74. Round One.

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I sat in Kevin and Shawn's shared hotel room watchin Kevin and Double J arm restle, I had my left leg cross over my right while I rested my epbow on the left leg and put my chin in my hand.

Shawn was late.

As Kev slammed down Jeff Jarret's hand he fist pumped and grinned at me "Wanna go a 'round, Adri?" he asked as he out his hands behind his head and Watched Double J storm off out the door mad as hell.

I shook my head as I looked at the class ring on my finger "I'm good. Where do you think Shawn is?" I asked, he just shrugged as he looked at me.

"I have no clue. But, if that little dipshit doesn't hurry up to take a knock out like you to dinner, I will happily take you myself. As a friend of course" he said witha  smile on his face.

Kev is the only one who hasnt tried anything. Even Hunt thought he could get away with trying to kiss me yesterday at the gym, I let a weight fall on his foot, that had made Mark and Kev laugh their asses off.

And personally, I dont think I am a 'knock out' like Kev had said.

I was wearing a simple black dress that went down to my knees, black ankle boots and my hair was up ina  ponytail, for once out of the ring, I wore simple makeup.

Normal, yes. Knock out, no.

I smiled at him and shook my head "Its fine Kev. I just hope that he hurry's up" I said and gave a sigh.

He got up from the table and sat beside me on the twin sized bed, he wrapped a arm around me and squeezed like a broter hug, kinda. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Like I said, his ass doesn't deserve a nice pretty girl like you, kid. He deserves a ass beating."

I laughed at him and hugged him back as a shadow formed in the door way and Shawn leaned on the door jam, throwing a bottle back and drinking what was left of it.

Kev had his eyebrows raised while I looked at him in confusion "Shawn? Are you alright?" I asked as he threw the bittle at the garbage can and missed completely, it shattered agwinst the wall.

He pointed at Kev "I am tired of you all trying to steeaall my giiirl" he slurred as he stumbled into the room, me and Kev stop up from the bed.

Kevin pushed me behind him "You know I wouldn't do that to you, Shawn. Where were you? Adri is ready for your date" he said, like a mother asking where her son had gone off to.

And it wasn't a really date. It was a trip to the room in a private place where no one could see us. So kind of a date, just ...yeah.

Shawn stumbled a bit but managed to poke his finger into Kev's chest "She is not a whore, so people need to quit trying to screw her."

I felt ...uncomfortable.

As Kev glared Dow at a drunk Shawn I was trying to figure out where the hell he had been. Why he didnt show up on time, usually he does, even if he has been drinking, I was puzzled.

"Michael. Go to sleep."

I had my eyes widen when Kev used Shawn's true real anme on him. Shawn madea  face and poked Kev's chest again "I hate being called that. I hate how all of these men look at Adri" his eyes were angry, then they turned on me and softened a bit "She's my angel."

Annnd, if he wasn't drunk ...I would happily melt into his arms.

Kev saw Shawn's fist come up and he grabbed it with a grunt as Shawn slammed his other fist into Kev's face, Kev just rolled his head from side to side before looking at me.

"Go get Mark or someone. Now!"

I did as told. Hey when Kevin Nash yells and tell you to do something, you do it, buddy.

Thre doors down, I slamed Mark and Glenn's for, owned and I rushed out "Shawn is drunk and Kev might kill him" Mark nodded as he walked out of the room and told Glenn to watch me, doors opened down the hall where Scott and Hunt followed Mark.

Eddie, Rey, Jeff, Matt, Owen and Bret walked over to me where I was watching to open door to Kev and Shawn's room, Hunter's back was blocking my view.

"What happened?" Eddie asked.

I shrugged "He came in drunk, talking about how all the guys were looking at me and he hit Kev" I said as I wrapped my arms around myself. Bret looked me up and down.

"Can you blame us? You are a total hot chick."

If I wasn't so worried, I would knock him on his ass. But, Owen punched him for me making Bret glare and hold his jaw.

Note to self: Hug Owen later.

A few minuted ticked by and Shawn's yelling went quiet as the guys walked out of the room and Kev closed the door behind him.

Mark walked straight over to me and put his hand on my arm "He is asleep" he said, honestly I didnt wanna know what they did to knock him out. Probably some screwed up wrestling move.

I sighed "Damn. Got all dressed up for nothing" I joked making Kev give me a half smile.

Scott practically shoved poor Jeff Hardy out of the way to stqnd in front of me "I could take you out to dinner? Make up for the asshole" he said, twirling the damn toothpick in his mouth.

Part of me wishes Shawn was here to hit it out of his mouth, but Kev stepped in and grabbed my by the hand.

"No. This is my job" he said and smirked at Scott "I am to take care of little Ms. DarkKill, her and Shawn were trying to make up and as you cna see he failed" Kev was lying for me and Shawn, he had to make it look good, like we werent still a couple yet we were trying to make things work.

Not to self: Hug Kev. (And ask him to be my bodyguard.)

Hunter stepped forward and heod his arm out "Or, she can come with me and I can show her what a really good time" he said witha  wink and I made a face.

Note to self: punch Hunter. And Bret.

Since when did Hunt start acting like this? Oh yeah, he figured he could move in on me since me and Shawn 'broke up.' I knew I should have listened to Shawn when he said Hunter had a small crush on me.

One word. Ew.

I hugged onto Kev's arm "No thanks. I'm hungry and Kev asked first" I said, thinking back to earlier in the hotel room.

Owen smiled "Who is going to keep watch on HBK?"

We all looked at Scott and Hunt who gave glares towards us. Ohh, I bet we are going to ruin their party night...

Oopsie daisies.

Kev grinned as he tugged din my and and we walked towards the elevator "Don't worry, I'll have her home by ten" he said with a laugh as the elevator dinged and we stepped in.

He smirked down at me "Guess I am Shawn's fill in for the night, huh?" he asked.

I punched his shoulder "Better than Scottie or Hunt. Let's call this a ...friend-date?"

He chuckled "Friend-date? Alright, I can live with that" he said as the elevator dinged and we stepped off, he looked in his pocket and drug out his wallet "So, bar? I'll get your drinks. Then we can go throw eggs at someones car or something."

Annnnd, that folks is the great Kevin Nash. The friend I never thouggt I would have.

Or, the guy I would possibly wind up in a jail cell with one day.

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