A Forbidden Affair

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At Hadleigh University, Ayisha classes were now finished for the day. She took out her Hijab and after finding a lonely place began to wrap it around her head. She constantly looked around at the few students who were minding their own business as she quickly finished up wrapping the Hijab.

When she was almost done, a girl who saw her came up to her. "You are beautiful." She whispered to her. Ayisha noticed her friend and she was glad that it wasn't someone else. She continued fixing the Hijab. "I wish you didn't have to do that."

"Its for my father. He's very traditional." She explained.

"But you are not."

"But I am my father's daughter and I live under his roof." Ayisha allowed her arms to fall to her side.

Ruth, her friend, folded her arms. "So, you hate it there. You could always come live with me and my chill and laid- back family."

Ayisha shook her head. Yes, she didn't believe in the Muslim tradition anymore but she will always love her family. She loved them so much that she couldn't leave them without telling them the truth about the real Savior- Jesus Christ.

"No Ruth, I will not leave them. Slowly but surely I will tell them about God."

It was now Ruth's time to shake her head. From the first time she met Ayisha on the day they both started to work in the cafeteria, she was talking about God. Ruth believed there was a higher being who is in control of everything but she did not know much about him so she was glad that Ayisha's had much to say on the matter. "And what will you say to them? To prove that he exists?"

"I will tell them this:

How do I know God exists?

Because God loves what is right, and since we are his children, our soul too wants to do the right thing. So, there is a burning fire in me that does not originate from me that convicts me of my wrongs. When I pray to God, someone answers, He answers. I ask him, if I should go here or there and he provides a sign. He shows me miracles and wonders. I also feel his presence and he gives me joy even when I am going through a hard time. God has given his people gifts as a sign. To some, he gives them the gift of a foreign tongue, to others prophesying and healing. That's how I know that God exists."

Ruth smiled, she enjoyed hearing about God and though she could not prove his existence like Ayisha could, she hoped one day she will. "I want to believe in God. How do you do it?"

The statement fell like musical notes on Ayisha's ears. That was all she had hope someone or anyone to say to her. Though she did not have an official message to give her then, she just decided to share from what she knew and experience. "Believing in Jesus is a process, one that requires you to lay down your life and follow him daily but not out of a loveless obedience but because he is always watching over you, caring for you, ensuring that things fall in place in your life, directing your path and watching your steps. He is your Maker and your Savior who has left His glorious throne to take away your sins so that you will be with him forever. So today, if you confess your sins, declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Ayisha, spun her bag around and took out a small Bible that she was given a year ago of which her parents were ignorant about. "Here. I can't tell you everything you will know about God but that Book will."

Ruth took the Bible in her hands and hugged Ayisha. "Thank you, seriously. I thought it would be at church or a church camp that I will start really believing in God but no, its at school through a Muslim girl."

Ayisha laughed. "God works miraculously."

Just then a car horn drew their attention and Ayisha saw her father waiting for her. A wave of anxiety fell on Ayisha and her peaceful and calm manner disappeared.

"I have to go." Ayisha said hurriedly.

Ruth noticed the change in Ayisha's behavior but could hardly say anything because Ayisha was gone.

Her father greeted her in their native language when she entered the car. "Who were you talking to?" He inquired.

In a low tone she responded, "No one."

"Ayisha," her father began, "I know it's hard, being in the world and being apart of it, a world you can see but can't touch."

Ayisha turned to stare out the car window. This conversation like the many others were of no interest to her. She got her father's point but she doubted he will ever get hers.

"I know they seem happy, but know that when we look around at all those people, there is no one who worships god- not the way he deserves and demands to be worshiped. You must never forget who and what we are. That is the most important thing."

He was right that there was no one who worshipped God the way he deserved. Ayisha agreed with him on that, however,  Islam and Christianity teachings vary. He was a devoted Muslim who raised his children to follow in strict obedience. How then did Ayisha deviate? To make no mistake, she also had believed and followed the Islamic tradition, she didn't seek the God that Christians worshipped, no, he sought her. 

She remembered the life changing hour like it was just yesterday. It happened a little more than a year ago when she was passing by a bakery shop during the popular Ramadan fasting when her stomach growled. The smell of the pastries drew her to the door of the shop but she dared not go inside for fear of being noticed. When she couldn't tempt herself any longer and was just about to turn away, a man dressed in pastoral clothing left his small station on the sidewalk and approached her.

"Good day, could I talk to you about God for a few seconds." The slightly gray head pastor asked politely.

Ayisha, being 19, knew the stranger danger rule was too young for her to use but it was the sight of the man's attire that made her hesitant. "You're a Christian and I am Muslim. Our religion is not the same." Ayisha laid down the line like her father had taught her.

The man nodded. "I know. But how do you know that your beliefs are actually the truth?"

The question hit her like a lightening bolt. Up to that point, Islam was just a religion to her made up of rules her parents told her to follow. She knew everything about the god they served but nothing actually connected with her. She knew something was missing in her life, could it have been this true God?

Ayisha was oblivious to how surprising it looked for a Muslim to be talking to a Christian pastor but the conversation intrigued her. The two talked some more then after a few more stares from passerby, Ayisha brought the conversation to a halt.

"Here," the man gave Ayisha a small pocket Bible. "The message is different but I think you would find this book very intresting. I am Pastor Wheaton by the way."

Ayisha slowly took the Bible and walked away.

Some days after, Ayisha decided to visit a church near her and see for herself what it was all about. It didn't took her long to discover that God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and The Holy Spirit was the God she was searching for. But walking away from Islam meant her relationship with her parents and other family members would be affected. She was not ready for the disturbance it would cause between her and her father who she loved deeply. What would happen to their relationship if he knew? The thought alone frighten her.

She turned to face him with sadden eyes. "Yes, Baba."

"I only insist on this because I love you. You know that, don't you?"

Ayisha couldn't look him in the eyes. The weight of her unknown truth was too great for her. 
"Of course Baba." She said in a forced tone.

Nevertheless, he was pleased and gentle kissed her head.

Back on campus, Josh was resting on one of the large boulder chairs that sat on the university's campus. He was being shaded by a large oak tree that proved to be a good enough spot to study.

Kara spotting her boyfriend in a distance walked up to him. "Hey babe."

Bringing his book down to his chest, the view of the Shakira look-alike graced his sight.

"Where have you been? Did you turn your phone off?" she asked resting her folded arms on his knees.

"More like I forgot to turn my phone on." He responded and set his book aside.

"Do you know what day it is?" She hummed.


"Anything else?" She pushed.

"The 14th," He noticed her smile fade away and his face lit up. He had successful tricked her. "Happy anniversary."

She smiled, realizing that he didn't forget the day they started dating. "Six years ago. Your world collided with mine." Kara reminded him. He turned to sit down properly and she slid beside him. "You remember?"

Josh nod his head. How could he have forgot? "Our youth group was going to a concert hosted by a Christian band. You remember their name?"

Kara didn't have to think, she had re-imagine that day all the time. "Newsboys." She recalled the popular Christian band that brought them together.

Just then, Josh reached in his pocket and flicked out two tickets with a big grin on his face. "They're going to be in town next Friday."

Kara couldn't help but smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "You are amazing. Which is why I love you." When she said that the thought of yesterday flashed before both of their minds and the atmosphere dampen. "Look, I know I came off probably way too strong yesterday. I just get concerned when outside things start coming between us. You get that, can't you?" she said in a more serious tone.

"Sure." Josh nodded.

"Forgive me?" Kara gave him a puppy face.

He couldn't help it, "Always."

"Come on." Kara took his arm and dragged him from off the bench but Josh's bag was unzipped and all his books came crashing to the ground- which was a lot.

"Well, that can't all be law?" Kara asked confused as to why Josh had so many books in his bag. But her questioned was answered shortly when she saw 'The Word of God-What To Tell Unbelievers' written on one of the books. "Josh, please tell me you haven't been spending all your time on that philosophy thing."

"Not all of it." Josh defended himself. Kara gave him a serious look, "Okay, most of it." Josh admitted in defeat.

"Josh that's not funny. It's really not."

Josh began picking up all the books that fell. "This is something I want to do it. I don't understand how it comes between us."

Kara looked away. "Josh, everything you do is about us. We are a team. We are what? Six years going on forever, right? That means your grades, your whole future, I'm a part of that. I don't see how this is contributing to our future."

"My dad would think I am doing the right thing." Josh said with a shrug.

"Yea, because he is a pastor, that's his calling, not yours. Josh, I'm letting you know now for your own good. This experiment is over. You need to prioritize. Decide who's the most important person in your life. Me or Professor Radisson."

Josh took a deep breath, "What if it's God?"

"God wants you with me, so it's the same answer. Return the book to library. Sign the stupid paper and move on. A year from now, we'll look back on this and laugh." She pulled him into a hug, "We are not in high school anymore. The decisions you make now, will have real consequences."

Josh's mind became relentless. He had made up his mind but now, it seems like he was back at square one.

"Josh this is serious." Kara fumed when he wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. But Josh had nothing to say.

"Look, I have to go to class. But please Josh, return the books and call this off. This is my last warning." Kara gave him a stern look which left Josh conflicted and it wasn't the time to be conflicted because he had Professor Radisson's class the very next day.

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