Hurricage Party

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Hikaru and Kenichi were riding their motorcycles and parked it. The two of them walked and look at the manor.

Team RWBY, JNPR, Oscar, Qrow, Ironwood, and Ace-Ops arrived at the manor.

Kenichi: I didn't know this place was huge.

Ironwood: Suppose we should smile for the cameras?

Winter: Sir, with all due respect, you'd have to pay me.

Ironwood smiles in amusement from Winter's response, and the two head to the front door of the manor. Weiss stops and takes a deep breath before following them. Everyone gathers at the door, and Ironwood rings the bell. The double doors open to reveal Whitley Schnee.

Whitley: Good evening, everyone.

Weiss: Where's Klein?

Whitley responds with a sarcastic smile and somewhat dramatic poses.

Whitley: What an interesting way to say "Hello, dear brother, how have you been?"

Hikaru: Can you be more respectful?

Whitley: Well, well, well. What do we have here? The so-called President Atlas. Fine. I tell you. Klein is out of town. Anyway, tell your uncle try to be more behaved.

Hikaru: Alright. I tell him later.

Whitley: Whatever. General, exactly how large do you think our dining room table is?

Ironwood: I happen to know it's enormous. But most of my guests will be on standby in case the council requests additional eye witnesses. Until then I'm sure they'll be happily celebrating Hikaru's victory.

Whitley forces a sarcastic grin with a smug chuckle, then rolls his eyes as he turns to lead them into the foyer. Scattered around the room are small groups of formally dressed guests. Waiters roam the room with trays of wine glasses and hors d'oeuvres. Whitley stops in the middle of the room, turns to Ironwood's group and points to his right.

Whitley: For those of you joining us in the dining room, please follow me. Except for you, bodyguard. You're not allowed in the dining room.

Kenichi: What?!

He walks in the direction he pointed, crossing his arms behind his back. Ironwood, Winter, Penny and Clover Ebi follow. Clover glances back at the others.

Clover: Wish us luck.

Qrow: I mean, they already invited you, didn't they?

Clover responds with a slight chuckle. A Faunus waiter approaches Qrow and offers him a tray of wine glasses with his rabbit ears folded back.

Waiter: Care for a drink, sir?

Qrow looks at the wine, his eyes widening slightly.

Kenichi: Give me one. I'm thirsty!

Kenichi grabs the drink and drinks it.

Qrow sigh and walks away from the group. Marrow Amin frowns and watches the waiter pass by.

Marrow: Words out of my mouth.

Marrow walks away in the same direction as Qrow, and Harriet Bree turns to address Team RWBY.

Harriet: Right, well, don't wander off, don't break anything, and be ready in case the General calls on you.

Harriet walks away with Vine Zeki and Elm Ederne.

Vine: Hors d'oeuvres?

Elm: Let's eat them out of house and home.

Team RWBY, JNPR and Oscar heard a laugh and saw Fujio talking a group of gentlemen.

Ruby: Huh. I guess we just stick around and grabs some snacks.

Jacques: General Ironwood and Mr.Hikaru, please... have a seat.

Jacques is standing on the other side of the room at the head of a long dining room table, and he opens his arms in invitation. Sitting to either side of him are Sleet and Camilla. On the left side of the room, Robyn Hill is standing by a window, staring outside with her arms crossed. Ironwood nods to Clover and Winter, who then take their seats on either side of the end of the table nearest to them. Penny takes a seat next to Winter. Hikaru sit down directly to Jacques.

Hikaru: Mr.Sleet, Ms.Camilla.

Robyn: Miss Hill would have had a nice ring to it. Though I suppose I should just be grateful I got invited to the table.

Robyn takes a seat at the middle of the table.

Jacques: (chuckling) Miss Hill, that vigor of yours is precisely why we're grateful to have you with us tonight.

Ironwood: What is she doing here?

Jacques: What we're all doing here, James, we need to know about these new threats, which means we have much to discuss.

Hikaru: You mean about those Gearox? Well, I do-

Jacques: Do you think she could trust you?

Hikaru look at Robyn. She glare at him. Hikaru didn't flinch and look at Jacques.

Hikaru: Indeed. That why you guys need to trust me.

Jacques: But I'm just a little bit of concerned about Atlas and Mantle.

Hikaru: Concern?

A waiter and a waitress enter the room, carrying trays with plates of food.

Jacques: Let's talk about exactly what it is you control.

Hikaru begin to eat the food very quickly.

Jacques: Hey! Where are your manners?! This is my dining room! You're just same as your- umm.....

Hikaru stop eating and stare at him.

Jacques: Well... Um... Everyone enjoyed the foods.

Everyone begin to eat the food except for Penny.

Later, they have done eating.

Jacques: Alright. Now we have done eating. Let straight to the point. Tell us, Hikaru.

Hikaru: Tell you what?

Jacques: Those monster that terrorise in Mantle. Also, some people saw unknown Grimm working with a man in gold armor.

Sleet: I agree with him. I have some questions too. Some people in Mantle saw a huge asteroid hitting in the south.

Camilla: If we keep hiding from this, people in Mantle and the rest of the Kingdoms will accuse us.

Robyn: And what is that Grimm that attack you last night? I didn't except that thing can talk. Are you sure that we can trust you?

Hikaru: (sigh) Look. I keep secret from you guys because you don't believe me.

Jacques: I don't care if you're lying or not. Just tell us the truth, Mr. Sakura.

Hikaru: Fine. The things you saw is... Gearox.

Jacques (shock): Gearox?

Sleet: General, any data about Gearox?

Ironwood: Unfortunately, no. They don't exist here.

Clover: Strange. They never been documented before.

Camilla: Hikaru, how long do you know this? Why keep secret from us?

Hikaru: Because they don't belong here. They belong in my world only. Look, I know this is sound crazy. But I want you guys to trust me because we are facing a bigger threats now.

Jacques: You're not from this world?

Sleet: Then, where do this monster come from?

Hikaru: Theirs from my world in a country called Japan. They're created to wipe out humanity.

Winter/Penny: Japan?

Camilla: Does that mean... You're also from your world?

Hikaru: Yes. Me, Kenichi and my uncle are from Japan. Except for E. He from different dimension.

Robyn: But how come did you end up here?

Hikaru: I was sucked into a portal and that how I ended up here.

Jacques: Tell us, Hikaru. Who created them?

Hikaru: It was Arinaga Watanabe.

Jacques: Arinaga? Tell us more about him?

Hikaru: Well it a long story. I will tell you guys about the origins about him.

Hikaru then explain about Arinaga. He tells them that Arinaga work for his father to create Gear-Mode for helping humanity in the future. But Arinaga become obsessed with Gear-Mode and started to make a project and asked his father to help for his project but his father declined the offer and left him and started to spend time more for his family. Until one night, Arinaga killed him father and mother. Arinaga later become crazy and started to create Gearox using Gear-Mode.

Hikaru: That how he created them.

Sleet: Mr. Sakura, I'm sorry for your loss. That man is very cruel and use it for his project! What kind of man is he?!

Jacques: Hikaru, I am truly sorry.

Camilla: Why did he kill your parents?

Hikaru: Because he was mad that my father have to decline the offer. But...

He walk toward the window and look at the floating tower.

Hikaru: If he created more army, I don't think we could finish the tower. There no hope against them.

Ironwood: Hikaru, I know you're worry too much about your past. But have you fought him before?

Hikaru: Yes. By myself. But I almost finished him and he escaped. Now only left is the Satellite Gear. If only I have time to destroy it.

Clover: Kid, I know you want to after that thing. But you need to know that someone is worried about you.

Hikaru: I know. But it just- Oh,no...

Robyn: What is it?

Hikaru: Run.

Jacques: Run?

Hikaru: He is coming.

Suddenly, Hurricage break the window with high speed and grab his neck and lean on the wall and pointed his sword on him.

Hurricage: I have waited for my entire life! Do you have any idea I wait for the right moment!? Do you realize?!?!

Hikaru: Yeah, I do realize. Because of that satellite you guys been following me?

Hurricage: You know what better?! You deserve to died! Like your parents!

Hikaru: Maybe! Perhaps try something else!

Hikaru use his leg and kick him. Hurricage collapse from the floor and he let go of him.

Hikaru: Everyone! Get out from here now!

Clover: But how about you?!

Hikaru: Just go!

Everyone get out from the dining room and left Hikaru alone with Hurricage.

Hurricage: You're smart! But not strong!

Hikaru: I will do anything and face anything that will try to stop me.

Hurricage: Perhaps... You forgot something.

Hikaru: What is it?

Hurricage: The weather.

Hikaru: The weather? What's wrong?

Hurricage: Hehehe.... Hahahaha!!!!! Hahahaha! I just make the people in Mantle feel miserable! Their will died! Died like an frozen ice cube! They will never live again!

Hikaru (angry): You..... You.... You.... YOU'RE MONSTER!!!!!!!

Hikaru forced himself to transform into Gear Darkmare and he charged toward him and punch him and sent away to Mantle. When then impact was hit it to Mantle city, turn out is was Gear was lying on the street.

Gear: That impossible.... How is he.... Huh?

Suddenly, the rain become a strong snow blizzard and it was harsh. Gear try to get up and try to look something. Suddenly, he heard a wind heading towards him. He turn around and ignite a flame from his both hands and shoot it but Hurricage slash him to counter attack him. Gear try to stable himself and summon sword and an axe. He then charged toward him. The both of them slash eachother and their lock their weapons.

Hurricage (mock): You're strong, Hikaru! But you cannot defeat me or someone who is stronger than me! I AM HURRICAGE!!!!!

Hurricage blew him away with his typhoon and push him away. Gear collapse on the ground and try to get up. He then saw some of his Gear-Mode fall down on the street. Hurricane Gear-Mode. But Hurricage steal and place it on his right chest and his begin to evolve. Hurricage Shin.

Hurricage: Finally..... I have my power back. Now, I can kill you for real!

Gear (angry): You never meant to have your power back! I will try to get it back from you!

Hurricage: Come here if you want it back!

Gear press the button to perform his finisher.

Dark Finisher!

He run towards him in the blizzard and he jump to the air to perform his Rider Kick.

Darkness Kick!

His giant shadow appear from behind and mimic his movement.

Hurricage smirk. He then deliver a powerful punch and it breaks his Rider Kick and destroy it and then he slash him multiple times until the blizzard becomes rain again. Gear fall down on the street and transform back to normal.

Hikaru was exhausted and defeated by Hurricage Shin. Hurricage look at him and then he left him and flew of to the sky. Hikaru was unconscious and was lay down on the ground.

Many hours later.....

Hikaru wake up and scream.

Hikaru: NO!!!!

Hikaru turn around and it was nothing. He was inside a hospital and he now laying on the bed.

Hikaru: (sigh) It just... A bad dream....

Suddenly, General Ironwood go inside the room.

Ironwood: Good morning, Hikaru. How are you today?

Hikaru: I'm fine. What just happened to me last night?

Ironwood: You pass out last night outside of Atlas.

Hikaru: Oh yeah.... I forgot I about that.

Ironwood: What just happened to you, Hikaru? Did you manage to defeat him?

Hikaru: No. I didn't.... Hurricage defeat me.

Ironwood: What? But how?

Hikaru: Because he have stolen my Gear-Mode and that how he defeats me. But now he can control the wind. I'm afraid that impossible to defeat.

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