Chap. 16

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Kirara POV:

Hey ummmm if its my POV do i have to be on the right side still orr??? ok yeah ill just stay on the left for now anyway 

im eating lunch and my table is being insane? I'm gonna list the people hold on. Xingqiu📚, Chongyun❄️, Xiangling🍳, Charlotte📸, Bennett🍀❌, Razor🐺, Barbara🎤, Noelle🧹, Hu Tao👻, Yanfei⚖️, Gorou🐶, and Itto👹. Like how does the table fit so many??? Xingqiu just threw food at razor and started an all out war!!! omg itto just tackled gorou for some reason?? yanfei is currently going through the school rule book to see if food fights are allowed. o no other tables are getting involved. charlotte is taking pictures(obviously) bennett is getting covered in food and missing every shot lol oh i gotta go sor

Sayu POV:

'Where is Thoma...' I think to myself. I was invited to the school on behalf of my friends being here but now I cant find Thoma. 

"Oh? Sayu! Why are you here?" I see Ms. Kamisato wall up to me. She had the firework maker behind her. I wave and yawn.

"I was able to come because my friend Klee was you know where Thoma is?" I ask her. She looks around.

"He should be eating lunch, but there was a food fight going on in there, so he may be trying to clean it up." Ms. Kamisato explains. How did a food fight even start..? Nevermind that. I nod and begin walking to where I assume the Cafeteria was. I slowly open the door and look around. I soon see Mr. Kamisato across the room. I try to run without getting him by flying food and it works. 

"Mr. Kamisato..." I poke his arm. He turns around and looks at me. He was drinking his boba before he turned around and he smiles at me.

"Yes, Sayu?" He responds calmly. He hasn't gotten hit yet...hopefully he doesn't.

"Do you know where Thoma is?" I ask him, He nods and points to the corner of the room, where Thoma was just sitting over in the corner .

"What happened?" I ask Mr. Kamisato. He chuckles, but quickly composes himself.

"Go ask him, alright?" He speaks calmly. I wonder what happened...

Venti POV:

"Xiao, you and Aether are really open about your relationship, aren't you?" I ask Xiao. We are walking to our next class right now.

"Yeah? What about it?" He speaks harshly. Why does he always have to be so annoyed about everything? 

"Oh, its nothing, just thinking out loud..." I really want him to ask more about it. He stays quiet. He really gets on my nerves sometimes. Him and I walk in silence to class. 

"Heyyy Xiao did you do the homeworkkk???" I forgot to do the homework.

"Yes." He responds blankly. No emotion whatsoever. He was just grabbing his homework from his backpack.

"Can I copy off-"

"No." I frown. I decide to begin my evil plan...otherwise known as telling Xiaos dad hes gay and in a relationship.

"Fine then. You will regret saying that soon enough" I huff. Oh and believe me, he really will. 

Kazuha POV:

'I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life...' I continue to think. Watching every student enter the room. What's gonna happen when Mona comes in? I soon see her walk in and sit next to me. I cant even look at her...

"Hello, students. Today we'll be learning about ___(something random bc I'm too lazy to come up with something)" Our teacher speaks with a smile, "Oh, before I forget, today is bring your kid to work day! My child already goes here so I just decided to pull him out of class." I watch Scara walk in the room. I didn't know the Raiden Shogun was his mom...

"Ok, I made my appearance I'm going back to class now." He speaks with a frown. The teacher grabs his arm.

"No. You are staying. At least for a little longer."

"Ugh...But I hate everyone in this class-oh. Nevermind I'll stay." He suddenly changes his choice.

"That was a quick decision. Why? Do you have interest in someone here~?" His mother teases him. A noticeable blush spreads across his face.

"Maybe? Who knows..." He grabs an extra seat and brings it over to my desk. He puts both his arms down and lays his head on them. I feel myself blush. 

"Oh...hi." I begin sweating remembering that Mona is right next to me and that comment that Scara made might just get me killed.

"Hi. Also, don't take that comment seriously." I sigh. I'm a bit disappointed...Wait-why am I disappointed about that!? I feel my face heat up. I look up at our teacher. I try to pay attention but really cant for some strange reason. I keep glancing at Scara. I don't know what it is...I just feel strange every time I'm with Scara. There's this weird feeling in my stomach-it makes me nervous. Soon enough, class is dismissed. 

"Hey-Kuni. I keep forgetting to ask you, do you like it when all those girls follow you around?" I ask him. 

"Well, yeah. Who wouldn't wanna be followed around by a bunch of girls with above-average looks?" He smiles. I nod, although I don't get it. It seems like it'd get weird being followed around by a ton of girls. I'm still a bit upset that he likes it when they do that, for some reason. 

"Me." I whisper, trying not to let him hear.

"Hm? Why don't you?" He hears anyway. I blush a little, since despite my best effort, he still heard. 

"I sounds uncomfortable. I don't know why, it just does."

"Thats fair. They can get kinda annoying sometimes." He walks with his hands behind his head.

"Oh...also, that first day, when I bumped into you-that picture you dropped-you haven't brought up the cat that was in that picture."

" saw the picture...I was hoping you'd forgotten about that..." He sighs, "Well, that cat was one I used to have. He died a while ago though." He mutters, sounding sad. I frown. I didn't mean to ruin the mood. 

"I'm sorry, my class is right here. We can talk when you get back to the dorm." I sadly excuse myself from the conversation. I walk into class and sit down. I get a random headache. As I sit through the class, the headache continues to get worse. As soon as the class is over, I run to the dorms to get some water. As I get to my dorm, I remember that I dont have a key. 'Damn it...why the hell does my head hurt so much!?' I lean up against the door. I put a hand on my forehead and wait for Scara to get to the dorm. I wait for at least 45 minutes, holding back screams of pain. 

"Kazuha? Why aren't you in the dorm?" I look up and see Scara standing above me. I am sweating.

"I don't have a key...remember...?" My breathing is heavy and slow. 

"Woah! Mr. Are you ok?" I open my eyes a bit more to see the little girl with bells in her hair. Her name is Yaoyao if I'm remembering correctly.

"Yeah...I think its just a migraine." I mumble. Scara moves me over a bit so he can open the dorm. 

"Kazuha, stand up." I do what he says. I immediately reach for my forehead as soon as I stand up. "Ugh...Kazuha, how do things keep happening to you?" I feel Scara put one arm under my legs and the other under my back. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his neck. I don't think he was expecting that. 

"Why are you...Nevermind." He mutters. He brings me to my room and sets me down.

"I'll grab you some water." I hear him walk out to the kitchen. He comes back into the room with a glass of water. I sit up and take it from him. I drink the whole glass in one sip. 

"Anything else?" He talks from beside my bed.

"No. I don't need anything..." I yawn. I begin to fall asleep when I hear Scara start to talk.

"You're so cute..." He mutters out loud. He thinks I'm cute? He said it before, but I thought he was joking? Was he not? I stay still and keep my eyes closed until I feel him kiss my forehead. Wait a minute! WHAT!?

"I'll be in my room when you wake up." He leaves my bedside and my room. I cant fall asleep. Not after that interaction. I just decide to sit there until my headache almost goes away. I then get up and go to Scara's room. I almost open the door before listening and realizing he's streaming so I don't go in his room.

Aether POV:

I was casually scrolling through twitch, as you do, and then I saw Scaramouche. Like the guy that Kazuha is definitely dating. I click on his stream and sure enough, its the same guy. He was streaming this game called Honkai Impact so I decided  to stay and watch. I just watched until I went to sleep.


So....what happened to thoma was ayato kissed him :> and in front of Ayaka too lol and omg kazooha and scarameow are so gay

I agree Kirara. 

Word Count: 1544

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