I blinked away the vision and quickly came back to reality. In the time of my vision, Bella had shuffled back slightly to give me my space. But space wasn't really what I wanted. I wanted that kiss that I was about to receive before I saw that nomadic vampire.
Sometimes my gift proved to be a real curse.
"Are you okay?" Bella asked cautiously with a look of pure concern on her face
"I'm fine...thank you" I mumbled while I stood from her bed "That's just what happens when I have a vision. I'm sorry"
"No you can't help it. What did you see?" Bella asked as she slowly rose to her feet to stand in front of me
"The vampire's back. He's around the woods" I said furrowing my eyebrows
"The vampire that you were tracking?" She asked
"Yes. He's planning to hunt" I muttered before I looked to Bella again "I need to call home"
"Sure" Bella said nodding as she digested what I was telling her
"I don't mean to be rude" I apologized shaking my head slowly
"No, you do whatever you have too" She nodded
I quickly pulled my phone from my jeans pocket with ease and dialed the home number. As predicted, it was picked up on the second ring
"Cullen residents" Esme greeted politely
"Esme, I need to speak to Carlisle please. It's urgent"
"Alice" I heard Carlisle immediately
"The vampire we were tracking, he's back...he's back and he is going to try and hunt" I said in a panicked tone
"Where is he going to be Alice?" Carlisle asked patiently
"He was by an old boat dock in the woods somewhere" I said rubbing my forehead "The human was by himself"
"Do you know what this is happening?" Carlisle asked
"The clock read about" I said as I looked over to Bella's alarm clock "Half an hour, he's going to kill that man in half an hour"
"Is there any danger to Bella?" Carlisle asked calmly
"No, I don't think so Carlisle" I replied glancing to Bella quickly before I turned my back on her to finish the conversation. I had rushed my words, speaking very lowly so Bella would have difficulty figuring out what exactly I was saying. I didn't want her to become worried "As long as he stays in the woods she'll be fine. I'll know if something is about to happen"
"In that case Alice, I need you to come home so we can head out as soon as possible" Carlisle replied "We'll need you to take us where you saw him before he hunts"
"I'll come now" I said nodding after a moments pause
I didn't want to leave Bella. Not after the conversation we had just shared and not after we were about to kiss for the first time but being a Cullen had its responsibilities.
I didn't say another word to Carlisle; instead I stuffed my phone in my pocket and turned back to Bella
"You have to go huh?" Bella asked quietly
"Yes, we have to see if we can intercept him" I nodded "I don't want to go"
"I don't want you to go either" Bella said sheepishly
"I guess we're even, now that I ruined our plans and all to hang out tonight" I mumbled
"Oh so you do hold something against me for canceling our plans?" Bella asked with a hint of a chuckle
"Yes, I had a hot date" I winked playfully before I took a few steps into Bella, reaching out to take her hand gently. She didn't even flinch at the difference in our body temperatures, and to my complete surprise she linked her fingers in mine "I'll see you tomorrow"
"You'll be at school?" Bella asked, raising her eyebrows hopefully "You and your family aren't just going to run away now that a human knows your secret?"
"You're not just any human though, Bella" I replied with a small smile "Who just happened to stumble upon our secret"
"But I'm human none the less" She shrugged
"Where am I going to go Bella? Why would I leave when you finally know the truth about me?" I asked, allowing a small sigh to escape my lips. "Just....you can't tell anyone. Not Charlie and not Angela. You're in enough danger as it is"
"I won't" Bella replied quickly "They'd think I'm crazy anyway"
"Yes they probably would" I giggled
"Without a doubt" She smiled
"You're a pretty amazing human for being so calm about this" I said as I looked down at our linked hands "I don't know how you can do that"
"I'm not scared of you Alice and I'm never going to be" Bella said shrugging "Besides, you're more than worth me being calm about this"
"Promise me that you're not going to tell anyone" I said just one last time, I had to get going "I know you won't but I just need you to promise me sweetheart"
"I promise" Bella reassured me "Cross my heart"
"Goodnight Bella" I whispered as I leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek. My lips lingered against her warm skin longer than I would have liked "I'll see you first thing at school"
I grumbled to myself as I ran home. I left Bella's house as quickly as I could manage because I knew if I stayed a moment longer, I would not have been able to leave.
I soon arrived home to find my family waiting for me. I rushed upstairs to change quickly incase there was going to be any confrontation. I didn't want to ruin my new clothes, plus I couldn't run as fast in them.
"Sorry I didn't come right away" I said. Shooting down the stairs in a blur to stand next to Carlisle "Saying goodbye to Bella was a little more difficult than I expected"
"Oh I bet it was" Emmett smirked
I rolled my eyes with a smirk, shaking my head. I didn't need to say anything as he received a slap on the back of the head by his wife
"Not the time, nor the place" Esme offered softly, patting Emmett gently on the shoulder
"We should go" Edward spoke. His tone was extremely anxious
"Just the one nomad, Alice?" Jazz asked in her honey voice
"Just the one" I confirmed
"Alice, we need to go" Carlisle nodded
Without another word, I lead my family out to the woods. Edward soon shot off in front, he had seen the location, as I had when I got home. He was faster than anyone in the family, with Jazz a close second and sometimes I was extremely thankful for that. He stopped after a few moments in the exact location that I had seen in my vision only mere minutes ago. We waited patiently for a while, standing together with our attention to our surroundings
I paused my thoughts to have a look around, everything was very still. Everything was almost too still. Over the years I had learnt that nature was a dead give away to what was going on. You could always rely on nature to tell you the truth, at that moment, by being so quiet it was telling me that something was wrong.
I heard the human getting into his boat, humming a cheerful tune
"Alice I thought you said he was coming here" Jazz said from behind me as a whisper
I didn't respond as the clock struck the exact time of my vision
He had spotted us, no longer was he hungry. He was just focusing on escaping
"He's going to run!" I called out. Feeling the rush of the vision fade as we saw a blur of white rush past us
Edward was first off the blocks, as usual but I was quickly on my brother's tail. Thankfully I had made the judgment call of changing my clothes. My new outfit would have been ruined
We gave quick pursuit of the vampire, Edward was streaking up ahead being the fastest of us all and Emmett with his game face on as he ran out from behind me. I was following with every intention of capturing this vampire if we reached him but he was proving to be very difficult. I was quick but my short strides were making catching up with him a little difficult.
I saw Jazz sprint up from behind me and she passed Edward in a sudden burst of speed, leaping up to jump at the nomad who ducked out of her way and she tumbled to the ground. She was fine though, because she got up and continued chasing. Edward was next to have a go at the male but he didn't get as close as Jazz had.
After a few more seconds of running, he jumped over a creek and we had no choice but to stop in our tracks. He had jumped over the treaty line so we had to leave him as he had run out to the water and up towards Canada.
I growled quietly, watching the distance that he ran off into and turned around to begin walking home in a huff.
"I'll see him if he comes back" I snapped
"At least we stopping him from killing that human" Esme said optimistically "If anything I think that we scared him off. That he knows he can't hunt on our lands anymore"
"Yeah but he's going to come back" I said as the growl in my chest began to subside "He doesn't seem to want just the humans, I think he's playing with us"
"What was he thinking?" I heard Jazz asked behind
"He first wanted the human and then he was curious about us. He wasn't aware that a coven was living here and now it's a game to him. If he wasn't coming back before he will be coming back now" Edward said with a furrowed brow
"Alice" Carlisle warned
"I know. I will look out for him like I already am" I replied nodding "Look I want to get home, I have to talk to you all and I want to get it over with. Can we please just go?"
"Of course" Carlisle said
I didn't say a word to anyone on the journey home. I wasn't sure why but something just felt off to me and I knew Edward could feel it too.
We all sat in the lounge room again, while I stood alone, at the front of the room with my eyes glued to my feet
"Did you want to tell us what this is about?" Esme asked kindly, breaking the ice for me
"Well no doubt Edward already knows" I looked to Edward and he nodded.
I always loved him for managing to keep everyone's thoughts to himself
"You know I went to Bella's house today because she knew what we were" I began before looking up at the couch "Well I explained everything. She knows what happened to all of you, she knows my story. In fact she knows everything I know about my story. She accepted it as well and she seems to have the same feelings as me so I'm going to pursue my relationship with her for as long as she is willing"
"Why did you tell her about us?" Rosalie asked "Why not just you?"
"I know that you aren't happy with that but she had to know. She already knew what we are" I said simply with a shrug
"Alice she is a human, why would you bother with her?" Rosalie snapped
"Because I'm in love with her Rose and I don't want her to be in the dark about anything. If she asks me something I'm going to answer it. She's my mate so she has every right to know. Besides, she promised she isn't going to tell anyone" I said
"Even if she did tell someone, who in their right mind, would believe her?" Jazz reasoned
"Let them think she is crazy. We should be leaving town now that she knows" Rosalie seethed "Do you have any idea how much danger you have put this family in?"
"Rose, if Bella said she would keep it a secret than she will" Jazz said "This is Alice's mate we're talking about here"
"Alice, I just don't want to see you get hurt" Rosalie said honestly
"Rose I'm not going to get hurt, she isn't going to hurt me" I said shaking my head "And I love you for your concern but you don't need to have any of it"
"So she just accepted what you are?" Edward asked
"Bella's an extraordinary human" Esme said with a smile "And you deserve her"
"Thank you" I replied
"Can we go?" Rosalie asked in a huff
"Sure" I mumbled in frustration
Most of the family disappeared after that but Jazz and Edward stayed in seated on the couch, giving me their full attention
"Don't worry about Rose, you know how she is" Jazz said "You know how protective she can get about the family"
"No I'm not angry at her, or upset" I said shaking my head "I mean, she has every right to be concerned but she doesn't need to be. Bella isn't a threat to anyone here"
"I know" Jazz said nodding
"It is a little dangerous though" Edward admitted
"I know that but Bella had to know, there was no choice in it" I replied "I wasn't going to push her away or just leave her because she found out. I have waited my life to meet her and I'm not going to give her up just as we finally clear the air"
"You're not going to have to give her up" Jazz sighed, leaning back on the couch
"Alice" Esme called as she entered the room with a grin. She clasped her hands together cheerfully "Carlisle and I were thinking about Bella. You should bring her over to officially meet everyone. She's hopefully going to be a part of this family so we should introduce ourselves. Maybe it will do Rose some good to actually meet her, maybe she won't be so hostile towards her"
"At least we don't have to pretend to eat" Jazz said pulling a face "If you had invited her over when she thought we were humans and I would have had to eat...Well let's just say that Rose wouldn't have been the only one wanting to skip town"
"You really think that's a good idea?" I asked "Inviting her over so soon?"
"Of course, she'll be fine" Esme said with a warm grin "So you'll ask her? Tuesday night would be perfect; maybe I can even cook for her. Yes, we'll have dinner here"
"I'll speak to her at school" I replied biting my lip in thought "I'm going up to my room"
The night dragged on because all I could think of was Bella. She was the one constant thought in my brain the entire night. I couldn't wait for the sun to come up so I could see her again. I had a couple of visions of her deciding simple things like what to wear to school tomorrow and what to read as she fell asleep.
I changed into some nice clothes for school and I waited eagerly downstairs, for my siblings to be ready. I pulled up at school in Rosalie's convertible with Rose and Jazz. I sat in the back, where I spotted Bella's orange truck sitting across from us. She wasn't there so I knew she would be inside somewhere.
I walked to my locker where I found Bella standing, waiting for me. Smiling to myself, I walked up behind her and I poked her in the ribs very gently, being careful not to hurt her.
She jumped slightly which made me giggle. She playfully glared at me but it was ruined by her own laughter
"Morning" I greeted chirpily as I opened my locker
"Good morning" Bella replied, a grin gracing her lips "How are you?"
"The same as yesterday" I replied after I winked to her "You?"
"I'm good thanks" Bella laughed "How was your night?"
"I'll explain that later" I said looking around "What did you do? I'm sure it turned out to be more interesting than my night"
"I doubt that. My night consisted of homework and more homework" Bella said "And my mom called"
"Oh, how is she?" I asked grabbing a book, closing my locker once I was done
"Fine" Bella shrugged with a small smile "I wish you could have stayed longer last night"
"Me too" I whispered
"But I guess you can't help that" Bella ran a hand through her hair
"So I have a question to ask" I said rocking on the balls of my feet enthusiastically
"Sure" Bella replied as she leaned against the lockers next to mine "Seems only fair seeing as I asked you so many questions last night"
"What are you doing Tuesday night?" I asked hopefully
"Nothing yet, why?" Bella asked furrowing her eyebrows
"My family wants to meet you" I blurted out quickly
"They do?" Bella asked nervously
"I can understand if you don't want to go to a houseful of...Cullen's but they would love to meet you but if you don't want to go then we don't have too" I rushed "Because I mean if I were you I would be really nervous about this and of course you don't have to go. Esme just wants to have you over for dinner, or not dinner seeing as we have our little special diet"
"No, I'll go" Bella said interrupting my babbling "I mean I finally get to see your house right?"
"Well good because I was getting sick of talking then" I smiled sheepishly
"Yeah, what was that?" Bella asked with a laugh
"That was a bit of my nervous chatter. It doesn't happen often but it does happen" I replied "So you'll come over?"
"From what I have heard, no one has ever seen your house" Bella folded her arms
"I would say for obvious reasons" I shrugged "But I'll give you the entire tour"
"Well I owe you something for all the questions you answered last night" Bella repeated
"You owe me nothing. I wanted to answer those questions so really you're repaying me for nothing" I said shaking my head "I owe you for actually staying around"
"I was never going to do anything else" She smiled, looking down to her converse
She looked up at me again, tucking her hair behind her ears and placing her hands in her pockets. Bella was officially the most perfect human being on the face of the earth. Her chocolate eyes were practically melting me as I stood in front of her. Before I knew what I was doing, my eyes fell to her lips and I licked my own quickly.
"What's wrong?" Bella asked, I was completely caught out just staring at her but I really didn't care
"There's this girl, who I can't seem to get out of my head" I admitted "And I don't think I want her gone from my head either"
"Believe me, I know the feeling" Bella said with a smile
I nodded without saying anything else and I broke my gaze from her to look around. No one was really paying attention to us, though they were aware that a Cullen was speaking to someone outside of our family
"What are you doing this afternoon?" Bella asked grabbing my attention back
"Well at the moment nothing" I said with a smirk "But I have a feeling you might be changing that"
"You already know what I'm going to ask don't you?" Bella frowned
"You decided this morning when you woke up and by the way, I will come over tonight to finish our Biology" I replied happily
"I just want to talk some more" Bella shrugged
"Sounds like a plan" I replied looking down the hall "Should we get to class?"
"Is the bell about to ring?"
"My, my Bella Swan you are learning ever so quickly" I said jokingly "We really should get going"
"I guess" Bella said "I've got English, History and Math so I'll see you at lunch"
"Sure" I smiled widely
"You look really cute today by the way" Bella said happily as she backed away from me.
Though in her turning around to walk away, she tripped over her own shoe lace and tumbled to the floor
I didn't know whether to laugh hysterically or to help her up. So I just did both
"Well that wasn't graceful at all" Bella muttered
I offered her my hand, which she accepted and I helped her up very quickly. I pulled her jacket straight briefly before I took a few steps away from her
"I've come to accept that you aren't very graceful" I said shrugging "But you're Bella and that alone gives you a free pass for not being as graceful as some...well most"
I didn't get to see Bella all that much during the day, she was busy with her classes and I was stuck in mine. We sat at our usual tables during lunch though, deciding to sit with each other another day. Bella thought it would be rude of her to just sit at our table and she thought my family would hate her for taking me from them. I explained to her that it was only lunch but she wouldn't budge so I had to just settle with going over her house to do our Biology.
After school, I waited for Bella in her truck, the whole truck was coated in her scent. She had left
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