The mystery of who had been taking the chimera bodies was no longer a mystery thanks to Stiles finding Parrish's name badge. He was no longer just an unknown supernatural being, but an unknown supernatural with fire-related abilities and the unconscious urge to take the bodies for a reason they hadn't quite figured out yet.
It had been five days since there had been any activity from The Dread Doctors or Chimera's, and things between the pack were tense. Not only was Scott's asthma back, but Ariel had realised Sky had withdrawn after something that must have happened between them, making her keep her distance from everyone, including her. In fact, everyone was keeping to themselves. Stiles seemed wary -- he and Sky shared these glances sometimes, that they knew something the rest of them didn't, something they were hiding. But they weren't the only ones. Malia was keeping the leads to her biological mother to herself too, determined that she didn't need more help than she had.
Sometimes they didn't even acknowledge each other when they passed in the halls during school, keeping their heads down, trying to go through school as normal despite whatever they knew was coming. Sky and Ariel's minimal conversations had an underlying tension, Sky not willing to pull herself out of the rut she and Scott had dug themselves into. Ariel brushed off her detached attitude, but she could always see the sadness in her eyes and it hurt more because there was nothing she could do about it.
"I know something's coming."
Ariel glances up, coming out of her wandering thoughts when Scott speaks, watching him looking down at the inhaler in his hand as they stand in the Animal Clinic. "And all I can think about is how good am I going to be if I can't even breathe?"
Theo watches him carefully from the other side of the table, "You sound like you're trying to apologize."
"It's not all on you, Scott," Ariel says softly from beside him. "And it's nothing that we can't deal with."
"Maybe," Scott sighs, looking back to Theo. "But you came back looking for an Alpha. I guess I'm sorry that you found me."
"I'm not sorry."
Scott's surprise is evident from Theo's reply, "You still want to be part of the pack?"
"Scott, I'm with you," Theo assures him. "For better or worse."
Scott smiles grimly, "Trust me. There's gonna be worse."
"I'm counting on it."
With one last nod and a small smile from Ariel, she and Theo leave Scott at the Clinic, walking out of the doors together. However, once they're outside, Theo's hand on her arm makes her pause in her steps and she looks at him curiously. He seems to scan over her for a moment before deciding to say something.
"Hey, are you okay?" Theo asks, seeming concerned all of a sudden.
Ariel blinks, "What?" she asks in confusion, wondering where that had come from. "Of course, why?"
"Oh, I just thought," Theo hesitates, frowning. "That's what happened with Sky, you know, you'd be more upset. I'm here if you wanna talk."
Ariel stares at him blankly, "Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about. Is this about last week with Liam and Hayden?"
"No, about--" Theo stops and watches her for a moment, then seems to grimace as if he's realised he's said too much, "I'm sorry, Ariel. I thought you knew. I thought it was what you were talking about last week. Especially after everything."
Ariel clenches her jaw, getting impatient, "Knew what?"
Theo seems to be debating with himself for a second, then lets out a breath.
"I saw Sky kissing someone else."
There's a long silence.
Initially, Ariel's first instinct is to laugh, so she does. She laughs, and she struggles to stop, and just for a moment, it makes her feel the lightest she had been all week -- that is until she takes note that Theo isn't laughing with her. In actuality, the seriousness and the sympathy on his face makes her trail off into disbelief.
"You're serious," Ariel realises, unsure what else to say.
Theo frowns, a little awkward, "I really thought she'd told you, or I wouldn't have said anything. I promised her --"
"You promised her?" Ariel repeats mockingly, feeling the anger start to trickle in. "Since when were you all buddy-buddy?"
Theo winces, "Well, I say promised. I mean, she threatened to break my fingers . . ." he trails off sheepishly.
At his words, Ariel stills, face dropping and her mind flooding with possibilities. There's no way he could be making that part up -- there's no way he could just know that was something she would say, something she's said before. She just couldn't wrap her head around it. But quickly, she schools her features and swallows her emotions.
"Huh," she takes a deep breath, stepping away when Theo reaches out apologetically. "Thanks for telling me, I guess," she says briskly, voice distant.
"Ariel, wait, I --"
Ignoring him, she turns on the spot and leaves without another word, head bursting with confusion and her heart slowly sinking as doubt creeps in.
Maybe everything really was falling apart.
The morning passes in a blur. Classes pass with mindless chatter, the scribbling of notes, and the droning of teachers, and before she knew it, Ariel was walking along the corridor next to Scott in between classes, trying to block out his constant struggle with his asthma.
"Are you feeling okay?" Scott asks suddenly, making Ariel blink, snapping her attention to him.
"I wish people would stop asking me that," Ariel mutters bitterly, looking away and dragging her eyes to a group of students that pass, "I'm fine, why?"
Scott seems to be contemplating something as he watches her, "You just seem a little --" he pauses, shaking his head once he spots the door to the locker room. "You know what? Never mind. You mind if I grab some stuff from the locker room?"
After walking in, Ariel stands awkwardly when Scott has to stop to lean against the side, "I don't remember your asthma ever being this bad," she points out worriedly.
"Me neither," Scott wheezes slightly. After gaining control of himself again, he stands up properly, frowning when he hears someone else. Slowly, he moves around the lockers, spotting Liam packing some of his things, "Hey. What are you doing?"
Liam shrugs, not looking at him, "Nothing."
"Liam," Scott starts tentatively. "Just remember it's a full moon tomorrow. And you're probably already starting to feel it."
"I know."
"It's a super moon," Scott adds. "Which means it's gonna be closer to the earth."
"Yeah," Liam speaks quickly. "I know what it means."
"Do you?" Ariel questions, not liking his dismissive attitude.
Scott steps back, nodding, "Okay. Well, just remember -- I'm here for you."
Liam turns, shutting his locker a little too harshly, "You gonna chain me to the tree again?"
"All I meant was it might be a good idea if we stick together," Scott says lightly, not wanting to fight with him. He was getting so tired of it. "So we can protect each other."
Liam stifles his anger and leans to pick up his bag, ready to leave.
"We can't protect anyone."
"You guys are sure that's where Parrish is taking the bodies?" Theo asks as he, Stiles and Sky walk through the library.
Stiles nods, "Lydia says that's what happens in his dream."
"I mean, you know, if Lydia finds the Nemeton, she's also going to find Donovan. . ." Theo trails off meaningfully.
"Theo," Sky warns, narrowing her eyes, both she and Stiles turning towards him.
Theo winces, "Sorry."
"She's also going to find Josh," Stiles points out.
"You know what? Maybe she should," Theo tells them, much to their surprise. "I think things are different now for Scott-- especially after what he did to Corey. I don't think he's going to blame us for defending ourselves. I know he won't blame you."
"Oh, you know that, do you?" Sky asks him with a condescending scoff, his never-ending opinions grating on her. "You know him so well now? Okay, you can go first then."
"Sky," Stiles mutters, glancing around the library nervously.
Sky just shakes her head, stepping towards Theo with her chin raised and shoulders straight as she gets in his face, "No. You think doing all the 'right' things is gonna get you a shiny new pack handed to you, where you're Scott's right-hand man? Just like that? Because of your moral decisions about coming clean?" she lets out a humourless laugh, and Theo just stares back at her. Sky's face quickly morphs into a harsh scowl. "Oh please, nobody buys this charming-happy-to-help act of yours. Get a grip, Theo."
After she spins around and stomps away, Stiles lifts a brow at Theo, "Nice try."
Unfortunately for Corey, he was next on The Dread Doctor's target list, and after they had been unable to get to him before the mercury started pouring out of him, he had been taken to the hospital, leaving Ariel and Scott to follow the ambulance, shortly joined by Theo.
Once there, it's clear something had already happened with the disturbed commotion of the hallways, the paramedics that brought him in on the ground, injured. But no Corey in sight.
Scott looks around at the mess, "They're already here," he breathes in realisation.
"This wasn't them," Theo shakes his head. "It was Corey."
"So, we'll go and look around. Scott, you go and ask security?" Ariel asks, eyes scanning the area for any signs of the boy.
Scott nods and jogs around the corner, leaving the other two to check the nearest rooms. By the time they've come back out into the hallway, Scott comes running back over to them, slightly out of breath.
"Security's still looking."
"We haven't seen anything, either," Theo says.
The lights suddenly flicker, almost making Ariel jump as she looks around, and they all turn to the elevator, seeing the doors failing to open and close properly.
"Now they're here," Scott murmurs.
"We should move faster," Ariel urges. "What about the ambulances? We hid there once, maybe he went there too."
"Let's go," Scott agrees, leading the way. They weave through the busy nurses and doctors and make their way downstairs until they reach the entry for the ambulances. It's quiet once they step in, and they slow down, listening out for anything.
"Anything?" Scott asks quietly, eyes sharp.
"No," Ariel sighs, stepping around the next vehicle. "There's nothing-- Oh, my god."
Theo and Scott share an urgent glance, then quickly head towards Ariel, only to find her staring wide-eyed at the ground where Corey's lifeless body sits propped up against an ambulance. Sadly, Scott crouches next to the boy, his head lowering when he hears no sign of life.
"We better go," Theo says gently, knowing they couldn't be caught near the body.
Scott nods, "We need to find Hayden."
"Parrish said every time he took a body to the Nemeton in his dreams, he was adding to what was already there," Lydia's voice comes through the speaker of Ariel's phone as she drives madly through the rain towards Sinema, where Scott and Theo had gotten a head start to pick up Hayden.
"And what was already there?" Ariel asks reluctantly, having a feeling she wasn't going to like the answer to her question about Parrish's dream.
"Bodies. Hundreds of them."
"Great. I don't know if I even wanna know anymore -- Wait --" Ariel pauses, hitting the brakes sharply when she reaches the entrance to the club, seeing the doors pulled open. Scott and Theo rush out, helping Liam guide a stumbling Hayden.
"Lydia, I'll call you back later."
Seeing her, the four head over to her car and she rolls down the window, "Get in!" she ushers, eyes wide. "What happened?"
"They got to her," Theo says grimly, opening the back door so Hayden can get in with Liam, then shuts it behind them, moving to get in the front.
"I'll meet you at the animal clinic," Scott speaks up, stepping back to get to his bike and Ariel barely gets a moment to eye him at his distracted behaviour, seeming like something was weighing on him heavily, before he's gone.
"Keep her awake," Theo advises Liam, Ariel not wasting another moment to drive off. "I don't think it's a good idea for her to fall asleep."
"Hayden, you gotta stay awake," Liam murmurs, holding Hayden up as her head falls sleepily.
Hayden's eyes flutter, "I'm so tired."
"Yeah, I know, but you can't go to sleep," Liam tells her gently, glancing at the other two. "How do we help her?"
"However we can," Ariel replies, eyes on the road.
"I don't know," Theo sighs. "When it's wolfsbane poisoning, you burn it out. But I don't know anything about mercury-- especially a kind that's probably been altered by them."
"Is she going to heal?"
"The problem is, she's not really like us, Liam. None of them. They're more like cheap knock-offs--"
"Theo," Ariel chastises.
"The point is," Theo continues after sending her an apologetic glance. "She might not be as strong as we are, or heal like we do. She's not a real Werewolf."
"What if we turn her into one?" Liam asks, grasping for any possibilities.
"Would that even work?" Ariel questions.
Theo hums, "It's a nice idea. Except you and I can't do that."
Liam pauses in thought, "But Scott can."
Ariel chews on her lip at the mention of the Alpha, then glances to Theo, unable to help herself, "What had him rushing off?" she asks.
Theo sighs, knowing exactly what the answer was.
"It's about Stiles. . ."
"Here. I don't know how you broke it, but this is my old one."
Sky catches the phone as it's tossed into her lap, "Thanks," she mutters.
"Don't mention it," Stiles waves off, slowing down once they reach the Animal Clinic.
"I'm surprised we actually made it," Sky says dryly as Stiles parks the Jeep. "This thing is on its last legs."
"Don't say that about my Jeep," Stiles mutters, climbing out and closing the door, almost immediately being drenched by the heavy rain.
Sky hesitates slightly, seeing Scott waiting just ahead with a serious face. But she braces herself and climbs out, moving around the Jeep to stand by Stiles.
"Hey, sorry," Stiles starts speaking to Scott. "I had trouble starting the Jeep again-- that thing's barely hanging on. I couldn't get in touch with Malia or Lydia. Scott--" he stops short at Scott's silence, and then his gaze drops, followed by his heart when Scott reaches into his jacket and pulls out a wrench. It takes a second, but Sky recognises it as the one Stiles had described he used to hit Donovan to fight him off, and her breath hitches.
Despite being wet from the rain, it was still tinted red with dried blood.
"Where did you get that?" Stiles asks nervously, eyes flitting between Scott and the wrench.
"This is yours?" Scott asks, needing to be sure. Carefully, Stiles reaches forward and takes it, giving him the answer. "Why didn't you tell me?
"I was going to," Stiles says quietly.
"No, but why didn't you tell me when it happened?" Scott asks, glancing at Sky, and by the lack of reaction, he could tell that she already knew. And that felt even worse.
Stiles looks back up at him, "I couldn't."
Scott's face is devastated, "You killed him? You killed Donovan?"
At his words, Sky stiffens, "Hang on a second, Scott," she speaks up for the first time. "Do you even know what happened?"
"Yes," Scott replies, jaw clenching.
At this, Stiles starts to get worked up, "He was going to kill my dad! Was I supposed to just let him?"
"You weren't supposed to do this," Scott argues helplessly, wondering how they got here. How the three of them had become this. "None of us are."
"You think I had a choice?" Stiles asks incredulously.
"There's always a choice."
Sky scoffs, "Between life or death? Would you rather have found his body instead?" she asks, staring at Scott in disgust.
"I can't do what you can!" Stiles exclaims angrily. "I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would have just figured something out, right?"
"I'd try."
"Yeah, because you're Scott McCall!" Stiles shouts mockingly. "You're the True Alpha! Guess what? All of us can't be True Alphas! Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. I knew you wouldn't understand! You couldn't even for your own sister!"
"That's not true," Scott mutters, then lets out a shuddering exhale, "So you had to kill him?"
"Scott, what the hell is wrong with you?" Sky asks angrily, almost confused. This wasn't anything like the way he reacted with her. They'd talked about it, gotten through it. He'd eventually understood. This was way worse of a reaction. But why?
"What is wrong with me?" Scott asks, both incredulous and sad. "What's wrong with you? Going along with this, keeping it from me -- I thought we could trust each other! Is this what we've become?"
Sky falters, "I --"
"Scott, he was going to kill my dad!" Stiles tries again.
Scott shakes his head, "But the way that it happened," he argues. "There's a point when it's-- It's not self-defence anymore!"
"What are you even talking about?" Stiles asks, frowning. "I didn't have a choice, Scott!"
Scott just stares blankly back, and Sky scoffs lowly, "Of course. I've seen that face before. When you assumed I'd killed Tracy."
"You don't even believe me, do you?" Stiles realises.
"I want to."
"Okay. All right," Stiles says rapidly, grasping for understanding, "So, believe me, then. Scott, say you believe me. Say it. Say you believe me."
Scott looks grim, "Stiles, we can't kill people that we're trying to save."
The sound of the door to the animal clinic distracts Sky for a split second, and she's surprised to see Ariel peering outside at the commotion, but she quickly focuses back on the argument in front of her.
"Say you believe me!" Stiles begs, stepping closer to him, but faltering when Scott almost flinches back. He raises his voice in anguish. "Sky did! Why can't you?"
"We can't kill people. Do you believe that?" Scott just asks.
"Well, what do I do about this?" Stiles questions helplessly. "What do you want me to do? Okay, just be -- Scott, just tell me how to fix this, all right? Please, just tell me-- what do you want me to do?"
"Don't worry about Malia or Lydia. We'll find them," Scott tells him. "Maybe -- Maybe you should talk to your dad."
"Don't walk away from this, Scott," Sky warns, seeing him about to step away. "You can't seriously have it in your thick head that this wasn't self-defence!"
Scott fixes her with a look, "You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?" he snaps, then takes a breath when he realises he'd gone too far. "Look, you two should let me handle everything--"
Sky glares, ignoring his jab, "There's no way --"
"It wasn't a question, Skylar," Scott states firmly, turning to walk into the clinic, almost faltering when he finally spots Ariel, her wide eyes darting between them.
"Scott! Scott!" Sky's
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