Analog was running to the main hall. He was rushing to the left and right corridor. Until he's reach the door and open it. The party guest were chatting eachother.
Analog: Everyone!
Everyone stop talking and look at Analog.
Analog: Atlas will be in chaos in a matter of time! Atlas need to prepare early!
Everyone was whispering eachother.
Weiss: In a matter of time? Wait, does that mean Atlas will be next?
Jacques: Dear, don't listen to this man. He just a peasant and delusional. Let me handle this.
Jacques walk toward him and begin to speak.
Jacques: Mister, Atlas has a military defence. I'm sure they will protect this Kingdom.
Analog: Jacques! This is serious! A ton of Grimms will attack this Kingdom! Don't you feel worry or scared?!
Jacques: Look, mister. Like I said Atlas has the strongest military in this Kingdom. Now, I want you leave before I called my security to kick you out.
Analog: Jacques! I'm not lying! I have been in the future and saw Atlas being destroyed! You need to prepare this invasion! Look what happened in Vale! Once the Grimms were here, Remnant will never be the same.
Jacques: Ugh... I hate to say this. But you have disturbed the party. I want you to leave. Right now.
Analog: Jacques! I don't speak twice. Atlas will be next. If you don't believe me, You and your family will died.
Jacques didn't want to listen until General Ironwood come.
Ironwood: Jacques, is there something wrong?
Jacques: Ahh~ James. I'm glad you come. Can you deal with this man. I think he talking crazy.
Ironwood turn around and look at Analog.
Ironwood: What's your name, mister?
Analog: Analog. I'm a Time Walker. General, if you please take my advice to take precautions of the future event. Remnant will not be the same. I must go now. My time is limit. But chaos will appear. See you again.
Analog pull out his Time Sword and press the trigger and teleport himself in a time hole. Everyone was shocked.
Jacques: Well let continue this party. The night still young.
Then everyone goes back to chatting eachother.
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