You woke up in a big cold room. Your head was pounding as you slowly opened your eyes, which felt heavy and tired.
A sharp pain was piercing through your body, which made you grunt.
Your leg and arm hurt and your body felt stiff. Everything around you was silent, the wasnt even a single noise that could be heard. You tried to remeber what happened but your memory was blurry, the only thing you knew was that you tried to sace Tracer and then there was this bright white light that completely blinded you.
Trying to remember what happened exactly only made your headache worse, so you just gave up and tried to conentrate on finding out where you were.
You were tied up to a metal chair, thats what you knew for sure.
It took some time for you to completely open your eyes and realize it. The concrete walls and the big room. It was all too familiar. You were back at the omnium.
Your mouth was in that damn muzzle again and your body was tied up so tight that there was no possibility of even moving a bit.
But there was something that was off, last time that you were at the omnium everything was loud and sounded so hectic. You heard the soldiers running around outside and scream at each other, but this time there was nothing.
You continued looking around, which wasnt very easy because every little movement hurt. The room was empty expect a few wooden boxes in the corner.
You tried looking at yourself, you couldnt see everything because it was hard to look down at yourself, but the things you saw were horrific. It was in that moment that you realized that your right arm was missing completely and on your right leg there was only your thigh left.
You cried at the sight of your lost limbs, everything hurt like hell and all of your clothing was stained with blood. Your own blood.
Your mind got crowded with thoughts.
'What happened? Is Tracer ok? Wheres Kumo?' You started to panic when you realized that Kumo wasnt around you.
"Kumo?!" You called out to him in your mind.
"OH THANK GOD (Y/N) you are finally awake!" He answered you per telepathy.
You watched him crawl out from behind the boxes in the form of a mouse.
He said something, which you couldnt hear, you only saw his little mouth moving.
You started to panic already knowing what was going on.
(All dialouges with Kumo from now on will only be per telepathy)
'No, no! This cant be!' You thought not wanting to believe that you really lost the ability to hear.
"Whats wrong (Y/N)?!" Kumo asked worried per telepathy.
"I cant hear anything...whats erung with my ears?!" You paniced.
"Hey dont worry maybe this doesnt have to be permanent...thats probably just because the Explosion was to loud. Im sure you will recover soon." He tried to cheer her up.
"But still...Im missing a whole arm and leg, Im back in this shithole and the others probably think Im dead." You were sad and discouraged.
"So what!? Just because you are missing some limbs and they think that you are dead you wont fight for coming back home?! Thats not the (Y/N) I know and chose as my partner!" Kumo said, trying to encourage you.
"There are people out there that you can come back to! This time you have a reason to fight and get out of this place with your own strengh!"
"You are right Kumo! I want to see Genji again, I want to see the others again. No matter what they will try, I wont let them break me." From this moment on you found your inner strengh again. This time you had a place that you could go back to, there was a home and family waiting for you, and you would do everything to escape.
"I will get stronger, so strong that they cant controll me anymore, and then I will run away and this time I will do it all by myself!" You said to Kumo. Your words gave Kumo hope again, he knew that you were still the same and old you. Kumo was ready to fight by your side, and soon you would be ready too.
A few moments later the door opened and a very familiar face greeted you. Valentine and his guards walked into the room. He said something to you with his typical nacistic face. But of course you couldnt understand a single word of the things he was saying.
Valentine just kept on talking, maybe they just didnt realize that you were deaf.
You just wanted to punch him in the face so badly, seeing his face made you angry.
And then the guards suddenly came up to you and picked you up with the whole chair that you were still tied to.
You didnt knew what they were going to do, which made you scared.
"Whats going on Kumo?" You asked with panic in your inner voice.
"Valentine said that you are going to get cyvernetic limbs, so they are going to take you to the doctor now...."
You knew that the 'doctor' wasnt really a real doctor, or at least he didnt work like a doctor. Last time the cybernetic parts were put in while you were awake which wasnt a very pleasent experience. You knew that this was going to hurt, and started to metally prepare yourself for torture.
But this time you wouldnt lose hope. You wanted to see Genji again.
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