Sandor Clegane x reader

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"Lady Sansa?" you call standing in front of wooden door. You knocked few times,no answer. You tried to open the door,but they were locked so you got really confused and scared. You lifted your hand again,to knock once more. As you were about to hit wood,the door opened and the Hound was standning there. The air in your lungs just went away. He was tall, so tall that you looked like Tyrion next to him.

"What do you looking at, girl?" His comment made you little bit angry,he tried to use word 'girl' as insult. 

"Where is lady Sansa?" you asked and hi hissed at you.

"She is not here, go run to your Queen." he closed the door walking away.

"What are you doing here?" you ran after him. "Why aren't you out defending the city?" he stopped, never turning to face you.

"Because I don't want to fight for that little fucker of King while he's hiding behind walls!" he continued walking out of the castle and you followed him like a pup.

 "Where are you going?" you asked again. He stopped, but now he faced you making you jump of fear.

"Why are you following me?! Don't you want go to your Queen?" You were afraid to stay in Capital if Stannis wins you may have a chance to live, but if he doesn't people would find out you are the one who told Baratheon everything. 

"I can't stay here! Please let me come with you," you begged the Hound to help you. 

"Why can't you stay here?" you looked at him,with fear. After you told him everything you did,he didn't say anything. He climbed on his black horse and you just stared at him. 

"Do you know how to ride fucking horse?" You shook your head and he seamed annoyed by the fact that you never sat on the horse's back. "What the fuck are you waiting for?!" he said giving you his hand to help you climb on his horse. You were relieved that he is willing to take you away from Queen.

"Where are we going?" you asked him after a few hours riding. It was dark night and you only saw a few meters in front of you. Even the moon was hidden.

"I don't know...North." you turned your head to face him. Your face so close to his.

"Why North?" you were annoying him, but you never stopped asking questions and he never bothered to answer. "You are not a very good company, you know that?"He looked at you, noticing every flaw and every perfection your body had. He noticed your resting happy face you had, and how your hair was properly brushed and how it was clean for someone who worked for Littlefinger a few months back.

"Aye, I'm not good company. Do you want me to take you back, to the Queen?" He was trying to stay angry and not show any compassion toward you. "I bet she would let every man rape you before she would let someone cut in half and let some animal eat you." your heart started pumping faster, as your head was playing scenarios he just described. 

"You won't take me back, right?"  you swallowed some of your words when the horse stopped in the middle of the field. He got off, lifting you up and down from his black horse. The grass was almost up to your knees and it was still dark."What are we doing here?" you asked walking behind him.

"Do you want to sleep, girl?" he stopped making a bed of the grass, he pointed at it trying to tell you that you are sleeping right there. You sat there looking at him as he was trying to fall asleep. You looked at his scared face, half of his face was burnt when he was the kid. People talk. They say his blanket got on fire and that's how he got his scars. But why just his face? Did he out on a blanket on his face? Why isn't his whole side of the body burnt as well? 

"How did you get them?" you asked softly and he looked at you. 

"What?" he asked not understanding what you were trying to ask. 

"How did you get those scars?" your question made him even angrier. The sun was coming up and you could see his dark eyes. 

"Why do you care?" he turned on the other side.

 "I told you why I wanted to go with you. I won't tell anyone. I won't be alive to tell anyone, soon someone will find me." he turned around and look at you as you talked to yourself. You selflessly lifted your hand and moved to his face. You touched his scars and he pushed your hand. 

"My brother gave me these scars when I was a kid! He pressed me to the fire like I was a nice, juicy mutton chop." you didn't move your eyes from his."My father protected him, telling everyone lies about that night!" you didn't ask or say anything, for the first time since you left Capital. You just sat there looking at him. He was this big bad warrior who could chop anyone into tiny pieces. And you thought to yourself, he could have been different if his brother wasn't monster everyone knew.

You heard someone walking behind you, but when you turned around there was nothing there.

"Sandor..." you whispered, but he was already on his feet looking for his sword."Clegane!" you screamed when someone wrapped their arms around yours pulling you away."No, let me go!" 

Tears started streaming down your face, you were scared Cersei sent them for you. You were fighting two men that held you tight. "I didn't do anything!" you screamed as they pulled you away from the place you were 'camping'. 

"Leave the girl!" you heard Hound yelling at the men."What do you want her for?!" he continued when two arrows hit him in the shoulder. He was wearing armour so it wasn't big deal to him. You couldn't see what happened to him because two-man already took you somewhere. Tying your hands and putting a bag over your head. You were afraid for your life, knowing they were taking you to your death. You just hoped it would be a quick death.


I will posting two more shots today since I've written them way back,but didn't publish any (they were stupid in my eyes,but almost every single thing i post is stupid,and today i'm feeling humble....i'll go home.)

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