(d/n)=daughters name
(s/n)= sons name
Five years had passed and you watched as your little daughter played with Jesse. The two of them were running through the Overwatch base, screaming and laughing.
You smiled looking at them.
You brushed over your belly that was now round again, since you were carrying your second child now. It would be a boy, you already knew that, and your daughter was very excited to hace a sibling.
You knew that it was often hard for her that Genji couldnt be there as much as he wanted to. He often was on missions, while you were at the base with your daughter.
But it wasnt only hard for her, you also missed him quite a lot.
Genji and some other agents including Tracer and Winston had been gone for three days now, and you waited impatiently for their return.
It was always so quiet in the base when some agents were gone on a mission.
"Come on Jesse and (d/n), its time to eat!" You called out to them heading towards the kitchen where you had already prepared a soup."
"Ohhh that smells delicious!" Jesse exclaimed, he walked into the kitchen, carrying (d/n).
"I hope you are hungry, I made quite a lot of soup." You said.m stirring around in the big pot.
"Athena please tell the other agents that lunch is ready" you called out to the robotic assistant.
After a while all of the agents that were left in the base slowly came into the eating area, sitting down at the table. You wanted to pick up the big pot to carry it to the table, but Jesse stopped you and carried it instead.
"So does anyone know when the others will return from their mission?" Angela asked, while starting to eat her soup.
"I think they should return today, but they seem to be running late..." Sojourn said looking at the clock.
"Well lets just hope they didnt get into any trouble..."Mercy muttered.
It was already dark now and you were standing on the balcony looking at the dark sea of gibraltar. The stars were reflected in the deep water, the waves calmed you. You had just brought your daughter to bed, which was quite hard, since she didnt want to sleep just yet.
"Just like in the old times." You heard a familiar voice say.
"Yup, but this time Im not here because I coudnt sleep." You said, turning around looking at the cowboy that was family to you.
"Whats up (Y/N)?" He asked, his accent heavy as always.
"Im just waiting for the others to come back...and tought maybe the sea can calm me down a bit." You said, lookingout at the sea again.
"I passed by (d/n) in the hallway, shee didnt want to sleep, but I could convince her to go back to bed." Jesse said, leaning on the railing of the balcony, looking at the calm sea.
"Thank you Jesse. She doesnt want to sleep because shes scared she will miss the return of Genji, she really misses him..." You mumbled, the wind lightly blowing through your hair.
"Im sure he misses both of you too, he has a reason to return, so dont e scared, he will fine." Jesse said smiling at you.
"Ya know, since we are already here, let me confess something..." Jesse said.
You were a bit nervous, mot knowing what he was about to say. "What is it, cowboy?" You asked, looking up at the big man.
"Ya know, if ya werent like a sistaaa to meh, I would probably have had a big crush on yer." He confessed, his red face hidden by his big cowboy hat.
"Oh wow, thats kinda sweet." You said hugging him. "If I would be into cowboys, I would know who to choose." You said, giving him a wink.
Jesse wanted to say somethig, but was interruptted by Genji walking in on the two of you.
"Oh look whos back! How did yer mission go?" He asked Genji, as both of them did a bro hug.
"It was pretty successfull." Genji simply said, befor looking at you.
"And how are the tree of you doing?" He asked, looking at you and your big belly that was impossible to hide.
"We are good, just missed you." You said, hugging and kissing him.
"Im good too, played a lot with yer daughter today." Jesse responded.
Speaking of the deavil, (d/n) came running onto the balcony jumping up at Genji, that lifted her up with ease.
"Daddy! You are back!" She said hugging him tightly.
"Shouldnt you be in bed (d/n)?" he scolded.
"But I missed you dad and dint want to miss your return..." She said.
"Its ok, Im here now. How about I bring you back to bed and stay until you sleep in?" Genji suggessted, still carrying his daughter. She just simply nodded, and he started carrying her to her own room, but before he completely got out of your sight he signaled you that he would come back.
And thirty minutes later he really was back, walking onto the balcony. Jesse had left by then, he said that he had to be fit for tomorrow since he would have to go on a little mission.
"I think she is finally asleep for real now." Genji said as he hugged you from behind. "I missed you babe." he set his head on your shoulder, inhaling your smell that he liked so much.
"I missed you too Genji." You turned around, his arms were still around you.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, putting one hand on your cheek.
"Pretty ok, the little one has started to kick me a lot..." you said, touchig your round belly. Genji did the same. "We still dont have a name for him..." You muttered. Then your face lit up.
"What about Sojiro? Like his grandfather." You suggested.
"I would love that..." Genjis eyes seemed to tear up a bit.
Genji kissed you once again, and you started to relax now that he was back.
"Sojourn freed me from all my missions, so I can stay here until Sojiro is born. Guess youre gonna have to spend a lot more time with me now.." He teased.
"I dont mind spending time with you." You said before kissing his soft lips once again.
After a month Sojiro was born. (D/n) was really happy to finally have a sibling, and with him your life finally felt complete.
You were happier than ever, with a beautiful man at your side that you would soon marry, and two wonderful children that you loved more than anything.
Now your life was complete and perfect. Never would you have thought that you would marry Genji one day, but life proved you wrong.
Soon he would be your husband, and yours forever.
"I love you Genji, more than anything. To the moon and back and soo much further."
"I love you too (Y/N), more than I could ever describe. I will stay with you forever.
I promise."
-The End-
I cant believe that this story really reached its end and that so many people seem to enjoy it.
Once again I want to thank all of you for your amazing support, no matter if you are commenting, liking or just silently reading my storie, I appreciate every single one of you guys!
Thank you for reading my story to the end!💕
If you want to read more from me I would be happy if you checked out my murder mystery book, Boarding school Adventures, that Im currently rewriting.
Or if you want more romance and/or are a life is strange fan, I would be really honored if you checked out my lis fanfic.
Once again thank you for your amazing support!
Every single one of you is awesome!
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