Ch.8 Beach

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~Y/n pov~

Noelle let out a scream when Vanessa ripped her clothes off.

I sighed as I watched them.

Noelle quickly grabbed something to cover herself.

Suddenly, the door burst open.

Klaus fell back with a huge nosebleed.

We had gone shopping for swimsuits because of the mission at the underwater temple.

Vanessa insisted on taking us.

I was stood partially behind Vanessa.

My swimsuit was on and I was looking at it in the mirror before Klaus barged in.

It was a simple f/c bikini, nothing too revealing.

I noticed Yuno and Mimosa walk in after Klaus.

"What's going on?" Yuno asked.

"That's my line." Noelle huffed.


"That's right." Vanessa smirked and pushed me in front of Yuno.

The boy blushed in response and looked away.

"I'm buying Y/n and Noelle swimsuits for our mission. They didn't want to borrow mine." Vanessa explained.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "They were only strings."

Noelle rapidly nodded her head, "That's right. I would never wear something like that."

"I see." Mimosa smiled, "Then that scream earlier..."

"That's because Vanessa suddenly took my clothes off!" Noelle exclaimed.

"Well, it makes no sense to try on swimsuits while wearing clothes." Vanessa argued, "It's your own fault for taking forever to undress."

"If that's it, then we're going." Yuno stated.

He smiled slightly and ruffled my hair.

"See you."

Yuno grabbed Klaus' arm and dragged him along as they left.

"Bye." I called after them.

Charmy suddenly jumped out.

"Y/n!" She jumped on me and hugged me tightly.

I patted her head, "Nice swimsuit."

She grinned with a slight blush on her face and then looked at what I was wearing.

"You're beautiful."

It was my turn to blush now.

My face turned bright red, "Thanks."

Charmy grinned and ran off to change back into her clothes.

Vanessa kept suggesting swimsuits for Noelle but she rejected them.

"Then, how about this one over here?" The member of staff suggested to Noelle, pointing at an expensive looking bikini in a display case.

Noelle stared at it for a few seconds, "It's pretty cute..."

She glanced over at me for a second and then agreed to buy it.

I went and changed back into my clothes.


Everyone was outside getting ready to leave.

I grabbed my broom and Noelle was instantly beside me.

Blinking, I stared at her blankly for a few seconds.


She huffed, "I can't use magic, remember?"

I nodded, "You can ride with me if you want."

It felt like someone was staring at me.

Discreetly looking around, I noticed Charmy and Gauche both looking in our direction.

But they weren't looking at me.

They were glaring at Noelle.

"I wonder if whale's are stronger than sharks." Luck grinned to himself.

"Why are you on my Crazy Cyclone, totally expecting a ride from me?!" Magna exclaimed, staring at Asta who was sat on his broom.

"Well.. I can't fly on a broom so..."

Magna huffed angrily, "Why don't you go on someone else's broom?"

Asta ignored him and glanced around, "Is Captain Yami still sleeping?"

"He said he wanted to check something out and left earlier." Finral replied.

"Really? It's pretty unusual for him to actually do work."

After a few more minutes, we decided to set off.


When we arrived at the beach, we all went to change into our swimsuits.

Noelle crossed her arms across her chest and blushed as we walked out of the changing rooms.

I smiled at her, "Don't worry, you're really pretty."

She blushed and flipped her hair, "I already know that... but thanks or whatever. You look pretty too, I guess."

"What are you girls doing here?" A guy smirked and approached us.

"Have a drink with us." Another offered.

"No thanks." I smiled politely.

"Oh come on." He smirked and grabbed my arm.

"She said let go. Get lost." An arm was slung around my wrist.


The guys took one look at Gauche's intense glare and ran off.

"Thanks." I smiled at Gauche.

Noelle had run off somewhere.

"C'mon." Gauche told me and pulled me over to where he set up his stuff.

I sat beside him and watched as he started piling up the sand.

After watching him for a while, I realised he was making a model of Marie out of sand.

"That's really good." I smiled.

He jumped and almost destroyed it.

"Thanks." He looked away and blushed.

What was with everyone blushing...

Gauche sat back and watched as everyone ran around and made lots of noise.

He groaned and held him head.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded and rested his head on my shoulder.


"All right, gather round, you idiots." Yami had buried us all in the sand, annoyed that we were playing around the whole time, "I picked up some info while you were messing around. Apparently the underwater temple really is at the bottom of the ocean. But the mana kicks up the ocean currents so much that, ordinarily, even a first-class mage can't get near it. But on the night of the full moon, the mana becomes weaker."

I turned my head slightly to look at Noelle.

She's the only one with water magic.

"Like the name suggests, the underwater temple is on the ocean floor. We can't just walk to it. So Noelle.. take us there with your water magic." Yami explained.

Noelle looked at him blankly for a second before her face morphed into a look of horror and confusion.

"But I'd need incredible magic control in order to do that. I can't! You should ask someone else. I mean, if I fail..." Noelle trailed off.

"You're right. If you fail, the fierce currents will take us all under, and we'll drown."


"I can't do this." Noelle stated.

"You can."

She let out a yell, "Where did you come from?!"

"I came to help." I smiled at her, "You can do it. You just need a little practice."

Noelle nodded hesitantly.

I opened my mouth to say something else but I was interrupted by the sound of someone singing.

The singing was amazing.

I stared at the girl as she sung to herself.

Asta had suddenly appeared beside us with sparkly eyes.

"You heard that! Let's be friends!" She grinned at us and started to help Noelle with her magic.

Noelle will be just fine, I'm not needed here.

I smiled to myself as I watched them make a new friends.

As quickly as I could, I walked back in the place we were staying in.

I'm assuming everyone is asleep.

Then, I heard footsteps and quiet sobbing.

Who is that?

I squinted as I walked quietly down the hallway.

Luck staggered down the hallway with tears pouring down his cheeks.

His usual smile was gone.


He jumped when he noticed I was there.

He must be really out of it, normally he'd already know with his amazing mana detecting skills.

I walked slowly towards him and pulled him into a hug.

Luck sniffed and buried his head into my shoulder.

"My mum she.." he trailed off.

"It's okay." I ran my fingers through his hair to comfort him.

I lead the crying boy back to my room.

The room was mine and Noelle's but she was out training so I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Luck shuffled his feet slowly as it pulled him along.

When we got to the room, I sat on my bed and patted the space beside me.

Luck stood there for a second before running over to that spot and jumping on it, instantly burying his face into my shoulder again.

I hugged him tightly and held him close.

"Want to talk about it?"

He nodded.

And so, I listened quietly as he told me everything about his mother.

Every now and then, he'd pause and let out a shaky breath.

"You're safe now. Your mother can't hurt you anymore." I told him.

He nodded, "Yeah.. thanks."

Luck got up to leave but I grabbed his arm and pulled him down onto the bed.

"Where are you going?"

His cheeks turned slightly pink and the smile came back onto his face.

I laid down beside him and opened my arms.

He shuffled into my arms and settled himself there.

I placed my head on his and started to drift off.

Luck's breathing evened out, telling me he had fallen asleep.

Just when I was about to join him in the land of sleep, I heard the door open.


I shifted slightly and tried to make out who it was.

There was silence as whoever it was closed the door and walked towards my bed.

They paused when they noticed Luck and then went to the other side of the bed.

I rolled over, one of my arms holding Luck close to me.

The person let out a small yelp when they realised I was awake.

I raised an eyebrow, "Charmy? What are you doing?"

"Can't sleep." She mumbled, giving me a pleading look.

I sighed, "Fine."

She grinned as she climbed into my bed, making herself comfortable on top of me as she laid her head on my chest and instantly fell asleep.

Luck mumbled in his sleep and moved himself further up, resting his head against my neck.

A few more moments passed before I managed to fall asleep.


Noelle was out there training again.

She was every night. She rarely came back to the room to sleep.

There were footsteps as everyone started to get up.

They were all going to encourage Noelle.

I went outside and saw Noelle's magic about to spiral out of control.

"C'mon, Noelle! You can do it!" I yelled encouragingly.

"You're always talking big, so what the hell is that?" Magna yelled, "And you call yourself a Black Bull!"

"All that awesome magic is going to waste. Hurry and learn how to control it so you can fight me." Luck grinned.

"It'll be fine." A drunk Vanessa stated, "Even if you mess up, you won't die or anything!"

"You must be hungry! Hurry up so you can eat this!" Charmy was holding up a huge plate of food.

"Even if you fall, I'll catch you gently." Finral winked at her.

"If you fall, I'm kicking you back up there, so make this work." Gauche told her coldly.

"Just get it done, damn it!" Grey yelled, disguised as Magna.

"Noelle! You can do it." Asta grinned.

Noelle yelled out a new spell and her magic became stable.

She did it.


"I did it! It worked." Noelle cheered.

"That's great but..."

Grey was squishing us all.

Gauche shielded my body with his.

It wasn't doing much.

"Get off me, you big tub of lard!" Magna yelled angrily, "Transform into someone smaller."

There was a puff as Grey transformed into Charmy.

Gauche grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

He didn't let go of my hand and kept a tight grip on it and he stood beside me.

I felt someone grab my other hand.

Turning to face them, I saw Luck smiling up at me.

I smiled back and stared out at the ocean.

"So many yummy fish!" Both of the Charmy's were staring out at the fish.

The mana got stronger and the ball of water got pushed around by the currents.

"Kid, you've got this." Yami grabbed Asta.

"It just occurred to me.. I can't swim!" Asta screamed.

Yami ignored him and threw him out of the ball of water.

Asta closed his mouth and looked like he wanted to scream as he flew through the water and cut through the mana.

We started to fall and found yourselves in a normal looking town.


2017 words

A/n why did I decided to start writing something else when I'm already writing something? I just had both ideas and wanted to do them straight away but it's hard to try and write for both because I don't want to only concentrate on one. Why do I do this lol

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