Kazuha POV:
'Today's Sunday...huh.' I think, laying on my bed watching tv. I hear a knock on the door before it opens.
"Kazuha. I'm going out to buy some drinks, you need anything?" Kuni asks me. I nod and smile at him.
"Yes, I'll have some coke. Can you grab some apples while you're there? I need some for a dessert I wanna make." Kuni nods along to my request.
"Hello? Anything else?" I had spaced out, thinking about how me and Kuni are acting so casual. It's only been a why do we get along so well? He doesn't seem like the type to open up so easily. I shake my head and look at him.
"Huh? Sorry, didn't hear you..."
"That's fine. I asked if you wanted anything else." He repeats. I shake my head.
"Nope! I'm good. You did go shopping while I was sick..." I remind him quietly.
"Alright." He closes the door to my room. I lay back down on my bed. He still wont tell me what happened when I was drunk. Does he think ill be scared? Would I be embarrassed? Did I do something I would regret? I get lost in thought for a while. I cant tell what time it is, since my phone's over on my nightstand and I don't wanna reach over. I was starting to get a headache, so despite my comfy-ness, I got up to go grab some water. When I get out to the living room I finally realize how big these dorms are. There was a kitchen, a bathroom, 4 closets, 2 bedrooms, and a living room to connect it all. Much more spacious than Beidou's ship. I wonder how the crew is doing with out us...
Meanwhile...(On the ship)
"AHHHHHHH!!!" One of the crewmembers falls off the ship. Luckily it was docked, but everybody couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if it wasn't one of the more trustworthy crewmembers was elected as the captain until Beidou got back...which would be in a couple months for summer.
Childe POV:
"Mr. Zhongli! As you can tell, I am not sick anymore!!! So let me go!" I yell, finally breaking after being trapped inside for...what was it? 4 days? Yeah...maybe. I have no idea but Mr. Zhongli wont even let me leave my room! Like, I need to have some kind of social interaction! I mean, I'm not even really missing out on school, since Mr. Zhongli brings all my work to me.
"Really..? Can you be sure? Shouldn't you stay here one more day to avoid spreading it?" He moves closer to me and examines my face. I almost blush but then I remember that if I do, he wont let me leave!
"I'm fine!" I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look away from Mr. Zhongli, worried he'll notice I'm blushing.
"Childe. Look at me." He grabs my chin and forces me to face him. I feel my face turning red by the millisecond.
"W-what..." I mumble. I cant tell if he's catching on to the fact I'm blushing, not sick, but I also cant tell what I'd prefer to be the case. He nods.
"Fine. You can leave." He lets go of my chin. I thank him and run to the bathroom to check how red my face is. It wasn't too red...but red enough that you would notice after staring for a while. I splash water on my face and wipe it off. After calming down, I quietly leave the room.
"Childe. I will now be leaving. I shall see you tomorrow." He speaks kindly. I wave. I'm still a bit mad at him for keeping me trapped here during that party, but I'm sure there'll be another one later this year. Most people have had a whole week of school already, while I've only had three days!(technically)
Aether POV:
"Xiao-Xiao!!! I'm going to the dorm next to this one."
"For how long..?" He walks over to me, pouting(probably at the fact I'm leaving). I giggle.
"For a bit. I just wanna talk to Kazuha. Is that ok?" I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek. He blushes and nods.'
"Well...bye." He pushes me off of him. I giggle. He doesn't like long hugs so it makes sense. I wave before leaving the room. I don't have to go very far, so as soon as I leave the room, I knock on Kazuhas dorm. I wait a bit, but no response. I knock again.
"Who's-Oh. Aether, you're here. Come in." He smiles, opening the door
"So, what could've made Mona act like this?" I ask, walking towards his room with him.
"I don't know. I only met her once before I got here. You, however, know more about her."
"You are right...She may have had some type of potion? Could be a ritual...or...who knows, she could've been possessed by a demon! OoooOOoooO.....spooky." Kazuha laughs before putting his hand on his forehead.
"What's wrong?" I ask, worried that something happened.
" head has just been out of control lately and me and Kuni are out of Ibuprofen..." I nod. So Kazuha's been having headaches?
"Oh. Ok. Well, Mona does like to go to festivals and stuff so I could test if she's still her by doing that." I add on. He nods and then stares blankly at the wall. It was a bit worrying so I tried to get his attention by waving my hand in front of his face.
"Uh...hello? Kazuha?" I ask. He still doesn't respond. I put both my hands on his shoulders and shake him.
"Ah-ahhhh!! Stop!!" He yells. I stop shaking him.
"You weren't responding." I tell him.
"Sorry...I was just thinking about something."
"Well? What's bothering you?"
"Kuni wont tell me what happened while I was apparently drunk." He speaks, sounding confused...or is it lost? I cant tell.
"Huh...what do you think happened?"
"I don't know that's why I'm thinking so hard..." He admits. I think. What happened? It probably has something to do with both of them...but what is it? Wait a minute.....................maybe they....noooooooooooooooooo......Kazuha wouldn't agree to that, even drunk........maybe they like kissed or something?
"Did you kiss him?" I watch Kazuhas face turn red. I snicker as he looks at me, getting angrier and angrier.
"K-Kuni wouldn't let me do that, idiot..!" He lightly smacks my face. I really couldn't tell if he was being serious.
"Are you actually mad orr.....??" I ask him, confused. He looks at me, shocked.
"Can you not tell?? Did you think I was joking!?" He looks like he's faking being mad. I decide to wait around to see if he'd do anything.
"You did think I was joking!" He couldn't seem to come up with a good insult. I tried to hold back the urge to laugh, but it eventually got too hard. He walked over and sat in his bed. He pulled the covers over his head, trying to hide from the embarrassment. I leave him alone for a bit before I hear a knock on the door.
"Hey Kazuha, someone's at the door..." I lift up the covers and he was asleep. I reluctantly get up and go to the door. It was Kazuhas roommate.
"Where's Kazuha..?" He asks me with a glare. I feel a bit intimidated.
"He invited me over. While we were hanging out he fell asleep. I didn't wanna leave the dorm since he was sleeping and I didn't have a key to lock the door."
"Okay..." His roommate drops the bag he was carrying and walks back to Kazuhas room,
"I'm leaving now!" I yell to alert them. I don't get a response but leave anyway.
Scaramouche POV:
"Kazuha. I'm back. Wake up." I lift his cover up. He looked like he was having a nightmare.
"Kazuha. Wake up!" I try to wake him up. Suddenly, his eyes shot open and he sat up.
"W-why..." I could hear him mutter. Sitting on his bed, I softly pull him to my chest.
"Shh...It's ok..." I whisper to him. He begins crying. It was another nightmare. I look around his room. I see some gummies on his nightstand. He must've been eating them with his friend...and then he fell asleep. I try to comfort him the best I can. Although, its a bit hard to when I don't know what the dream was about. I assume it was about his friend...but you never know. Most of my shirt was wet by the time he was done crying.
"What happened?" I ask him, wanting to know more about his nightmare.
" had another nightmare..." He mumbles. I nod.
"Can I have anymore information?" I question again. He looks up at me.
"It was the same one as last time." He suddenly reaches for his forehead.
"Ah..." He sounded as if he were in pain.
"What's wrong?"
"Its just a headache. I probably have it from crying..." He shakes his head. I nod and stand up.
"I'm going to change my shirt. I The stuff I picked up is out in the kitchen, if you wanted to make the dessert. I'll make dinner, if you'll have some." I speak, moving towards the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him stand up and follow me out. I go into my room. I take my shirt off and grab another one. The new shirt was a dark blue, and it was surprisingly soft.
I walk out of my room and see Kazuha making that dessert in the kitchen. He looked hesitant to do the next step, which was simply cutting the apples thinner. I reach over his shoulders and grab his hands. He flinches before relaxing. I move his hands where they need to be and begin cutting the apple slice.
"Th-thanks..." I look at his face. It was a light pink color.
"Can you do the next one by yourself? Because I still kinda have to make dinner for myself...and you if you want some."
"What are you making?" He asks me. I didn't really have time to think about it. I mean, I could make some type of soup...but then I remember that Kazuha likes dishes with fish in them.
"I don't really know. I was thinking of using the last bit of salmon in the fridge. You alright with that? I may just cook it up and we can eat that." He nods. I smile at him, grabbing the salmon from the fridge. It had been thawing for the past day and a half, as I was planning to eat it for dinner today or tomorrow. I quickly cook it up and plate it.
"Thank you..." Kazuha mutters while eating his small portion. I can barely hear him.
"For what?" I ask, curious about his thoughts.
"For being understanding...for helping...for" He whispers. I look at him. What does he mean, "being me"? I blush a little at the...compliment? I guess?
"What do you mean by that last part?" I ask. I was reluctant, but I really couldn't resist.
"I thought it was pretty straightforward...I'm glad that you're being aren't acting mean like you do to everyone else."
"That's not me being me...that's just you being likeable and not as stupid..." I get a bit upset I complimented him, after all, not many people are likeable. Complimenting people isn't my style...I like insulting more. Its easier to come up with things you dislike about people rather than what you like.
"Oh...well, it seems I'm the only person who knows you aren't just the meanest person on earth..." He smiles. He looked glad at that fact. Why? Why did he care if I was the meanest person or not?
"How do you know that..?" I try to put on an act. It felt strange, weird, even. Kazuha was being too nice and it was making me...I cant even tell. I don't know how its making me feel. Its not a normal feeling, that's for sure...
"Because...the meanest person on earth wouldn't have taken me back to the dorm...the meanest person wouldn't comfort me when I have dumb nightmares...the meanest person on earth wouldn't...the meanest person wouldn't care about anyone but themselves. The meanest person...would...they would... they would've killed me by now. I know how much of an annoyance I can be. The meanest person would've taken care of me."
"How do you know that's not what I'll do..?"
wows cliffhanger.
or is it?? jk its a cliffhanger anyways I wrote this all in the span of 2 hours...that's alot anyway byby
Word Count: 2041
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