12- Emotions

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Walking into Hayden's house I studied the expensively decorated mansion. It reminded me of Adam's. People were everywhere and sitting with drinks. Walking into the kitchen Jackson stood by the drinks.

"Prius! Long time no see dude," He said drunkenly hugging me. I smiled softly at him.

"What can I get you to drink?" he asked.

"Um just water please," I said softly.

"Yes ma'am," Jackson said jokingly. Looking out I saw Chase talking next to the pool with Nikki. They were sitting really close together and Nikki kept biting her lip and smiling at him.

"Hey did Chase get a drink?" I asked Jackson as he handed me a water bottle.

"One drink is an understatement. He's had like 6," Jackson said leaning against the counter. I furrowed my eyebrows and watched them.

"What? Is something wrong?" Jackson asked looked over at me concerned.

"Don't give him any more drinks okay?" I said walking away slowly. Walking through the living room I looked over at a drunk Kayla taking shots with the cheerleaders. Loud music blared. Downing one she shakily got up and stumbled over to me.

"Bellaaa, take some shots with me," Kayla slurred.

"I'm okay, but you, you should probably go home Kay," I said concerned. Her expression changed from smiling to angry.

"No, i'm staying here all night, maybe forever," she added annoyed.

"You can barely even talk or walk, I don't want you here," I said angrily.

"You don't own me. Stop being such a little priss, God you used to be so fucking fun and now you're so boring, I don't even know you anymore," she said bluntly. My heart dropped as I looked at her hurt. I nodded slowly and started walking away.

"So no shots?" She yelled at me as hot tears streamed down my face. I flipped her off and stormed into the kitchen again. Jackson was still handing out drinks to people. Chase stood up and hugged Nikki. She kissed his cheek and she walked away. Chase started walking up towards us. As he opened the door I looked to Jackson.

"Kiss me," I said to him. Confused he looked at me.

"Do it," I added. Stepping towards me Jackson grabbed my face and placed his lips on mine. I felt an arm pull me back.

"Get the fuck off of her man!" Chase yelled at Jackson as he threw a punch at his face. I gasped as covered my mouth as people crowded around.

"Chase stop it! Get off of him now!" I yelled tryin to pull him off. Jackson and him slammed each other around into the cabinets.

"Jesus Christ, stop it!" I yelled as my eyes started watering. Hayden walked in confused.

"Can you please help me," I said to him trying to pull them apart. Hayden immediately helped pull them apart. Grabbing Jackson and pulling him back I studied the blood all over his face and his busted lip. Sighing I held him back as he glared at Chase.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded softly.

"Do not touch him again," I said pointing my finger in his face. Looking back at Chase I stared at his bloody face as he breathed heavily. Storming over to Chase I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house. Stopping I looked up at the thunder and rain in the sky. I yelled at him to get in my car as we drove off. Driving angrily I wiped the tears off my cheeks. Chase stared ahead silently. Pulling up to his house we sat in the car in silence.

"Please just come inside and talk with me," he said quietly. I shook my head and cried.

"Please, then I will leave you alone forever if that's what you want," He added. I got out and slammed the door walking in.

"My mom isn't home so you can yell as loud as you want," He said shutting the door. I pursed my lips and shook my head crying.

"Why we're you talking to her?" I asked.

"I was ending things completely with her. She kept trying to try again and I finally told her I was done and that I want someone else," he said. I looked up at his blood covered face and sighed.

"Can we please just go upstairs and fix your face," I said slowly. Chase nodded and started walking up the stairs. Following him into his room I listened to the rain hit the roof. Lightning flashes outside his windows as he grabbed a beer and took a sip.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"To numb the pain," He said bluntly. Rolling my eyes I walked into the bathroom. He slowly sat down in his shower against the wall. There was blood on his clothes and shoulders and legs.

"Take off your shirt," I said sternly. He slowly tries to pull his shirt off. He sharply inhaled and grunted in pain. He slowly revealed his bruised abs. I sighed as he threw his shirt aside. Thunder crashed around us. The blood was in his hair and on his fists. I grabbed a towel and grabbed the shower head as I wet the towel. I held his face as I lightly wiped his face with water. He flinched as the cloth touched his cuts. After his face was clean I ran water through his hair and poured shampoo in it. I ran my fingers through it and got the blood out. Watching him shut his eyes in relief he sighed slowly. I felt his warm body lean back on my stomach as I washed his hair. My heart fluttered and I took a sharp breath in.

"Why do you even still care for me?" He asked softly. I rinsed the shampoo out of his hair and helped him stand up slowly.

"I don't know, it's just who I am," I said slowly. He grabbed a towel and dried off. I grabbed some butterfly bandages and pulled a cut on his cheek and one of his nose together. My soft fingers grazed his skin slowly. His eyes slowly kept making their way up to mine. He pulled on a hoodie and took a drink of his beer. Laying down on the bed in pain he sighed. I grabbed my phone and started walking towards his door.

"Wait, Bells please stay," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows and slightly looked over my shoulder.

"Why?" I asked. Thunder rang out.

"You're still scared of storms?" I asked annoyed.

"Everyone's afraid of something," he added.

"I cant stay," I said quietly.

"Why not," Chase said sitting up.

"Chase," I said as tears stung at my eyes. He slowly stood up and walked over to me slowly.

"Don't leave me alone Bells, I need you," he said. I shook my head as tears rolled down my cheeks. He tucked my hair behind my ear as our eyes locked.

"You're just drunk," I whispered defeated.

"I love you Bells," he said. My heart dropped as those words echoed through my mind. Our faces hovered over each others gently. Wrapping my arms around him I pressed my lips against his and sighed in relief. Picking me up he laid me down on the bed and climbed over me. I gently placed my hand on his cheek and pushed his hair back with the other. Slowly pausing, our eyes locked as he slowly pulled back and hovered his face over mine.

"What?" I asked.

"You're perfect," he said softly. I felt the color rush to my cheeks and a slight smile formed on my face. He grinned softly. I giggled and flipped us over as I climbed on top of him. He tucked my hair behind my hair as I moved my head down to kiss him again. Slowly I felt him pull my shirt off as chills ran up my spine. I lifted his hoodie off of him as he kept looking up at me. Flipping over again he pulled my shorts off and slowly kissed down my stomach. I shuttered as he reached between my thighs. Taking a sharp inhale in I pursed my lip as his lip kissed the inside of my thighs. He slowly pulled my underwear off and placed his hands on my thighs. Pushing them he placed his mouth in between my thighs. A soft moan escaped my lips as pleasure shot through my body. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back slowly.

"Shit," I mumbled. He kissed back up my body and his eyes met mine again. Pulling off his shorts I took a breath.

"Are you sure?" He asked before putting on his condom. I nodded slowly. He slowly pushed himself inside. Biting my lip I felt the pleasure and pain mix. His lips met mine as he kept a pace. I shut my eyes and let the pleasure take over.

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