You woke up in your little dark cell, lying on that same old mattress that stinked and had stains all over it.
You were relieved to see Kumo, that was lying in the corner, rolled up in the form of a cat.
Trying to think back to what happened you remebered that Valentines guards had dragged you to the doctor to get your missing limbs replaced.
They strapped you down on the examination bed and started the procedure while you were wide awake. Thinking back to the pain made your body shiver. You must have gotten unconscious at some point, so they just dragged you back in to your cell after being done with replacing your limbs.
You tried to sit up but your body felt numb and stiff. It was hard for you to move but nontheless you got a good glance at your new limbs.
Surprisingly they looked quite good, both your arm and and leg prostethic were the color of your skin. Only by looking at them closer, the metall joints could be seen.
You tried really hard to move your prothetics but your body felt limp and so you just gave up after a while.
Looking over to Kumo again you came to the conclusion that he must be asleep and decided not to bother him.
You layed back making yourself as comfortable as you could. Staring at the grey ceiling a wave of saddness hit you. You wanted to be with your family and Genji, although it had only been a day since the mission failed, it felt as if you havent seen them in years.
You started to cry, but couldnt even hear yourself sobbing. It scared you that your world was now silent, and it seemed as if the omnium still didnt knew that you were deaf.
The thought of being deaf forever made you scared. No ome wants a girlfriend or a teammate thats deaf, you thought to yourself.
Deep inside of yourself you knew that all of the Overwatch members wouldnt care that youre deaf or that you have prostethics now. You knew that they would accept no matter what would happen. After all they welcomed you into their family even though you were their enemys weapon.
You doubted yourself.
'I am useless now...How can I be a good soldier now that Im deaf?!' You asked yourself.
Your silent cries echoed through the big and cold base of the omnium. But for you everything was silent, and soon you fell into a deep sleep.
Waking up was more than just painful. Someone grabbed you and pulled you up forcefully. It was one of Valentines guards.
You opened up your eyes and were wide awake the Moment he had grabbed you. He screamed in your face but for you everything was silent.
He must have screamed at you to wake up but because you didnt hear anything, he had to come into the cell to wake you up, which obviously made him very angry. You just stared into his face blankly. Maybe he understood that you didnt understand anything of the things he just said, or he thought that you were confused, but he stopped screaming at you.
He pulled out the muzzle and put it on you forcefully. You just hated that damn thing and had wished to never wear it again, but here you were, wearing the thing you hated most.
After the muzzle was on you, the guard let go of you leaving you to stand on your own which was everything but easy. You stumbled around trying to balance your body, and trying to get used to your new leg. At least you knew that you could in fact move it. You pulled your knee up and then stretched it out which worried surprisingly well.
But walking was still a struggle for you.
The guard prompted you to follow him, after looking at you for a while as you tried to use your new leg.
You stumnbled your way behind him, resting your hand on the walls for support while walking. Oh how you wished for Genji to be there now. He would have helped you learning how to walk with the prostethic, after all he had one too.
The thought of Genji made you sad, but also motivated you and gave you strengh. You wanted to get out of here before the first mission. You didnt want to fight on the battlefield, not on this side. You would have rather died, disobeying them than fighting on their side.
After a while the guard and you arrived at Valentines office. You immidietly knew that it was his office, because it was the only room that had a door that wasnt ugly and grey. His door was deep red and had a golden name plaque that had his name on it.
You didnt wanted to go in there, but also you didnt had a choice.
The guard opened the door and pushed you inside. You were greeted by Valentine that was sitting at his desk in a big chair that was made out of red velvet and wood that was painted gold. He was wearing his signature gold suit and had his hair gelled back as always.
You sat down on the chair that was on the opposite side of the desk, Valentine looked into your eyes deeply and then started to talk. Probably he talked about how he wanted to take over the world with you by his side, as his weapon, but you didnt really knew what he was really talking abiut since you were deaf. He just kept on talking and a part of you was happy that you didnt had to listen to his bullshit, but another part of you knew taht you had to say that you are deaf at some point since you didnt wanted to be punished for stuff that you didnt do juat Because you couldnt understand it.
You opened your mouth and tried to talk.
"Uhmmmm...I am deaf...I cant understand anything..." you stuttered out not even sure if it was audible. It was weird talking without hearing your own voice.
You saw that Valentine said something, that looked like 'fuck' bug werent quite sure if thats what he really said.
Valentine talked to the guy and before you could even think about what he could have just said, you were dragged to tge doctors office by the guard.
'Whats going to happen to me?!' You asked yourself as you got dragged away.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net