Chapter 11: League of Villains?

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???? POV

I opened my eyes slowly as I sat up from my position on the ground. 'Where am I?' I thought as I stood up.

I looked around and none of the buildings I saw looked familiar. 'Is this possibly where Killua went?' I thought.

I smiled at the thought of him. The thought of how he must have matured over the past year or so exciting me.

I calmed down as I felt another presence behind me. I took out one of my weapons of choice ;) and threw it inches from them, just enough to scare them. "What do you want?" I asked.

They audibly gulped and said, "You are very interesting now aren't you. How about you come with me. I'm gathering some powerful people together to show someone even more powerful. Want to come?"

I thought for a second and then asked, "Will I be able to fight?"

He nodded and said, "That's precisely why I am gathering people up. To fight."

I smirked and said, "Lead the way."

Killua's POV

Everyone in class agreed to go shopping, and while I really didn't want to go, Aizawa told me it would be good for me to get out of the apartment every once in a while. I found myself standing awkwardly in the middle of a crowded mall all alone with Midoriya. In case you've forgotten, I still can't stop comparing him to Gon. They're just too similar. I glanced at him and I could've sworn I saw my light standing in front of me. I did a double take and just saw him, so I knew that it was still bad. It might also be because I am homesick, but still.

Then, someone wrapped their arms around me and Midoriya's necks and I immediately tensed up. I didn't do anything to the person, fearing I might kill them because I still don't like the idea of jail, but I was definitely on edge. He started talking about he was such a big fan and how he recognized us from the sport's festival. He then slowly moved his hand up to my neck. I let him, fearing he might do something to Midoriya if I resisted. Then, I looked him in the eyes and recognized him as the man who disintegrated my fricking shoulder.

He said how if all five of his fingers touch either of our necks then we'll disintegrate. I did nothing. I didn't want to put Midoriya in danger. Shigaraki then went on to vent and Midoriya's response really stuck with me. "But I don't understand you. You don't have an obvious goal, and you run away when things got hard."

It felt like he was lecturing me, and it took a lot of mental toughness to not show that then.

Shigaraki began laughing and tightened the hold on both of our necks. I didn't even flinch, I was used to this kind of stuff, but Midoriya began to struggle. Then, I heard Uraraka ask, "Deku? Killua? Is that a friend?"

I looked to Midoriya, who was struggling to breathe so I said, as calm as I could which wasn't a lot in retrospect, "Everything's fine! There's nothing to worry about!"

Then he let us go. I was still thinking about Midoriya's words. 'Am I still like that? Do I still run away when things get too tough?'

Midoriya looked at me and said, "I know what you're thinking. I wasn't talking about you. Remember, you only ran away when you had the needle in your head."

I nodded and we went on with our merry lives.

Shigaraki's POV

I got back and that one black market dude came by the bar with some new recruits. One was a little girl named Toga who was all about Stain. The other was a burnt man named Dabi who was also all about Stain. The last one... ummm. He's definitely weird. He's tall has red hair and clown makeup and clothes and his name was Hisoka. He also had a look in his eyes that screamed "I'm about to lure a child away with candy" if you know what I mean...

Needless to say, I was unsatisfied with all of them. I went to attack, but Kurogiri stopped me. When I glanced at Hisoka. He was holding a card in one hand and a pink substance was coming out of the other. That pink substance also carried a familiar presence in a way. Almost like a life force of some sort. It reminds me of that one white haired brat from the USJ. He obviously lost the sports festival on purpose. With the damage he did to Nomu he could've easily swept the whole thing. But he failed on purpose... why?

"Where are you from?" I asked.

He licked his lips and said, "Well, I come from far away, I actually don't know much about this place. I'm guessing I'm in some sort of other dimension."

"Stop joking. Where. Are. You. From?" I asked.

"That's the truth. In fact I feel this is where someone I'm looking for is." He replied.

"Kurogiri. Fetch a picture of the kid that did a number on Nomu." I demanded.

He grabbed it and passed it to me. I showed him the picture and asked, "Is this who you're talking about?"

He smirked and said, "Oooh, yes. Look how little Killua's matured! He's almost ready to pick, but not quite yet!"

I shuddered because gross. Then I asked, "Who is this kid?"

He returned his gaze to me and said, "That there is Killua Zoldyck. He is, in my opinion at least, one of the most powerful people in my world."

"A child, really?" I scoffed.

Hisoka smirked and said, "When Killua was 14 he kicked the shit out of a chimera ant royal guardsman who, for a good comparison, could kill everyone in this room with the blink of his eye. To be honest, Killua could easily kill everyone in this room as well." So I hadn't watched the chimera ant arc in a LONG time and that's why some of the info was wrong here. I just rewatched it yesterday and OOF I was wrong. Sorry guys!

"Wait, did you just say kill. He's killed people?" I shouted.

Hisoka nodded and said, "I think he and I have similar kill counts, but only if you include the ants. Without the ants, he has killed a little over half the people I've killed."

"But he's a hero course student!" I shouted.

"I don't know what you mean by that, but in my world it is quite literally kill or be killed so morality standards might be a bit... different." He said while licking his lips.

"So if we give him the right reason, he'll kill without a second thought?" I asked.

Hisoka nodded almost seductively.

"Although, Killua is a pretty stubborn boy. I've only ever seen one person change Killua's mind while he was in control of his own thoughts, and there's no way you'll reach his level." Hisoka said.

Dude even Hisoka ships Killugon

A/n hey y'all. How's it going? Hisoka has entered the chat and it's about to get messy. Anyway, school is starting in like two weeks which sucks!!! I haven't even been able to have a proper summer because all I've been doing is working which is so boring!!!

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