Killua's POV
Aizawa called me to the police station for something, but I didn't know what. Regardless, I used Godspeed to get there and it took me less than 2 minutes. I approached and he told me to wait outside a door. My mind was racing, I didn't know what to expect. The next thing I knew, I heard Aizawa say, "You can come in now kid."
I opened the door and the first thing I see is my little sister. Alluka. Tears welled in my eyes as I glanced from her, to Bisky, to Aizawa. Aizawa nodded and I rushed to them. I wrapped Alluka in a tight hug and cried into her shoulder. "A-alluka? I m-missed you s-so m-much!" I sobbed.
I could feel her trembling and heard her crying into my shoulder. "I missed you too, Onii-chan!"
We stood there for a few minutes until I pulled away. I looked to Bisky's eyes and asked, "How did you get here?"
She shrugged and said, "The last thing either of us remember, we were falling and landed here."
"Have you seen Gon recently?" I asked eagerly.
She shook her head and said, "No, but he's been looking for you."
My eyes widened and I said, "He's looking for me?"
She nodded and said, "So the last time you spoke to Gon was before he went to the dark continent, correct?"
I nodded and she continued, "Well, he and Ging got back recently and Gon has been searching for you relentlessly. He's called everybody to try to help. Me, Kurapika, Leorio, hell he even asked Hisoka for help."
I shuddered at the mention of the pedo clown. Anyway, Aizawa cleared his throat and said, "I don't mean to interrupt this reunion, but Killua and I have to get going, he has some final exams to be taking."
Bisky glared at me and said, "Oh really now? What kind of exams?"
"I'll explain on the way, Killua needs to get going now, though if he wants to make it in time. I can be late all I want but he needs to go." Aizawa stated.
Time skip
Third Person POV
It's been a few days since Alluka and Bisky have shown up, and Killua hasn't been able to see them much because of all these finals. It's a good thing Gon wasn't here because he would've flunked all of them, hard. Anyway, today was the day of their last exam. The practical one. All of the students gathered outside and the pros were in front of them. Aizawa explained that the students would be fighting them. He then listed off the pairings for each teacher, but he didn't say Killua's name. Iida apparently noticed this and said, "Sir! What about Killua?"
Aizawa smirked and said, "I was just about to get to that. Killua is going to be facing someone else."
He turned around and said, "You can come out now!"
Just then, Bisky walked around the corner and stood next to Aizawa. The class was silent for a minute, but then they outraged. "How come Killua gets to fight some little girl? That isn't fair at all!"
Killua was stood there in the crowd, shaking. 'Oh god no.' he thought to himself. His face paled and he shouted, "You expect me to win against her!"
The class turned to him in shock, but then the six students who saw Killua's memories realized who this was and they sweat dropped. 'Oh, it's her.'
"She will be handicapped, so you do have a chance of winning. Running away is not an option for you today Killua, at least not with Godspeed. If you do run, you are not allowed to do it with Godspeed." Aizawa stated.
Time skip to Killua's turn
I had come up with a pretty good strategy while I was waiting for my turn. Because of the nature of my match, I went last. I walked into the arena and began looking for the exit. 'Ok, keep Zetsu engaged until you've been spotted.' Best case scenario leaves me escaping unnoticed. Although, if I get within range for her En, I will be spotted regardless. I then slipped into the shadows using all the assassin technics I picked up over the years. 'I can't go to the roof tops, she'd expect that, so I better stick to the shadows and alleyways.'
I got about 2/3's of the way to the exit when I heard her. "You thought you could hide forever, Killua? Well you were wrong!" She shouted before punching a hole in the wall I was hiding behind. I was revealed and she dragged me out, throwing me across the fake city. I got up quickly and engaged ten, and she said, "Show me you haven't been slacking off for the past few years since I last trained you!"
I did Rhythm Echo and jumped up real high, trying to perform the tactic I used on the guys at the USJ, but she saw me, so she grabbed my leg and threw me through a nearby wall. I slowly got up and reached into my pocket and grabbed a new support item the support class made me. A perfect replica of my yoyos back home. Just as I put them on, Bisky came around the corner. She smirked and said, "Come on Killua you can do better than that."
I returned her smirk but said nothing. I threw out one of my yoyos to her left and as she was dodging it I threw my other one to her right. It hit her and knocked her back several meters. I quickly approached, handcuffs in hand as she got up. I engaged Godspeed and ran around her in circles until she couldn't tell where I was. I darted out and attached the handcuffs to on of her arms, just above the wrist weight.
She saw it and said, "Good job kiddo, but you do realize that the only reason you won this fight is because I was handicapped, right?"
I nodded and said, "Uh-huh, sure. It's not that I've gotten better while you've gotten slow and old."
I immediately regretted my choice of words as she shot me into the sky.
What's up guys? How yall doing? I hope you guys are enjoying this story because I'd hate for you all to be disappointed. What can I say, I'm a people pleaser. Anyway, have a good day!
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