22: The Downward Spiral

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"Stay still or I'll press harder."

Sky winces from the ground, Ariel crouched beside her as the girl cleans up her wounds whilst they heal, "Your bedside manner is abysmal."

"Good thing we're on the side of the road then."

Sky groans, sending Ariel a look for her words, "Why do you have tissues anyway?" she wonders.

Ariel hums, working on the cut by her eyebrow, "When one has a girlfriend with tendencies to get herself into trouble, one prepares."

But instead of being amused, Sky frowns guiltily, "You always have to deal with me. You shouldn't have to."

"I'm not dealing with anything," Ariel scoffs, flicking her head lightly in reprimand. "I'm taking care of you. It's what we do for each other."

"You shouldn't have to take care of me," Sky murmurs.

Ariel leans back, serious, "Sky . . ."

"We should get you to the hospital," Theo speaks up abruptly, gaining their attention as he addresses Stiles. "You took in a lot of smoke."

"I'm fine," Stiles brushes off, pulling himself to his feet and staring at his Jeep, which Theo had flipped back over so it stands upright now, but the damage was still done.

"Suspect in one-eight-seven is in custody and en route to the station," The police radio suddenly crackles to life, still working within the Jeep. "Suspect's name is Yukimura, Kira."

"I'm sorry, did I just hear that right?" Sky blinks slowly, letting Ariel help her stand.

"What's a one-eight-seven?" Theo asks.

Stiles turns, sharing a look with Sky, "Homicide."


By the time they get to Sky's house, daylight is creeping in and Malia and Lydia are already there. They can hear Mason in the other room, along with Corey, the boy who had been attacked by Lucas in the club, reading the Dread Doctors book.

Brushing over the younger boys' presence in the house, Ariel looks to her sister, "What happened last night?"

Lydia's face turns drawn, glancing between them, "It didn't work. The Dread Doctors got to Liam and Hayden," she tells them.

Ariel frowns, "I shouldn't have left --"

"There was nothing you could have done," Lydia assures her quickly, reading the guilt on her face. "They would have just hurt you too."

"But we're gonna get them back, right?" Sky questions. "We can't just leave Baby Beta to get experimented on by those freaks."

"And Hayden," Ariel adds.

"Her too, whatever."

"If they're still alive," Malia mutters.

"Malia," Stiles sighs, though his attention is caught as Scott briskly walks into the room, looking like he's on a mission. "Hey, is Kira okay?"

"Did she actually get arrested for homicide?" Sky wonders curiously, frowning when he ignores them all and walks to the room Corey is in.


Corey is looking up from his copy of the book, "Sorry, I'm only on chapter two. I'm kind of a slow reader."

"Oh, that's okay, Corey," Mason assures.

"He's right," Scott says, announcing his presence. "We don't have time for that, anyway."

"Scott, what are you doing?" Ariel asks in alarm, seeing him flick his claws out as he hastily walks towards Corey.

"No, Scott -- " Lydia calls out, realizing what he's doing just as he lifts his claws to Corey's neck. "Don't!"

But Scott doesn't listen, determinedly digging his claws into the back of the unsuspecting boy's neck the same way Peter had done to them all that time ago, looking through his memories.

Sky stares in disbelief with the others, "What the hell?"

"Don't get too close," Lydia warns, holding an arm out in front of her.

"Oh, my God, is Scott potentially giving a kid brain damage right now?" Sky asks in surprise.

"Of course not," Ariel denies. She purses her lips. "It could kill him though," she adds.

"What is he even doing?" Theo asks curiously from the doorway.

"Tapping into Corey's memories," Lydia answers carefully. "It's usually something only Alpha's do."

"Is it as dangerous as it looks?"

"Probably more," Stiles murmurs.

Mason frowns between them, "Does anyone know if it's working?"

Suddenly, Scott flinches back, gasping in sync with Corey as their eyes snap open, coming out of the trance they were in.

"Great timing," Sky says in relief, reaching forward to steady Scott as he stumbles slightly, disorientated.

Scott takes a few heavy breaths before he looks up, "Is he okay?"

"What the hell did you do to me?!" Corey calls out from where the others were checking up on him.

"You'll be all right," Scott assures.

Corey reaches to touch his neck, fingers coming back with blood on them, "There's blood --"

"You'll heal."

Stiles looks at him hesitantly, "Scott--"

"He'll be fine!" Scott snaps, making Sky stiffen, watching as Scott hurriedly picks up a notepad and starts drawing. "Listen, I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels, pipes along the walls. There were these huge blue pipes at the entrance, two on both sides."

Sky leans over Scott's shoulder, trying to see what he was sketching, frowning at the rough lines, "What is that supposed to be?"

Stiles steps over to his opposite side, squinting at the drawing, "Wait a second," he mumbles. "I know this. I've seen this before. That's one of the tunnels I used to skateboard in. Remember? My dad caught me one time and told me to never go back?"

"Wait, you told me you stopped going because there were ghosts down there . . ." Sky trails off, narrowing her eyes in betrayal at Stiles, who just shrugs. "Liar."

"It's the water treatment plant," Lydia points out once she gets a look.

Scott nods, "That's where they are. That's where we'll find Liam and Hayden."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Sky asks, smirking slightly. "Let's go pick up the kids."

Looking like a man on a mission, Scott quickly turns and starts making fast strides out of the door, leaving everyone to rush to catch up to him, not expecting Scott to rush out so quickly.

"Oh, wait, really?" Sky says in confusion as she jogs after him, rambling despite Scott's lack of interest in the conversation. They were on the same page for once and she needed to take advantage of it, try and get rid of the strangeness between them. "Finally! We're going straight in, all action. I never thought I'd see the day, Scotty boy."

Ariel shakes her head in dismay, "No, he's supposed to be the rational one."

"Scott," Stiles calls out to Scott, making him pause. "Slow down. Just think for a second, okay? Mason shouldn't be going."

"Liam's my best friend-- I'm going," Mason argues firmly, placing himself next to Scott.

"Oh, did you suddenly get super-wolf powers?" Stiles questions incredulously. "I wasn't aware of that development."

Scott sighs, facing him, "Well, if you're not going, I could use the help."

Stiles shakes his head, "No, I'm coming as soon as I talk to my dad," he assures. "They're moving the body, and he wants to ensure that no one steals it this time."

"How's he gonna do that?" Malia asks.

"I don't know. But whoever took the last one was strong enough to flip my Jeep."

"We can bring Theo," Malia suggests.

"Maybe I better stay here," Theo offers, seeing the reluctance on Scott's face. "You know, in case the Doctors decide to make a house call for Corey."

"Scott, Stiles is right. We need to slow down and think," Lydia tells him.

"C'mon, guys," Ariel frowns. "When has rushing in ever gone well?"

Sky sighs, frustration flaring up inside her. Of course, they were against this. In fact, everything felt like a tug of war lately, and she could feel her temper shortening by the minute.

"Well, we wouldn't know, 'cause you never let us," she retorts, patience wearing thin. "But if we stop, have a little chat and a tea party about it, Liam is gonna end up as dead as the rest of the kids have."

"Or you could end up getting Liam, Hayden and yourselves killed," Ariel scoffs. "Use your damn brain, Sky."

Sky clenches her jaw, then waves her off, or tries, "If your not gonna help, stay here with Corey then."

Ariel almost visibly bristles in anger at the dismissal, "I swear to --"

"Look," Scott cuts in firmly, placing a subtle hand on Sky's shoulder, telling her to back off as he addresses them all. "I am thinking-- about how Liam and Hayden could already be dead."

Lydia shakes her head, gesturing to Corey, "You could've hurt him, Scott. Really hurt him."

Scott lets himself send Corey a guilty glance for his action, knowing it was true, before he straightens, face set, "I have to find Liam."

"Now let's go," Sky urges, giving Ariel one last adamant look before heading for the door. "Liam's counting on us."


"This place is a maze," Sky breathes, walking down the dark hall, pipes covering the walls and their footsteps echoing heavily. "Where do we start?"

"Can you catch a scent?" Mason asks them.

Sky sniffs, but shakes her head when the only thing that hits her is the many chemicals going through the place, "No, there are too many other smells."

"Of chemicals," Scott adds, staring down the corridor, before moving forward.

"Hayden!" Malia calls out when they get deeper, her voice carrying far, but not getting a response. "Liam!"

"Liam!" Mason yells.

Scott breathes heavily from the running and shouting, "Anything?" he asks them.


"Hayden!" Mason tries once more, to no avail.

"Okay, we need to make sure that we're not covering the same area," Scott says, panting slightly.

Sky pauses, eyeing his heavy breathing, him not seeming to be able to catch his breath.

"You need your inhaler, don't you?" Mason asks Scott, realizing the same thing.

Silently, Sky watches Scott pat his pockets down for his inhaler, but seeing him struggle, she reaches into her own pocket and pulls out a spare one, handing it over to him quickly. Scott glances at her in surprise but sends her an appreciative nod before using it. After, he hands it back, already having his own in his pocket somewhere.

Scott becomes very still suddenly, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Quiet. I think I hear something."

Malia frowns, "It's just the lights, isn't it?"

"Come on," Scott ushers. "This way."


"I'm telling you guys, we've been down this one before."

Sky looks around moodily, turning down another identical hallway covered it the same pipes that it felt like they'd walked past over and over again, but had gotten nowhere.

"Great," she mutters, her frustration starting to bubble more and more from making no progress. "Thanks. Real glad you pointed that out."

Scott stops, seeming to become overwhelmed by his worry, his asthma flaring up again, "What the hell are we doing?" he questions them-- and himself. "We're running up and down this place. Up and down tunnels. And there's no way. There's no way that we're gonna find. . . " he trails off with a wheeze.

"Scott, you need your inhaler," Malia tells him, watching him struggle. "Scott! Use it. Use your inhaler."

Snapping out of his panic, Scott takes a pull of his inhaler, sagging back against the wall, "This is all my fault," he says miserably. "We're never going to find them. It's my fault."

"Scott, we should keep looking," Mason says, determined to find his best friend. "We should keep trying."

"Okay --"


Sky stands still. On the outside, it seems like she's staring between them calmly after they turn to her in surprise at her words. Inside, her mind was a boiling pot of irritation, anxiety and regret. She brings a hand up her head, rubbing her temple for a moment before shaking her head.

"No," she repeats hollowly, realising they were wrong.

"What?" Scott asks quietly.

"We're not getting anywhere. We should leave and come up with a better plan," Sky murmurs, face scrunching in anguish. She tugs a hand through her hair. God, she'd snapped at Ariel when she was the one being stupid. Everything was going so wrong.

"They were right, we should have just listened."

"We can't just leave them here, Sky," Scott argues. "It's my fault he's here."

"Maybe," Sky shakes her head grimly, bitterly. "But it's also my fault we came rushing in. I urged you on because I wanted us to get along again. It was a waste of time."


"Don't tell me I'm wrong, all we ever do is fight, and now we're getting nowhere," Sky says tiredly, getting irritated from running around in circles.

Scott lets out a frustrated breath, "I'm trying."

Sky narrows her eyes, "You don't think we all are?" she snaps. "All we ever do is try. But I'm sick to death of losing."

"Maybe that's the difference between me and you," Scott tells her dully, a disappointment in his eyes that makes Sky want to punch his face. "You give up. I won't. We may be twins, but we're not the same."

"Fuck you, Scott," Sky spits out, her eyes flashing for a split second as she clenches her jaw and steps back. She wasn't going to stay any longer. "Fuck you for always thinking you're better than me."

"At least I care enough to stay!"

Sky glares harshly, "Well, at least I'm strong enough to leave!" she shouts back.

She lifts a hand, stopping Scott from speaking when she sees him about to, and moves away, watching as Scott stills, face falling -- in what, Sky didn't know, or care.

"Sky, wait --"

"Good luck chasing your tail," she mutters harshly before walking away.

By the time she angrily stalks out of there, her breath is still coming out in angry huffs. Looking around the empty road, she almost crushes her phone in her hand when it chimes in her pocket. She reaches for it, unlocking it and checking the message she received, shock taking over when she reads what Lydia sent her.

"We have Liam and Hayden. They're safe."

Scanning the words multiple times, Sky exhales slowly, staring out at the empty street in front of her. Then abruptly, she yells out in a wave of anger that had been building for days, throwing her phone to the ground with a rumbling shout, watching the device smash to pieces from the force.

Empty, she stands there, staring at the ground as she pants, then silently turns and strides towards her car.


Out of everyone, it's Theo that had found them.

By the time he rushes home, Scott opens the door to see everyone already there. Hayden was safe in Liam's arms on the couch, both of them fast asleep, exhaustion from the traumatic events wiping them out. Above them, Ariel is carefully placing a blanket over them, a crease of worry between her brows as she watches them for a moment before stepping back, moving to the other side of the room where Sky was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed as if trying to appear invisible, avoiding Ariel's gaze as the girl gently pulls her to the side.

Scott walks past, surveying the room as he goes. Lydia sends him a small smile and Theo nods, standing up from his seat. Scott stays quiet as Theo walks up to him and brings him into a hug, letting Scott show his thanks and both of their relief that the youngest was found. He eventually lets go, and Scott stands quietly, feeling useless as he watches the others hug Theo too, thanking him for his help, and for doing something Scott couldn't manage to do himself, leaving the Alpha feeling helpless and guilty.

One by one, all their friends leave to go home for the night after the taxing day they'd experienced, leaving Scott standing by himself, only the sleeping Liam and Hayden and his sister left. Hearing rapid words being voiced, he looks to the doorway, seeing Sky looking troubled with Ariel arguing quietly with her, and he can't help but listen in.

"You don't want me to stay?" he hears Ariel say in a hushed whisper by the doorway, frowning as she stares at Sky. "Is this about before?"

Looking down, Sky shakes her head, "No, I just -- I think you should go."

"But --"

"Ariel," Sky says firmly, tired.

"What happened?" Ariel presses anyway, concerned. "Why are you being like this?"

"Because I don't want you here, okay?" Sky snaps suddenly then winces at the hurt that flashes across the other girl's face. Her voice lowers desperately, trying to backtrack, but the damage is already done. "Wait, I didn't mean-- I keep messing up-- I just-- Ariel, please."

Ariel swallows, "No, it's okay," she whispers hollowly, stepping back. "It's fine. I'll see you at school, I guess."

Sky tries to think of something to say, but she comes up short.

". . . Yeah. Sure."

With one last sigh, Sky turns and goes upstairs, leaving them behind without another glance, and Scott watches as Ariel stares after her dejectedly. After a moment, she turns, avoiding his gaze and walking to the front door, leaving the house.

Scott stands alone, feeling like everything was falling apart.


Later that night, Sky is creeping upstairs after going to get a glass of water to bring up to her room, but as she passes Scott's bedroom, she pauses, hearing her mother's concerned voice inside, making her stop by the doorway to listen in.

"Sweetheart?" Melissa calls out quietly to Scott. "Everything okay?"

Scott's voice is quiet, but his breathing is short, having a continuous hard time with his asthma.

"Something's changed."

Sky peers through the crack in the door, watching their Mom crouch down beside where she can just about see him sitting on the floor, "What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure," Scott exhales heavily. "Something's different with me and my friends. With all of us. Something's changed. I think it's because of me. And I don't know how to fix it."

Melissa leans forward, putting a comforting arm around him when his head falls sadly, "Oh, hey. Hey," she tries to soothe, hating to see him so upset.

"I don't know how to fix things with Sky."

"Oh, honey . . ." Melissa murmurs.

Hastily pulling away from the door, Sky leans back against the wall, head hanging. She releases a shuddering breath, and then quietly walks back to her room, closing the door behind her.

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