73. First

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"We never said we 'broke ↑' we were just fighting" Shawn said, defensively as he glared at Vince who sat behind his desk "Look, McMahonerson, we just ...get together sometimes, if you know what I mean, but we arent fully back together."

I looked at Shawn then looked at Vince, he looked like he belived us meanwhile Shane was glaring at us from his corner.

"Dad, cant you tell they are lying?"

Vince snapped his fingers and his son shut up, Vince smirked "I have no problem with that. Just, don't go making it official for reporters to find out" he said snd nodded his head to the door "You may go."

Feeling like a jid leaving a principals office, we wlake dout of the room.

I crossed my arms as we walked down the hall and Shawn gave me a smile "Told ya everything wouod go smoothly" he said as he twirled me into his arms and smirked down at me.

I, however, was no happy.

"Shawn, I dont want people to think I am ...well, a slut" I said and pushed out of his arms so I couod lean on the wall and cross my arms "It feels ..weird."

He rolled his eyes "You arnrt a slut-"

"Once Shane the Ass spreads the word, people will think I am" I interrupted him and frowned "I know your image is a sexy heartbreaker, Shawn, but mine isn't."

He frowned as he put hair hands on my shoulders and ran them up and down my arms "I never said you had to act like it. I'm your 'ex' boyfriend. Its normal to have one nighters with a ex."

He said it like it was a normal thing to do.

I sighed and shoved away from him witha  half smile "Whatever" I said as I started walking down the hall, he called after me with a 'I love your' to which I replied with 'you too.'

Inside, I knew it was probably norhing ro get mad about. But, I also felt like ...I was being called a whore..

What if this isnt real? What if Shawn and Hunter still had a better going on? What if it was a bet to see if Shawn couod get in my pants, and now that he won't he would want nothing to do with me?

As I walked into the gym, that was all I could think about.

That night at dinner, Kevin could tell soemthing was off.

He kept staring at me the whole time I played with my food (which hunt kept stealing off of my plate) it made me feel a little weird, so when I caught him staring again I mumbled 'What?'

Kev rolled his eyes "Kid, I know by now when something is bothering you. Im like a big brother, talk to me" he said, his eyes showin concern while Hunter stole the plate that sat in frnt of me holding spaghetti.

He had done had three cheeseburgers, a fry and a sundae.

I shrugged as I grabbed my drink and looked at Kevin "Im fine. Truly" I said, not meeting hsi eyes as I took a sip of coke.

He made a face "Adri, has yours and Shawn's fake fight turned into a real one?" he asked, Hunter focused on me as he chewed noodles and burped.

"I honestly, dont know."

Kev shook his head "I swear, if it wasn't for McMahon-" his hand tightened aeound his fork "I know Shawn can be arrogant, a complete dick, maybe a little sassy and stupid, sarcastic and childish-"

"Any day now, Kev" Hunter mumbled witha mouth full of food makin me roll my eyes at him.

Kev sighed "But, I know he truly does love you. The only girls he has ever been with was a one night stand. Or ten."

I sighed as I poked aeound my salad "Sooo,  might end up with a unknown infection that scientist have yet ti figure out?" I sad making Hunter coke on his food, Kevin smacked his back while laughing.

"No. At least, I dont think so" he said with a wink causing me to shake my head. He reached across the table and grabbed my hand in his squeezing it "What I am saying, Adrienne, is dont lt this come between you and Shawn. You both would regret it."

Hunt started laughing as he looked at Kevin who raised a eyebrow, Hunter started laughing even more "Yeah, dont let a STD come in between you."

Even though I cracked a smile, Kev punched Hunter and he went falling backwards in his chair.

Then I really started to laugh.

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