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The following day:

Gulf: (goes to Mews office)

Mew: (sees Gulf coming in, conflicted on whether to do a payback for the embarrassment he faced from the lawyer, or to just be nice.)

Gulf: "Why did you call me back? Changed your mind?"

Mew: "as if."

Gulf: "Why am I here?"

Mew: (remembers the lawyer's threat. Takes a few breath to control his anger) "I am a busy man and I can't be running around whenever you call."

Gulf: "That's not what I'm asking you to do."

Mew: "all clients are the same. Always thinking with their dicks and not considerate how the servers feel."

Gulf: "You can't judge everyone based on some other people's wrong doings."

Mew: "I call it as I see it."

Gulf: (takes a deep breath to calm down) "look, I'm not here to have a part 2 argument with you. I came here because you called me here."

Mew: "it was not a choice."

Gulf: "what are you talking about?"

Mew: (an eyebrow raised up) "you should know what I'm talking about."

Gulf: (exasperated) "how can I know when you won't tell me a thing."

Mew: (clenches his fists) "What do you want from me?"

Gulf: (confident) "Sex. I want sex from you, but I don't want to force you if you don't want to. You said you call as you see it right? That's right. I was desperate that's why I'm here. I don't know how much more desperate you want me to be so you can understand what I'm going through." (Sees it's difficult to communicate with him, Gets up to leave) "Please don't call me names again when you don't know a thing about me." (Leaving)

Mew: (scared of the lawyer's words) "I'm sorry."

Gulf: "You don't mean it." (Opens the door)

Mew: (stands up, shouting) "I am sorry. I'll try to talk to you nicely I'm just under a lot of pressure and this is making me more even more crazy."

Gulf: (Debating, comes back and sits down)

Mew: "I'm sorry for taking it out on you."

Gulf: "I'll accept your apology."

Mew: "thank you. Do you want to have sex right now?"

Gulf: "not like this."

Mew: "then like what?"

Gulf: "I want it to be like last time."

Mew: "I can't give you that."

Gulf: "I'm not asking for scented candles and sweet wine. I just want it to be nice and not forced or hurried. I jus want..." (distracted as Mew gets up and comes to stand behind him)

Mew: (bends down, hands in pockets, whispering in his ear) "what do you want?"

Gulf: (soft) "some of your time." (Feels Mew's hands on his shoulders.) "When you're free" (Mew grips his shoulders) "or when you think of me"

Mew: (starts massaging Gulf's shoulders,)

Gulf: (closes his eyes relaxing, words forgotten)

Mew: (leans down to Gulfs ears again, concluding the conversation) "that means we're not going to have sex at all."

Gulf: (eyes opens half lidded, moaning) "what are you doing to me?"

Mew: "I'm not a free man and think of you? (shakes his head) "I don't think I'll have time for that."

Gulf: (hurt) "I'll just go."

Mew: (enjoying hurting Gulf's feelings, with a faint smile) "no negotiations or what?"

Gulf: (tears at bay) "You just rejected me in the rudest way possible not once but twice," (wiping tears before they fall) "I don't know why I have to keep on coming back to get rejected as if I'm asking you for your life." (Gives up on wiping tears as they keep on coming. Frustrated) " I just need an hour goddamnit so I can feel normal!"

Mew: (flabbergasted by the tears, feels bad) "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to"

Gulf: "no you did. You meant to do this. You know what? Just forget it. You're not worth it" (Gets and goes to the door)

Mew: (regretfully) "don't go like that"

Gulf: "afraid your employees will see me crying?"

Mew: (pleading) "calm down before you go."

Gulf: "I'm not staying here to hear more insults and rejection from you. To think I fell..." (shakes his head and opens the door)

Mew: (runs and closes the door before Gulf goes out, slams Gulf against the closed door, a stubborn smile on his face) "did I hurt your feelings?"

Gulf: (surprised by the sudden reaction)

Mew: "that's what my ego suffered ten times more because of you. Now we are even, Let's start afresh." (Kisses Gulf hurriedly, urges him to open his mouth but he puts up a fight)

Gulf: (pushes Mew away from him and wipes his mouth. He slaps him on the cheek.) "I may be desperate but not definitely not cheap. I'll never sell my pride or ego for sex with someone disgraceful as yourself. CEO?" (Scoffs And Spits on the side) "CEO my foot." (Leaves right away head held high)

Mew: (holds his heart, now that definitely hit home)

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