Chapter 45. A big surprise

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After a day of rest you felt way better and to your surprise Genji was ok with continuing the world tour, but only under one condition.

"You will give Angela a visit after we come back, and let her do a whole body check." He said as he looked into your eyes sternly.

"Ok..." you answered, knowing that you didnt had a choice.

You knew Genji was just worried and only wanted to know if everything was really ok with you.

Paris was wonderful. Both of you enjoyed the delicious pastry and the delightful baguettes. On your last day in Paris, Genji and you went to the Eiffel tower. At night it was lit up, and it amazed you.
Holding Genjis big hand tightly you looked up at the big tower.

"Its so beautiful!" You said, looking at Genji. The lights of the Eiffel tower were  reflected in your eyes.

"No, you are beautiful my love." Genji said as ge pulled you close and gave you a very passionate kiss infront of the tower.

"I love you (Y/N), more than anything else."

"And I love you, Genji."

After visiting Numbai, which was a bit too hot for you, it was time to return to Gibraltar again.
Your skin was browned by the sun of Numbai and it was time to fulfill the one comdition Genji had set you. 
And so you were walking through the seemingly never ending hallways of the base in Gibraltar until you had reached Angelas doctors office. 

"Oh (Y/N), its you!" Angela said as she turned around on her swivel chair.

"Did you expect someone else?" You joked around. 

"I dont really know, I guess I am just happy to see you." She said as she stood up, prompting you to sit down on the examination table.

"How are you feeling?" She asked. 

"Pretty normal, but lately I had been feeling a bit nauseous in the morning, but its nothing bad." You mentioned as she started to  examine you.

After a while Angela had done anything you could think of, she even took some of your blood to examine.

" everything ok?" You asked as you took off the cuff she used to measure your blood pressure.

"Well yes, but also its not nothing..." she said, as she wrote something down on a piece of paper. 

"Do you want to get Genji or should I tell you alone first?" She asked, which scared you quite much.

"Uhhhm I dont it bad? Do I have a deadly sickness??" You asked her.

"No, its nothing like that. It could be something good..but you are also still young..." she said, still not really looking at you.

"Oh I...pregnant?" You finally came to a conclusion.

"Yes, you are about 4 weeks pregnant (Y/N)" Angela said.

"Oh my god..." was everything you could say. You werent sure if you were happy, but one thing was for sure, you would keep the baby.
It must have been the onsen thought. 

"Maybe you should go talk to Genji."

You nodded, standing up to leave. As you were about to leave the room, Angela stopped you.

"We will always support you (Y/N),  we are a family. No matter what your decision will be, we will always have your back!" Angela said, before you left.

You walked through the base, searching for Genji, but you only found Jesse.

"Hey,  have you seen Genji?" You asked him.

"I think hes outside to meditate. Are yer ok (Y/N)? You know you can always talk to me."

"I know, thank you Jesse." You smiled at him, before heading outside to continue your search. 

You found Genji meditating under a tree.
He was breathing calmly, but your heavy breaths and pants caught his attention.

"Are you ok (Y/N)?" He asked, his eyes still on the beautiful view infront of him.

"I need to talk to you Genji..." the moment you had started the sentence, he turned around, his face looked worried.
He stood up, looking into your eyes deeply.
"Whats wrong (Y/N)?!" He asked worried.

"I dont know how you will react, and it scares me..." you whispered, as you hugged him.
"I love you, abd I already know what my decision will be. I want to keep it..."

"Wait, what do you mean with keep it? Does it mean youre....pregnant?!" Genji asked, now full of enthusiasm.

"You are not mad?" You asked a bit confused, you didnt expect him to react this way.

"Mad?! No! IM GONNA BE A DAD!" He screamed to the world happily.
"Thank you (Y/N), this is the biggest Gift you could ever give me!" Tears were in his eyes.

Genji lifted you up and twirled you around, as he kissed you.
"I love you so much  (Y/N)!"

He set you down and then looked at your belly.
"I hope its going to be a baby girl"

"Oh shut up, you will love and protect our child no matter what will happen." You said, punching him lightly.

Never would you have thought that you would ever be this happy again since Genji had died, but life proved you wrong.

Since you now couldnt work on the battlefield anymore, you cleaned the Ocerwatch base and prepared meals for the agents. You didnt mind this kind of work.

After announcing the big news to the whole group everyone was really supporrtive and congratulated you.
A few days later Jesse came back from a mission with a gift, it was a shirt for a baby that said 'Im a real cowboy'.
The only thing that was scaring you now was giving birth while Genji was on a mission, you really wanted him to be there.

And he was there, when you screamed in pain he held your hands tightly, whispering encouraging words to you.

And then it was there, your little screaming baby girl.

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