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Gulf: "U" (opening his arms) "I missed you."

U: (hugging Gulf) "I missed you too. Are you all here to see him?"

Mild: "Yeah we're here to see the damage."

U: (Looks down guilty)

Everyone looks at Mild, eyes scolding.

Mild: "and to see you of course. It's been long U."

U: (ignoring Mild) "hey babe are you hungry?" (To Jin) "he can eat right?"

Jin: "no water. We don't want him to use the bathroom. Once the meds wears off he'll start feeling it."

U: "So lots of bananas?"

Jin: "lots of them."

U: "I'll go get bananas is there anything you'd want me to buy for you?"

Tan: (shakes his head) "come back soon?"

U: (looks around and eyes land on Mild) "or not?"

Tan: "baaaabe these idiots are going soon."

Mild: (to U) "let me go with you."

U: "no thank you?"

Mild: "come on bananas are heavy."

Tan: "can someone else go with him?"

Mild: "I insist. I'll buy the bananas."

Tan: (warning) "Mild!"

Mild: (looks at Tan serious and nods his head once. Their eyes do all the talking)

Tan: (sighs)"it's ok babe. You'll be ok."

U: "he's my least favorite."

Tan: "me too."

Mild: (waving his hand) "I'm right here you know."

Tan: "Exactly."

Mild: (goes out with U)

U: "this is really awkward."

Mild: "You'll get used."

U: "Why did you come out with me?"

Mild: "I wanted to find out how you manage to break a dick. In what world is that possible?"

U: "in this world apparently. Look, if you're going to be a dick just go back."

Mild: "we never spend some time together."

U: "Because you're a douche"

Mild: "because I speak my mind?"

U: "you're too blunt about it."

Mild: "then let me be blunt one more time," ( looks at U serious) "that man loves you so much he'd die for you. Right now he is sorry and so terrified that he lost his dick because he knows how much you love it more than him."

U: "That's not true. I would choose him over sex any day. Yes I love sex but I can't live without him. (Distracted as they are going the opposite direction of the exit door) "Wait where are you taking me?"

Mild: "just follow me. We have to stop by somewhere first."

U: "I don't like the sound of that."

Mild: (arrives at a nurses reception) "Wait here signing up some papers. Let me fill these up real quick." (To a nurse) "Can it be done right away?"

Nurse: "please follow me."

Mild: "come."

U: "whispering to himself where am I even going with him."

Mild: (entering the doctor office) "Hey doc can we have a quick check up?" (To U) "I'll wait outside."

U: "what's going on?"

Mild: "I know we've been focusing on Tan so much, figured you might've gotten injured too when his dick broke."

U: (wants to argue)

Mild: (doesn't let him) "I know but let's just be certain. There's no harm in that right?"

U: (speechless.)

Mild: "I'll wait outside you can take as long as you want to. If there's anything else you want checked, go ahead."

U: (pouting, touched) "how am I supposed to hate you when you're being like this?"

Mild: (genuine smile) "I'll give you something new to hate me for. Now let's get a checkup."

U: (hugs him whispering) "thank you."

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