(Hey, this is another pretty big chapter- there just didn't feel like a good place to split it up. Sorry! Also, some mild language, gore, and romance in this chapter, so if it bugs you, I'll put a warning! Love y'all :))
If all goes to plan, you should be back before he can know you were gone.
You had placed the note you scrawled for him by the door. Hopefully he would stay put instead of coming to look for you. It would be disastrous if he were to follow you.
As you step out into the brisk evening air of Detroit's streets, you pull the backpack you bought a few days prior closer to you. Despite your best efforts over the past week, Jesse's wound is beginning to show signs of infection.
You hear footsteps and duck into a nearby alleyway. You see the familiar outline of Null Sector agents, and your heart sinks. This can't be good. It takes them a while to pass by you.
After they're long gone, you slip out of the alleyway and walk down the sidewalk. You try to stay out of the streetlights and stick to the shadows. It's nearly sunrise, and you need to find the way to a pharmacy.
You stay in the shadows, managing to avoid the patrols. Your luck runs out as the sun begins to rise. A Talon patrol passes down the street you're walking on, and you have no place to hide.
"You there," you hear from the leader of the patrol, "what's your business out this early?"
"I need... feminine products. I'm out."
"This early in the morning?"
"What else would I do, sir?" You say, turning toward him, "bleed all over my brand new sheets? I don't think so. I would like to leave, please."
You simply walk, and hope that he doesn't argue with you. Luckily he doesn't. He sputters to find words, clearly embarrassed.
"That's what I thought." You mumble to yourself.
You head down the now-brightening streets of Detroit toward anything that can bring safety. You dash through alleyways and across street corners until you reach a more populated area of the city, and the sight makes your heart drop.
You see what appears to be thousands of Null Sector and Talon troops. Large armed Omnics stand guard to a large building which now bears banners with both symbols of each group. You see armed troops marching toward a crowd of civilians protesting. They're harshly shoved to the sides and back into buildings an onto the sidewalk. You turn a corner in an attempt to avoid the larger patrol as they march by.
You come to the top of a hill, and peering down, you see that large areas for shopping have been gated off. You see families enter one at a time. You realize after watching at a closer distance that they're collecting information on each of the residents. You see a few families turned away and lined up in a separate line after refusing to answer whatever they were asked.
You swear under your breath, realizing that you'll have to find a way to sneak into those areas. You duck into an alleyway as a patrol comes by, and notice that there's a small section of roof that you can climb onto using a dumpster for leverage.
You begin to scale the building with little issue, and eventually climb onto the roof. The sun is nearly cresting over the cityscape, so you have to move fast. You leap from rooftop from rooftop nimbly, trying to ignore the fall you would take if you were to trip, but you trust your legs, which function far greater than normal ones.
Just as the sun hits your face, you've successfully snuck into an area with a pharmacy. It looks to be currently closed, which would be your best option for just stealing materials. You feel a bit bad at the thought of robbery, but you remind yourself that Jesse needs the supplies, and you can't risk getting caught. You find a place where you can drop off of the roof without too much damage, and brace for impact.
When you land in the alley, it hurts like hell, but you stagger out into the deserted street. You check the front door first, and just as you suspected, it's locked. You then search the surrounding alleyways and streets for a possible entrance, and manage to find a window that is partially cracked.
It looks as if entry was forced, so when you slip into the building, closing the window from behind you, you make sure you lead with your pistol. When you enter the main room, you verify that idea.
In the panic of the occupation, this store was robbed. Raided would be a more appropriate term. Shelves are overturned, and items have been scattered over the floor. You have a sense that you need to move fast. You find bandages, gauze, an ointment, but you can't seem to find any painkiller. Luckily the section of the pharmacy where there's some food and drink wasn't totally overturned. People seemed to be more concerned about injuries than food. You grab several bottles of water and whatever food was left.
You're just about to sneak out of the window again when you hear chatter coming from the back room. It's patchy, you can only hear bits and pieces. You can't hear what they're saying, but it sounds like Talon agents. You lead with your pistol once more, and opening the door, find the room empty.
You hear the noise again, coming form the corner, and the sight makes your heart light. You see a small radio system sitting in the corner by a computer. It's compact, and a newer model. It looks strikingly similar to the systems that Overwatch used to use before you became a Gold Commander.
You turn it off to stop the chatter, and place it in your bag. You apologize to the store owner in your mind for helping tear the place apart, but you're just thankful that you got what you came for.
The radio goes off again. You swear you had turned it off. You pull it out just in time to hear the tail end of a conversation.
"It's confirmed that a few of the Overwatch agents didn't make it out of the city with the rest. Our insider has told us that much."
Your heart sinks. An insider? You listen to more. You hear another voice say, "we can discuss this at the meeting this afternoon. Are we on the secure channel?"
You hear what sounds like panicked apology as static takes the place of conversation. You swear under your breath. A mole? In Overwatch? You can't help but think of all of the new recruits that have come in in recent years. Was one of them a disguised Talon agent? You were sure that the background checks were thorough... unless it was someone old before the legalization? But in that case, they would have to be in deep cover for nearly four years... you shake off your thoughts as you exit the building.
You begin to head back the way you came when a dangerous sense of curiosity tugs at you... and you turn the other direction.
You know to sneak into their main place of operations that you're going to have to be even more careful about it. You debate filing into line on your way back out into the main thoroughfare, or trying to sneak out. With the sun this high in the sky, you wonder if sneaking is even an option.
You make a split decision and join the growing group of people waiting for exit, bags in hand. You take some of the water bottles out of your bag and just hold them in your arms, trying to blend in.
The group is being funneled toward a blockade manned by a group of Talon troops. A faceless hoard shrouded in masks, funneling through a mob of angry and desperate people.
They don't seem to check for consistency on who leaves, so you think that you shouldn't have a problem exiting the area. You wedge yourself between two people just in case, flipping your hoodie down as to not look suspicious, and exit the area with little issue.
Once everyone's out of the shopping area, you hear an announcement on repeat, "please return to your homes." Wow, so polite.
The group of people splits in to three as the street forks off, and you follow the group that heads to the right, toward the building where Null Sector and Talon are basing their operations.
You're lucky that the crowd is so thick, adding on to the several times luck has saved your life. No one seems to notice you in particular, but you feel the watchful gaze of the armed men standing on a truck pass over the group.
You peel off with a group taking another right down to their apartment, giving you a chance to head across the street, toward the occupied building. You slip under a loose chain link fence and duck between alleyways until you reach the edge of the property. You put your back to the building to your side as another patrol comes by.
Of course they have perimeter patrols. This means that you''ll have to move fast, and get out faster. There's no guarantee that you'll pick an opportune time to leave. Once the patrol comes by, you slip in under a loose patch of the chain link fence surrounding the property, and head in.
Luckily, their security is still lacking, and you make it to the building without issue.
"Now my issue is finding an entrance..." you say to yourself quietly.
You move quickly. You run along the side of the building looking for an unmanned entrance. Luckily you came around the side, which tends to be less guarded than the front or the back. There also tends to be less entrances... but then you spot one.
An open window on the second floor. You ponder how to get up there, before realizing that the building is brick. It won't be fun to scale, but won't be impossible. You'll be very noticeable when you're climbing, so you crouch low to the ground and press yourself up against a wall while planning your route in.
There's a ledge by the first floor window that you can use to boost yourself up, but you're unsure if you can jump high enough. Wait, my legs. Duh. Without a second of hesitation you climb onto the ledge and jump, willing your legs to give you a boost. You see the blue energy glow beneath your black pants, and suppress a grin. You've never gotten used the euphoric feeling that comes with using your legs' enhanced ability.
You reach out and manage to clutch the windowsill with a hand. You pull the rest of yourself into the room. When you tumble in and look up, you see one Talon guard and one Null Sector guard sitting there, just staring at you.
In the split second before anyone reacts, you notice two things. One, neither of them appear armed, and two, they're both near what look to be portable panic buttons.
They both stand, and you act fast. You use your leg's energy to propel a flying kick, knocking one into the other, and grab both of the portable buttons. You pull out your pistol, and say, "No noise, don't move."
"You're that Overwatch bi**h, aren't you?" The Null Sector operative says in a low tone. "That one who gave Giovanni all that trouble?" His eyes don't quite meet yours.
"Surprise." You say flatly. "On the ground. Don't make me ask twice."
They both comply, and you say, "let's make sure this is friendly, yeah?" They both nod, and you swiftly knock them out with the butt of your gun. "Sorry," you say, as they crumple to the floor, "that can't feel good."
You tie them together using some extension cord in the corner. The room you're standing in used to be a maintenance room, you note, now turned into some sort of security office. There's some shoddy TV screens that have been set up as monitoring systems. You notice that this room lacks a camera. Good.
You see that one is blank and lacking audio, but labeled. They must be blocking the signal because of the meeting. Good, you think. You take note of where the blocked signal is based upon the orientation of the rest of the cameras, and you note that it should be on this floor. You double check the position one last time, and then head out the door.
You consider locking the door on your way out, but figure that this will be your best escape route, you risk your mess being discovered. You slip into the hallway, leading with your pistol. Luckily for you, the hallway is dim and empty.
You're trying to find some vent to crawl into, when you hear approaching footsteps. You quickly duck into the first unlocked door. You stuff yourself into a janitor's closet behind some brooms, and hope that the passersby wouldn't be Talon's finest janitors.
They pass without incident, but you do hear a bit of their conversation, "in five minutes, the central conference room." A female voice speaks, one you recognize from your time locked in the Deadlock prison. It's the voice of Moira.
"Good," another woman says, "I'll be happy to get a brief so I won't have to waste more time locked up in this building." This one you also recognize as the voice of Widowmaker. A chill runs down your spine. Of course Talon would bring their high level goonies for an occupation such as this. You shiver at the thought of what them being here means.
"Oye, ¿a qué estamos esperando? Let's get moving." Sombra's voice rings out as she passes you by. "Moira, a little birdie told me that one of your old coworkers is still in town." She says.
"Ugh, the cowboy is still around? How disappointing. I hoped he'd left by now with his little friend. Dealing with him is always just... annoying."
"No sign of them yet, though I bet (L/N) will do something stupid." Sombra says. You swear she looks back toward you. She knows.
You panic for a moment, but the three women round the corner and leave you in silence. You wait an extra few minutes, making sure that no one is waiting for you, and enter the hallway again.
You find an entrance into an air grate. You steel yourself. You don't love tight spaces, but if it'll lead you above the conference room, it'll be worth it. You double tap your thigh, and you feel a small piece of metal dislodge and fall onto the floor. You place it up to the screws, and the metal reforms to be a screwdriver of the exact size and shape. It was something you had requested yourself after your promotion to Gold Commander.
You slip into the grate, exhaling a bit so that you can fit. You crawl through the grate, and a luck would have it, you hear the faint voices of people as you lie above the room. You can't see the room, but you can hear the people talking.
"Is everyone here?" A man who sounds like an Omnic asks.
"Just waiting on Giovanni now."
A few moments pass before the door opens and you assume that Giovanni enters the room. You try to be as silent as possible as silence falls over the room.
"Welcome, all of you. We applaud your willingness to bring our worldview to fruition. Before we begin our brief on our plans for Detroit, we wish to give you glimpse of our future. All of you here know that those who give us the most trouble isn't the world's individual government, it's the ever growing Overwatch. They've been legalized again, and we need to make sure that they will not be legalized ever again.
"Our deep-cover agent has confirmed that Overwatch has many weak spots, and will be perfect to enact a plan suggested to us by our Null Sector partners."
So this is a Talon spokesperson. Your blood chills as you hear their next words.
"Within the next year, we will be infiltrating Overwatch's base, the location of which was provided by an information trade from the Deadlock gang. We will be smuggling smaller nuclear weapons into Overwatch's base of operations, and firing them from their location. Even if this does not fully collapse them, it will certainly make a dent in their armor.
"They believe that they are invincible. Let's prove otherwise."
Your blood runs cold. You need to leave. You've heard more than enough. Just as you're backing out of the vent, you hear someone say, "Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt, but someone's here. Jynn and Leigh have been knocked out and tied up."
"It's her." You her Sombra say. "(L/N)."
"We don't have time for this. All of you, stay here. We'll send a troupe after her."
"Yes sir." The other says. You panic. You need to get out, immediately.
You crawl as quietly as possible through the vent. You kick the grate open and sprint. The time for stealth is over. You hope they started their search on the first floor, but have no idea why they would. You sprint toward your exit, only to hear, "There!"
You duck into the room where you had the guys tied up. They're starting to become conscious, stirring awake. As you're about to leave out the window, you hear radio chatter coming from the corner.
As you glance over, it's a high tech radio, and it's labeled "secure." Score. You quickly dial into Overwatch's secure network and dial in the passcode.
"Hello? This is Radiant Two. Radiant One and I have been compromised. Requesting pickup immediately, over."
"Radiant Two, this is Central Command. We hear you loud and clear. Pickup should be either today or tomorrow. Please have patience, and use the open channel in the coming days, over."
"Understood. I'll destroy this radio."
"Please do. Over and out."
You take the radio, and kick it against the wall. You rip it out of the wall and chuck it out the window, gaining some momentary happiness from destroying Talon property. Suddenly, you hear banging on the door. They're trying to get in.
As you hear the pounding on the door, before you even really think about it, you run shoulder first out the window. The glass shatters, and slices your face, reopening the wound left by the chandelier.
What is it with always getting covered in glass when I'm running from these guys?
You hear gunfire rain down on you as you roll and continue running. You duck under the fence, and her footsteps out the window, following after you.
You get more panicked in your head, and you can't form a coherent though other than run.
As you hear them follow you over the fence, you duck and weave through alleys. You can't seem to loose them. You're nearing the area with the pharmacy, and see a few abandoned buildings. It may be the middle of the day, but you can hopefully wait in there until--
You feel a warm and sharp pain in your upper abdomen. You've been shot. Sh*t.
You duck into an abandoned building, trying not to panic. You stay silent for nearly ten minutes, before you hear them sweep the building next to you, and make your escape.
Winding your way through the maze that is the alleyway system, after nearly twenty minutes of walking, you see the parking structure.
You stumble in to the now-familiar parking structure, clutching your bleeding side. You see the van where Jesse is hiding in and your grip on your bag of supplies tightens. You move fast, despite the hitch in your leg from some damaged circuitry from your fall out the window, and as quickly as you can, get into the van and shut the door.
When your eyes adjust to the dim interior, you see Jesse, sitting up, and staring out the back window.
"Hey." You say, beginning to unpack your backpack full of materials. You pull out the small radio and place it on the opposite side of the van.
"Hi." He turns to you, with a look you can't quite read. "You were gone a lot longer than you said. I was startin' to get nervous."
"Sorry about that. Things didn't exactly go to plan." You shift your weight and hiss a bit in pain. The gunshot wound is now beginning to bleed more profusely, and you grab it with your hand, trying to put pressure on it.
"Woah, slow down." Jesse inches over to you with the little space in the back of the beat up van. "What happened?" He moves your
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