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Song: If I die Young- The band Perry. ❤❤


My hands fisted on their own as I stared at him, all the way from the door to the place where he stood in front of the bed, where that asshole stood just a few moments back.

His face showed no signs of difference. As if it's normal to be a part of his own daughter's kidnapping. He stared at me for a little longer,  studying me.

He, unlike the asshole Sebastian, pulled a chair from the far corner of the room. And sat a few metres away from me, leg over another leg.

" Now I know you have a lot of questions and I have the answers to all of them. But trust me when I say this, this is all for your and Asher's future. I really love b... "

I raised my hand, stopping him mid sentence. I had enough this past week and to find none other than my own father behind it makes me want to punch someone to death.

I make a unbelievable face as " Are you even hearing yourself, right now!?! How the hell kidnapping me makes my future better? Like oh god... Seriously!?! "

I couldn't believe this, he is behind everything which means...Armaan.
My head whipped towards him so fast, that for a moment he leaned back as if I was about to attack him.

" You..you were involved in Armaan...armaan......"
My eyes were misty at this point as I struggled to keep them in.

He sighs and continues, " Yes but it wasn't the plan, it was an accident as he came in between that night and......"

I went straight up to him and slapped him  right across the face. This man before me wasn't my father but a monster. I didn't care anything at the moment except for to make everyone responsible of Armaan's death pay.

As he recovered from the shock, he glared at me.
" I knew that bastard Xavier is no good for you. Look what he has made of you."

" Oh really you think that. What about you, who made you a monster!? Wait you were always a monster I guess. It's just we wouldn't see that. You never loved us, all you cared about was your fake pride and power. That's all you want.  You. Are. A. Monster.....you.. "

My face turn towards my right with the impact of his slap on my cheek.

Tears were already flowing and I didn't care to wipe them.

" You want to do it the hard way, well hard way it is."
He pulls me by my arm as I try to pry his hand off my arm.

He drags me out of the room and through the long never ending passage. Soon we leave the house and go  towards the house built just a few metres away from it.

I stopped trying to free myself as realisation starts to hit me. All these years was a lie. He was a monster in disguise.

He helped killed Armaan and is now selling me off to  another monster, Sebastian.

As we neared the building, I knew something was going to happen. And that something is going to be bad.

The guards on the door pulled the heavy metal doors of hell, open. As I stepped in the building the smell made me gag.
This place smelled like death.

Every corner of this place had a cctv camera. And heavily equipped guards posted every five metres from each other.

From my right side there were loud noises, clearly of people getting lashed. I have grown up hearing that sound. But now it feels so heart wrenching. Each scream depicts their pain, Desperacy, anger and fear.

My lower lip quiver but I refuse to make any sound, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my weakness. Soon we reach  big wooden doors. The doors were huge with intricated design engraved on them.

This time the door opened on its own. As the door parted my eyes darted towards something at the center of the room. As the door opened completely I saw the figure clearly.

Xavier.  He stood there with his hands and legs chained with metal wires to the poles right in the center of the room. His blood filled colour to his tattoos as his whole body was bloodied.

He stood there a little slumped, with head down and breathing heavily. His hands wrapped around the chains tightly ,  twisting them and holding on them for support.

Towards the walls of the room, all my friends were tied with similar chains.
The guys looked a little worn out.

Asher's eyes meet mine and they fill with sadness and worry. I don't hide my fear and anger as tears continue to fall from my eyes.

I pry my hand off of my dad and run towards Xavier. Clinging and hugging him as if my life was dependent on him. Actually he was my life.

The chains starts to clatter as he tries to free himself and tries to hold me. I look up to him , his eyes boring into mine . His lips upturns into one of his beautiful smiles.

And my lips being the desperate bitch they are meets his. I stand on my toes and holding him as I kiss him, expressing everything in that single kiss.

I am pulled away from him as I look at Sebastian holding my hand and glaring at Xavier.

" If you want your hand to be buried in with your rest of the body safely, you will leave her right now." Xavier says almost growling at him.

Sebastian laughs, the bastard laughs.  "Should I be saying that? She is going to be my bride tomorrow and you are kissing her in front of me. Actually... " he doesn't finish this sentence as he tosses me back and my dad holds onto my forearm again.
Sebastian removed a pocket knife out of his jacket and with one swift motion, slits a small part of Xavier's right arm.

Xavier hisses in pain and a mini waterfall of blood falls on the floor right from the cut.

Everyone in the room gasps as I try to get out of my father's arms.

Just then I find a stinging pain in my neck. I turn around to find Mia holding an empty used syringe and smiling smugly at me.

" Oh don't worry it's not poison. It's just a drug to make you weak. You see all of them. " pointing towards all my friend on the wall of the room " they all are given this drug, so that this all goes on smoothly. "

She tosses the sryinge on one corner of the room and walks towards the other where Derek is sat on a table. I just saw his presence in the room. She kisses him and sits on her lap with her arms around his neck.

Anger fills me as I try to lung on Sebastian. But as I try to move my legs gave on me as I fall to the ground with a loud thud.

" ALIA... " Xavier calls out. I open my eyes that were currently shut because of the impact and pain of the fall.

I look at him as I feel helpless. I want this all to be just a bad dream and when I wake up I  want myself snuggled in Xavier's arms.

His eyes were filled with pain. As he continued to look at me as I lay there on the ground unable to get up or help him.

" Welcome to my den " calls out a voice with a heavy accent.

A man in his forties or fifties walk out from behind a curtains on the far end of the room.

He looks to the scene in front of him and rushes towards my side. He helps me on a chair and pouts a little.

" Well I don't want my future daughter in law spoiling her clothes." he says smiling warmly at me. His smile creeped me out as I knew he was the father of that monster,  and was a monster himself.

" Why are you all doing this?"  I ask in a quiet weak voice. I turn towards Sebastian, " I mean you already got me what would you want from Xavier."

" Power" a voice boomed out from behind the same curtain from where Sebastian's father emerged just  moments back.

Slowly  a man of my father's age came out from behind the binds.

Xavier let out a humourless chuckle as he looked at the person with disgust.

That man stood 6 feet with a impressive body. His white beard were trimed to perfection as his hair gelled back. Tatoos peeked from beneath his right hand sleeve to his fingers. Despite his age he was a really an attractive man.

And then it hit me. He is Xavier's dad. I look between the father and son. They had the same eyes along with other facial features.

Both of them broke into a state off competition.

I have heard about Mr Lacuna, since I was a small child. Him and my father never went along. They were rivals and couldn't stand each others presence in a room and here they are together  against their own children.

Mr Lacuna looks around the room, raising an brow and then his eyes falls on me. His eyes raked my body up and down, making me uncomfortable .

" So you wanted to know why all this?  Well I am here to answer that."
He walks in front of his son, holding his head in his hand with a smirk on his face.

" I always knew you would be strong, just like me but never expected to be stronger than me. With time you proved yourself more and more dangerous. You see, in our business it's all about who possess more power. The Lacuna's are always on the top.  And I know the family will be on top in your reign too. But you and your ways just makes me worried about my future. I don't like anyone on top of me, even though if it's my own son. Your mother she killed herself because of me and I don't remorse anything. Today I can have any women in my arms, as my wish. " he looks at me winking the last part.

I scrunch my nose in disguist.

Xavier looks at him and chuckles, " I thought I was the worst person but today you defeat me in that. You know,  being with thousand girls is easy but to cherish a single women...." his eyes drift towards me as they turn dreamy and soft " who is your world. To love her till your last breathe, to do anything for her just to see her smile,  to go crazy when she touches you, is what matters. And I am happy that I have that one women in my life."

Despite his bloodied chained and my mini paralyzed condition he made my heart swell with so many emotions. He always does. For most people he is a cruel monster, ready to kill. For me he is my breath. I love him so much.

I smile as tears continue to fall.

He continues , "  Tying me here and talking shit is easy. Try to open it and then speak. Let's see what can I do. "

Xavier's dad let's out a loud laugh. The sound of his laughter echoing through the whole hall.

After a minute he calms down, " as I was saying. I wanted you out of the scene for so long. And then Sebastian came up to me saying Toretto came to him for an small alliance.  He wanted his daughter to be away from you and I wanted you away from this world. So we came up with all this. Oh and congratulations on your wedding tomorrow." he says nodding at Sebastian with a grin.

" Now if everything is cleared, let's just get this over with. I have to go to the designer for some last minute fixes on my wedding suit." Sebastian says picking up an designed dagger while checking it's sharpness.

" I will kill him ." Mia says who was currently sitting on Derek's thighs.  She walks over to the weapon table and picks up a rifle.

Loading them with some bullets kept there, she goes near him as I try to move from my chair.

" These tattoos  have  always intrigued me.  I wonder what's story is behind each of them. Too sad you won't be alive to tell me. "

With that she raised her rifle and backed a little from him. There was some distance between them as both of them looked straight at each other.

" Any lasts words, my son? " Xavier's dad says while removing a cigar from his jacket pocket.

Xavier looks around him at all our friends who were  angry and hurt by all this. He nods at them all and finally his eyes fall on mine. I stopped struggling to get out of the chair as I looked at him with glossy eyes.

All the memories of him and me together came before my eyes and prayed to anyone above to please not take him away from me.

His eyes showed love as he smiled, " I love you. I'll always love you. Thank you for everything. For being mine." he says with a wink.

I opened my mouth to tell him how much I love him but before that the shot was fired, piercing straight through his chest. This was followed by a second, third,  fourth and god knows how many. When finally the noise stopped there was eirie silence.

Xavier's whole body was bloodied.  As if the painter had one colour to colour all the art on his body. Red.

His head was hung low and his body slung on the support of his arms which were chained to the posts on both side of him.

Two guards came forward and untied him letting his body fall to the ground with a thud.

With all my might I fell from the chair. The effect of drug finally wearing off a little.

I crawled towards him as I try to turn his body. I place his head on my lap and look at him. He wasn't breathing. His eyes were closed as his face showed peace. His rest of the body resembled a battle field.

With my shaking hands I cradle him. I screamed and screamed for him to come back. For him to listen to me as I tell him how much I love him.  For him to kiss me and make my heart flutter. For him to be with me.

But nothing was going to happen now. The love of my life was dead and was  in front of me.

A few more sobs were heard as a look up to see,   Scarlett , Alessia and Oliver in tears. Along with them Christian too had glossy eyes as he just saw his best friend getting killed in front of him. The boy's heads were hung low mourning his death.


30th chapter guys. It's amazing as all of you who supported me in this. It's the second last chapter before the epilogue.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Love you guys and Hakuna Matata.

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