"I on the other hand can see into the future"
"What?" Bella choked on her own words
She wasn't scared or angry, but she was in shock.
I knew I had just placed her in more shock than she was already in, just what her poor heart needed.
"I can see into the future. I can see the path people are on while they are on it but my visions are subjective, people always change their minds so the future is never set in stone. I was watching out for you to make sure that the vampire who came to Forks didn't come anywhere near you or Charlie when I saw you decide that you wanted to confront me about this, so I just decided to get it over with" I said trying to act casually, but I was very concerned for her because now she knew too much for her own sanity
"That's how you knew the bell was going to ring. You pretty much predicted the weather as well" Bella replied running a hand through her hair as she once again she took another step into me
"Yes that is how I knew all of those things so in a way you were right when you told me I had a sixth sense" I smiled slightly while I watched Bella's mind trying to mull things over
She was clearly feeling stubborn and defiant so she took two more steps towards me. We weren't close but she was certainly putting herself in more danger, and I was feeling more defeated with every inch she moved closer to me.
"Go back to the decade thing" She spoke but it came out as more of a whisper
"Oh right, sorry" I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head "I always kind of rehearsed trying to tell you what I was but I never really expected to find you... I guess to actually explain this. You see vampires, we have mates; Carlisle has Esme, Rose has Emmett and Jazz has Edward. I never actually found my mate and I always wondered whether I would ever find you. A decade ago I started having visions of someone, of you...of us. I won't go into detail but I never knew when I would meet you; I could have been waiting 100 more years. I wanted to go find you but Carlisle always told me it would be best for you just to come to me. He didn't want me to rush because I probably would have found you when you weren't ready. If you weren't ready then my visions would have changed and you would have been gone. The first morning you were at school I had a vision of you standing by your car, so I knew the girl I had been waiting for was here and I was so excited"
Bella smiled slightly and tucked some loose hair behind her ear, she wanted me to continue
"And you were everything I had imagined and more. Your smile is so much better in person than it ever was in my vision. You were always beautiful in my visions but being able to actually stand near you has made everything so much better. Your smell is so much sweeter and your personality is just beyond anything I had seen" I sighed "And I can't push you away because honestly, I want to pull you in as close as I can and never let you go"
"I want that too" Bella replied quickly
"How are you okay with this though? I just told you that I was a vampire and you are fine with it" I asked as a little more than a whisper "Now I tell you that I've known about you for a decade and you still aren't freaked out by me?"
"No I'm not, because you're Alice. If it were Jessica or someone like that who was the vampire, then I would be terrified but I know I'm completely safe with you. I trust you" Bella said nodding with conviction but still displaying a small smile as she did "I'm just sorry that you had to be in that Biology classroom when we were doing that experiment and I'm sorry that I cancelled on today. I did really want to hang out with you. I felt really bad about that but I wasn't sure what to do"
"No I understood the position you were in" I replied "I wasn't angry. I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to go out but I wasn't angry"
"I'm just sorry" Bella nodded with a guilty smile.
"I'm just glad that you decided to confront me instead of avoiding me" I shrugged "My family kind of thought that you would just avoid me"
"Why would avoid you?"
"Bad question Bella" I laughed quietly "Maybe because you just found out that I was a vampire"
"No what I meant was that why would I avoid you when avoiding you wouldn't get any answers from you" Bella smiled sheepishly "But maybe we can make up for today, I still want to hang out tonight if you do?"
"Really?" I asked raising my eyebrow
"Well yeah" She replied with a smile
"I would like that" I said quietly, ashamed while I looked at my feet "I would like that a lot Bella"
"Why do you sound so sad?" Bella asked
"Because I'm placing you in danger by just being close to you but right now I don't care because I just want to spend time with you" I brought my eyes to hers and she smiled "I want to spend as much time with you as we both can handle"
"Don't feel guilty" My mate said simply
I felt a small smile starting to appear on my lips as I heard the reassurance from Bella
"So let's go back to my house" Bella suggested quietly "And we can just talk about this"
"You know that Edward didn't want me finding you?" I asked as I thought aloud "He thought that a human vampire combination wouldn't work"
"Well we're just going to have to prove him wrong" Bella said confidently, she was fighting for me and I loved it "Can we go inside? I'm getting a little cold"
"Right of course Bella. I apologize" I mumbled
Mentally slapping myself on the forehead for forgetting that Bella was a human, and humans get cold
I walked to move past Bella but she didn't even turn to start walking. She grabbed my arm lightly and I sighed at the warmth I felt from her grip
"Alice I trust you" Bella said affirming her confidence in me
"I'm glad" I replied with a nod
She let go of my arm slowly and we made our way back to Bella's house, silently. I was too caught in my own mind to discuss anything with her even though I wanted to spill out my guts to her.
Walking up to her room; I heard the door shut behind Bella with a click and she let out a deep, but shaky breath.
"You make my room smell really nice" Bella admitted and I chuckled "Actually you make everything smell really nice"
"That's a part of being a vampire. Everything about me is supposed to lure you in; my looks, my smell, my voice. It's supposed to draw in prey but seeing as that isn't much use to me I just use it to dazzle" I wanted to try and make light of the situation, I didn't want to convince myself that I was too dangerous for her because I knew I could talk myself into believing it, and I wouldn't be able to stay around her.
"I can't believe that you had known about me for a decade" Bella said shaking her head "And I've only known you for just a little over 2 weeks"
"Is that creepy?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers nervously
"No. I mean if I were you I wouldn't have bothered. I'm just...I'm plain and you...you're absolutely stunning" Bella replied while still shaking her head
"You are anything but plain Bella. In fact I think you're very close to being perfect but thank you for the boost to my ego" I commented as my smile grew "I always knew I had to find you. I had a thought in the back of my head that I might not ever, but I always had a feeling you would come to me. As I said before, we only are meant for one mate"
"Really?" Bella asked
"Vampires are a little different to humans. We are meant just for our mates" I shrugged
"But what happens if someone's mate died?" Bella asked curiously
"I suppose after that happens it's up to the individual vampire" I replied after a moment of silence while I thought about what I was going to say "Losing your mate would mean that the person you were meant for was gone so I guess a vampire could find someone else to try and replace them but your mate is always going to be number one in your heart. I'm sorry if this is confusing, I'm just trying to word this so you can understand"
"It's okay, I'm getting it" Bella nodded
"Some vampires would try and move on. They would most probably be able to find someone else to be with" I explained slowly "I don't know if I would be able to move on. I would probably prefer not to live on I guess"
"Am I your mate Alice?" Bella asked
"From the moment I had my first vision I knew you were" I nodded with a small smile "And I'll never get over you"
"I don't know if I would be able to either" She mumbled, more to herself than me
There was a slight pause between us; I could practically hear her mind ticking over. She sighed deeply and walked to her bed sitting down on the mattress with a soft thud. She ran her hands over her thighs quickly she stopped to lean her elbows on her knees and look towards me
"I can leave if you would like" I said painfully. I didn't want to place her in discomfort "If this is too much for you, of course. I could just see you tomorrow or whenever you were ready to see me again. I can wait"
"No don't go" Bella said a little too quickly, holding her hand out. Signaling me not to go anywhere "There are a few things I want right now but none of them involve you leaving. So please just stay put"
"Okay" I replied simply as I let myself glide to her bed, sitting on the other end but I would not dare let my eyes meet hers just yet, even if I felt her staring a hole through me
"Can you explain to me how you were changed now?" Bella asked very cautiously, like she was afraid of my reaction almost
"Why do you need to know?" I asked of her, blinking a few times
"I don't need to know but I would like you to tell me if you want" She shrugged "I just want to know everything about you Alice"
"I'm not sure if you want to know everything"
"Try me" Bella responded with a hint of a playful tone
"The truth is I don't really remember. I only know from what I've been told and researched" I began
Bella grabbed a pillow to place against her lap, letting her elbows rest on the pillow as she leaned forward. She kind of reminded me of a small child eager to hear their favourite bedtime story
"It turns out I was placed into an asylum when I was young because I was having premonitions. I guess they were like they are now though considering when you become a vampire all of your senses heighten, I imagine that my visions are more vivid now then they were when I was human" I shifted closer to the middle of Bella's bed, smoothing out a crease in her bedspread distractedly
"So you don't remember anything from your human life?" Bella questioned, her eyes turned to sadness
"I don't remember a thing. I think that could be why I'm just so cheerful to be what I am. Some vampires can be pretty angry about what they turn out to be because their human lives were ripped from them. All of their loved ones grew old and died, they never move forward, always staying the same. Always wanting blood is a constant struggle as well which they never had when we're human" I mumbled "I know that Edward and Rosalie are especially bitter at what they are but Carlisle had no choice. I on the other hand don't know any differently. I don't know what it's like to never crave blood; I don't know what it's like to have a heart beat and feel warm. Because of that, I'm pretty content with the life I have simply because it's the only one I've ever known"
"Do other vampires have the same problem as you?" She asked "I'm guessing that's not really considered normal"
"I'm not sure, it could have happened to others because it's clearly possible. Carlisle thinks I don't remember anything because my mind is either trying to shut that part of my life out of my memory or I don't remember because they placed me in a dark room for the time I was there" I said shrugging "I guess I'll never really know"
"Alice that's terrible" Bella said shaking her head with creased eyebrows "How could your parents do that to you?"
"I guess I wasn't the favourite child huh?" I asked jokingly but Bella didn't laugh, she looked sad which only made me smile. It made me smile because she was so concerned for me and her concern was so cute "Bella you don't have to be sad"
"Someone as good as you doesn't deserve that" Bella protested "You didn't deserve that. That's like Charlie sending me to an asylum for being so clumsy. You couldn't help what was happening to you"
"No, Charlie should have you admitted to an asylum because you still want to be around me even after I told you what I was" I said with an amused smirk
"How were you changed though?" Bella persisted, turning her body completely towards me and crossing her legs "Do you remember what it felt like?"
"One of the doctors working at the asylum was a vampire. Apparently I was one of his favourite patients. There was a vampire who caught the smell of my blood and he wanted it. He was a tracker. Trackers are almost impossible to shake and they never give up until they have their prey. Apparently my blood was the most divine smelling blood he had ever smelt. I imagine it was something like yours considering what yours does to me" I said as I looked out of her window "He came to kill me so the doctor turned me. Seeing as the game was over the tracker left me and killed the doctor instead. I was left alone in the dark and I woke up with a burn in my throat and I didn't really know what was going on but I knew I was different. I knew somehow that I'd died but I was still alive"
"What happened to the vampire who killed the doctor?" She asked leaning forward
"I don't know" I shrugged "I'm assuming he's still out there somewhere. I don't know if I even want to look into that because I don't know what I would do if I found him"
"Would you try and kill him?"
"Well I certainly wouldn't want to be friends with him, that's for sure" I replied
Bella shifted slightly to shuffle a little closer to me on the bed but there was still a little gap between us
"Well how did you find this out then? About the doctor and the tracker if you don't know where the tracker is and the doctor is dead?"
"Vampires have one weakness Bella and that's having to express their feelings. Whether that's: hunting, music or art for example. He expressed his feelings by writing detailed journals about his life. He hid them at an old house he used to live in that would have been impossible for a human to find. I did some research on my life before I was turned and I found some information about him so Jazz and I went to the house and found a few journals of his. I found out a lot on that trip actually, everything"
"What else did you find out?" Bella questioned
"Well my full name is Mary Alice Brandon though I think Alice suits me better than Mary...makes me sound a little too old" I grinned, letting my pearly whites shine "I was born in 1901 so that makes me 109 years young. I was turned into a vampire though in 1920 when I was 19 so that's the age I'm frozen at"
"Wow" She sighed shaking her head in disbelief
"I'm from Biloxi, Mississippi. Obviously my parents died a long time ago, I had a sister who also passed but she had a daughter who is still alive. So I have a niece out in Biloxi somewhere"
"How did you find out how old you were though?" Bella asked
"I'm a very good researcher. When Jazz and I went back to Biloxi to find out about my life I found and matched the date of death on grave stone to the asylum submission sheet I stole from the towns archives and that confirmed pretty much everything for me" I shrugged casually "That was one hell of a week"
"I don't know how you could be joking about this. If it were me I would be really angry at what my parents did to me" Bella replied in a bitter tone
"Hating them for what they did won't do anything for me but make me bitter and twisted. I can't change what I am and I don't want too. If I hadn't been changed than I never would have found you" I said seriously, looking Bella in the eyes once again
"What did you do with those journals that the doctor wrote?"
"I have them in my room. I could lend them to you one day if you really wanted too"
"Would you be okay with that?" Bella asked
"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want you to see them. You wanted to know everything about me so I'm going to share with you everything I know" I said sincerely "I don't remember any of the pain of turning but from what I've seen and what I've heard it's the most excruciating pain you could ever feel then it's magnified all thanks to your developing senses. Jazz told me every second she just wanted to die"
"And you just had a vision about Carlisle and found him?" Bella asked me, she slid closer to me once more and her heart beat picked up slightly
That was something I loved about Bella. She would always give herself away with her heartbeat and it meant a lot to me that I could be lucky enough to make her heartbeat react like it was.
"After a few weeks of having visions about the family, yes" I said simply as I finally met my eyes with hers "I just went to them, I wasn't too sure why I went to them but I felt like I had too. Before I even knew what I was doing I was making my way to them. I showed up one day, Carlisle and Esme pretty much accepted me from the word go"
"Is that when you decided not to drink human blood?" She continued firing questions at me, but I didn't mind, it was necessary in the process of getting to know each other
"No, though that is a condition of living in our family. I decided that by myself much earlier in my life. Carlisle said that I'm one of a kind deciding that because Carlisle taught everyone else in the family his ways but I was already like that when I met them. I developed a conscience about it early when I just felt that drinking blood from humans was wrong. Which makes me a bit of a freak in the vampire world and I wasn't sure if there was anyone like me out there. That's why when I met them, I felt at home. I felt like I finally belonged somewhere. Being alone wasn't the best time in my life" I replied honestly "Jazz and I clicked instantly, she's the sister I never really got to experience. We're completely different to each other but it just works"
"So you two are really close then?" Bella asked with a small smile "You and Jazz?"
"We are" I replied simply
"I can't believe how old you are, how much you would have seen the world change" Bella said in awe of my admissions to her
"I'm young at heart" I replied jokingly "That's if it actually beat"
"Your heart doesn't beat?" Bella asked
"What would the purpose be?" I asked shaking my head with a small smile "You Bella Swan are one strange human. You are unlike anyone I had ever come across"
"Because I just told you that I'm a vampire and that everyone in my family is a vampire and you're fine with it" I said shaking my head "Any other human would have told me I was completely crazy and ran off yet you invited me into your home and you let me sit on your bed while you asked me questions about my life"
"Oh so do you have to be invited in?" She eyed her bedroom door curiously
"No silly" I giggled
"Well you're not exactly what I expected to be" Bella admitted, referring to my previous statement
"What exactly did you expect me to be?" I raised my eyebrow
"I kind of expected you...and please don't hold this against me but I kind of expected you to be a little bit more like
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