Back at the university, Ayisha wrapped her hair in a bun and began working in the university's cafeteria. This was her part time job to earn enough cash to pay towards her tuition fee. Her father was just an engineer and her mother taught at a small kindergarten school. Both incomes, however, were still not enough. At least with this job, it could help towards her school fee and at the same time, she could prove that she was independent enough to take care of herself. She began to get busy when she noticed a couple in the line having a interesting conversation and couldn't help but to eavesdrop.
"You don't want to deny your faith, I get it, so the answer is simple; drop the class." Kara provided her boyfriend with a reasonable solution. After the heated showdown yesterday in philosophy class, Josh was rather nervous about the presentation which Mr. Radisson insisted that he would fail. Still, that wouldn't detour him though the pre-pressure of debate was weighing on him heavily.
"Yea but I am not sure I can do that..." he thought over what he was going to say, "I feel like God wants someone to defend him and that someone could be me."
Kara looked at him unpleased. "Don't be ridiculous."
He shrugged. Though both of them believed in God and had given their life to him, Kara didn't see the need to defend God. She just couldn't understand the pull he was feeling inside of him to stand up on that podium and declare that God is not dead. Maybe this was his calling. Maybe this was what God had ordained him to do before he was formed in his mother's womb. But he didn't understand why Kara couldn't see the possibility of that.
Ayisha was now more curious of the event that occurred yesterday from their conversation. Hearing Josh talk about God was the first time she heard anyone mentioned anything about Christianity since her conversion. The discussion intrigued her and she thought she needed to know more.
"I just keep thinking of that C.S Lewis line- 'Only a real risk test the reality of a belief.'"
Unamused, his girlfriend asked, "So you are going to risk our future over your yearbook quote?" He let out a sigh and she continued, "Josh, why am I here?"
Josh did not respond to her. He was thinking about her question. He remembered when they first started dating. They were both in their first glorious year of high school and were apart of the same church. Up to this point, both Kara and Josh did not talk much to each other. But all that changed when their youth group went on an a excursion. A friend re-introduced the two to each other and it was like child-like-love at first sight. As they continued dating through their high school years, Josh felt like she was out of his league. She was the Valedictorian at their graduation so needless to say, her intelligence was in high demand.
"Hello, earth to Josh." Kara interrupted his thoughts when she grew impatient. He finally came back to reality and gave her his attention. "Why am I, student valedictorian of our graduate class here at my fourth choice school?"
Josh knew the answer. At the end of high school, Josh had applied to eleven universities, but of the five that accepted him, Hadleigh was the most suitable. Kara on the other hand, applied for 3 of the Ivy League Universities which were Stanford, Columbia and Yale University which she all denied their acceptance because she later chose her forth choice- Hadleigh University. It was the only lower ranking school she could bear to go to for the sake of Josh and her's relationship. Josh pushed her to accept the admission into one of the Ivy League Universities but Kara insisted that would ruin their relationship and she had put too much time and effort in them to allow the opportunity to get the same degree from whichever college to come between them.
"I am sorry to have the next fifty years of our life planned out but that's just who I am." Kara argued.
She knew she was sacrificing the opportunity to get the best education possible so Josh had to make sacrifices too. He was also accepted by some very good schools for pre- law which Kara did not apply for. So it was an unfortunate situation, she gave up her Ivy League Universities and he gave up some of the best pre- law schools. It was the sacrifice for love that brought them to Hadleigh but Josh wasn't quite sure of his willingness to sacrifice God's will for their love as well.
"I don't know Kara, it's just-"
Kara cut him short. "Josh, I love you but I absolutely forbid you to go up against the professor in his own classroom. We have too much at stake. The whole thing is rig to make you look like an idiot and if you want to get into law school you can't afford to flunk this class. Even a C can be disastrous."
She didn't wait for him to respond but instead turn from the cafeteria line, pick up her lunch tray and headed out. Josh was a little slow in following and for a quick second his eyes catch the girl's eyes who was listening in on their conversation. He gave her a tight lipped smile and walked off.
It was now dark outside and Josh had finished all his classes for the day. Troubled by his argument with Kara and the burden of whether he should debate his belief on the podium in Mr. Radisson's class, Josh found himself entering the church situated on the university campus that was built there many years ago. It was his first time entering the church though he always wanted to go there. It was something about the church's history that pulled him to it. To him, it similarly represented how God existed before men and how men grew up and lived in the presence of God but now they ignore the One that never forsakes.
*"And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed."
Josh, however, choose not to turn his back on God. If this was something He wanted him to do then he will do it but if not, so let it be. The only problem was that he didn't truly knew what God wanted him to do.
Upon entering, Josh found the church empty. With peace and time to himself, he sat down on one of the benches and bowed his head.
As he was in this position, Rev. Dave entered through the side doors with his eyes fixed in the Bible. He was intensively preparing for his next sermon but out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a boy alone in the church.
Out of his good nature or pastoral duty, he walked up to Josh to find out if he was okay. "Can I help you?"
Josh slightly looked up but said nothing.
"You- are you waiting for someone?" the reverend continued.
"Yea, you can say that." Josh muttered. "It looks like he's out for the moment."
Understanding who Josh was referring to, he replied- "Well, maybe that's why he sent me." Dave gave him a smile and sat down beside him.
Josh look up on the Reverend and decided to be open with him. Josh began explaining to the Reverend about the source of his problem.
"I could drop the class and runaway. Pretend like it never happened, which is what my girlfriend wants. I could sign the paper saying something I don't believe. Or I could commit academic suicide in front of a live audience by trying to prove that God exists."
After listening to his situation, the Reverend asked, "How many people are in that class?"
"80. Maybe." Josh replied.
Nodding his head, the Reverend then asked, "And how many of them do you think would ever step foot in here or any other church for that matter?"
"None probably."
"So your acceptance of this challenge, if you decide to accept it, may be the only meaningful exposure to God and Jesus they will ever have?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I suppose so." Josh was beginning to see the bigger picture. He could almost make out the importance of this opportunity but he still needed more convincing to risk his relationship with his girlfriend, the relationship with his teacher and his classmates and the possibility of getting a failing grade.
"Check out Matthew 10 verse 32 to 33." The Reverend turned to get up.
Josh thought he was going to start preaching and giving him all sorts of guidelines to help him discover what he should do but instead the Reverend was leaving without barely saying anything. "That's it. That's all?"
The pastor, now standing, nod his head. "Yeah."
"Just a scriptural citation?" Josh really didn't believe that the pastor wasn't going to give him more advice.
"If you're still undecided after that one, look at Luke 12:48."
"It can't be that simple." Josh had a confused grin on his face.
"Sure it can. You're here because that still small voice inside you isn't happy with the choices everyone else wants you to make. Personally, I think it's the Holy Spirit talking to you. It's how He interact with us, if we allow him to. All you have to do is decide whether or not you're willing to listen. It's not easy, but it is simple." He was going to walk away but turned back, "If you need someone to talk to, here's my number." The Reverend handed him a card.
Then Dave left Josh to think about what he just said. He still desired more guidance but at least he knew where to start.
When Josh reached home, he took up his Bible and was curious to read what was in those two scriptures that the pastor believed would be all he needed.
He found Matthew 10: 32- 33 and began reading, "Everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my father who is in Heaven. Whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my father who is in Heaven."
He then found Luke 12:48, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required, and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be asked."
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