Should I make a Danganronpa Fanfic? If so, which game? Not including stuff from the anime, as I haven't watched it, but I will do anything about the games, as I am playing through them all right now. Also, tell me if you want a specific ship if I make a Danganronpa Fanfic.
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Childe POV:
'Ugh, I'm soo bored...Why did Mr. Zhongli have to insist that I stay in the dorms instead of going to the party?' I sit in bed bored out of my mind. Mr. Zhongli told me I couldn't go to the party, no matter how much I begged. He's not even here either! Its annoying that if he's gonna keep me here, he's not even gonna entertain me. But, either way, I'm stuck here. Apparently there's a teacher meeting so I've been left all alone.
I suddenly hear a notification from my phone.
'Hey, Childe, I'm coming to your dorm.' I get a text from Scaramouche. I don't really know why he's coming over, but apparently he is. Soon, I hear a knock on the dorm room door.
"I need help." He speaks, sounding desperate. I am very confused, as I don't know what he's talking about.
"With what..?" I ask him, trying to get him to spill the tea. What drama happened at the party?
"..." He stays silent for a moment before answering, "How to deal with a drunk roommate." He says it like hes asking google a question.
"Ummmmmm So your boyfriends drunk?" I ask him playfully. I soon regret opening my mouth as he gives me a death glare.
"Just tell me what I should do with him."
"Take him back to the dorm, get him a glass of cold water, and listen to him as he confesses random things he wouldn't say if he was sober!" I give him some AMAZING advice about how to deal with drunk people. He looks at me a bit confused at first before sighing.
"If you think that'll help...Alright. I'll do that." He speaks, sounding more confident as he straightens his posture before walking out of the dorm.
Scarameow POV:
'Ugh... my guess on how Kazuha was drunk was correct. Unbelievably clingy.'
{WAIT. This is Kirara here. I'm gonna fill you in on what happened after last chapter. And by last chapter, I mean chapter 10, not the notice. So, after Scaramouche was surrounded by girls, he saw Kazuha exit the closet and drift off towards the bar. He watched Kazuha grab a drink before focusing back on his fangirls. 20 minutes later or so, he looked back over and Kazuha was absolutely WASTED. He then walked over to Kazuha and asked if he was alright. Kazuha responded with a nod and grabbed Scarameow's arm. I watched Scara's face turn bright red at this action. Scara then tried to escape Kazuhas grasp, but Kazuha started crying so Scara brought him over to... Beidou? Was it? Anyway, Kazuha got distracted and Scara escaped to ask Childe. You know what happens from there. NOW BACK TO THE STORY}
I think as I walk over to Kazuha and Beidou. My mind goes back to Kazuha grabbing my arm. I blush lightly before forcing it away.
Kazuha gasps, "Kuniiiii! You're back!!! I thought I would never ever see you again..." He pouts, as if to make me feel pity.
"I wasn't even gone that long...Either way, we're going back to the dorm."
"Whatttt??????? Nooooooooo! Please let me stay a little longer~? Pretty please~?"
"No. We're going back." I grab his wrist and drag him out of the party.
"Nooooo!!!" He's almost like a child. He's basically throwing a temper tantrum...Once upon a time, I was close friends with a child, but I don't know if the same things that worked to calm him down will calm Kazuha. It was worth a shot.
"Calm down...we can cuddle if you want..." I blush at the word 'cuddle'. It felt so weird to say that to someone else my age-or supposed age I guess.
"...Really?...I'll go with you then..." He calms down and moves closer to me. He then buries his face in my neck.
"Kazuha-what is happening?" I exclaim as I feel him fall into me. He seems to have fallen asleep...or passed out. One of the two. I then pick him up and carry him to our dorm. I set him down on the couch in the living room.
"Mmm..." He groans as I set him down. His eyes flutter open.
"Kazuha? You awake again?" I ask him.
" promised cuddles..." He mutters as I walk away to grab some water. I sigh and my cheeks turn a light pink.
"Yes, once I grab you water. Once I grab water you can have cuddles." I chuckle to myself as I see him nod. When I come back with the water I sit on the couch. He scoots over to me. He lays his head on my chest.
"Kazuha, why were you really in the closet?" I ask him, following Childes instructions.
"Oh...I was scared because all the people were yelling and stuff-" He hiccups, "I wanted to at least get away from the loud people so I hid in the closet..." He mumbles. I guess he really was telling the truth.
"When you took of your shirt..." I remember asking him to take off his shirt...His reaction...his small body...No..! I need to finish my sentence! "Why did you have so many bruises? They didn't seem like ones you'd get in your sleep."
"I...uh..." He trails off before sighing. "You're really persistent, you know...Fine. I'll tell you. They were wounds inflicted by someone. I'm not telling you anything else!" He looks up at me. Whoever hurt Kazuha...I will find them. If its Kazuha himself...then he and I need to talk.
I have no words. I cant speak. I think of tons of things I could do, and I settle on one. Somehow, I end up doing the first one I rolled out. I kiss him on the forehead. He continues looking at me, with a smile on his face.
"That felt nice...I really like you, Kuni..." He mutters with his same smile. It didn't look forced like the ones I make. I kiss him on the forehead again, as I still don't know what to say. He turns a light pink, as if he was just now realizing what I had done.
"You could get more creative, y'know..." He lifts his face closer to mine. I turn my head to prevent him from doing something he would regret.
"You should go to bed...but before, I need to ask one more question." I wait for a response. All I get is a nod.
"Did you really mean it? What you said about liking me?" I blush. Did he mean that in a romantic way? I have no idea.
"Yes...It may be a bit more too...But you never know..!" He yawns. He looks so sleepy Kazuha...I lift him up and put him to bed. I then go to my room. I then realize my things have gotten here! I start unpacking and set up my room. There is now a desk(from Ikaeya ofc) on the left side of the room with a gaming monitor on it. I also have a pc sitting beside it. I have recently gotten into gaming, so I decided I may start streaming in my free time. There's also all my clothes in the closet, and all my small stuff like figurines and stuff on a shelf I set up. I then decide to lay down and wait for sunrise. I don't really know when sunrise Is considering I don't have a window, but I can always just wait until its like 6 or something.
Chapter 11! Finished. I didn't really get to write at all during the end of my vacation so I only started writing this today... either way, its out now!
Word Count: 1310
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