Chap. 14

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A bit of talks about depression in this chapter so if you don't want the angsty stuff....avoid the italics


Kirara POV:

"Heyyyyyy Hu Tao has it felt like you've been being watched since you got to the school?" I ask Hu Tao. Hi againnnn whoever you are. Y'know...I can read all the stuff on the person whose account this is. I am fully aware of the kazuscara drama...and its strange like just date already. That cliffhanger didnt make sense tho. anywayyy

"A little...It's not too bothering! After all, Zhongli always tries to keep track of me so I'm kinda used to it!" Hu Tao laughs. It makes sense but he has mostly kept an eye on Childe since school started...I also saw childes comments about him i feel bad that he wasn't able to go to that party tbh. I am the one to go to for questions about the stories future so if you wanna ask me about the future i am open. So uhhhhhh I'll keep you updated its almost the end of my POV so byby soon op now im g

Kazuha POV:

"Well...then just get it over with." I speak. I'm holding back tears. I'd never talked with anyone about this before...especially not someone I met a week ago.

"Kazuha..." I hear Scaramouche mumble. I cant look him in the eyes as I feel tears welling up in my own. 

"Listen. I don't care if you're gonna kill me. But if you plan on least tell me so I can say goodbye to everyone, alright?" I ask him quietly. He looks horrified. Probably because I just basically told him I'd be fine with him killing me.

"Kazuha...I was lying. I wasn't serious..." He slowly moves over to me. I knew that. I knew he was lying. I didn't. you never know anything in this strange world. I feel his arms wrap around me while I start crying. I feel him tighten his grip around me. 

"God...Kazuha. You need to lay down."

"H-huh? That's pretty random..."

"No. Just...come with me." He takes my hand. He's right...I feel tired all of a sudden. He leads me over to the couch and sits down. He then pulls me onto his lap.

"K-Kuni! Why..." I look at him and he pulls me closer. 

"Well...while you were drunk, you wanted I figured you'd still like them while sober..." I start sweating. Is that all I did? I asked to be cuddled?

"Was that what you didn't want to tell me..?" I ask him-my words muffled due to my face being buried in his chest.

"No. Its something else you did...that was a bit shocking..." Something shocking..? I realize how nervous I am right now. My hands are sweaty and my hearts beating quickly. 

"Is it hot in here? Because you're sweating a lot." I shake my head.

"No...Just nervous is all."

"Hm? Why?"

"Because...just look at us. If someone came in to talk to us they may take it the wrong way..." I feel my face heat up.

"Eh...I guess you're right." There's an awkward silence, like we both had something to say but were too nervous to verbalize it. "You're kinda cute when you're flustered." He mumbles as if talking to himself. I turn a bright red and cover my face.

"W-wait did I say that out loud...?" I just nod in response. I was kinda happy when he said that...No..! Why did I think that? 

"Mhh..." I groan, trying to get off of Scaramouche.

"Kazuha...before you get up, I wanna tell you something."

"Alright...get it over with. I'm thirsty." I whisper.

"If I did kill you...I'd make you put up a fight first." He whispers into my ear.

"..." Silence. Pure silence. Out while traveling I long for silence...but now I want it to end. Isn't that strange..? 

"I'm gonna go grab my water now..." I get up and walk over to the kitchen. I already had a glass of water in there from yesterday, so I take a sip of that. I feel I'm about to fall over, almost.

"Ka..kazuh..Kazuha? Kazuha, can you hear me?" Scara waves his hand in front of my face.

"You were just standing there for a bit." He looks me in the eyes.

"Yeah..sorry." I mutter. How long had I spaced out for this time? 

"I'm going to my room now. Don't walk in without permission." Scaramouche tells me. I nod. Why wouldn't he want me in his room? Whatever... I walk back to my own room and stare out the window. I look and see a couple people walking around on campus. I notice Venti, Aether, and Xiao hanging out down there. I open the window and wave at them. At first they dont notice me, but then Venti looks up and waves back. Aether gives me a smile and Xiao glares at me. I close the window and grab my phone. I start scrolling and see a fluffy kitten walk into my room.

"Tomo! Come here!" I reach my hands out as she jumps into my lap. I begin petting her. I hear Scara talking over in his room. It sounded like he was talking to someone on a call or something. I decide to get up and walk over to his door to listen to their conversation.

"Ugh...dammit. Huh? Do I live with anyone? Well, no. I don't." He was lying to the person on the phone? I quietly open the door and see him playing a video game. He was livestreaming it too. I close the door silently to avoid him seeing me. I snicker before going back to my room. He streams? I don't know why but I find it kinda cute that someone like him streams in his free time. I find myself laughing, alone in my room because my roommate is a streamer. I hear a knock on my room door and quickly fix my posture.

"What the hell is so funny in here?" I hear Scaramouche speak angrily. I try to hold in my laughter. He looks mad.

"Kazuha. Tell me, what's funny."

"I um...I heard you in your room."

"W-what!? You're laughing over the fact I'm a streamer!?"

"Yeah..." I snicker again

"I'm going back..."

"Wait! Why did you lie to them about having a roommate?"

"Well, if I tell them I have a roommate they're gonna wanna meet that roommate. If you come on one of my streams, then they are gonna start thinking we'" He explains. I nod. I didn't realize that every person a streamer is seen with is automatically dating them, but I don't question it.

"Ok. You can go back now." I smile. I see him blush a little bit and I wonder why... I push those thoughts aside and decide to get ready for bed. I clothes the curtains to the window before getting changed. After I get changed, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I walk back into my room and faceplant on my bed. I turn over into a more comfortable position and fall asleep.

Alhaitham POV(omg new POV I know):

"Alhaitham. I'm home..." I listen while Kaveh walks through the front door. I was in the middle of reading a new book, so I don't look up or respond. 

"Are you seriously ignoring me?" I glance up at him before looking back down at my book.

"Ugh...I'm going to bed." He mumbles. I watch him walk back to his room. I walk over to the kitchen and make my breakfast for tomorrow. My mind goes to Kaveh. He seemed annoyed...well, I was ignoring him. He didn't eat dinner as either. I'll just make him something. I begin to make some soup for Kaveh. It takes a while but I finally get it finished. I realize that the soup wont be fresh, but at least he'll get to eat something. I write a note to leave by the soup and go to bed. 


Wholesome Haikaveh moment \( ̄▽ ̄)/ also I feel like scara would stream as a pass time and people would continue to ask for him to step on them lol

btw how 400 views?? thanks...wait I feel like i did this before....nvm

Word Count : 1342

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