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Hikaru, Kenichi, Ellipse and Fujio have arrived at the train station.

Fujio: Can't believe we miss the train because of you, Kenichi.

Kenichi: Me? Oh cmon. It was obviously your fault.

Fujio: What?!

Ellipse: Okay, that enough. Since we're here. We need to go to Atlas like Ozpin said. We can't waste time.

Kenichi: Whatever.

Hikaru look at them and then he turn around and look at Akami.

Akami: Hikaru, are you sure?

Hikaru: Yes, Akami. I am. We're going to Atlas. Since, we're left behind by my team.

Akami: Can I follow you?

Hikaru: No, you can't. Atlas is very dangerous. You don't know anything about this world. But I promise I will bring any gifts just for you.

Akami: Promise?

Hikaru: Yes, I promise.

Fujio: Hey, Hikaru! The train is going to move!

Kenichi: Hurry! Before you're uncle try to beat me!

Fujio glare at him.

Kenichi: I was joking.

Hikaru look at them and turn around.

Hikaru: I need to be hurry right now, Akami. I sorry I couldn't bring you to Atlas.

Akami: That alright, Hikaru-kun. I know you have a job to protect this world. Anyway, do your best to protect those girls.

Hikaru just smile.

Hikaru: Thank you.

Akami: You're welcome.

Hikaru then rush towards the train and everyone have already inside the train. The train begin to start to move. Hikaru look out from the window and wave his hand and say goodbye to her. Akami wave her hand and goodbye to him.

Many hours later, the train was moving in snow terrain. But Blitzferno and his Dark Phoenix and Dark Wolf, and Jun saw the train passing through the tunnel.

Jun: Are you sure about this?

Blitzferno: I am.

Jun: (Sigh) should CopyJester suppose to be with us?

Blitzferno: Yes. But he needs to protect Sienna Khan.

Jun: C'mon! You think you're always right?!

Dark Wolf growling at him and Jun step back.

Blitzferno: Just follow my order, Jun. If we didn't stop them, we would fail.

Jun: Alright, let do this!

Meanwhile inside the train, Kenichi was sleeping, Ellipse was reading a book, Fujio and Hikaru were watching outside from the window.

Fujio: So, er... Hikaru. How are you doing?

Hikaru: Um... I'm fine.... I guess...

Fujio: So.... How was... Academy? I mean... What do you learn from the academy?

Hikaru: Not so much. I only learn about their history, Grimms and much more.

Fujio: I see... Hikaru.

Hikaru: Yes, uncle?

Fujio: I'm sorry that I didn't go to your birthday when you're a kid. I-

Hikaru: That alright.

Fujio: But...

Hikaru: I understand. I also do the same mistake too, uncle.

Suddenly, a big shake on top of the train and everyone begin to worry. Kenichi was awake by the shake.

Kenichi: What was that?

Hikaru: Um... Uncle, Ellipse. Can you guys take care the people inside the train?

Fujio: Sure.

Hikaru: Thank you. Kenichi! Let go!

Kenichi: Go where?

Hikaru: C'mon, just go already!

Both of them rush outside. They climb on the ladder and see on the roof.

Kenichi: Said, Hikaru. Do you think those monsters landed here? I don't see anything!

Hikaru: Just check the surrounding. I'm sure-

Suddenly, he got attack by Dark Wolf. He try to hold back but Kenichi kick Dark Wolf.

Kenichi: Are you alright, Hikaru?!

Hikaru: Yeah, I'm sure! Thanks, buddy!

Kenichi: No problem! So, where is he?

Blitzferno: Right behind you...

Both of them turn around and got suprise attack by him. Both of them almost fall down from the roof train.

Kenichi: Damm it!

Hikaru: So, you're follow us?

Blitzferno: Yes, Hikaru... I follow you...

Kenichi: C'mon, Hikaru! Let teach him so lesson!

Hikaru: Alright!

Both of them took out their Driver and put on their waist and then they pull out their Gear-Mode and Option Cubes and then they transform.

Hikaru/Kenichi: Henshin!/I'm gonna beat you! Henshin!


Stamina X!

Then both of them charge toward him and ready to fight.

Meanwhile, the people were panicked and worried. Ellipse and Fujio try to calm down the situation.

Ellipse: Calm down, everyone. Don't need for panic.

Fujio: Everything will be alright.

Man #1: Are you crazy?! This is not alright!

Man #2: Yeah! I bet our train will be attack by Grimms!

Fujio: Then why don't you guys calm down? It will go away any minute.

Suddenly, Gear almost fall down from the roof and cause everyone shocked. Gear try to get up from the roof but Dark Phoenix try to attack. Stamina X throw his Energy Disk and hit Dark Phoenix. He then grab Gear and pull him up.

Blitzferno shoot out some flame from his mouth and they avoid it. Both of them punch and kick him but nothing hurt him. Meanwhile, the people were worried about this and Fujio and Ellipse try their best to calm down the people.

Suddenly, Jun was passing by the crowd and avoid them. He then place Golden Spider Cuber on the wall. He then go to the main control of the train. He point his pistol towards the train conductor.

Jun: Don't stop this train or I will shoot you.

Back to fight, Both of them were struggling against Blitzferno.

Blitzferno: What the matter? Too tired?

Stamina X: Hikaru, I don't think we can beat him.

Gear: Just hold him.

Gear charge toward him and slash him but Blitzferno avoid it and punch him on the face.

Stamina X: Hikaru!

Blitzferno: Hahaha! You two can't beat me! Your super form are useless and now I will going to beat you, Kenichi.

Suddenly, he saw his two companions left the fight and saw theirs owner were still fighting.

Blitzferno: What? That strange?

Stamina X then punch him on the face and collapsed on the train roof. Both of them running away from him.

Blitzferno: Hey! You two can run away from me!

Both of them jump down to the train roof. Blitzferno was confused for a second but when the fog snow was clear, he saw a tunnel coming this way. Blitzferno try to run away but it too late and got hit.

Meanwhile, inside the cargo. Both of them transform back to normal.

Kenichi: Are you alright, Hikaru?

Hikaru: I'm fine.

Both of them then go to the train passages. But they didn't notice that Golden Spider Cuber has detected their movement from the back door. Jun was still inside the main control and his phone has detected them.

Jun: What? I thought he took care of it.

Once they got inside, the situation has handle by Ellipse and Fujio.

Hikaru: Nice work, uncle.

Fujio: Eh. We just to make sure the situation has under control. Anyway, what's up there?

Hikaru: Daigo... I think he follows us.

Ellipse: Daigo? How come? That impossible he try to follow us.

Fujio: Perhaps.... Someone is inside the train.

Kenichi: Seriously? That impossible.

Hikaru: But Jun wasn't there... I think he could be somewhere inside the train.

Fujio: You guys stay here and make sure they're safe.

Fujio then go to the main control of the train. Suddenly, Jun rush out from the main control and jump down from the train and disappear become of the blizzard.

Fujio: Damn it!

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