Stamina Interrupted

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Kenichi was walking in a forest and lost.

Kenichi: Ugh.... I hate forest. I swear I really hate this place. How come I sleep in forest while I was in my bedroom.

He then slip himself and rolling from the mountain. He rolling out from bushes and hit someone in the crowd.

Kenichi: Oouch.... That was hurt....

Illia: Grr.... You ruin it!

Kenichi smile at her.

Kenichi: Are you alright, young lady?

Illia: You- Who even are you?!

Kenichi: I'm Kenichi Saki. The hero who will protect everyone from danger.

Illia: You don't deserve to be called a hero. You're a liar like those humans!

Kenichi: Me? A liar? What are you talking about? I'm literally a hero in Japan. I'm Kamen Rider Stamina!

Suddenly, three asteroids passby and hit the ocean.

Kenichi: Yes! This is my chance to be a hero!

Kenichi then left the place and go towards the asteroids impact. The crowds were chatting eachother about him. Meanwhile, Blake and her family and also Sun saw this happening.

Sun: Hey, Blake. Do you know that guy?

Blake: Not sure. But Hikaru told me about his friend...

Ghira: Blake, Sun. Go follow that man. Make sure he don't cause any trouble.

Blake and Sun nodded and follow the man.

After a few hours, Kenichi arrived at the markets and go to the dock.

Kenichi: Alright! Where is it? Where are their?

Sun: Hello, sir!

Kenichi turn around and saw Blake and Sun run towards him.

Kenichi: What is it? Don't you see I'm busy here?

Blake: Yes. But can you tell us who are you actually? You disturb my speech.

Kenichi: Hah! Do you think I care? I care protect people than your stupid speech.

Blake: Look. I also try to protect them. But you need to understand.

Kenichi: Ah... This is why you keep talking like you're always right.

Sun: Hey! You better watch you mouth!

Kenichi: Don't try to scared me or threatened me. I'm ain't afraid if I'm going to punch on your face.

Blake: Sir, can you try to be nice?

Kenichi: I have no time to be nice. Like I say I'm a hero in Japan and I protect people from harm.

Blake: Um.... Sir... This is... Menagerie.

Kenichi: What? What did you say?

Blake: This is Menagerie.

Kenichi: Menagerie? What? I don't understand.

Sun: Blake, do you think he got transport into this world like Hikaru?

Blake: I think so...

Kenichi: How is this possible? Hey, kid! Do you know what planet is this or what kind of world is this?!

Sun: Well, you're in Remnant. But this place that you're here is Menagerie, sir.

Kenichi: No. It can't be. I'm such an idiot.

Blake: Hey, that alright. Anyway, what your name? I'm Blake and this is my friend, Sun.

Kenichi: Kenichi Saki. I'm sorry to be very rude. It just makes me feel like...

Blake: Wannabe a superhero?

Kenichi: Yes. Like that.

Blake: Hikaru told me about you.

Kenichi: Hikaru? Is he here too?!

He says in a happy tone.

Blake: Well no.

Kenichi: Oh... Where is he?

Blake: I'm not sure. But he said he going by himself. I haven't heard from him. I can't contact him right now.

Suddenly, many people were screaming and run from their lives.

Sun: What's going on?!

Kenichi: Well, well, well! This is what I'm waiting for!

The monsters were terrorising the market place. Pirate Gearox, Submarine Gearox and Kraken Gearox.

Sun: What are those!?

Kenichi: Gearox. There we're created by Professor Arinaga to destroy humanity.

Blake: Then let's go fight those monsters!

Kenichi: No. Only me. I can handle this.

He pull out his Energy Driver and put it on his waist.

Energy Driver!

He then pull out his Stamina Mode from his pocket and then insert it.

Stamina Mode!

Kenichi: Henshin!

He push the handle and transform. A black gray machine appear infront and back and then merge it. Then a mist come out and reveal his black armor and a orange visor. Kamen Rider Stamina.


Stamina: Alright! Let do this!

He took out his Energy Disk and slip it into two disk. He then attack Pirate Gearox on the face and then kick it. He then throw his disk towards Submarine Gearox on it face and then bounce to the wood and the hit on Kraken Gearox. The Energy Disk go back to his hand.

Stamina: Alright, Gearox! It time to end this!

Kraken Gearox use it tentacle to grab his neck and pull him over then Submarine Gearox punch his face. Pirate Gearox then use it sword and slash toward Stamina. The three Gearox beat him up. Blake and Sun run towards him to check on him.

Blake: Kenichi! Are you alright?

Stamina: Don't worry about me! This is just a warm up.

He then took out his Option Cube.

Stamina: It round two! Let get some real fight!

He then insert it on the right slot and press it.

Animal Mode! Gorilla Arm!

His right arm changed into a Gorilla Arm. He then run towards them and punch the three of them. He then took out another one Option Cube and insert it to the left slot and press it.

Tool Mode! Chainsaw Boots!

His left boots summon a chainsaw and delivered a round kick toward them. He then press button on his Energy Driver three times.

Stamina! Stamina! Stamina!

He swing his right arm and punch Pirate Gearox and released a orange energy from his Gorilla Arm and then it exploded.

Energy Finish!

Stamina: Alright! One down! Two lefts to go!

Kraken Gearox use it tentacle again but Stamina cut it tentacle with his Energy Disk. Kraken Gearox was mad at him.

Stamina: Time to finish you, Kraken!

He press the button three times and performed his finisher.

Stamina! Stamina! Stamina!

Energy Finish!

He run towards Kraken Gearox and then he jump and deliver a kick with his Chainsaw Boots and hit it and then exploded. He landed on the ground and look at Submarine Gearox. Submarine Gearox then escape and jump into the ocean.

Blake: It getting away!

Stamina: I got this!

He press the button on the Option Cube to change mode.

Tool Mode! Fishing Rod Arm!

His right arm changed from Gorilla Arm to Fishing rod. He swing his right arm and throw the hook and caught it periscope while it running away. He try to pull back but it was too strong. He swing his fishing rod quickly and Submarine Gearox flew up in midair. Stamina press the button again three times and jump to the air to perform his finisher.

Stamina! Stamina! Stamina!

He use his Energy Disk and punch on it head and release some energy into it head and then exploded.

Energy Punch Disk!

He landed on the ground and transform back to normal. Suddenly, an applause by the people of Menagerie cheer for Kenichi. Kenichi was confused and smile.

Illia: Enough!

The people stopped and look at her. Kenichi look at her with confused.

Illia: You think you that you're a hero? You're not welcome here.

Kenichi just smile and said.

Kenichi: Me? Not welcome here? Why? Hah. I bet because you're jealous because I have that I can do better than you.

Illia: Oh really? What your reason in here Menagerie? Are you a spy?

Kenichi: A spy? I'm nothing than a spy. I'm just a hero that protect people.

Illia: Enough! You! You just the same like those humans!

Kenichi: What are you talking about? You're a human too. Are you really that stupid or what? I have seen many some idiots-

Suddenly, Illia attack her with her sword and Kenichi quickly avoid it.

Kenichi: What the hell was that?! You nearly try to kill me!!!

Illia: You better leave Menagerie or else.

Kenichi: Great! Round three! It between you and me! C'mon! Show me what you got!

Illia become so frustrated but the Guards running towards her. She looks at the him and turn to the guards and look at him again. She then run away. Kenichi look at her running away from the guards.

Kenichi: What a troublemaker.

Blake and Sun run towards him.

Blake: Hey, Kenichi. Are you alright?

Kenichi: Yup. I'm fine. That girl? What's her problem? I'm just ready to punch her.

Sun: Well that her friend. It kinda a long story.

Kenichi: Friend of you?

Blake: Yes.

Kenichi: Huh. No wonder she hate humans even she herself was in fact a human herself.

Blake: I don't think you understand. She's a Faunus.

Kenichi: Faunus? What's that?

Blake: I think you better come with us. We need to speak in private.

Sun: Yeah. I agree with her. You better come along with us.

Kenichi: Sure. No problem.

Kenichi then follow Blake and Sun go back to her house. Meanwhile, Corsac and Fennec saw them walking with Kenichi.

Corsac: Should tell about this, Brother?

Fennec: Yes, indeed.

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