13- After

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It's been over 4 months that Chase and I have been, doing whatever this is. The airs gotten cold. It's almost Christmas.

I slowly opened my eyes to an empty bed. Sitting up slowly I pulled the sheets off of me and walked to the bathroom. The sound of the shower running echoed out while I walked in. Looking in the mirror I tucked my hair behind my ear while I took a breath. Guilt ran through me. This is my best friends brother. I studied the oversized shirt that draped over my shoulders. The shower turned off. Chase grabbed a towel and pulled back the curtain. He nearly jumped as he saw me. His hair was soaking wet and messy. Grinning at me softly he stood behind me in the mirror. I admired his abs and chiseled face. Chase placed a finger on my chin and spun me around to face him. Looking into my eyes I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly in his deep voice. Butterflies rose in my stomach. I shook my head and looked down. He scoffed softly and walked to his closet. Pulling on sweatpants and a hoodie he looked over at me.

"If you want to shut me out fine," he said bluntly.

"Chase it's not like that come on," I said rolling my eyes. He grabbed his phone and walked out angrily. Scoffing I walked out.

I laid in my bed waiting for a text from him. Crickets. I rolled over and convinced myself I didn't care. A knock rang out at my door.

"Bella?" Adam's voice rang out. I sat up quickly as the door slowly opened.

"You mind stepping out for a second," He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked out to the living room. Two girls and an older guy stood at the door . They all had dirty blonde hair and were insanely attractive.

"These are my daughters, Alex and Layla and my son Jackson," He added.

"Hey," I said slowly. They all smiled and greeted me. My mom sat with Geneva and Arianna.

"In a couple weeks these will be your siblings," My mom said smiling. I looked at her annoyed.

"Grace and I wanted to show you guys the new house, so you all can follow me over there," Adam said happily. I sighed softly and grabbed my car keys.

Driving over to the house I entered a gated neighborhood filled with mansions. I sighed as we pulled up to a large modern mansion. Getting out of the car I looked up at the 3 story house. Are you serious? We all walked in as Adam opened the door. I walked in as the large open house surrounded me. Light shone through windows and a large staircase draped down the center of the foyer.

"We'll start moving your stuff over next week," Adam said smiling. My mind raced. Next week? As my heart pounded I could feel my body start tending up. I walked out and to my car. Pulling out my phone I saw a text from Chase.

"Plz come over, Kayla's w/ Hayden, let me apologize"


As I pulled up to his house I held in the tears. Opening the door Chase stood there looking down at me with a sorry look. I pursed my lips and wrapped my arms around him. As tears flowed out of my eyes he shut the door and carried me over to the kitchen counter. As I sobbed in my hands he pulled them off and held my face.

"Talk to me Bells," he whispered. Taking a deep breath I tried to get it together.

"Everything Is changing so fast, I don't know how to handle it, I mean with my mom and Adam, now i'm moving into this house and doesn't feel right with these other 3 kids who I have never even met until now let alone know they existed. You're graduating in 3 months and, we have this huge secret from my best friend and your sister," I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm gonna help you through," he said holding my hands in front of him.

"No, no you have enough to worry about, I'll figure it out," I said wiping my tears. Lowering down he looked up at me.

"You've always taken care of me, my whole life, it's my turn now," he said. I smiled softly as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I got into Alabama with an offer for football," Chase said quietly. My eyes widened. My jaw dropped as I pushed him back.

"Shut the fuck up," I said looking up at him. He smiled and laughed softly. I jumped up on him as he hugged me and spun me around. I opened the pantry and grabbed the bottle of Tito's. Pouring it into two shot glasses I handed on to him.

"To have a secret NFL boyfriend," I said smiling.

"Well I'm not in the NF-," he started saying.

"Shut up and drink asshole," I said pushing the glass towards him as I downed it. Smiling I set it down.

"I think I want to find my dad," I said randomly.

"What?" Chase asked confused.

"I want to meet him, before my mom gets married, just once," I said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Bells?" Chase asked.

"Remember when you said you'd help me?" I said pleading. He sighed and gave in. I squealed and hugged him.

"Thank god cause I found him on Facebook and texted him," I said quickly.

"Bella?!" Chase said sighing.

"What? I was mad at my mom," I said shrugging. Sitting on the counter I opened the texts.

"What's his name?" Chase asked.

"Zayne Fuller, he's married and has 3 girls. Just like my sisters and I," I said casually.

"Hi Isabella, could we meet tonight at River Run Cafe? In around an hour?" He replied.

"Sure," I answered.

"Holy shit," Chase said.

"Holy shit," I repeated.

"Are you going to tell your mom?" Chase asked.

"Hell no, she'll flip out and then i'll never get to meet him.

"Maybe," He said.

"Can you come with me though? I mean if this guy is actually who my mom said he was, then I need you there with me," I said. Chase nodded slowly. I went upstairs to Kayla's room and put on a sweatshirt and leggings. Pulling my hair into a braid I got ready. Walking through Kayla's room that guilt ran through me again.

I sat in the passenger seat of Chase's car. Sighing we pulled up at the cafe.

"I'm scared," I said looking over at him.

"You'll be fine, plus i'll be right there with you," He said. I nodded slowly. Getting out we walked in. My heart stopped as I my eyes shot to him in the back. He looked up at me and gave a slight smile. I grabbed Chase's hand and led him to the back.

"Hi," I said softly. He slowly stood up and admired me. He gave a soft smile.

"You're more beautiful then I could've imagined," he added. I gave a soft smile.

"Here, sit," he said motioning for us to sit down.

"Um, this is Chase, remember? Kayla's brother?" I asked.

"Damn man, you sure got your fathers looks," Zayne said. I felt Chase tense up.

"You knew my dad?" Chase asked. I slid my hand on top of his hoping to give him some comfort.

"Yeah, we played in the NFL together for years, before of course, um, you know," Zayne said.

"Wait you were in the NFL?" I asked.

"I got drafted the same day Geneva was born, and I still am," he said.

"Why did mom never tell me?" I asked.

"Oh she wanted nothing to do with it, she didn't want you guys being surrounded by that, all she wanted was a normal happy life, and I wanted the dream. She made me legally change my name and cut off all connections with you two," He explained.

"So that's why you left?" I asked.

"I didn't leave, your mom kicked me out," He added. My heart dropped.

"What did she tell you?" He asked.

"Um nothing, just that, that's what I meant. I'm sorry but Ive got to go, I have a rehearsal dinner and um I can't be late, but thank you for meeting me," I said getting up.

"Tell your mom congrats, on the wedding," Zayne said. I looked back at him and smiled softly. Walking out with Chase I tried to catch my breath as I got in the car.

"She fucking lied?" I asked. Chase looked over at me with nothing to say. My breathing was shallow and I twisted the ring on my finger.

"Maybe we shouldn't go to the rehearsal dinner I mean af-," Chase started saying.

"Oh we're going," I said angrily.

"Bells, I don't think this is a good idea," Chase said slowly.

"Drive the damn car," I replied bluntly. He sighed and drove off. Arriving at the dinner we walked in quickly. I could feel Chase hovering behind me.

"Just remember not to do or say any-,"

"Mom! Can we talk?" I said somewhat loudly. Everyone turned to look at me. Looking back at Adam she placed her hand on his arm and excused herself.

"Jesus Christ Isabella where are your man-"

"I saw dad," I said bluntly. My moms eyes widened as she stood in shock. Kayla walked over slowly confused.

"Bella wha-," She started saying.

"Don't even start," I said angrily looking at her.

"Excuse me?" She said angry. Adam slowly made his way over.

"Why the hell would you meet him?" My mom asked angrily.

"Why the hell would you lie to me about everything that happened?" I asked angrier.

"I did everything to protect you Isabella!" My mom yelled. Her accent started coming out. Some of the guests looked over.

"Protect me? My whole life is a lie because you are a selfish coward!" I said annoyed.

"Watch yourself," Adam said pointing at me.

"Adam who the fuck invited you into the conversation?" I asked in a sarcastic laugh.

"Isabella!" My mom yelled.

"You ruined my life because you couldn't handle your own pride?! I grew up with no father figure! No sense of security or strength! Because of you!" I yelled. At this point half the guests were listening.

"You don't even know the things I did for you mija, I changed my whole life for you, you ungrateful little

bitch," My mom said slapping me firmly across my cheek. My eyes stung as I looked up at her and felt tears rushing down my cheeks. Geneva stood behind her in shock.

"Mom? You lied to us?" She asked.

"Geneva, no," my mom said pleading. Geneva broke down and stormed off to bathroom as my mom slowly followed her.

"What have you done?" She started saying looking back at me. I stormed out quickly. Chase following behind me. We quietly got in the car and rid silently to my house. I walked in and too my room. I slowly sat down on my bed. My mind raced as I tried to process everything that just happened. I twisted the ring on my finger as Chase leaned against the doorframe.

"Bells," Chase said softly. I shook my head and started sobbing. He slowly walked over to me and knelt down
in front of me.

"You're going to figure it out, you always do," Chase said softly. I nodded softly.

"Look at me," He said searching for my eyes. I slowly looked into his as he smiled softly.

"There she is," he said smiling. I laughed softly and sniffled.

"Pack a bag and let's go," He said standing up. I slowly stood up and wrapped my arms around him. Sighing I felt his embrace back.

"I love you Chase," I said pressing my head against his chest. I felt him smile.

"I love you too," he said softly.

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