Fiona slide down the hill
"You did it, you rescued me, you're amazing you're wonderful, you're...." Fiona said when Donkey rolled down, Grace slide down and when Shrek slide down, they crashed into each other "a little unorthodox I'll admit but thy deed is great and thine heart is pure, hire me eternally in your debt"
Donkey cleared his throat and Fiona said "and where would a brave knight be without his noble steed
"All right, I hope you all heard that she called me a noble steed" Donkey said "she thinks I'm a steed"
"Oh we heard" Grace said and Shrek was getting annoyed
"The battle is won. You may remove your helmet, good Sir Knight" Fiona said
"Uh, no..." Shrek said
"Why not?" Fiona said
"I... have helmet hair" Shrek said
"Please. I would'st look upon the face of my rescuer" Fiona said
Oh, no, you wouldn't... tst" Shrek said
"But... how will you kiss me?" Fiona asked
"What?!" Shrek said and he bangs his head "that wasn't in the job description!"
"Maybe it's a perk?!" Grace thought
"No, it's destiny! You must know how it goes!" Fiona explains "a princess locked in a tower and beset by a dragon is rescued by a brave knight, and then they share true love's first kiss"
"With Shrek? Whoa, whoa, whoa... you think, you think that Shrek is your true love?" Donkey asked
"Well, yes!" Fiona said
Shrek and Donkey look at each other and burst into laughter
"What is so funny?" Fiona asked
"Let's just say, I'm not your type, all right?" Shrek said
"Of course you are, you're My rescuer now remove your helmet" Fiona said
"Look, I really don't think this is a good idea" Shrek said
"Just take off the helmet" Fiona said
"I'm not going to" Shrek said
"Take It Off!" Fiona said
"No" Shrek said
"NOW!" Fiona shouts
"Okay easy! As you command your highness" Shrek said and he took off his helmet and Fiona was shocked
"You're an ogre..." Fiona said
"Oh, you were expecting Prince Charming?"
"Well, yes, actually" Fiona said "oh no, this is all wrong! you're not supposed to be an ogre!"
"Princess, I was sent to rescue you by Lord Farquaad, okay? he's the one that wants to marry you" Shrek said
"Well, why didn't he come to rescue me?" Fiona asked
"Good question!" Shrek said "you can ask him that when we get there..."
"But I'm supposed to be rescued by my true love" Fiona said "not by some ogre a-a-and his pet and a child!"
"Well, so much for noble steed!" Donkey said
"Look, Princess, you're not making my job any easier..." Shrek said when he took the armour off
"Well, I'm sorry, but your job is not my problem" Fiona said "you tell Lord "Far-Quaad" that if he wants to rescue me properly, I'll be waiting for him right here!" And she sits down
"Hey! I'm nobody's messenger boy, all right? I'm a delivery boy!" Shrek said as he went up to her
"You wouldn't dare...!" Fiona said and Shrek carries her off
"You coming, Donkey and Grace?" Shrek asked
"Yeah, we're right behind you" Donkey said when they followed them
"Put me down or you will suffer the consequences" Fiona said as she hits Shrek "this is not dignified, PUT ME DOWN"
A while later, they were walking through the forest when Donkey and Fiona were talking
"Okay, so here's another question: Say there's a woman who digs you, right, but you really don't like her THAT quick - now how do you let her down real easy so her feelings aren't hurt, but you don't get burned to a crisp and eaten? How do you do that?" Donkey asked
"Just tell her she's not your true love! Everyone knows what happened when find your-" Fiona said then Shrek bump her "Hey! The sooner we get to Duloc, the better!"
"Oh, you gonna love it there, Princess, it's beautiful!" Donkey said
"And what if my groom-to-be Lord Farquaad, what's he like?" Fiona said
"Well, let me put it this way, Princess" Shrek said as he puts her down "men of Farquaad's stature are in *short* supply" and he and Donkey laughed as he washed himself from the ashes
"Oh no Shrek, there are those who think *little* of him!" Donkey said when Fiona gets up and Grace went to her and Shrek and Donkey laughs
"Stop it! Stole it both of you" Fiona said to Shrek and Donkey "you know, you're just jealous that you could never measure up to a great ruler like Lord Farquaad"
"Yeah, well maybe you're right, princess" Shrek said "but I'll let you do that measuring when you see him tomorrow"
"Tomorrow?!" Fiona shocked and saw the sun going down "it'll take that long? shouldn't we stop to make camp?"
"No, that'll take longer. We can keep going" Shrek said
"But, there's... ROBBERS, in the woods!" Fiona said
"Whoa! Time out, Shrek! Camp is definitely starting to sound good!" Donkey said
"Me too" Grace said
"Hey, come on, I'm scarier than anything we're gonna meet in this forest..." Shrek said
Fiona went in Shrek's face, shouting "I need to find somewhere to camp NOW!"
A while later, they were at a cliff, Shrek found a cave and said "hey, over here"
"Shrek we can do better than that, now I don't think this is fit for a princess" Donkey said
"No, no it's perfect, it's just need a few homie touches" Fiona said
"Homie touches, like what?" Grace asked and Fiona grabbed a giant door size part of the tree
"A door" Fiona said "well gentlemen and Grace, I bid thee goodnight" and she went inside the cave
"Um you want me to come in and read you a bedtime story cause I will" Donkey said
"I said good night" Fiona
"Please don't make it weird, Donkey" Grace said then she saw Shrek was about to push the rock back to cave "Shrek, what are you doing?!"
He stopped and giggled but Donkey and Grace glared at him and he said "oh come on, I was just kidding, come here, kid" and he playfully tackled her which makes her giggle
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