Ch.9 Underwater temple

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~Y/n pov~

We had been thrown into this game.

I hadn't seen anyone yet but I had only been wandering around for a few moments.

The passage ways were dark.

This place was some sort of huge cave.

I wonder where the others are.

Squinting my eyes, I could make out a figure in the distance.

Cautiously, I got closer to them.

If it was the enemy then it'd be fine as long as they didn't notice me.

If it was someone I knew, even better.

I don't really like the dark or.. what hides in the dark.

I shivered slightly and tried to stay calm.

As I got closer, I realised it was Gauche.

I hurried my pace and quickly made my way to him.

He turned, realising someone was there.

"Y/n." He stared at me for a few seconds, "Are you okay?"

"Yup. I just.. don't like the dark." I smiled nervously.

His gaze softened and he grabbed my hand, tugging me close to him.

"It's okay. I'll protect you."

He squeezed my hand gently.

I smiled and squeezed back.

Now that I wasn't alone, I was feeling so much better.

The tunnel became lighter.

That must mean we are near the end of it.

A chain suddenly came towards us.

We both quickly jumped out of the way and avoided being hit.

I looked up and saw someone there.

It wasn't someone we were meant to be battling.. it was someone from the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

"Sucks to be you." He laughed, "Now that you've ran into me, the most powerful chain magic user in the Eye of the Midnight Sun, you'll never see the light of day again."

Gauche glared at him.

"Stay here." He patted my head and let go of my hand, shooting beams at the man.

I tried to assist where I could but it was hard to cut into the fight.

The chain came towards Gauche and smashed his mirror.

"It's no use! My chains immediately detect attack magic and strike! Chain magic: Scorpio chain."

I quickly jumped in front of Gauche and grabbed the chain.

It still managed to hit me and completely winded me.

I coughed slightly and sent lightning throw the chain.

The man gasped as he was electrocuted.

It wasn't enough to knock him out.

"Y/n." Gauche frowned when he noticed I was hurt, "You'll pay! You hurt her!"

He charged towards him, summoning his double.

Mirrors appeared around the man and shot at him.

There was a lot of smoke so I couldn't see clearly.

Did they get him?

When it cleared, it showed the man surrounded in chain.

He surrounded himself in chains to protect himself.

When he was distracted with Gauche, I snuck up behind him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

I smirked, "Too slow."

Even if he tried to protect himself with the chains it wouldn't work.

I zapped him with enough lightning to make him writhe in agony before eventually passing out.

Gauche immediately marched over to me to see if I was okay.

"Am I okay? Are you okay?" I brushed his fringe away from his face slightly.

Gauche grumbled, "I'll be fine."

He leaned into my hand and smiled.

When I pulled my hand away, he enveloped me in a hug.

Another Gauche suddenly appeared.

"Grey?" I asked.

The other Gauche nodded.

Grey looked slightly beat up, I guess they got into a fight too.

"Don't transform into me weirdo." Gauche huffed as he stared at Grey.

"I don't want to waste my magic transforming." Grey complained.

Gauche clicked his tongue but stopped glaring at Grey when I grabbed his hand and dragged him along.

"Let's go." I told him, "The others are probably in trouble."

Gauche nodded and followed me.

Grey trailed behind us sluggishly.


We finally made it out of the tunnel.

I noticed Charmy sleeping on the floor.

What was she doing?

When we stepped towards her, a trap was activated.

We got caught in vines.

My strength was fading.

"It's sucking out my mana." I told them.

Grey began to panic, "I can't move! No! It's sucking away my strength."

Someone appeared behind us.

They must've set up this trap.

I can't believe I let myself get caught by this.

"Grey.. I have an idea." I smiled.

Grey turned to look at me and nodded.

I leaned closer and whispered the plan in their ear.

I could feel Gauche's intense stare.

Grey transform the rock into food.

Gauche realised my plan and smirked, "Hey! Somebody's trying to steal your food!"

Charmy woke up and jumped to her feet.

A shadow was cast over her eyes as she glared angrily.

She summoned a giant sheep and beat the shit out of them.

We were released from the vines.

Charmy whined when she realised it wasn't real meat.

Smoke surround Grey.

"I used up more magic than I thought! My transformations coming undone."

Grey turned into a timid looking girl with blue hair.

So this is her true form?

She yelped and cover her face, "Please don't look at me. I'm so embarrassed."

"It's okay." I smiled at her.

She paused and stared at me for a few seconds with a blush on her face before turning away.

Charmy started bothering her with questions.

I grabbed Charmy and pulled her away, "Stop that."

Charmy smiled and then hugged me tightly, "My beautiful Goddess."

I felt my cheeks turning red.

Gauche glared at Charmy, "No."


Gauche grabbed my arm and pulled me into his lap.

"I'm too tired." Gauche huffed and rested his head on top of mine, "I can barely move."

Charmy pouted and sat herself down in my lap, glaring back at Gauche.

"Oh, we need to recover." Charmy suddenly realised and summoned some sheep to cook.

I watched as they made this amazing looking meal.

Grey sat down a bit away from us.

I wasn't looked at her but I know she was looking at us and then looking away.

She was in my peripheral vision.


We finally made it to the final fight.

Everyone was beat up but we were much different.

It was clear we couldn't beat him, but I knew our captain was coming to save us.

I wondered how much longer we could hold on.

Luckily, we were some of the last to arrive to the fight and Yami soon arrived.

"You guys risked your life fighting him. I'm the captain, so I've gotta go all-out." Yami smirked, "You guys did good. I'll be nice and take care of the cleanup. Or rather, I'm taking all the glory."

Yami walked towards the big red ball of mana that had Veto in the middle.

He swung his katana, "Dark magic: Dark cloaked dimension slash!"

The magic cut the whole thing in half, including Veto.

"See ya, Mr Despair."

I quickly moved my arms and managed to catch Gauche as he fainted.

Everyone else was in just as bad condition or worse.

I knelt down and place Gauche down in front of me.

My hands shook slightly as I healed him.

Everyone is near death. I can't lose any of them.

My legs felt weak so I stumbled in Luck and Magna's direction.

No one had noticed yet and I was glad.

My legs collapsed but luckily I had made it to them.

My hands hovered over Luck's body first as I healed him.

Then Magna.

They were fully healed, but I couldn't replenish any magic without giving them mine.

And I didn't have much.

Black spots danced in my vision as I fell unconscious.


Cheering? Was someone cheering?

When I tried to open my eyes, the light blinded me.

Turning my head, I saw the rest of the squad stood at the window.

The people who lived here were all cheering for us.

I felt a weight of my body.

Tilting my head, I was met with blonde hair.


I turned slightly and when I did he curled his body into mine.

He wasn't injured at all thanks to my healing and his mana seemed almost fully recovered.

I smiled and rested my hand on his cheek.

He had a small smile on his face as he slept peacefully.

Looking back at the window, I noticed Gauche staring at me.

I smiled.

He marched over with an annoyed expression.

"Why'd you heal me, dumbass!?" He frowned , "You could've gotten more badly hurt."

"I'm fine."

I sat up as he stopped beside the bed I was in.

"Whatever." He engulfed me in a hug, "Don't do it again."

When I had sat up, Luck's head had fallen into my lap.

"Y/n's awake!" Charmy cheered.

Gauche quickly let me go and turned away with a flustered expression.

Charmy jumped onto the bed beside me and hugged me tightly before offering me food.

I took it gratefully and ate tasty food.

My mana was coming back, though most of my mana had already come back from resting.

The door opener and Noelle walked in next.

She must've been visiting Kahono.

She got badly injured and probably can't even talk.

I felt so bad, her dream was to sing but you can't do that with no voice.

Noelle smiled at me when she noticed I was okay.


1580 words

A/n this chapter was a bit short. I'm not even sure where this story is going lol

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