Distraction and Rosyul Mecha

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Daytime in Argus. At the Atlesian Military Base, various soldiers and guards work on their jobs. Weiss Schnee is seen walking with Caroline Cordovin and Saphron Cotta-Arc, who is holding her son Adrian in her arm. They are also escorted by the two Nubuck Guards. Weiss drags a large luggage case behind her.

Cordovin: Ah, I was relieved to hear that you came to your senses, Miss Schnee. Many of us were devastated when we heard you would be attending... (with disdain) Beacon Academy. Knowing that you'll be returning to Atlas just warms my old heart.

Weiss: (pretending) It was... time to get my act together and go back to my roots.

Cordovin: Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps.

Weiss: (with an unenthusiastic smile) Absolutely...

Cordovin: I'm sending two of my best guards to personally escort you. Make sure General Ironwood hears that part. (winks and walks away)

Suddenly, a loud roar can be heard at the base. Cordovin turn around.

Cordovin: What was this?!

Nubuck Guard 1: It could be a Grimm!

Nubuck Guard 2: Indeed! Perhaps we should cancel her flight to Atlas! Miss Schnee! You should go to panic room!

Weiss: What?

Weiss, Saphron and her son, Adrian was put inside the panic room.

Cordovin: Miss Schnee! You need to stay here until the Grimm was gone!

She then close the door. Then her earpiece calling.

Ruby: <Weiss, are you on the airship already?>

Weiss: No, Ruby. But, we're inside the panic room.

Ruby: <How about Maria?>

Weiss: She still inside the bag.

Elsewhere, Ruby Rose, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine, Another Gear, Stamina, Eclipse and Qrow Branwen wait along the cliffside between the forest and the ocean.

Ruby: How about you try to find the bag. While, we'll all watch our scrolls. The second Weiss is out of range of the comm tower, that'll mean she's out of range of the radar too.

Yang: (over radio) And that's when Blake steps in. We're almost at the drop off.

In another area, Yang Xiao Long is driving Bumblebee with Blake Belladonna sitting behind her. Blake has her Scroll out receiving instructions from Terra Cotta-Arc.

Terra: Okay, remember: one, the radar box is seperate from the rest of the communications equipment. So if you disconnect it properly, it won't take out comms for the rest of the city. Two, this conversation never happened.

Blake: Don't worry, this isn't the first time I've disabled Atlas security.

Terra stares back with an unamused look.

Terra: Never. Happened.

Meanwhile, at Atlesian Military Base. Dragon Gear were attacking the base. Some soldiers trying to shoot at it but nothing hurt it.

Cordovin: Fired at that Grimm! Killed it!

Atlas Soldier: But... This Grimm look different, Ma'am.

Cordovin: Just shoot it!

Suddenly, Nubuck Guard come towards her.

Nubuck Guard 1: Ma'am! There a Grimm attacking at the town!

Nubuck Guard 2: Also it huge and made out of steel!

Cordovin: Whatever! Send all military and kill that Grimm!

Nubuck Guards: Yes, Caroline Cordovin! Deployed all military with full force!

Meanwhile at the town of Argus, Gear in his RexBot form was sitting on top of T-rex Gear body. T-rex Gear just look at the civilians walking past it. Some civilians were just stare at it without fear and some just curious.

Gear: I hope Dragon can handle the problem. While my friends are busy to get in the airship. Don't you think it boring, Rex?

T-rex Gear only released a growled.

Gear: I guess you're right. But we need to distract them.

T-rex Gear stand up and cause Gear to fall down.

Gear: Hey! What was that for?!

T-rex Gear growl at someone else. Gear look at him and turn around and saw Rosyul and Gear Soldiers infront of him.

Gear: Rosyul? Gear Soldiers?

Rosyul: Hello again, Hikaru.

G.S 1: Hey! What's up, Hikaru!

G.S 2: Long time no see.

G.S 3: Why long have you been here?

Gear: It doesn't make sense. How did you guys find this place?

Rosyul: We track you down. By using our Satellite Gear.

Gear: That impossible!

Rosyul: It not. Now, it time for my fight! Gears! Assemble!

G.S 1: You got it! Let assemble, guys!

The Gear Soldiers merge and fuse together and become a giant mech. Rosyul jump and landed on the head.

Rosyul: Now, prepare to die!

He then step on him but Gear avoid it.

Gear: Damm it! Rex! Attack him!

The T-rex Gear attack him and overwhelmed him but Rosyul push T-rex Gear away and punch it on it head. Gear summon his Gearbike and ride on his back and jump behind T-rex Gear and landed it and transform into a robotic T-rex in robot mode.

Gear: I'm gonna beat you without giving up!

Rosyul: What a joke.

The both of them fight with their own mechanical fists.

Meanwhile, Weiss go out from the panic room and found the bag and open it.


Weiss: Shh! We need to go to the airship. Now.

Later, Weiss and Maria sneak into the airship. Dragon Gear stomping at the Atlesian Soldiers without hurting them.

Jaune: Yes! It's all going to plan!

Jaune then looks to Ren and Nora, who just stare at him with neutral looks.

Jaune: (clears throat) I mean, uh... roger.

Ren and Nora exchange a brief glance while rolling their eyes at their leader. Oscar notices Ruby looking over with concern to Qrow, who is leaning against a tree with an uneasy look on his face.

Oscar: (to Ruby) Hey, this is gonna work.

Ruby: Yeah.

Meanwhile, at the Atlesian Military Base. Maria and Weiss were still inside the airship.

Maria: Alright! Let get out of here!

Weiss: Wait! We should wait until the Communication was cut down.

Maria: You're right. But how long does it need to distract them?

Suddenly, a loud noise that Weiss familiar.

Weiss: Is that... Hikaru friend?

At the military base, Stamina joined the fight and beaten up some Atlesian Soldiers infront on the gate.

Stamina: Hahahaha! I'm not gonna let you guys arrest my best friend!

He punch the soldiers one by one. The Dragon Gear use it tail and swoop out the the soldiers. Suddenly, Gear Rex Mech was flying away and landed on the military base. Stamina rush towards him and check on him.

Stamina: Dude! Are you okay?!

Gear: Yeah... It seems like we been track down.

Stamina: What?!

Rosyul Mech walk toward them and some soldiers fear and run away. The Guards bring Cordovin somewhere else for her safety.

Rosyul: You can't hide anymore! There is no place for hiding! This is your end!

But Dragon Gear attack him and release a fire from it mouth but Rosyul attack it with his giant blaster and shoot it to knock it down.

Meanwhile, at the mountain.

Stamina: <Guys! I have bad news! We been follow!>

Eclipse: What?!

A.G: That impossible!

Ruby: It can't!

Qrow: How?! How is that possible?! It all thanks to that kid! He the one that makes our progress slow!

A.G: I'm sorry. You blame my nephew? It not his fault!

Qrow: It his fault! If he wasn't here, Remnant will never cause a problem!

A.G: It not his fault! Don't blame him!

Qrow: I would!

A.G: I'm gonna beat you!

Qrow: Try it, monster.

Eclipse: THAT ENOUGH! Nobody here is to blame! Why don't you two just shut up.

A.G: Eclipse, I'm sorry. But this guy is-

Eclipse: That enough, Fujio. I'm not gonna help you with your problem.

A.G: I understand.

Ruby: Kenichi! Are you two alright?

Stamina: <Yeah. Except his Dragon Gear got knocked out by Rosyul.>

Oscar: Hey. Do you want some help?

Stamina: <Nope! This guy is too dangerous! But we got this! Wish our luck! Bye!>

He then ended the called.

Ruby: I'm too worry about him.

Oscar: I know, Ruby. But we need to believe him.

Meanwhile, Gear punch Rosyul face and then punch again on the body. Rosyul shoot at him but Gear delivery a powerful punch. Rosyul fall down on the ground.

Weiss: Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go now!

Maria: But-

Weiss: Just do it!

The airship then fly away and avoid Rosyul collapse. He try to get up and look at the airship flying away.

Rosyul: Well. Well. Well. What do we have here?

He aim his blaster at the airship but Dragon Gear bite his blaster and crunch it and destroy it.

Rosyul: No! HOW DARE YOU PIECE OF NONSENSE CREATURE!? I will destroy you!

But he got hit by Stamina Energy Disk.

Stamina: Let me tell you something, smart head. You gonna regret for hurting my best friend.

He then grab his Option Cube and place it on his Energy Driver.

Dragon! Dragon Fist!

His right hand equip the Dragon head fist and then jump on Dragon Gear behind.

Stamina: Hikaru! I borrow yours!

Gear: Do it!

He then place his right hand and access it to robot mode. Stamina Dragon robot mode. He rush towards him and punch him on his head and then kick his body. Rosyul try to get up but he got slash by Stamina Dragon Tail Sword. Rosyul then aim his blaster at him but Gear knocked him down. Rosyul stand up and look at the both of them. Rosyul then scream and begin to shoot at them. Gear and Stamina charge toward him and avoid it and then double punch him and send him against the mountain. Rosyul try to get up but his blaster on both hand were destroyed.

Rosyul: No.... Gear! Regenerates blasters! Now!

G.S 1: Um... We can't....

Rosyul: Why not?!

G.S 2: Because our regeneration weapons already drain down.

G.S 3: Yup. I'm totally agree.

Rosyul: I don't care! Regenerates now!

Gear: Just give up already, Rosyul! It no use to fight back.

Stamina: Yeah! You better surrender!

Rosyul: Aaaarrghhh!!!!! I have done with you guys! I'm royal to Arinaga! He is a God! He created and revived my death! You will regret it after you guys did to me!!!!!!!

Gear: Kenichi. Should we finished him?

Stamina: I agree with you, buddy! Let finish him!

Gear Finisher!


Then Stamina Dragon fly to the air and Gear Rex Mech run towards him and rise his right arm. Rosyul don't have a choice and need to fight back. Then both of them released their finisher.

Stamina Dragonic Strike Kick!

Rex Mecha Punch!

Once their hit Rosyul Mech body, he and Gear Soldiers were destroyed and exploded.

Rosyul: I'm worship Arinaga as a God!!!!

G.S 1: Yeah!

G.S 2: Weeew.....

G.S 3: I'll be fine....

Gear and Stamina look at their friends.

Ruby: Oscar! They.... They...

Oscar: They did it.

Fujio: That my boy.

Weiss: (over comms) Guys? She's not sending fighters...

The group looks over to the Argus base. Suddenly, the mountain at the base retracts, revealing a colossal mech that overlooks the city of Argus.

Cordovin: Clearly the people have forgotten that they live in peace thanks to the awesome might of Atlas!

Gear: Wait! Wait! Wait! We just here to get to Atlas!

Stamina: Yeah! It true! The world is in danger! You need to let us through!

Cordovin: Like I'm gonna let it happen!

She then punch Gear to the ocean.

Stamina: Hey! That my best friend! You can't do that and it rude!

Cordovin: Me?! Rude?! You two are rude towards me!

She kick Stamina Dragon to the ocean. Gear and Stamina get up and look at Colossal Mech walk toward them.

Gear: Kenichi. Ready for round two?

Stamina: Yeah. Let finish this job one more time.

The both of them run toward the colossal mech and then they both punch it and then they deliver a powerful punch and kick. But the colossal mech cover her attack and then punch Gear and then punch Stamina. Gear collapse and try to get up but got kick by the colossal mech. Stamina Dragon charge toward behind with his sword and hit it. The colossal mech look at him and punch him. Stamina collapse on the ocean and then he got step by the colossal mech.

Cordovin: It's time you asked yourselves, children... Do you truly wish to defy me?

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