took so much of him.


"A hero? That's a very cool job," Itsuki said as he listened to Aizawa's heartbeat through the statoscope, "I wanted to be one back then when I was little, only my quirk isn't compatible." He grinned.

"You do speak a lot for a doctor," Aizawa replied deadpan, "I thought they're intelligent beings." Itsuki cracked a laugh as he pulled off the cold surface from Aizawa's chest. As Aizawa buttoned up his shirt, Itsuki continued, "Well, for me it's just my quirk."

Aizawa nodded-having no interest about what his quirk may be as he hoped for this conversation to end and go back to sleeping. "My quirk, it's called 'understanding'," he continued. Aizawa rolled his eyes as he thought, I didn't ask. "Yeah I know it's weird," he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, "it technically means that I can understand anything I see, read, touch and hear whatever language, however complicated."

Aizawa raised his eyebrow as he nodded-impressed. "That's a pretty cool quirk," Aizawa uttered, deadpan. Itsuki's eyes widen, "You think so?!" Aizawa raised his shoulder confused as he squinted. How is he a doctor? Then slowly nodded. "That means a lot coming from you," Itsuki turned a soft smile, "for that, you can call me Itsuki."

Aizawa squinted his eyes. Why would I want that? He whispered, "Okay."

"Does that mean I can call you with your name too?" Aizawa sighed then faintly nodded-not that it mattered.

The doctor nodded excitedly as he grinned, "Shota Aizawa." 

"Aizawa is fine," Aizawa replied, deadpan, "or Shota-if you want to."

Itsuki held out his hand for a shake, "So we're friends?" Aizawa stared at it with his eyes squinted for a moment before he reached for it. "Okay," he muttered, confused. 


"Tsuki," Aizawa's hoarse voice from the breathing mask cracked his thought. It's not usual for Aizawa to call him 'Tsuki'. All he know is that when he does, he's deadly serious. "A month, maybe two," he muttered avoiding eye-contact as he stared at the ground with his shoes tapping to the floor for distraction. Aizawa turned a soft smile as he laid a weak hand on Itsuki's shoulder causing him to look straight to his half-lidded eyes. "I'm sorry I put you through this," he whispered slowly. 

"You look so dumb when you're worried, Tsuki-chan," Aizawa grinned as he ruffled Itsuki's hair teasingly. "You're an idiot, Shota-san," he replied, covering his head from Aizawa's hand as the man continue to chuckle.

Itsuki stood with a flat face, heading out. "Tsuki," Aizawa called, causing the doctor to turn around-an eyebrow raised, questioning. "If you don't mind...about Emi-"

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