Baby kana

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Tan: (putting his phone in his jacket) "You're going tomorrow by the way."

Jin: (looking at Mild with suspicious eyes) "Where is this place?"

Mild: (avoiding Jin's eyes) "You'll know when you get there,"

Bright: (with a cunning smile) "Can I come with?"

Tan: (perks at Bright's request) "I would like to come too,"

Gulf: (looking around) "What you seriously can't be serious."

Bright: (shrugs his shoulders and looks at Gulf) "Well I am a shareholder in this project."

Jin: (clapping his hands interested) "Operation Gulf is getting laid."

Tan: "We all have shares you're right."

Jin: "Do we get to see this process?"

Mild: "Trust me it's professional,"

Gulf: (unsure) "What if it fails to work?"

Mild: "There's never been a case where they failed to deliver,"

Bright: "Our boy here might be the first, what if it happens?"

Jin: "We need to go with a plan B."

Mild: "They'll refund us 80% of the fees."

Tan: "That's great."

Mild: "But trust me, it'll never not work."

Jin: (suspicious again) "You sound like you work there?"

Mild: (showing off) "The CEO there is my friend."

Tan: (fake gasp being dramatic) "Are you cheating on us?"

Jin: (acting along) "He just confessed to cheating in front of us."

Mild: "Clingy much?"

Tan: (fake shock) "He didn't just say that."

Bright: (also acting along, sounding hurt and putting his phone away, getting ready to leave) "I never knew you were like that Mild. I'm going I can't stay for this." (Gets up and leaves.)

Jin: (Packing his things) "I can't believe I stayed in this relationship with someone so unfaithful. We're breaking up, I hope you're happy with your CEO." (Hmphs,Gets up and leaves.)

Tan: (Just shakes his head as he leaves.)

Gulf: (Gets up)

Mild: "Don't you dare."

Gulf: (Sits down right away.)

Everyone leaves except for Gulf and Mild.

Mild: (serious) "I know the boys can be pushy so I'm going to ask you again. Do you really want this?"

Gulf: "yes I do. It's really frustrating and if they can get me get laid then I'm in."

Mild: "alright I'll see you tomorrow." (Gets up and leaves)

Gulf: (about to leave but his phone rings and he picks it up) "why are you calling when you just left."

Bright: "I know the boys can force things on you so I'm going to ask you, do you really want this?"

Gulf: (feeling loved)  "i want it."

Bright: "that's ok. See you tomorrow."

Gulf: (ends the call and as he was getting up to leave it rings again) "sup,"

Tan: "hey so I know these dickheads can be difficult so I just wanted to check if you're really really up for the program?"

Gulf: "I am. Why is everyone asking me this?"

Tan: "you're a bit reserved so we want to make sure if you're really interested."

Gulf: "I am." (His phone beeps indicating an incoming call)  "Jin is calling see you tomorrow." (Ends the call and answers Jin) "Hello yes I'm really interested. Am I really a baby?"

Jin: "of course you are."

Gulf: "see you tomorrow." (Ends the call and leaves the room)

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