Always Been Me

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"My hurts so much..." Phoenix groaned as he woke up to see a younger woman in a biege grey suit above him with a worried expression and a faint glow about her, "I've been looking for you! The trial is about to start and you suddenly went missing...I was really worried." She pulled him along to meet their client Maggey who was being accused of murdering her boyfriend who had fallen from a great height and snapped his neck, "I'd like to help you with this case, Nick...but because of my probation for not properly filing a vacation report, I'm on thin ice with the prosecutor's office and Edgeworth (blessed as he may be)." She straightened my tie and jacket before she left? More like she vanished into thin air, "But I know you'll do great, like always!"

Beaming with a smile, Phoenix felt oddly warm and fuzzy inside when she touched or looked at him warmly, "I'll see you back at the office, okay?" She disappeared leaving me to defend Maggey who had been wrongly accused after her name was written incorrectly, "The name was written incorrectly and if he was dating my client then he'd spell it right!!" Payne was taken aback as we continued though for some reason I hallucinated that woman again though she had a bright smile and was encouraging me, "You have nothing that proves those glasses are my client's! On top of that, you haven't even begun on how the body may have been manipulated not by my client but by the real culprit!!"

'Why does she keep appearing...?' Gumshoe began describing Maggey's relationship with Dustin who had been killed on his birthday, and how she genuinely cared for him since she went through the trouble of asking Gumshoe for gift ideas. Bringing the gift she was going to give to Dustin and accepting it into the court record. "Hey, I called you a million times but you wouldn't pick up!!" A girl in a kimono yelled at me as she gave me some evidence I guess I requested?

"You can do this, trust me!" That woman appeared to me again as the other girls talked about the case in front of me, eventually winning it with their help as Maya told me, "Lily would be proud!!" It suddenly hit me, 'Lyla Marie Li. My legal partner who went on an unexpected break to practice her spirit powers as a medium. She was the first girl I've ever really felt close to since...that trial...and that day....' Looking up at the sky, I wondered to myself as I headed to where Maya was being kept, 'Where is she when I need her?'
Wright Agency -> Kurain Village


"It's upsetting since the one who screwed up was that nurse and she died before admitting her wrongdoing. So I was wondering if you knew Maya Fey. I need a spirit medium to contact her and get that nurse to admit her wrongdoing." The guy in front of me wouldn't stop talking as he was really self involved so we headed to Kurain Village, "....Mystic Lily's..." a child muttered before scampering off from me, with Maya charging into me hug first after and plummeting us onto the ground, "I have a surprise for you! She should be here soon, and I made sure no one here would bad mouth her beforehand or during!!"

"Long time no see, Phoenix. How do I look?"

Heat rushed to my face as Lyla joked, "Just kidding! I already know I look great! How have you been though? Sorry I left suddenly...I just needed to center myself for a bit. I missed you."

Leading me to the chanelling area where they'd enter the room for the chanelling, "Yes, Mystic Maya is the daughter of this village's master. Her aunt is currently the defacto leader until Misty can be located." Dr. Grey complimented her, "As expected of the daughter to the master of the Nakagawa village." She bowed, "Your compliments overestimate my limited knowledge, sir. I respectfully thank you."

As we waited for the chanelling to stop, a murderer happened and from the look on Lyla's face...she knew who was responsible, "It's Morgan and Mimi using her sister's face. But we have to prove it." The girl from earlier ran up to her, "Mystic Lily!!" She hugged her, "I missed you too, Pearls." She let go and asked, "Did you see anything, when the murder happened?" She nodded and began telling us what happening, and at the trail we exonerated Maya while finding out that Mimi only wanted to throw away her past life as herself just because she wanted to escape the malpractice incident. After that ended with not only the loss of fourteen patients, but her own sister in a car accident immediately after the tabloids reported on her at work.

"Maya Fey is Not Guilty!" The Judge rang as afterward she embraced Lyla who was channeling Mia, "It was just a bad dream, sis. And for the record the next leader would have been Pearl." Lyla stopped chanelling Mia, "It's okay, Maya. We stopped her for now....but she'll be back eventually because her thirst for power will never leave."

"Not to worry though because the three of us will stick together!"
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