Chapter 7

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At night, Shrek, Donkey and Grace were staring up at the starry night

Shrek pointing at a constellation and said "and that one, that's Throwback, the only ogre to spit over three wheat fields"

"Okay, I see it. Hey, Shrek, can you tell my future from these stars?" Donkey asked

"Well, the stars don't tell the future, Donkey, they tell stories. That one is Bloodnok, the Flatulent. You can guess what HE's famous for..." Shrek said

"Okay, now I know you're making that up!" Donkey said

"No! Look, there he is" Shrek points at it "and this is the group of hunters running away from his stench"

"Man, that ain't nothing but a bunch of little dots" Donkey said

"You know, Donkey, things are more than what they seem, hmm?... Forget it" Shrek said

"Say, Shrek, what're we gonna do with our swamp?" Donkey asked

"OUR swamp?" Shrek asked

"You know, when we're though rescuing the princess and all that..." Donkey said

"Donkey, there's no we, there's no our. There's just ME and MY swamp! And the first thing I'm gonna do is build a ten-foot wall around my land" Shrek said

"You cut me deep, Shrek. You cut me very deep just now..." Donkey said "you know what, Shrek? I think this whole wall thing is to keep somebody out!"

"No! You think?" Shrek being sarcastic

"Are you hiding something?" Grace asked

"Never mind, Grace" Shrek said

"Oh, this is one of those onion things, isn't it?" Donkey said

"No, it's one of those drop-it-and-leave-it-alone things" Shrek said

"Why won't you talk about it?" Donkey asked

"Why do you WANT to talk about it?" Shrek getting annoyed

"Then why are you blocking?" Grace asked

"I'm not blocking!" Shrek said

"Oh, yes you are!" Donkey said

"Donkey, I'm warning you..." Shrek said

"Just who are you trying to keep away? Just tell me that, Shrek? Who?" Donkey asked

"EVERYONE! Okay?" Shrek said

Then there was a pause

"Oh, now we're getting somewhere!" Donkey said

"Oh, for the love of Pete..." Shrek frustrated

"Hey, what's your problem, Shrek, what you got against the whole world anyway, huh?" Donkey asked

"Look, I'm not the one with the problem, okay? It's the world that seems to have a problem with ME! People take one look at me and go, Aargh! Help! Run! A big stupid ugly ogre!" Shrek explains when he sat on the cliff "they judge me before they even know me - that's why I'm better off alone..."

"You know, Shrek... when we first met, I didn't think you were a big, stupid, ugly ogre" Donkey said as he and Grace sat next to him

"Me neither" Grace said

"Yeah, I know" Shrek said

Donkey and Shrek are looking at constellations in the night sky

"So, uh, are there any donkeys up there?" Donkey asked

"Well, there's, um, Gabby, the Small and Annoying" Shrek said

"Okay, okay, I see it now. The big shiny one, right there. That one there?"

"That's the moon" Shrek said

"Oh, okay" Donkey said, making Grace giggle

When Grace got a little sleepy, she leaned her head on Shrek's arm, he noticed it, so he put his arm around her

The next morning, Fiona came out of the cave, sees the others sleeping and so she went to the forest for a little while

Then a while later, Shrek and Grace woke up and see Fiona making eggs, then they hear Donkey talking in his sleep, so Shrek woke him up and Fiona said "morning, how do you like your eggs?"

"Good morning, princess" Donkey said

"What's all this about?" Shrek asked

"You know, we kind of got off to a bad start yesterday and I wanted to make it up to you" Fiona said "I mean after all, you did rescued me" and she sends them eggs

"Uh thanks" Shrek said

"And I'm surprised that Grace is so brave to go on a dangerous journey with you guys" Fiona said

"Well I have been in some dangerous adventures" Grace said and they looked concerned "what? I turned out fine"

"Well eat up, we got a big day ahead of us" Fiona said

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