I wasn't in the mood to eat. After I gave them the information, I hung up and made my way back.
Ghost was in the living area when I came in.
"You finally back?"
"Good. Go to bed. We're leaving tomorrow."
"What, where?"
"It's Christmas holidays. You're coming to my house for two weeks."
"Oh... Ghost?"
"What are your plans for the kids when you find them?"
"What are you talking about?"
"The kids being hurt right now. What are you gonna do when you find them?"
"We'll get them out and hand them over to the authorities. After that, it's out of my hands."
"But what if they wanna die?"
"What if they don't wanna live with all that trauma? We're forcing them to go on and we just tell them that it'll get easier. That it'll get better. What if it doesn't?"
Ghost sighed and went back to his paper work.
"Asshole..." I turned and packed a bag. I didn't have much though.
I existed the room and paid a visit to Soap.
"Hey, YN! To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Why am I forced to go with Ghost? I rather go with you."
"I talked to Price and he said Ghost insisted on having you. It's out of my hands. I'm sorry YN. He's not as bad as you think. It'll be alright. Just...don't cause him trouble."
"Trouble follows me, I can't help it, you know that."
He laughed and pat the spot next to him in the bed. We talked and talked.
I told him about what I asked Ghost and how he ignored me and how that made me a bit upset.
Soap tried to explain it away but I was still pretty bothered.
We eventually fell asleep next to each other.
"Hey, wake up YN."
I was shaken out of my sleep by Soap, Ghost standing next to him.
"Wake up. It's time to go."
"I don't wanna go with him."
"That's to bad. Get your ass up. We're leaving." The covers were yanked off me and I sighed.
I got up and went to my room to grab clothes to change into after a shower.
Once fresh and clean, I went to find Ghost. He was saying goodbye to everyone and they turned to me.
"Take care kid. Don't cause to many problems for good ol' Simon."
"Ghost's real name is Simon." Gaz grinned.
"Of fucking corse it is."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing. Let's go."
Soap jumped over and hugged me tightly.
"Be safe, YN. Have a great Christmas!"
"Where are you going?"
"Back to Scotland with my family."
"Oh. Have a good Christmas, Soap."
Price walked over and gave me a hug.
"Merry Christmas, kid."
I pat his back.
When was the last time I was hugged? When was I ever hugged? Was I ever hugged?
"Merry Christmas."
Gaz high fives me and we went out separate ways.
"Will it be okay?" I asked as I slipped Budge into my jacket pocket.
"Will what be okay?"
"You know, your family? Will they be okay with you bringing home a criminal? Or did you already okay it with them?"
"Well it's simple."
"What is?"
"I have no one waiting for me. My entire family is dead."
(Quick question, what<or who>do you guys wanna see in this book?)
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