Chapter Twenty-One: Detroit (Parts 3 and 4)

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Part Three: At a Glance


You wake up the next morning, full from delicious food and expensive alcohol, and wondering in the back of your mind how much money is coming out of Overwatch's pocket to but six of you up here. You stare out the window, the sun starting to peek over the horizon, and turn to observe your surroundings.

You glance at your surroundings, observing possible routes of escape and weaponry, but your eyes slowly drift over to Jesse, sound asleep, facing towards you. Sleeping next to him is a pillow with a nightgown on that the two of you lovingly (and drunkenly) named Miss Cake after stuffing two smaller pillows into the pillowcase to give Miss Cake "curves."

You suppress a chuckle. He looks so peaceful. You stand and stretch, and move to wake him up, but you can't quite bring yourself to do so. You never noticed how long his eyelashes were before, or the way that his long hair fell into his face when he was sleeping.

You suppose that it's fair that you didn't notice these things, as the last time you saw him sleeping, you were bleeding in a cave. His arm is around the pillow, and you imagine yourself in that position for a moment, before snapping out of it. No need to get jealous of a pillow.

You head to the bathroom to change clothes. You pick out for yourself something that reminds you of "Jamie." You put on a little bit of makeup too, and put the sunglasses on. Looking at yourself, you certainly don't hold yourself in the same aggressive way you normally do. Everything about Mrs. Lee-Dawson is effortless and elegant. She didn't have to fight like you did just to get by. She doesn't know pain. She knows comfort, love, and success... and part of you likes living that way, even if it's just pretend.

You walk out of the bathroom to find Jesse starting to sit up, rubbing his eyes. "Good morning." He says, glancing out the window. "What time is it, exactly?"

"About 6:30." You say.

"Oh." He seems surprised by this. "I swear, every summer I forget that the sun rises earlier. I thought we were late."

"Late? For what?" You ask.

He stops walking, furrows his brow, and says, "I also forgot that we were here. Assumed we had some Lowers to teach today." You check your watch. The training for the lower agents would've been today.

"Sorry you have to miss out on teaching Baines." you say, as you being to flip through the breakfast menu.

"It's alright." You see his reflection in the mirror, and it shocks you.

You immediately cover your eyes. "Hey, maybe change in the bathroom!" You say.

He chuckles. "What- I just don't have a shirt on."

"Just go somewhere where I can't see you, please!"

"Alright, fine." His shirt hits you in the back of the head.

"You're an ass." You call back to him.

"I know, you keep reminding me." The bathroom door closes.

You scan the breakfast menu and find (Y/Favorite). "Hey Jess?"

"Jess?" He says, poking his head out of the door. "That's new. What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to order breakfast in, or go downstairs."

He mulls this over for a second. "We aren't much use up here, are we? Though we don't know which restaurant they'll be at."

"There's three, so the others can go to the other ones."

"Good thinking. I'm gonna take a shower. Will you let them know?"


You pull out a little device that was given to you before coming here, and then pull out a slip of paper. On the front are instructions for the device, and on the back, there's the room numbers of the others.

You follow the instructions on the paper, and slowly and carefully take apart the room phone. You put the device inside of it, and turn it on. Once you close it back up, the phone cannot be tapped from either the hotel or an outsider. You can also call directly to other phones in the larger network, instead of going through the front desk. "Gotta love technology." You say to yourself.

You flip the paper over and check the room numbers. You press and hold the pound sign, activating the device inside. You dial the room number of Lena and Hunter and hope that they pick up. The phone rings for a moment and you hear a familiar voice at the other end.

"Hello?" Lena says from the other end.

"Hey Lena."

"(Y/- who is this?" She says.

"Is your room tapped? Ours isn't." You say.

"No, ours isn't either. What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know a plan that Jesse and I had and wondered if you could pass it on to Ginger and Ange."


"We want to stay in the hotel at all times to look, and was wondering, in case they leave their rooms, that we all take our meals in the three restaurants. We can rotate which ones we're at for lunch and dinner. It's going to be a weighty bill for Overwatch, but they put us up here so it's their fault."

You hear Lena chuckle from the other end. "Alright, I'l. pass it on to Ange. Thanks for calling."

"No problem, just put the small black box into the phone. There should be instructions."

"Gotcha. Bye." She hangs up.

You look through the menu on the table again, and double check any other options. You want to be able to look around the room instead of at a menu the whole time.

Jesse soon exits the bathroom, towel around his waist, and another towel that he's using to dry his hair.

"Got it all figured out?" He's shirtless, again, and has a small grin on his face as he watches you squirm.

"Yeah. You might want to look at this before we go," you hold up the menu. "Just so we can spend more time looking around."

"That's a great idea." He walks over to his bag and swears under his breath.


"There isn't a single shirt that I would ever wear in here." He pulls two out. One is light pink, and the other is baby blue. You stifle a chuckle. "Help." He says.

You walk over and grab each shirt, and hold it up to him. "I like the blue better, but both look good."

He grabs the shirt and shrugs it on. He mumbles something under his breath before grabbing more clothes and heading back to the bathroom.

You sit on the couch until Jesse exits the bathroom about 10 minutes later.

"You ready?" He asks.

You turn, "Yeah."

Breakfast is mostly uneventful. You have (Y/Favorite), and Jesse has an omelette and coffee. You spend most of the meal trying to look like you're having a conversation while scanning the room. You don't notice anything out of order. You know that the leader of Null Sector is Omnic, and you see a few peppered throughout the room.

You snap back into conversation as Jesse says, "Jamie?"

"Oh, sorry. Lost in thought. What?"

"I was just wondering what you were going to do while I went to that conference."

"Oh." You can't tell if it was a coded question or an attempt at believable small talk. You wondered why it couldn't wait. "I was just planning on staying in the room, watching TV. Just do whatever until you get back."

"Gotcha." You don't know what answer he was looking for. You hope you gave the right one.

You spend the majority of the day like this. In and out of your room, looking for any suspicious figures. None really stick out to you. You monitor the patterns of the few Omnics at the hotel. All wear suits or more formal dress. You don't see any of them more than once, which means they're either staying at the same restaurant (as you and the others have a rotating pattern), or having food delivered to their rooms.

You never see the Omnics who are next door to you.

Later that evening, right around sundown, the two of you are sitting on the couch, watching TV, when Jesse abruptly gets up and goes looking for something.

"Whatcha looking for?" you call over your shoulder.

"I had an idea. We haven't seen much of our neighbors, but we haven't checked one place out yet. I don't think they'll be there, but it's worth a shot."

"What is it?"

"The pool area. I don't know if they'd meet there, but there is a sauna that can be booked by the hour that would be pretty hard to bug."

"Huh, I guess you're right. Did they pack us swimwear?"

"Let me check." Jesse goes through his bag, and soon says, "Yeah, at least for me."

"Should we let the others know?"

Jesse considers this for a second before saying, "Let's try it once ourselves, and then let them know. If we were all to show up and get friendly with them, it could be suspicious."

"You're right. Let me check my bag. If you want to change in the bathroom, I can change out here."

"Sounds like a plan." You soon hear the click of the bathroom door. You pull the curtains shut and check your bag. You eventually find a one-piece in your favorite color. You quickly pull it on, and after checking yourself in the full length mirror, go beet red. You are going to kill whoever set you up for this. The neckline is plunging, far more so than any suit you've ever worn.

"You decent?" You hear from the bathroom.

"Yeah, just please don't laugh at me." You call back.

"Laugh?" The bathroom door opens, "Why... oh. That's why." You turn to face him.

"Just don't make a big deal out of it and we'll be fine."

"Should I book the sauna?" He says, looking anywhere, it seems, except for you.

"Let's just go scope out the area. They might not even arrive until tomorrow." Tomorrow, the day of the meeting. You just hope that they sent somebody early so you don't barge into the wrong person's room, guns drawn. "If we think it's them, we can hopefully book the sauna at the same time as them."

"Would they let multiple people in?" Jesse asks, pulling a tee shirt on.

"I don't know. There's only one way to find out." You run to your bag and grab a cover up. It's slightly sheer, which annoys you, but you can't complain about having brand new clothes provided to you.

"Ready?" Jesse asks, waiting by the door.

"Yeah." You say.

The walk down to the pool is fairly silent. Some people have gone to sleep, and you don't run into anyone. You know the pool closes the three hours, so you have some time. Neither of you speak. You hope that it doesn't come off as cold, you just aren't in the mood.

You make your way down to the pool, which is deserted. It's a really nice area. The pool is two-tiered, having an upper and lower section with a small water fixture in between. The lights inside are a cool blue, and you dip a toe in- it's warm. There's a hot tub, and a sauna.

"Ain't this fancy?" Jesse says with a whistle.

"Should we head back?" You say, ready to be out of this outfit.

"No, where's the fun in that?" He pulls his shirt off and flings it onto a deck chair.


"We promised to have fun together before we had to split off, remember?" He touches your shoulder, and you push down the heat rising to your cheeks. You pointedly look into his eyes.

You hate that he's sticking to the role, but there's no telling who can come in at any moment.

"Fine." You roll your eyes. You walk over to another chair and pull your cover up off. You turn around, and suddenly, Jesse has scooped you up into his arms.

"Hey!" You say, surprised. He's carrying you towards the pool. You squirm.

"Take a deep breath!" He says, before jumping into the pool, holding you.

You both crash beneath the surface of the water, and when you resurface, Jesse has a stupid grin on his face. He's still holding you. You splash water at him.

"Hey," he says, "loosen up a bit, it's basically our vacation." He chuckles as he lets you go and you splash more water at him.

It's really not vacation. Far from it.

"I know, but I just have a hard time winding down." You say, hoping he'll get your cue.

"It's gonna be fine." He says, ducking underwater, and swimming to the other side.

You shake your head, but plunge underwater again. You swim to a wall and hold on, and just observe. When he comes up for air, his hair is covering his face. You laugh from the other side of the pool.

"What?" he asks in mock indignation.

"You look stupid with your hair in your face." You swim over to him and brush the hair out of his eyes. It's shallow enough to stand. It's then when you realize just how close to him you are. You feel your heart pound in your ears.

This isn't exactly the best time for this, you tell yourself.

He grins, and just traces your face with his eyes for a moment, before saying, "Y'know, part of me is glad we came."


"Because I haven't seen much of you lately. What with work and everything."

You glance down.

He continues, "I get that it's been stressful lately, and I'm sorry about that." His voice lacks its usual edge. It's softer, quieter.

You look up at him, not saying anything for a moment, before starting to lean in. You feel the breath leave your body as you feel his hand on your face, but suddenly the door to the pool opens. You both turn and see your neighbors walk in. Both appearing to be male, the two Omnics wear charcoal grey swim shorts and enter the sauna.

"Told you." Jesse says quietly as they close the door.

"Maybe we can chat with them when they come out. See if anything is suspicious." You say.

"Good plan." He ducks underwater again to get the rest of the hair out of his face.

He continues to swim, and you go and get into the hot tub. It gives you a full view of the room. Jesse joins you in silence ten minutes later. After ten more minutes, the Omnics emerge, and start to towel off.

"Hello," You call, "You're our neighbors, aren't you?"

There's a split second of silence, then one replies, "Yes."

"Where are y'all coming from?"

They seem to want to get out of this conversation.

"We're coming from Canada."

Jesse whistles, "Canada, I've never been, but I've heard it's nice up there. We're from Texas."

"Yes, I could tell." The other says.

Suddenly, Jesse seems to notice something. You catch that familiar glint in his eye as he puts the pieces of something together. The Omnics say a hurried goodbye, and as they close the door, Jesse gets out of the hot tub.

"What's up?" You ask.

"It's them."

Part 4: Unfortunate Circumstances


The next day comes. You wait around until sundown. The meeting was supposed to happen an hour after sundown, so you need to move fast. Jesse explains to you how he knew. Deadlock had one dealing with Null Sector back in the day, while they were still forming, and they too, branded their members, in a sort of way. There's a small, nearly imperceptible purple plate on the back of the Omnic's head. Most people don't know to look for it, but it's a giveaway if you do.

"Are you sure they aren't playing us?" You say as you shut the curtains and pull the weapons chest out from underneath your bed.

"There's no way to know." He kneels by you and opens the chest. He grabs his weaponry and holsters it. The two of you are already dressed for the mission. You're wearing a black jacket over a black tank top and black pants, but you have all of the standard gear that comes on an Overwatch suit. You now know the layout of the hotel, and the goal is to jump from your balcony, over to your neighbors', pick the lock of the sliding door with a mechanism they gave you, and finish the job.

You grab your own pistol, examine it, load it, and holster it. Jesse gives you a stern nod as you radio the others.

"Radiant Two, this is Sunshine One, checking in on your position, over." You say into the radio.

"Sunshine One, this is Radiant Two, I'm nearly in position, over." Angela's voice rings over the radio loud and clear. She and McCree are supposed to keep their distance, and only come in if necessary. Their goal is to protect you.

You look to McCree, who puts a hand on your shoulder and says, "You've got this."

You steel yourself. For the greater good.

You remember the last time you walked into a room with the intention to kill. You see Martin's mangled face in your head, as the warehouse comes down around him. You remember the cold and dead feeling in you as you pulled the trigger and watched him slump to the ground, lifeless. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to get the image out of your mind. Eyes closed, you feel Jesse take your hand and squeeze it. You squeeze it back.

"Sunshine One, this is Radiant Two. I'm in position. Proceed when ready, over."

You take a deep breath, and open your balcony door.

"Radiant Two, I'm moving in, over."

"Copy that."

You hear the click of Jesse's gun loading behind you. There's a two foot gap between the balconies, and you manage to jump it. You stay low as you put the mechanism onto the door handle. You're lucky that the curtains are shut, they would certainly see you land on the balcony. You hear the whirring of the mechanism telling you that the door is unlocked. You begin to slide the door open quietly.

The room is dark, and it takes your eyes a moment to adjust. You slip in, having the door open as little as possible. You hear Jesse step out onto your balcony, waiting for any sign of danger.

You examine the room, gun out in front of you, but find it empty. Your heart beats in your ears. You press your radio, and say, "It's a setu-" You never finish your sentence. The next thing you know is arms from behind you, wrestling you to the ground, and then darkness.

When you come to, you've been tied to a chair in the middle of the dark room. You slowly open your eyes to find the two Omnics sitting guard by the door, just watching you.

You hear a voice, but it doesn't come from either of them, it comes from behind you.

"Good, you're finally awake." Stepping out in front of you is an Omnic you've never seen before. His voice is smooth and he pulls up a chair opposite to you, and sits down. 

You stare at him blankly. Though he can't smile, you feel that he would. His eyes are dead and cold. 

"Leave us." He motions to the others, "And tell our friends to watch out for Overwatch agents. Thank you." The others nod and leave the room. 

"You've come a long way to get here, Jamie Dawson. Though I suppose that isn't your real name, and I suppose the man we chased off isn't your husband." His tone is flat. 

You swear under your breath unintentionally. 

"If you're worried about him, he's fine."

"I wouldn't be concerned about him at the moment. I'd be concerned for yourself." You say in a low tone.

He chuckles. "Let's make this simple and agree to be honest with each other, okay? Let's start simple. My name is Giovanni. What's yours?" He leans in close to you. 

You say nothing, just stare him in the eyes. 

"Conversation is a two way street, dear. I can't help you if you can't help me."

"I don't think that there's any way you could help me."

"I could help you by making sure we keep him alive." Your heart drops.

"Where is he?" You ask quietly.

"McCree?" they already know. "That's my little secret. Until, of course, you tell me who you are."

You've broken once before, and you don't plan on doing it again. 

"I'm Jamie Dawson. Pleasure to meet you." You say. 

He scoffs, and walks to the other side of the room. "I was told to keep this simple." You see him pull on a glove and pull out your gun. It

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